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Messages - Wolfenstein

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Q&A / to the REers
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:28:31 PM »

Flat Earth Q&A / to the REers
« on: November 08, 2006, 08:37:16 PM »
beast, are you mocking me?

a forum where people can spell

Flat Earth Q&A / to the REers
« on: November 08, 2006, 08:04:44 PM »
I was a part of these forums awhile ago, spent countless hours researching "evidence" of a round earth, ranting about the ignorance of these people to others.
    Then one day, I found a better way to pass the time at work, a forum that I enjoy the discussions on, with like-minded people and not a bunch of people debating over the shape of the earth.
    So, I urge you, fellow REers, to stop wasting your time. The individuals who claim to beleive that the earth is flat and that there's a massive conspiracy are only having fun at our expense, I'd be willing to bet money this was started as a project for a high school debate team.

         gludious maximus snuffelufagos ice cream

Flat Earth Q&A / TheEngineer Is A Liar
« on: September 05, 2006, 08:44:42 PM »
I've been in planes and will admit it's hard to see the curve if you're not looking for it, it's allot easier to see over water, I've seen it with the naked eye over the ocean from the 13th deck of a ship (and we only drew 26 feet of water) [/quote]

clearly the water that flows by keeps them alive and I'm sure the creator has designated a stewartess to throw them some peanuts every now and then

Flat Earth Q&A / There is a growing belief in a flat Earth
« on: July 08, 2006, 01:28:15 PM »
I'm a RE'er and I can explain why the number of FE beleivers is growing; the world is getting dumber, especially the US, and people are taking pride in ignorance and lack of education

Flat Earth Q&A / proof there is no ice wall security
« on: July 04, 2006, 07:55:17 PM »
yes, it's true, here's a photo of what happened to the last person who got too close to the Ice Wall

Flat Earth Q&A / Earth
« on: July 03, 2006, 06:43:27 PM »
can you give us an idea of how this triangular earth looks?  maybe how it differs fro FE and RE?

Flat Earth Q&A / proof there is no ice wall security
« on: July 03, 2006, 06:11:56 PM »
ok, the FAQ says that the government won't let anyone get anywhere near the ice wall, ya might want to amend that to say "without going through the gift shop first"

Flat Earth Q&A / we gave you proof. now give us proof
« on: July 03, 2006, 06:08:32 PM »
because your idea of a definitive explanation is "the government won't let us get proof"
   you know why the government won't let you get proof that the world is flat? it's the same reason they won't send me a copy of my enlistment record, the world ain't flat and I never served

Flat Earth Q&A / will this do?
« on: July 03, 2006, 06:04:56 PM »
the first privately funded space flight, here's a picture of the ROUND EARTH out the window

Flat Earth Q&A / we gave you proof. now give us proof
« on: July 03, 2006, 05:53:52 PM »
I second that.

and don't give us that "the burden of proof is on the person making the claim" crap, you all made a very big claim when you started this web site with odd-ball theories that fly in the face science, physics, and common knowledge as we know it.

   Galeleio was tortured until he broke down and recanted his findings to appease the catholic church just because he proposed that the earth revolved around the sun, other sceintists and astronomers of the age died defending their findings, so yes, I do feel very strongly about my RE way of thinking and I'd like to see some proof to your claims that I'm wrong.

Flat Earth Q&A / So, how does Apollo 13 fit into all this FE stuff?
« on: July 02, 2006, 02:36:11 PM »
ok, first off, nukes are more of a status symbol than a weapon anymore, it's like the scene in the crappy action movie where the big standoff happens and the crazy guy shows up with the trigger to the warehouse of gunpowder below them in his hand, only in this metaphor when that guys makes his entrance everyone flocks to get their own trigger made, it's not about who can blow up who, it's more of an international game of chicken.
     as far as apollo 13 and the space program in general, how do you explain the shuttle launches at cape canaveral? NASA spends millions if not billions to build these huge things and launch them up into the air all in the name if making the hoax look authentic????
     what about the shuttle that blew up on re-entry and debris was found all over north america? or that you can see the shuttles re-entering the earth's atmosphere if you know what nights to go and look on and live in the american southwest or elsewhere on the shuttle's re-entry path

Flat Earth Q&A / proof there is no ice wall security
« on: July 01, 2006, 06:18:13 PM »
Cad, don't you know anything? penguins were genetically engineered by the russians in the 60s as a source of food for ice wall gaurds who apparently double as tour guides.
     this same technology is what KFC used to create their chickens with no legs, feathers, beaks, or eyes, just blobs that sit there getting fed through an IV and their muscles are toned with electrodes.
     and if nothing else, it says in your FAQ that there are gaurds that won't let anyone near the Ice wall, this disproves that

Flat Earth Q&A / proof there is no ice wall security
« on: June 25, 2006, 01:31:29 PM »
ok, your claim to the government not letting anyone near the ice wall has been shattered

$4000 USD can get you down there and even ashore on the continent, so there goes at least that portion of your theory

I live in the midwestern US and have all the documentation to work a US flagged ship (MMD, STCWs, fire, first aid, and CPR trained) I'm a RE'er but I'd be willing to go, be respectful and help out any way I can, maybe be a devils advocate for the RE population?

Flat Earth Q&A / PROOF!
« on: June 13, 2006, 08:10:35 PM »
ok, what about looking at the ocean from about 10 stories up or the fact that photos taken from model rockets can see the curvature of the earth?

Flat Earth Q&A / PROOF!
« on: June 13, 2006, 01:55:20 PM »
ok, fair enough, I apologise for my attck on the society who runs these forums

     now, to re-word my question, since expeditions to antarctica and space flight are considered hoaxes, what kind of evidence would be considered a solid argument that the world is round

Flat Earth Q&A / PROOF!
« on: June 12, 2006, 02:49:10 PM »
except for the fact that people have walked accross antarctica many times before and space flights have proven the world to be round

    ok, what would you ignorant morons consider irrefutable evidence that the world is round?

Flat Earth Q&A / PROOF!
« on: June 11, 2006, 09:26:14 PM »
want proof? I used to work on a cruise ship, I've been all kinds of places, and we never sailed off the edge or into any "ice wall", want more? people have walked across, dogsledded accross, snowmobiled accross, and flown accross that "ice wall", I've seen camera footage of it on  world news tonight, and you know what I didn't see? the dropoff. want more? while standing on deck 13 of the Pride of Aloha, which sailed on a daily basis, I could look out over the water and see a definite curve in the horizon! want more? it's called the space program, and not only has it been to the moon, but we've had probes on mars, moons of jupiter, flown out past pluto, etc.
    guys, i know this may be hard to swallow, but even the catholic church admitted that the earth was round and that they were wrong for persecuting Galeleio, it took them until 1992, but they did it.
    go flush a toilet in austrailia!

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