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Messages - Stapler117

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« on: November 25, 2006, 12:28:53 AM »
Quote from: "TheEngineer"
Seeing as I am the one doing the flying, it's really hard to not look out the window.

Oh? So you are a pilot then? Well then you should try to fly around the earth north to south and prove all of us RE'ers wrong. There is probably big money in that.

Flat Earth Q&A / So.. could someone please clear something up for me?
« on: November 25, 2006, 12:24:47 AM »
Quote from: "TheEngineer"
I really wish they would take that out of the FAQ...

The four elephants and a turtle is a reference to the Disk World books as well as the ancient Hindu belief - it's meant to be a joke.

Just like the whole FE theory is meant to be a joke? I seriously believe that this whole thing is a big joke used to get people pissed off because it amuses you. (I use "you" as a generalization to the FE population)

« on: November 25, 2006, 12:01:34 AM »
Quote from: "TheEngineer"
Quote from: "Jake"
Even if the plane does not travel into space, it will be high enough to see the shape of the earth.

I fly a lot and have never seen the curvature of the earth.

Really? So, you have never looked out the window before? Because it is clearly there.

Flat Earth Q&A / Another RE contradiction
« on: November 20, 2006, 04:04:58 AM »
Quote from: "beast"
You're just destined to be one of those people who never gets it.  When ever you walk into a room and people laugh, you will always believe them when they say they aren't laughing at you.  This is probably a good thing.

Obviously, your the one who doesn't get it. Dumbass. lolz omgosh.

Flat Earth Q&A / Another RE contradiction
« on: November 20, 2006, 03:43:31 AM »
Quote from: "beast"
omg lol.  :lol:

I know, it's funny that you FE'ers believe in this crap, isn't it?
OMFG lolz  :roll:

Flat Earth Q&A / What's the deal with australia?
« on: November 20, 2006, 03:33:03 AM »
Quote from: "mjk"
yeah.  its a wrong proposition made by RE'ers because they dont bother to look at the flat earth maps which clearly show australia.

Yes, because we all know that the flat earth maps are sooo accurate... this clearly screams "conspiracy".

Flat Earth Q&A / The size of the sun
« on: November 20, 2006, 02:09:28 AM »
Hmmm.... Pathological ignorance. It sounds like a solid explanation to me.

Flat Earth Q&A / I have a question...
« on: November 20, 2006, 01:57:29 AM »
In the Flat Earth model, how was the earth originally created? Magic? Advanced aliens? The government? Is that why it's a conspiracy? I would really like too know.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: what does the ice wall rest on?
« on: November 19, 2006, 01:44:09 AM »
Quote from: "Raa"
Quote from: "Stapler117"
^ What are you, retarded? Learn how to make a sentence with less than 25 question and exclamation marks. It's hard to read.


Yup, you are retarded, thank you for proving it too me.

Flat Earth Q&A / Earth's Acceleration
« on: November 19, 2006, 01:37:01 AM »
Quote from: "Who da man"
Quote from: "propaganda41"
So is this some kind of religion you guys have? Groundless theories backed by no evidence?

Thats what most religions are  :roll:

Maybe that is why he used the word "religion".

Anyways, you might not want to start an argument with these guys. As soon as you ask a question, they will either be as vauge as possible, or they will answer your question with another question. They will never give you straight up facts besides "the earth looks flat up close, dur".

Flat Earth Q&A / My Theory On Flat Earth
« on: November 19, 2006, 01:29:34 AM »
The... Donut Theory? That is the stupidest thing that I have ever heard in my entire life. I would gladly believe in the FE theory before I ever even considered this shit. So, to come to this conclusion, it took you many years of "calculations"? With other scientists of your "feild"? And this is what you show for it? This is utter garbage. There will be no nobel prize for you, for the commitee will laugh in your face as soon as you propose it.

First off, how can you see clouds clearly on the earths surface if it is moving so fast? And as soon  as a rocket tried to leave the atmosphere, wouldn't it be torn to shreds? And the sun turns into the moon??

I'm sorry, but I didn't read most of your little article. So nothing further.

Flat Earth Q&A / Hey, flat earthers, what do you think about this?
« on: November 19, 2006, 01:12:41 AM »
This is an easy one. There is a giant magical lightbuld powered by God himself up there. When He changes the lightbuld, that's when it's night, as they tend to burn out fast. Simple mathmatical logic.

Flat Earth Q&A / daylight savings time
« on: November 19, 2006, 01:09:06 AM »
Actually, corruption and war is a ploy to keep the round earth conspiracy valid. Remember? C'mon you guys, know your own material.

Flat Earth General / The Conclusive Categorical Conspiracy Compendium
« on: November 18, 2006, 02:40:50 PM »
1 broken leg, but that was because I got drunk and jumped off a roof. Well anyway, to answer your question about gravity, there are giant fans in space that push us down at 1g. Just like the flat, accelerating earth has rocket engines under it to boost it upward at 1g. So I guess both of our theories are plausible. I rest my case. Hey, you wanna go with me to the magical ice wall sometime?

