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Messages - Martyson

Pages: [1]
The Lounge / Jokes
« on: February 17, 2009, 01:55:44 AM »
Ok this is a thread for jokes.
Any time of jokes no matter what.
If you are going to post a racies or something that will upset others please post something like

*read at your own risk*
*racies joke*

Now let the fun begin

Philosophy, Religion & Society / God=Control Devil=Choas
« on: February 11, 2009, 08:12:29 AM »
Ok basical God is all good and pure
Devil the complete oppsite of God.

From a young age we are told to worship God and respect him. Fear him and love him.
We are told to have nothing to do with the devil.

I myself believe in God....but i still like to question the whole thing about it as it makes a good discusion and something i can talk about endlessly.

But how are we not to say that it was just a traveler on the road that told the story of JC(jesus christ)
The people were amazed by this and believed it.
Or they was all stoned and made it up.
Guy had a heart attack because of laughter and was unable to tell the people that he just made it up.
It didnt just start of as a single story about a person in a town that got over rated and more stories were thrown in ontop of it.

I mean back in those days they had no TV and only previlage people were cable of reading.
So stories, word of mouth was the only enterainment.

(Again i believe and accepted god and have faith)

But this being said. Christianty comes along. Some time goes by and goverments start to forum. They see God as a fearful chacater and use this to their advantage. They control the church they control the majority and get a large amount of money.
Sure people would of pay priests for forgiveness and to buy their way into heaven.

So we could be worshipping nothing.
I could go on about this more but i want to say a few other things.

Another agruement.
God doesnt exsist. It was just made up to control us.
I mean look at God...he is a all powerful being. He could have you wiped out of histroy and exsistence if he blinked for fcuk sake. Of course we are going to fear him. This would of then controled crowds and the majority of people. Goverments would of used this to their advantage.
Sure look at that film Mel Gibson did. Aplocolable(spelling) They went out hunted people down took them back and sacrafised them for their gods. If you have seen this film then you will realise their was 3 temples with massive crowds at the bottom of each. One guy at the top shouting stuff. He pays the haunters for bringing the inocent people back. He then claims that they are willing to die.

Control. If you get a minority of people to believe something you say without a blinding dout that they would die for you. Get them to spread the word before you know it you will have a majority. And you will be a leader.

God is a for of control to stop us going out murdering each other stealing from each other and commiting all the ten commandments.

The Devil is just choas. He lives within each of us and is always trying to get out. When you lose your angry for example.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Prove it (2)
« on: February 06, 2009, 03:56:43 AM »
Read Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not A Globe by Dr. Samuel Birley Rowbotham.

Its a book....
Does it say fact on the side of it?
If it does then i would be very surpised.

Sorry Martyson, but you will not find any evidence here for a flat earth. These people may have mistreated you, but that is because that is what they do. They don't care if the earth is flat or round, they are just bored and are looking for fun.

Im just asking them to prove it so they think and realise that they are wrong.
Majority people here are just haveing a laugh yes. But there is a small minority that are so navie and stuborn that they actualy believe the earth is flat.
Im just trying to get them to come to terms with the fact the earth is oval and not flat.

Flat Earth Q&A / Prove it (2)
« on: February 06, 2009, 01:13:50 AM »
Ok first of all i want to say few things.

A big thank you to Edtharan for sticking up to me.

Sir Drainsalot....i actualy have dyselxia....your choice to believe that or not, but its the truth.

Colonel Gaydafi.
Regradless of what you believe. I have dyselxia. Not every country has the same school boards, so therefore not all secondary schools will offer the same subjects or even the same amount. I did 8 GCSE's 6 of which i got a C or above in and two which i either got a D or E in.
And all i asked was for someone to prove the earth is flat. I didnt ask for a agruement.
So please if your going to have a go at me again for no reason what so ever, but to get this thread closed. Then dont bother.

Yes i have dyselxia.
All i want is someone to prove how the earth is flat with a scenitic fact.
If you not going to do that then please dont post here.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Prove it
« on: February 05, 2009, 04:59:55 AM »
Even dyslexics can use a spellchecker..

