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Messages - OTBL0829

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth General / Re: What would change your mind?
« on: April 27, 2021, 11:26:12 AM »
I absolutely feel I'm getting somewhere with it even if I can't physically prove it.
And that has no bearing on reality

The global model you adhere to has no bearing on reality, in my honest opinion.

Are you saying that all the worlds transport of goods and people on board planes and ships, all of which utilize globe earth navigation measurements and tools, is not reality? It's all fake?

It's this whole construct, dozens and dozens of accusations delicately stacked on top of eachother. If one is disproven, they all fall down. Incidentally, they have ALL been disproven yet look at all these FEers who are still here.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Just out of curiosity...
« on: April 27, 2021, 11:17:14 AM »
If you can find a plane that takes the route non - stop, let us know. You could probably receive an answer.

There is, actually the example I posted is an actual plane route that does not make a stop, all the way from Johannesburg to NYC

Flat Earth Debate / Re: If the Earth is flat, there is an edge
« on: April 25, 2021, 08:26:15 AM »
I'll avoid putting any serious effort into replies to you from now on.
Top stuff!

Killer penguins!

So in theory if there are actually killer penguins, and they are just like the fuzzy little cute ones we see at the zoo just with combat training, not some strange type of government issued cyborg bird, would a standard machine gun be enough to get past a hoard of these? Maybe a minigun would do the trick. Penguins aren't immortal, so it seems stupid that no one has gone to antarctica with 4K round of ammo and just blasted away any of the penguins in their way. BTW please do not use this as permission to go to antarctica and relentlessly kill penguins.

Flat Earth General / Re: What would change your mind?
« on: April 25, 2021, 08:05:22 AM »
I believe we live on a globe.

No wait, scratch that. I KNOW we live on a globe.

What would change my mind? A number of things

1. Traveling anywhere in the southern hemisphere and seeing the star Polaris

So I guess you're changing your mind about us living on the Globe, because Polaris can be seen from high enough elevation in the southern hemisphere near the equator.

You should choose your words more wisely.

Ah my bad, I should have said seeing polaris when your eye level cannot see past the equator... err... something like that (not sure exactly how to say it)

we have no evidence anything has fallen off the ice wall,after all penguins are trained killing machines so no one has lived to tell the tale.

I'm sorry... just can't stop laughing...

Look at the little killing machine, isn't it so cute?

So next time you see a picture of a penguin slaughtering someone let me know. Oh wait, FEers reject all photographic evidence. Convenient that no one that sees the penguins killing people lives to tell the tail, right? So now I start to wonder, if everyone who finds out about it dies, what makes you so sure? How could you have found out?

Flat Earth General / Re: What would change your mind?
« on: April 25, 2021, 12:17:34 AM »
I believe we live on a globe.

No wait, scratch that. I KNOW we live on a globe.

What would change my mind? A number of things

1. Traveling anywhere in the southern hemisphere and seeing the star Polaris

2. Traveling anywhere else in the world and seeing a part of the moon that is not visible from where I am, as would have to happen on a flat earth model

3. NASA coming out and admitting it  >:D

4. Seeing the "southern ice wall", possibly guarded by penguins (with machine guns??)

5. A friend travels to Antarctica and never is seen again...

To me there is little solid, rational evidence to prove the earth is flat. The Earth has already been PROVEN to be round, so the burden of proof is on those who say the earth is flat.

So far the only explainations I've seen have been similar to "I don't see a curve" or "I walked around a bit with a level and it didn't change therefor the earth is flat". For whatever reason no FEers have been able to explain why we all see the same face of the moon, why travels from Asia to North america don't go over the north pole or instead take an absurdly long route that would take several days to complete, why only some stars are visible from certain places, why stars move across the sky in different directions depending on where you are, and why people are able to live and work in antarctica, travel to the south pole, and not run into an ice wall.

So currently, there are just too many problems with the FE model to be plausible, and little scientific evidence to support it. And by scientific evidence, I mean done by actual scientists, not some random pleb on the internet that hasn't gone to college or likely even high school, thinking that holding a glass of water to the horizon proves a flat earth.

Flat Earth General / Re: Why Should I Believe the Earth is Flat?
« on: April 24, 2021, 11:54:22 PM »
Hello there
To me, at long distances it looks normally flat - no cruvature drop. Do a survey and see how many times out of 10 it is closer to flat or curved.

Have you ever seen the curvature? You could also just try looking for that. But look closely and see what explanations fit best / if they are certain.

I am not saying the earth is either flat or round, but assuming it was a sphere, the earth would be so large that the curve would at most times be too broad to see from a plain eye. You would have to travel very far up: several miles, to even start to see the very beginning of the curvature. Again, not supporting either sides with this, just pointing out why your logic doesn't prove a flat earth. Also, earth has varying terrain: mountains, hills, deserts. No one can deny that these stand alone regaurdless of the shape of the earth. Maybe the earth is flat, but mountains aren't. If you look at some mountains you might say "the earth doesn't look very flat to me"

Flat Earth Q&A / Just out of curiosity...
« on: April 24, 2021, 11:34:31 PM »
So I was looking at this flat earth map:

And, assuming this model was correct, I was wondering how one would fly from, for instance, Johannesburg SA to New York City, USA (these are just examples, you can sub in many different cities). The shortest and most practical route would be over the north pole, yet no flights ever pass over it. What they usually do is travel east from Johannesburg along with the curved lines and fly in what would appear to be a very large arc, passing over Guiana.

(yes, I know this is a globe earth model, but the route should be the same regardless of model)

So now I have 2 questions:

1. According to google maps, this travel would take around 22 hours. Now, on that flat earth model, using the same route, the trip would either have to take twice as long at normal speed or the plane would have to be travelling twice as fast. Do planes on that route get an extra speed boost or something? How are they able to make it in such short time? Additionally, are they equipped with and extra tank of gas, as a regular plane doesn't hold enough fuel for a trip of this length?

2. Why don't they just travel over the north pole? It would be much quicker, cheaper, and efficient.


 with a plane traveling along that intensely curved route, wouldn't the passengers be consistently dumped on their sides for the vast majority of the ride, seeing as in order for a plane to turn it must bank?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: You tubes first return for "flat earth proof"
« on: April 23, 2021, 12:27:47 PM »
Anyone who doesn't see how clearly the earth is flat is a moron. All their proof about the moon facing down is total bullshit and they know it they are feeding you lies to make lots of USD. FREE YOURSELF!

If you think the earth is round you are satan's bitch you fuckwad

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