Flat Earth General / The Conclusive Categorical Conspiracy Compendium
« on: November 18, 2006, 02:28:08 PM »
Quote from: "TheEngineer"
Quote from: "Stapler117"
Quote from: "GeoGuy"
Quote from: "rr332211"

Even if you don't believe in gravity, I'll put the same spotlight on you.  How do things fall?

Things don't fall, Earth accelerates up to them.

So... why is the earth accelerating? And, with the earth moving upward at 1g, why aren't our legs crushed each time we jump in the air?

The mechanism the causes the acceleration is still unknown.  Why would your legs get crushed?

Of course the mechanism is unknown. Because it doesn't exist. And heres a better quesion. Why wouldn't your legs get crushed? Its moving at 1g towards your legs, what the hell do you think is going to happen? How about you go stand on a hydrolic platform that can accelerate upwards at 1g (in theory) and then jump. Yea, it will fucking suck. Assuming of course that you are even able to jump on such a fast moving device.

Flat Earth General / The Conclusive Categorical Conspiracy Compendium
« on: November 18, 2006, 02:18:48 PM »
Quote from: "GeoGuy"
Quote from: "rr332211"

Even if you don't believe in gravity, I'll put the same spotlight on you.  How do things fall?

Things don't fall, Earth accelerates up to them.

So... why is the earth accelerating? And, with the earth moving upward at 1g, why aren't our legs crushed each time we jump in the air?

Flat Earth Q&A / More Conspiracy!
« on: November 18, 2006, 02:11:56 PM »
Quote from: "Max Fagin"
Quote from: "TheEngineer"
Since when is a circle unnatural?

In FE, the suns path isn't a circle.  Far from it.

Remember, by FEs own admission:

The radius of the suns path must change in order for us to have seasons.

It must have a changing velocity for us to get things like solar/true time discrepancies.

It must be accelerating upward with the Earth.

Taken together, its path really resembles something like an unusually warped helix.  Not exactly natural.

How can even the FE'ers accept that nonsense? I just don't understand how they can believe it so easily, it boggles the mind.

Flat Earth Q&A / Earth: Not a Globe!
« on: November 18, 2006, 02:00:22 PM »
Quote from: "rr332211"
Quote from: "TheEngineer"
I just use NASA pictures of the earth...
Me too.  You can just print out another one any time you want.

But Earth: Not a Globe is so much softer and more fictious. You know your just punishing yourself each time you get a rash from printer paper.

Flat Earth Q&A / The TRUTH!
« on: November 18, 2006, 08:05:24 AM »
For years, mankind has been trying to decipher what our planet really looks like outside of the atmosphere. Yes, certain government organizations have come up with various crackpot theories for an explanation, but today, I present to you... The TRUTH!

Ladies and gentleman, I would like to present to you, my first audience...

The Triangle Model!
This is what we have been waiting for my friends. This is truth in it's most fantastic form!

The triangle model is a geometric shape that acuratly depicts our planet. Surrounded on all corners by large walls of fire that hold in the oceans, the Sun and Moon rotate around it at an incredible 5 miles an hour. The Sun is powered by a 150 watt buld that can never burn out. There is no Antarctica or Australia because they fell off long ago into the unknown abyss.

There you have it.

Flat Earth Q&A / Flat Earth Model
« on: November 18, 2006, 07:56:21 AM »
Wait, I really think I'm on to something here...

This is it... My triangular earth model. This is an acurate theory of the Earth! Everything else is a lie! FE'ers are conspirators trying to cover up the TRUTH!!

Flat Earth Q&A / Then it takes alot to put into play
« on: November 18, 2006, 07:30:15 AM »
Not only that, but uniting the governments of the world. Which can't be done, it's against human nature. Or are they just acting like they are weak to throw you off? So they kill, rape, and bomb women and children in the middle east just to trick you flat earthers? They sell 13 year old girls to be prostitues in veitnam and china just so you don't know that the earth is flat? For the love of all things good in this world, why in the fucking hell would they do that? Ask yourselves!

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: what does the ice wall rest on?
« on: November 18, 2006, 07:23:46 AM »
^ What are you, retarded? Learn how to make a sentence with less than 25 question and exclamation marks. It's hard to read.

Flat Earth Q&A / Government Conspiracies?? earth flat??? Ice wall??
« on: November 18, 2006, 07:19:43 AM »
Quote from: "beast"
Seen Star Wars?  It seems that most people on this forum haven't actually because I quote it a lot and nobody appears to notice.

The other thing is that I think it would be a mistake to assume that the technology in today's society is at the same level as the technology available to the conspirators.  If they can convince the world that the Earth is round, it seems reasonable to me to expect that they can do a lot of other things we don't know about.

So you use fucking Star Wars to back it up? This just gets worse and worse. You guys have nothing. Nothing to prove your theory except looking outside and not being able to ponder a round earth and gravity and shit that is obvious like that.

