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Messages - Edge_Loop

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Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 30, 2017, 12:35:24 AM »
^^^ dork

Very possibly, but I'm right about all you schmucks.



He really really feels he is right, just lacks the ability to articulate his thoughts.

Spot on.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 29, 2017, 07:26:26 PM »
^^^ dork

Very possibly, but I'm right about all you schmucks.


Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 28, 2017, 01:44:38 AM »
You go ahead and just keep feeding them.
You are the one feeding them; you are the one giving them what they want.
They want to pretend FE is rational and the REers are just angry and insulting.
So you responding with your childish crap is just doing them a favour.

Clearly we disagree on this. This entire thing is nonsense, you are all just tied together in a weird relationship that both aggravates and rewards both sides while slowly adding to the bullshit pool of comebacks FE'ers use to mesmerize the more easily persuaded out there.

Again, until I am banned if you don't like it don't read it.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 28, 2017, 01:32:07 AM »
99% of the posts here are a waste of time.
Including yours.

The entire FE thing is a waste of everyone's time.

Some of you may enjoy engaging in debate over this topic, but once you realize it does nothing to steer people away from this delusional nonsense and choose to stick around and engage these twats you become a part of the problem, and so a part of the bigger problem of individuals feeling entitled to swap out facts for personal belief just to pacify themselves and give themselves a little feeling of self worth and importance.
Crap like what you are doing wont help.
But all it takes for stupidity to triumph is for smart people to say nothing.
Without anyone speaking out against FE rationally, foolish people will buy the garbage they are spouting.
But with it being torn to shreds, people unsure can see both sides and realise FE is nonsense.

If you think it is a waste of time, then fuck off, because now you are being worse than the FEers.

You go ahead and just keep feeding them.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 28, 2017, 12:14:32 AM »
I...chose to just vent my bullshit on here as that's all it's really for anyway.

No, that’s not what the DEBATE FORUM is for.  There is a whole section of the site for that, go vent yourself there.

I'm not debating this ffs, they will ban me eventually and I'll be gone and you can carry on being an institutionalised muppet for FE, helping them sharpen their argument in this isolation tank.

until I'm banned if you don't like it don't read it.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 27, 2017, 07:21:02 PM »
Sorry, but I don't feel the subject of this forum or the way it is treated by the 'believers' on here is worthy of considerate behaviour. It appears all FE'ers are trolls of one type or another and do not deserve to be engaged with in a debate.

In that case, stop wasting your time posting in the....DEBATE FORUM.  Stop wasting everyone’s time reading your posts, or scrolling past them. 

Go away.

99% of the posts here are a waste of time.

The entire FE thing is a waste of everyone's time.

Some of you may enjoy engaging in debate over this topic, but once you realize it does nothing to steer people away from this delusional nonsense and choose to stick around and engage these twats you become a part of the problem, and so a part of the bigger problem of individuals feeling entitled to swap out facts for personal belief just to pacify themselves and give themselves a little feeling of self worth and importance.

You can't debate with that mindset, so just because they have stuck the word 'debate' on this forum it does not mean any actual debate goes on here. I realized that within a few posts here and chose to just vent my bullshit on here as that's all it's really for anyway.



Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 27, 2017, 12:20:38 PM »
Is there a way to reply to warnings? I can't find one.

Anyways, I have been asked to be considerate after my posts on this thread.

Sorry, but I don't feel the subject of this forum or the way it is treated by the 'believers' on here is worthy of considerate behaviour. It appears all FE'ers are trolls of one type or another and do not deserve to be engaged with in a debate.

I have openly expressed that opinion in the past, so if you wish to ban me go right ahead, I'll just be getting a few minutes of my day back to put into more productive pursuits.

It does however seem rather silly to ask someone to obey the rules on a forum established to further a topic that hides behind the pretence of non conformity and non adherence to established rules.

To any non FE'ers that do attempt to debate with these people; if I have offended or aggravated you I apologize, but I genuinely don't know how you have the patience to keep trying to engage with a lot of these prats.