And shit, you only have 6 GCSEs? Are you retarted?!

Ya spellcheck works....barely.
It picks up on wrong spelling and gives a "correct spelling" but doesnt make the sentence to make sence.
So it doesnt matter

I went to a secondary school....i could only do up to 8 GCSE's
The last two i got a D and E in....

And no im not a retard....unlike you who believe something so freakn stupid.
And your trying to pick a fight with someone over a webpage.....

All im asking you to do is prove something.
But you cant.
So less of the sh*t talk and just admitt it.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Prove it
« on: February 05, 2009, 04:43:33 AM »
Also, look out your window.
i have multi times and ive actualy been outside and traveled to some places other than my bed room

Did you try going to school outside? You know, where you learn how to spell?

Ya i got 6GCSE's and english is one of them.
Im dyselxia hench my spelling

Anyone stop avoidingthe question.
Prove how the earth is flat.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Prove it
« on: February 05, 2009, 02:39:23 AM »
Read the FAQ noob
lmfao you have to such a offensive word....o no.

Also, look out your window.
i have multi times and ive actualy been outside and traveled to some places other than my bed room

And go play in the traffic.
done that already...i always win

You came to us, we didn't come to you, therefore we don't have to prove anything to you.
See i said i didnt want a reply like this.
You cant prove the earth is flat because it is not flat.

That's a lie, this is exactly the kind of response you were hoping for, you're not here for serious discussion.
actualy i am here for a serious dsicussion. so please dont tell me what im here for. cause you dont know me.

so to anyone that going to serious.
Prove how the earth is flat.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Prove it
« on: February 04, 2009, 07:33:13 AM »
You came to us, we didn't come to you, therefore we don't have to prove anything to you.
See i said i didnt want a reply like this.
You cant prove the earth is flat because it is not flat.

Flat Earth Q&A / Prove it
« on: February 04, 2009, 05:34:01 AM »
Ok you believe the earth is flat....well prove it.
Show me a scienfic photo that shows a flat earth.
Show me scienfic prove that the earth is flat.

The earth is oval. That is a fact. You simpley just need to google earth and it will show images of it being oval. Everything states that it is oval.
A "planet" can not be flat and be called a planet. And even at the creatation it could not have been created that way.

So prove to me how it is flat.

I dont want any replies other than to prove its flat.
So no reply to say "prove it oval" or to say "its our believe" or "we dont need to prove" or any bull like that.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Ok for the hell of it
« on: February 04, 2009, 05:25:50 AM »
And actualy air is completely transparent.

Atoms and molecules are not transparent and so distant objects will be faded with distance. For example, notice how these distant mountains tend to fade out and become discolored with distance. That's because the atmosphere is not perfectly transparent. When you look through the atmosphere you are looking through a fog of atoms and molecules. If the earth had no atmosphere those distant mountains would be as clear and sharp as the foreground.

Viewing distance into the horizon is directly correlated with pressure, gas constant, temperature, humidity, and pollution. At sea level the average air density is 1.2250 kg/m3. This sort of density will allow a viewing distance of around 25 miles across the horizon. In New York pollution and humidity are at such high levels that viewing distance is limited to 15 miles.

At higher altitudes the air density drops sharply, allowing the viewer to see far away lands before they are obscured by a blue-white sky. It is for this reason that an observer standing on Mt. Everest can see other mountains hundreds of miles away. Such pristine conditions are rare on the earth, however, only existing at high altitudes and in fidged environments.

Well first off let me thank you. Strange I know.
But your a intelligate person. And we can have a debate without agrueing which I enjoy.
So thank you.

As for the picture you give....It is up in the mountains. It has clouds. The very thing I said I wouldnt be looking at.

You cant see a "atom" with the nake eye they are that there for they are invisble and are able to be seen threw.
If you could see atoms with the naked eye, then you wouldnt be able to see your own nose. The atmosphere is that packed with them.

But ok you can see evapurtion(water being evaporate due to the heat of the sun-steam etc) and pollution.

