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Messages - MidnightWolf9908

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Flat Earth Debate / What are meteors, if space doesn't exist?
« on: July 03, 2021, 01:12:36 PM »
Meteors are small fragments of rock or ice that enter Earth's atmosphere from space and burn up due to friction. But Flat Earthers say that space is a lie, so where do all the meteors come from? Does the government project them onto the sky?

Not-very-subtle jabs at the FES aside, when I posted this question on this forum before, somebody told me that these meteors could be ice forming on the (supposedly solid) top of the sky from gases freezing because it's so cold up there. But this contradicts the day-night model, because since the Sun is inside Earth's sky, it should be hot up there on the top of the sky because the Sun is located all the way up there.

So if they can't be coming from space according to Flat Earthers, and I just debunked one possible explanation for them, then what are meteors?

[moved to another board]

Flat Earth General / Re: ANOTHER EXPERIMENT: Gravity Doesn't Exist
« on: July 03, 2021, 12:50:30 PM »
Simpler experiment to prove gravity does indeed exist:

Drop something. Does it fall to the surface of the Earth? If so, then gravity exists.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: If earth is round......
« on: June 11, 2021, 06:18:55 PM »
Then you by does it look flat?
I see no curvature at all.
So round earthers tell me where the curve is at.
Why not by.

The curve is not visible at sea level. You have to go up quite a ways. The Earth is not that tiny, you know!

Flat Earth General / Re: Do you believe the earth is flat?
« on: June 11, 2021, 06:12:24 PM »
Im a flat earther.
Shifty might be one.
Jimmythecrab is not.
JJA is not.
Ichi is one.
The earth is flat like a water droplet.
I so wanna insult you but cant,this is FEG so i cant.
But THE EARTH IS FLAT like a disk.
But water always finds its level and is flat.

So Earth is flat like a water droplet.


Flat Earth General / Re: Do you believe the earth is flat?
« on: June 11, 2021, 06:09:30 PM »
So tell me, do you or are you a round earther?

Spherical Earther here. We would have ended this conspiracy with photographs alone, but Flat Earthers have their "Fake" and "CGI" wildcards that they LOVE to use.

How does it?
I need to look at the winter cycles again.

I dunno, I'm not a Flat-Earther.

Flat Earth General / Re: Two sunsets
« on: May 29, 2021, 10:13:55 AM »
Some claim this phenonom on the Burj Khalifa that they start ramadan 4 minutes later on the top floor or such nonsense.

Ovbiously the higher you are the greater your field of vision. That's it. On ground level you have denser air and particulates and you are surrounded by buildings, mountains, trees etc. The horizon is not always visible to 0 degrees. Go higher and you overcome these obsticles and you can see the sun briefly again

How can you just dismiss the Burj Khalifa thing without trying it (or seeing a video of someone else doing so)?

(Like Spaceflight Simulator, Kerbal Space Program, etc.) Do you all hate them, or what?
I dont hate them.
They are just sci-fi games.
i think some are good.

Well, Spaceflight Simulator IS a 2D game, so how much flatter does it have to be to not be Sci-Fi?
In order for it not to be Sci-fi it has to be flat.
If there is curve and future stuff then its Sci-fi.
No curve and no future stuff means its not Sci-fi.

So a new gamemode where the Earth actually is flat and all your rockets get shot down by the government? Got it. If I ever make a spaceflight game, I'll be sure to include that.
Make a game where you have to be sneaky to launch it.
Make sure its in the middle of nowhere.
Then build it and launch.
Make sure it dodges rockets and missles.

And if you succeed, you hit the top of the sky, or go out into an infinite, empty void.
It depends.
In some flat earths there's a dome.
Some have endless voids.
Others are flat disks.

Bonus feature: the setting of the game is wintertime, where Antarctica gets constant daylight, so if you look down you can see the sunlight stretching all around the wall of Antarctica

(Like Spaceflight Simulator, Kerbal Space Program, etc.) Do you all hate them, or what?
I dont hate them.
They are just sci-fi games.
i think some are good.

Well, Spaceflight Simulator IS a 2D game, so how much flatter does it have to be to not be Sci-Fi?
In order for it not to be Sci-fi it has to be flat.
If there is curve and future stuff then its Sci-fi.
No curve and no future stuff means its not Sci-fi.

So a new gamemode where the Earth actually is flat and all your rockets get shot down by the government? Got it. If I ever make a spaceflight game, I'll be sure to include that.
Make a game where you have to be sneaky to launch it.
Make sure its in the middle of nowhere.
Then build it and launch.
Make sure it dodges rockets and missles.

And if you succeed, you hit the top of the sky, or go out into an infinite, empty void.

