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Messages - Percy

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Cartographical Query about Flat Earth model
« on: November 26, 2008, 11:15:47 AM »
I didnt mean for this thread to turn into a trollfest  :P

Ok, so I agree with Doc Brownbottom about maps being created with the RE model in mind.

I don't really know much about cartography, but what would be different about drawing a map with the FE in mind?
surely its just a case of drawing what you see  ???

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: How evil is the devil?
« on: November 19, 2008, 01:01:56 PM »
Hijacked much  :P

oh well its still interesting

Flat Earth Q&A / Cartographical Query about Flat Earth model
« on: November 19, 2008, 11:58:38 AM »
ok this may have been asked before but it wasnt posted on the FAQ,
and i really wanna figure this out

ill keep it short; check it I even drew a picture!  :D

heres my question:

i can probably safely assume that people originally recorded the whole earth as being round, and is 'officially' documented  (i dunno how this stuff works) as a round model currently in the world

but if you translate our geography of rthe round earth to the flat earth, there are bits missing!

so i guess my question summed up is why is that?
are they just really bad cartographers
or is there liek a vortex or something that stretches our perseption of the land

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Time for a revision of the FAQ?
« on: November 19, 2008, 07:43:39 AM »
Q: What is the circumference and diameter of the earth?
A: We estimate the circumference to be around 78,225 miles and the diameter to be 24,900 miles.

There is an error in this answer.  The circumference of a circle 24,900 miles (is this nautical or statute miles?) would be 156,451 miles.  Either that, or the radius is wrong.

Circumference = Pi x Diameter.

Diameter= 24900 miles.

you can see just by roughly calculating it that the circumference will be somewhere around 75000

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: How evil is the devil?
« on: November 18, 2008, 01:55:08 AM »
So teh devil was Communist?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: How evil is the devil?
« on: November 17, 2008, 11:13:42 AM »
The only difference between God and the Devil is the level of power.


what does da scouter say about his power level!?

The Lounge / Re: Would you vote for a man who has used cocaine?
« on: November 17, 2008, 11:04:27 AM »
I did cocaine once, it was wack

but then my nose started bleeding and I was freakin out

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: How evil is the devil?
« on: November 17, 2008, 10:48:56 AM »
Technically the devil is currently raping all those things right now in hell. So I'd say he has already won that fight.

damn he must be hench

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: How evil is the devil?
« on: November 17, 2008, 10:29:02 AM »
So its the devil then rite?

im serious though, they are sum crazy people in the other room
what if they got into a fight?

devil vs other room

Philosophy, Religion & Society / How evil is the devil?
« on: November 13, 2008, 03:22:19 AM »
Say you had these 2 rooms

One contained Hitler, About 50 evil clowns, Osama bin Laden, a few zombies, all evil dictators and stuff

and the other contained the Devil

which one would have more evil in it?

Thats pretty cool  :D

I know its not really my place to make statements like that,
seeing as I haven't even read the Bible yet :s

But I'm just interested as to how such an argument would hold up.

Heres my easy solution to why god doesn't exist.  :-X

Imagine this :-

You are a Christian, and you are married to someone you love very much.
and likewise, they love you back with all their hearts.

But heres the kicker, your partner is an Atheist.

Unfortunately, you both die in a car crash.
You look up... You can see the light! You are heading towards it!
You are in heaven! It really does exist!

but wait? wheres my beloved partner?

... In hell. They didn't believe in god, and they have payed the price.

So heres the point, how can anybody be eternally happy/ at peace
when the people they know and love are burning in hell?

The person in this story doesn't have to be your partner. It could be your brother,
or your mother or whoever.

and if you try and argue something like "god will make a pretend wife in heaven for you",

1. God really is a bastard
2. Whatever happened to the whole "God gave us freewill" thing? Doesn't saying that also prove that there is no God?

Peace out, look forward to someone disproving my scenario ;D

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Ice Wall
« on: September 14, 2008, 02:03:01 AM »
What goes on inside the Sun?

There is a fat man surrounded by levers.

The Lounge / Re: .99999 does not equal 1
« on: September 12, 2008, 01:42:56 PM »
Hello people, heres my worthless two cents.  ;D

1 does IN FACT = 0.9 (recurring).


1/3 does NOT = 0.3 (recurring)
I'm sorry, It just doesn't. Go read a further maths text book.

ACTUAL PROOF would be something like this:

lets say x=0.9 recurring.

therefore 10x = 9.9 recurring.

and if we do 10x - x = 9,
therefore x = 1

There is absolutely no flaw in that.

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