Have fun!


Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 27, 2017, 06:12:25 AM »
Fraud, debunked.

the machine has not been proven to be completely horizontal. there is probably a height in the middle and the machine is oriented upward to see the object.

This Cody the jester is a media vulture came instead of the place of Brain Cox. Because Brain is debunked a lot of times. Everyone who gets $ 10,000 from NASA becomes a scientist. s.o.w's!!

How would pointing the telescope upward change anything except his ability to find the smokestack? There's a lake in the middle.

I was talking about first video. It taken in ground. The second one is already disproved numerously times and I don't need to talking about that hoax. No more talking needed about this nonsence.

And yet you are. Perhaps you should duplicate his experiment. Perhaps if you were to contact him, he would duplicate the experiment with your assistance.

The best part about REAL science is that tests are repeatable.

It is "fake science" and a fraud. Till somebody prove he use "bubble level" on the measurement tool, none of the experiments mean nothing. zero product number equal to zero.

Ass spasm.

That's what you have.

No, what I have is complete disdain for whatless fuckwits that are incapable of leveraging the intelligence they have for anything meaningful.

There are situations where responding with reason is unreasonable, and dialogue with you fart cookies represents exactly such a situation.

This means you have an


Here's a tip for you:

If you really want to get at me just carry on with your usual drivel, your come backs (even with scrolling text) really aren't cutting it.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 27, 2017, 05:48:46 AM »
Fraud, debunked.

the machine has not been proven to be completely horizontal. there is probably a height in the middle and the machine is oriented upward to see the object.

This Cody the jester is a media vulture came instead of the place of Brain Cox. Because Brain is debunked a lot of times. Everyone who gets $ 10,000 from NASA becomes a scientist. s.o.w's!!

How would pointing the telescope upward change anything except his ability to find the smokestack? There's a lake in the middle.

I was talking about first video. It taken in ground. The second one is already disproved numerously times and I don't need to talking about that hoax. No more talking needed about this nonsence.

And yet you are. Perhaps you should duplicate his experiment. Perhaps if you were to contact him, he would duplicate the experiment with your assistance.

The best part about REAL science is that tests are repeatable.

It is "fake science" and a fraud. Till somebody prove he use "bubble level" on the measurement tool, none of the experiments mean nothing. zero product number equal to zero.

Ass spasm.

That's what you have.

No, what I have is complete disdain for whatless fuckwits that are incapable of leveraging the intelligence they have for anything meaningful.

There are situations where responding with reason is unreasonable, and dialogue with you fart cookies represents exactly such a situation.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 27, 2017, 05:26:16 AM »
Fraud, debunked.

the machine has not been proven to be completely horizontal. there is probably a height in the middle and the machine is oriented upward to see the object.

This Cody the jester is a media vulture came instead of the place of Brain Cox. Because Brain is debunked a lot of times. Everyone who gets $ 10,000 from NASA becomes a scientist. s.o.w's!!

How would pointing the telescope upward change anything except his ability to find the smokestack? There's a lake in the middle.

I was talking about first video. It taken in ground. The second one is already disproved numerously times and I don't need to talking about that hoax. No more talking needed about this nonsence.

And yet you are. Perhaps you should duplicate his experiment. Perhaps if you were to contact him, he would duplicate the experiment with your assistance.

The best part about REAL science is that tests are repeatable.

It is "fake science" and a fraud. Till somebody prove he use "bubble level" on the measurement tool, none of the experiments mean nothing. zero product number equal to zero.

Ass spasm.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 27, 2017, 05:11:01 AM »
Cute as usual I see. 🙄

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Cody's Lab Videos About Flat Earth
« on: December 27, 2017, 04:34:53 AM »
Fraud, debunked.

the machine has not been proven to be completely horizontal. there is probably a height in the middle and the machine is oriented upward to see the object.

This Cody the jester is a media vulture came instead of the place of Brain Cox. Because Brain is debunked a lot of times. Everyone who gets $ 10,000 from NASA becomes a scientist. s.o.w's!!