(Like Spaceflight Simulator, Kerbal Space Program, etc.) Do you all hate them, or what?
I dont hate them.
They are just sci-fi games.
i think some are good.

Well, Spaceflight Simulator IS a 2D game, so how much flatter does it have to be to not be Sci-Fi?
In order for it not to be Sci-fi it has to be flat.
If there is curve and future stuff then its Sci-fi.
No curve and no future stuff means its not Sci-fi.

So a new gamemode where the Earth actually is flat and all your rockets get shot down by the government? Got it. If I ever make a spaceflight game, I'll be sure to include that.

(Like Spaceflight Simulator, Kerbal Space Program, etc.) Do you all hate them, or what?
I dont hate them.
They are just sci-fi games.
i think some are good.

Well, Spaceflight Simulator IS a 2D game, so how much flatter does it have to be to not be Sci-Fi?

(Like Spaceflight Simulator, Kerbal Space Program, etc.) Do you all hate them, or what?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Why lie?
« on: May 11, 2021, 04:25:12 PM »
Jehovah's Witnesses are very serious about the Bible, so if they are credible about anything, it's this
Your entire post hinges on the veracity of this statement. Are you really sure about this? If JW are credible about anything at all, it's about clearly interpreting the Bible? I'm not sure this castle is built on a strong foundation. Also, unrelated, can I leave you with this copy of Watchtower?

If I'm not misunderstanding (which I might be, since I don't known that much about Jehovah Witnesses aside from the obvious facts about them) then I'm sure that Jehovah's Witnesses take the Bible and what's written in it very seriously. They are an extremist sect of Christianity, after all, so the Bible would most likely play an important part in their lives. Correct me if I may be wrong about this.

Flat Earth Debate / Why lie?
« on: May 11, 2021, 03:48:41 PM »
So the government is apparently lying. Why? What's the point of spending millions to keep a pointless lie? I've heard, in the past, an argument saying that it's to 'hide God', even when the Bible itself doesn't say outright that the Earth is flat (This information is coming from the Jehovah's Witnesses website, and Jehovah's Witnesses are very serious about the Bible, so if they are credible about anything, it's this). Another argument that I think is more common is that the government lies to control us all. But... you would think there is a better way to control us rather than lying about the shape of the planet, right?
I don't know. Please tell me why the government would lie about everything.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: If earth is round......
« on: May 11, 2021, 03:42:35 PM »
Then you by does it look flat?
I see no curvature at all.
So round earthers tell me where the curve is at.
Why not by.

You are judging by looking at the horizon at close to sea level. The curvature does not start to become really noticeable until around 50,000 feet high. Planes only fly at a height of just under 35,000 feet.

Flat Earth General / Re: Has anyone spilled the beans yet?
« on: April 30, 2021, 10:32:56 AM »
Where would you expect to hear this? On the news?

No, more like a firsthand anonymous account from an actual employee who finally want to reveal whatever truth they may hold

Flat Earth General / Has anyone spilled the beans yet?
« on: April 24, 2021, 09:21:49 AM »
There are 72 federal space agencies in the world (Link for a list of them:, This means there are tens of thousands of people needed to work at all of these. For 68 years of spaceflight, and potentially dozens of thousands of people, and nobody ever said that this was a hoax? Surely someone would admit to it by now, but nobody has. Weird. Is everyone just really good at holding this one specific secret, or is there not a secret to keep?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: How do things fall?
« on: April 08, 2021, 12:41:29 PM »
Oh yeah, of course! Get the moderator to move this conversation. That's what happens every time. You know what, I give up on you. Your skull is too thick to make it worth my time to try and get through.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: How do things fall?
« on: April 08, 2021, 12:25:17 PM »
It is extremely odd that I, a simple man of "partially functional brain cells", having "no grasp of" the laws of physics, am also apparently better acquainted with said laws and velocity addition than you, wouldn't you agree?

Absolutely not. As the Earth is apparently accelerating upwards, its velocity constantly increases, which will eventually bring the Earth close to the speed of light. That is what 'acceleration' means. There is apparently nothing to slow the Earth down since it's apparently a void we are travelling through outside of the dome that we call the sky, which contains the Sun, Moon, stars, and Earth. A void that contains nothing to offer drag to slow the Earth down and counteract its acceleration.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: How do things fall?
« on: April 08, 2021, 12:14:51 PM »
I answered it thus because it is the truth.

Your assertion that we have somehow exceeded the speed of light is demonstrably false, by comparison.

Because according to that brainless theory, we are constantly accelerating upwards, without stopping, so we would've hit the speed of light at some point.
No, it's not the truth. It's a brainless, pseudoscientific conspiracy that is the dumbest in human history.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: How do things fall?
« on: April 08, 2021, 12:06:43 PM »
Technically speaking, things do not fall. The earth rises up to meet them.