But again there are going to be days that are clear that you can see across the sea and days that it not warm enough to cause evapuration. So there for you should be able to see the pollution of New York. Because it would in a since be like a A-boom going off given the mushroom cloud.
The pollution from New York would give a cloud right above it that you would be able to see on a Flat Earth.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Sun and Moon
« on: February 04, 2009, 02:35:00 AM »
Stop derailing the thread.
Post something useful and not wasting space

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Ok for the hell of it
« on: February 04, 2009, 01:51:17 AM »
Air is not perfectly transparent. One cannot see forever, despite of one's "line of sight."  See also diffraction.

O god that is the funniest thing I have ever read.
"One cannot see forever"
So what your saying is that after so much of a distance there is just a invisble wall that you cant see pass.
Eg you cant see pass 5ft....that would be so much fun to play hide and seek....all you would have to do is stand outside of the persons line of sight.

You can see "forever" so long as there are no objects in your way.
Yes, you can see Jupitar for instance with your nake eye. Just because you cant make it out other than a brighter "star" in the night sky doesnt mean the information is stored in your head as to what you are looking at.
Im not meaning that you can look at Mars and see little green men on the planet and be able to see them. But if you was to look without the reflection of the sunlight then the information would be stored in your head.
And if you was able to unlock the information you would understand.(and no, no-one has unlock the information we use less than a 3rd of our brains)

And actualy air is completely transparent. The reason why you cant stand at somewhere high up and look over to see the tallest mountain in the world is because the earth is Oval....

When you look out and see the horzion...its not because some invisble wall is there stopping you see any farer away but because that is the horzion....
It is better to see at night.
You look out to the hozion at night and on a clear night you will look pass the horzion and out into space.

Proving both my points you can look "forever" and there is a horzion.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Ok for the hell of it
« on: February 03, 2009, 05:42:54 AM »
The atmosphere is not perfectly transparent.

Well if the world is flat then the atmosphere wont make a difference oe being transparent or not looking up at it.
Im looking across a ocean...that doesnt not have clouds on it.
You can see a object more than 20+ miles out to see with your naked eye.
Yes it is a small object but you can still see this.
That being said you get a telescope and you will be able to make out the buildings in New York....and if not at the very less be able to make out Mount Evers(please im dyselxia so less of the spelling jokes)

The atmosphere is above us.It is the clouds.
But ok lets just say....there will be days were it will be misty....But there is also going to be days were to clear...not a single cloud in the sky.

And actualy that a good question...The cloud circlation....
How does that work in this flat earth then?

Flat Earth Q&A / Ok for the hell of it
« on: February 03, 2009, 04:49:57 AM »
Ok lets just say for the hell of it.
The earth is flat....
Means i can stand at the beach with a telescope and look across the ocean and see new york....
and dont bullsh*t it....i will be able to see the buildings....and and that also means i will be able to see the tallest mount in the world aswell since it the tallest thing in the world.

O wait i cant do any of this because the earth is not flat.....

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Easy question....why?
« on: February 03, 2009, 04:30:17 AM »
why do you believe the earth is oval?

We not talking about me and my beliefs right now...we talking about your beliefs.
So please just answer the question.

Why do you believe it flat?Are you being serious that you believe it flat?

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Sun and Moon
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:28:06 AM »
Ok well look it this way.
If the earth is flat(which it is not)
Then it would be day time everywhere at the sametime....and night time at the sametime aswell.
The moon wouldnt appear upside down to people below the southern hemisphere. While it appears upright to people on the northern hemisphere.
Also if the earth is flat. Then there are no "hemisphere's" which means all toliets flash down the same way.
So instead of the northern hemisphere toliets flashing clockwise and southern hemisphere toliets flashing anit-clockwise....this due to gravity aswell.
Since the earth is flat all gravity is equal (bar moving up and down valleys and mountains)

Flat Earth Q&A / Easy question....why?
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:02:47 AM »
OK i just joined this sight cause i wanted to ask the question....
Why do you believe the earth is flat when quite clearly it is oval?
What makes you think it is flat?

Are you actualy being serious about this or your just taken the piss?

And before you laugh at my spelling and not answer my question(s)
I have dyselxia.So please dont.
Im respecting you and just simpley asking, paying a interest into your believe.

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