Flat Earth Q&A / Hollywood Zoom
« on: November 18, 2006, 07:11:04 AM »
Well, it's not faked, per se. Seeing as how they don't believe in satalite imaging, it's pretty much made up, since of course we would have no idea what earth looks like from space. I mean, it could be colored purple, looking at it from the moon. We don't know. And Hollywood? I doubt that such a place even exists.

Flat Earth Q&A / I own a space shuttle, and am giving free rides
« on: November 18, 2006, 07:01:45 AM »
I agree with calling ourselves normal, and the flat earth people simply... "retarded".

Who agrees?

Flat Earth Q&A / Government Conspiracies?? earth flat??? Ice wall??
« on: November 18, 2006, 06:22:19 AM »
Quote from: "beast"
I really don't see what's hard to understand.

FEers claim that pictures are easy to fake.  Both the picture I posted and the picture Engineer posted could well be fakes.  I certainly wouldn't be surprised if many people thought at least one of those was.  FEism does not rely at all in those pictures being true.  REers also have to accept in this topic that pictures can be faked and if they do accept that, they have to accept that all pictures could be fakes, even ones that show what they believe to be correct.  I mean it's entirely possible that the Earth is round but that many of the pictures of the round Earth are still fake.

So when FEers post pictures, you can either accept that fact that pictures are fake, or you can continue to argue that they can be used as evidence, which in this case means that in the given cases mentioned, the REers are wrong.  The FEers are not claiming that the pictures we're presenting are true or fake - the genuinity (is that a real word?) of the pictures does not effect what we claim at all.  

So to answer Stapler117's question - we are not accepting pictures from space as evidence now and we're not claiming that those pictures are true or that they're false.  We're showing that there are two options; either pictures cannot be used as evidence because they can be easily faked or you are wrong.  Both these possibilities support our argument.

Well, obviously The Engineer is accepting one of them at least. And what about videos of a round earth? Those would be hard to fake back in the 80's, when cinemographic technology wasn't all too great. Got an explanation for those too?

Flat Earth Q&A / What's wrong with you people?
« on: November 18, 2006, 04:54:41 AM »
Shit, you know what? Your right, this flat earth crap doesn't exist. I guess I'll never find it.  :cry:

So, I give you a reasonable counter argument, and you hit me with that vauge bullshit? Yea, I think I can tell how cornered people on here react now. Thanks.

Flat Earth Q&A / What's wrong with you people?
« on: November 18, 2006, 04:15:41 AM »
Naw, I'll just take this site as a joke for now. At least until you guys can prove your own theory. And as for me proving the round earth theory? How can I do that? I don't have access to any insturments that would enable me to prove anything. If I did, I wouldn't be on this site. I'd be out proving it so that later on you can just label me as another conspirator.

But anyway, why should I bother trying to prove it? It has been done for me already by countless scientists and astronomers from different countries. And by the way, a conspiracy that would include every government in the world would be utterly impossible. No matter how well organized, it would fall apart within a century, as that is the nature of human beings. Your little theory is straight up crap and you know it. It is based on the concept that if my floor is flat, then the world must be flat. It truly is ignorant.

Furthermore, as for me needing to be 15km above the earth to see curvature, have you ever been to a beach? Yea, theres some curvature goin on there, don't know if you noticed. And no, the flat earth theory cannot support a curvature in the earth, as all the water would be titled to one side or the other. The continents would be much larger than they are now, and the oceans would be extremely deep on the edges where the "ice walls" are. And on the ice walls, wouldn't it melt from the temperature of the water touching it? Yes, yes it would. And the ices walls would need to be much higher than you guys supposed. Miles higher.

So, I end up being the one with a warped sense of reality? And who wouldn't get worked up about people still believing in the centuries old idea that the earth is flat. I have seen it numerous times on here already. If your so inclined, maybe you should enlighten me on the "point" of this site, because I cannot see it beyond being a joke.

Flat Earth Q&A / Earth: Not a Globe!
« on: November 18, 2006, 03:03:41 AM »
Quote from: "GeoGuy"
Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. Maybe it isn't important. Maybe the concept of "vagueness" is undefinable and doesn't exist in any meaningful capacity.

Yes, and maybe gravity doesnt exist. Oh shit, nevermind, it does.

Or maybe the Sun is a 32 mile long lamp with the worlds biggest lightbuld. Damnit, nevermind, I just realised that thats just retarded.

Or maybe your right, and vaugness doesn't exist. Oh fucking hell, it does. you just proved it.

Anyways, to be on topic, I think I might buy like a dozen copies. To burn in my backyard. GeoGuy, in your opinion, what burns better, hardcover, or paperback? Ah, the mystery intensifies.... for he will give me the vaugest answer of them all....

Flat Earth Q&A / Satellites
« on: November 18, 2006, 02:51:55 AM »
Quote from: "TheEngineer"
You saw what you expected to be a satellite, so to you, it was one.

Some retard on the internet told you that the earth was flat and you believed him, so to you, the earth is flat.

See? I can do it too!

By the way, that is the dumbest excuse to prove your own point that I have ever heard or witnessed.

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