Have you considered reading the FAQ?

And you go on to repeat literally what I said not to say, and provided a few discrepancies as to why. Is your attention span that short?

Flat Earth Debate / How do things fall?
« on: April 08, 2021, 11:38:18 AM »
Time to put your singular, partially functional brain cells to use. How do things on Earth fall down without gravity, if gravity doesn't exist? Don't tell me it's because of "density" and "buoyancy". Density is the amount of matter packed into a certain space. Buoyancy is an object's tendency to float. Neither are forces. Yes, you could say that density causes an object to fall through air because it is denser, but there is air all around it. Why doesn't it fall up? Things fall down in a vacuum, where there is no air. As for buoyancy, that's just saying gravity again. Helium balloons float up because they are lighter than the air. Not less dense. Lighter. Weight and density are two different things. Weight is how much something has an effect on an object. That something is called gravity. You can also say that Earth is accelerating upwards to keep things on it. But, what is causing that? Why haven't we hit the speed of light yet (which is impossible by laws of physics, which none of you have any grasp of)?
So, put your single brain cells to use and conjure up an excuse to gravity. Or do what a classic Flat Earther would do and say "YoU'vE bEeN bRaInWaShEd" and/or tell me to cite a source while not citing one yourself and/or dismiss everything I have said altogether and being up an off-topic thing to avoid this topic.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What are meteors?
« on: April 08, 2021, 07:46:22 AM »
Since ice would've melted or sublimated long before getting to an altitude into which pressure from the outside air would've built up in cracks and pores enough for the meteor to explode, ...
That's rather presumptuous.

Setting a piece of ice on fire does cause it to melt, does it not?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What are meteors?
« on: April 08, 2021, 07:45:31 AM »
Tiny rocks burning up in Earth's atmoplane from "space", mostly.

If it ain't from space, then where the heck is it from?

But with Mercury and Venus, when they're on the other side of the Sun, we can't see them because they're on the other side of the Sun.
Make a sketch approximately to scale.  Then you will understand that Mercury and Venus can be on the opposite side of the sun from us, but not be blocked from our view by the sun.

I used just Mercury, but you could see that the only way that Mercury would show its entire day side would be if it was on the exact opposite side of the Sun, otherwise it would show at least a little bit of its night side. As with Mars, from the parts of Earth where it's visible, you can really only see its day side, with maybe a tiny portion of twilight.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What are meteors?
« on: April 08, 2021, 07:16:52 AM »
What they are is open to question.

My theory is:

Hydrogen/helium ice build up on the dome from gases that turned into superfluids then icicles that get too dense to hold at the top of the atmospheric stack/dome.
They break off and are caught in an atmospheric stream where they may friction burn as they hit more and more dense atmosphere higher up.

In my opinion, of course.

While ice burning up in the atmosphere sounds reasonable, I have two comments regarding it:
In 2013, a meteor exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia. Since ice would've melted or sublimated long before getting to an altitude into which pressure from the outside air would've built up in cracks and pores enough for the meteor to explode, the explanation for why it could've exploded is that it was made of rock. I know that hydrogen is an explosive substance, but Earth's atmosphere is made up of around 0.000055% hydrogen (at Wikipedia's estimates). I don't think there is enough hydrogen in the Earth's atmosphere to produce an explosion of this magnitude. Yet again, this is just my speculation.
My second comment regards to the fact that you said that the meteors could be "gases that turned into superfluids then icicles". Superfluids are liquids with no viscosity, meaning they are able to flow with absolutely zero difficulty. Helium becomes this state of matter instead of turning solid. Superfluids are unable to become solids, because elements that solidify cannot become a superfluid, and vice versa.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The Problem with Earth's Shadow
« on: April 07, 2021, 08:26:30 PM »
If the the shaded area of the Moon is caused by Earth's shadow, why does it appear to be the same diameter as the the Moon? One can clearly see it is. If the Earth is four times the size of the Moon, then the shadow on the Moon should be a much larger diameter. It is not, it looks to the exact diameter as the Moon.
The moon enters the earth's shadow during lunar eclipses only. The normal phases of the moon are not because of the earth's shadow.

Okay, I'll give you that. Here is a picture of a Lunar eclipse of April 2014. I'll ask the same question as before. They both look nearly the same diameter to me, How can this be?

The Sun, despite its large size, is very far away. The Moon is way closer.

Flat Earth Debate / What are meteors?
« on: April 07, 2021, 08:24:16 PM »
If meteors aren't tiny rocks burning up in Earth's atmosphere from space, because space apparently isn't real, then what are they really?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Where do the rockets go?
« on: April 07, 2021, 08:22:24 PM »
One like this?

That explains how they float on the outside, but not on the inside.

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