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Messages - TokyoRoyalty

Pages: [1]
Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Nuclear Weapons Do Not Exist
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:08:41 PM »
I'm pretty sure humans have the capability to make weapons grade plutonium and fire neutrons at it. Thus creating a chain reaction that releases an enormous amount of energy in the form of heat and light. And that energy then transfers into a source of hydrogen in the bomb and fuses hydrogen nuclei together, releasing an even larger amount of energy. All of this happening in less than a millisecond. Yeah, I'm pretty sure humans have that capability. Just because you can't understand the physics doesn't mean it doesn't exist you fucking idiot.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Infinity
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:05:39 PM »
Please get your infinities out of the Science section. Infinity is a monstrosity to a scientist, since it is simply an idea that only exists in mathematics. If there is a mathematics section of the forums, this thread would be welcomed there.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Relativity and Flat Earth
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:02:35 PM »
In the three dimensions us humans are limited to, the orbits of the planets are circular (well, eliptical, but nearly circular). But in four dimensions, where the space-time curves in the presence of matter, then shape of the orbit becomes hard to define.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: REs Please Explain
« on: July 08, 2014, 06:56:46 PM »
The two diagrams right above and below each other on that Wikipedia page do NOT show where the Sun is at all relative to the diagram of the Earth. If both of those diagrams showed the Sun as being on the left, there would be an inconsistency. But since the Sun is not depicted, the diagrams are drawn from two different perspectives in space.

Also, even IF there was something wrong with a diagram depicting some kind of science, that has no bearing WHATSOEVER on whether or not the thing being depicted is true or not. There's a higher chance that someone didn't know the actual science of what they were drawing, rather than the entire science being some kind of made up fiction.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: FE'rs, Refraction Is Not Your Friend
« on: July 08, 2014, 06:52:13 PM »
One person's sunset is another's sunrise.
If you were to post this on a forum populated mostly by educated people this would be obvious, since they would know the earth is pretty much a sphere. But when you post it on a forum filled with like 90% retards (flat earthers) and 10% people that aren't retarded (know the earth is nearly spherical), it'll cause quite a disturbance.

It's entirely possible that katsung47 is more than one person, but the person (or persons) named katsung47 is the only one who believes all this shit.

It's also entirely possible that your retarted.

Pro tip: if a word is underlined in red when you're typing a reply, if it isn't a username or a link to a website, it's probably spelled wrong and you should fix it (if you don't want to look stupid).

I'm pretty sure that of the 5 pages of replies to this thread, at least ONE other person believes that Edward Snowden was a false flag. I don't even have to say you people are idiots for thinking that, I can however call the people who believe the Earth is flat idiots.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Computer passes Turing Test
« on: July 08, 2014, 06:44:48 PM »
I don't think you're royalty from Tokyo.
So instead of trying to refute my points (I assume you disagree with me) you look at my username and decide to same something about that. This just goes to show just how well you flat earthers can debate something. I mean, when you think the earth is flat despite all of the evidence that proves the contrary, you've reached an ENTIRELY new level of stupid.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: BLACK HOLES DON'T EXIST
« on: July 05, 2014, 09:54:36 PM »
God damn you guys are idiots. Have a look at this video: " class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> The face that you would take a headline from a YAHOO NEWS article and assert it as fact just shows your dishonesty when it comes to shit like the shape of the earth (which is slightly spherical with a bulge at the equator that was predicted by Newton nearly 400 FUCKING YEARS AGO)

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Variable Speed of Light
« on: July 05, 2014, 09:48:45 PM »
There is one source you have of this 'variable speed of light' that has apparently never had a source of error. But what you fail to realize is that there are millions of experiments you can do that show that the speed of light (particularly through air unless you want to spend the large amount of money to get a good vacuum) is about 299704644.53915 metres per second (air at 0 °C and 1 atm pressure)

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Computer passes Turing Test
« on: July 05, 2014, 09:44:04 PM »
You can't 'pass' the Turing test. It's just an idea made up by Alan Turing which has no weight other than to serve as a marker for when computers are somewhat intelligent. This computer 'passing' the Turing test is nothing more than evidence of humanity's achievements in the past few centuries because of science. But you idiots on this website know nothing but conspiracy and pseudoscience. It's like some kind of joke that someone started but got picked up by some REALLY big idiot who doesn't understand science and decided to go with it.

All I'm going to say is, you guys are some really new kind of stupid if you believe this shit. Like seriously, you'd have to watch Alex Jones 24/7 to be THIS stupid.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Circumnavigation.
« on: July 05, 2014, 09:29:16 PM »
So why do compasses tell me otherwise? & next question. Let us assume I'm in an airplane flying along the Equator. That, according to all observable science, is where the trip should be longest. But FET says the trip would be MUCH longer @ the tip of S. America. This has never been shown to be true. Rather, the equatorial trip has been shown to be the longest. Why?

That is because this entire society is based on pseudoscientific lies. They say they have 'evidence' backing up their 'theories' but fail to recognize the OVERWHELMING evidence that supports the fact that the earth is nearly a sphere. When faced with obvious evidence like things in orbit that we can see from the ground ( In reality, these people are a laughing stock to the scientific community because they base all of their beliefs on conspiracies about the government lying about a spherical earth. They act as if that's the only evidence, which it isn't, and cite absolutely no sources that are reliable.

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