You complete imbecile, just crawl back under your fucking rock and let the rest of humanity progress without you.

Ass munch!

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Help me learn about a flat earth
« on: December 13, 2017, 12:49:25 AM »
Please do not limit yourself to negativity.
I have gone into the relationship between matter and spirit, with some of the ways we can conclude there must be a link, on the site.

It is only in the observation of matter that we find optical illusions and errors, in the observations directly of the spirit and soul there is no mistake. This is the evidence I gave in my initial answer. It is understood in many cultures that all things are connected, and that if we learn to feel that connection we will learn how we are related to all things surrounding us. I did not bring up the Sacred Steps, or suggest anything beyond this one way someone could feel how they are related to all other things.
This is why I am scared for you, you see such negativity and ulterior motive when it is not there. Please do not be quick to anger, even in situations where you feel it justified it is self-perpetuating. More and more anger will seem justified, more and more you will assume the worst rather than see the best, it will poison you. I do not say this as an insult, I do not say this because I think I am better, I do not say this to drag you into what you call a cult, please believe that. I say this because I do genuinely, completely care about your wellbeing, and I've seen the harm being quick to see the worst can do to a person.


Will you just stop with the self promotion? You are clearly hijacking threads just to push your site.
I only rarely mention my site.

Mate, it's in your fucking signature. Please stop the BS.

Yes, that is me embracing negativity.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Bering Strait Hoax ~
« on: December 13, 2017, 12:22:29 AM »


Flat Earth Debate / Re: Is there more than one perception?
« on: December 12, 2017, 11:10:26 PM »
This is nothing new to us. You must understand that.
We are used to people assuming the worst, so we see it for what it is. I know what my experience is, and many others at the commune have similar. We are insulted for believing there is more to the world, and when we choose to live among people that agree rather than people that would fill our lives with hate, we get called a cult.
I do not feel insulted when someone offers me advice, when it is meant well. It is my choice whether I follow it. I know that Joe means well, I have never felt so supported than when I met him, and I know nothing he does is meant to belittle. He is kind and accepting. Honestly sometimes I feel he's too accepting, and we've talked about that before. Even when what I say could come across as criticism he listens to it for what it is, my personal concern and not an attack on him.
We know what you think of us, and I promise you we are not that. Not one of us here agrees with what you say about us, and we have lived it. We speak with Joe, we listen to him, we spend more time with him per day than you have in your life. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt none of us can agree with what you accuse him of or with how you treat him.

It does not look as though you will listen to this but I pray that you do.


So you often get this reaction from a range of unrelated people?

Yet you still don't question your position?

Again, that is an astonishing lack of self awareness for such spiritually enlightened beings...

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Is there more than one perception?
« on: December 12, 2017, 08:01:31 AM »
All I will say is that I wish you would not look for the worst in the world. You will miss the good. I am not as you view me to be, I am not seeking to break you, I am not seeking to insult you. If you cannot see that, I accept it, but please be open.
Your responses do not match with my posts nor my intent.
I don't know if you are unaware that you seek out negativity, or that you will not admit such a thing in a public post. I expect the latter, which is fine, you don't have to acknowledge me at all, just please do take on board what I say. If it is the former, please send me a personal message, I can demonstrate the issue but I do not wish to shame.
I am not looking to get anything from you. I never have. I want only for your outlook to be less negative.


I neither seek out nor hide from negativity.

Again, you can't judge my global view solely by my reaction to posts I find questionable on a forum created around a super contentious subject. The fact that you do seems at odds with your description of yourself as a spiritually enlightened being that is in a position to teach others how to live their lives.

I have made no such claim about myself, I am human and so am riddled with flaws (including my inability to let this conversation slide apparently).

Can you say the same about yourself without having the urge to put some kind of positive spin on your flaws?

I was addressing the other user. I have not conversed enough with you to form any view. Certainly, I am human like you and I am flawed as we all are.
I believe it is the duty of all humans to acknowledge and work on our flaws. You may call that a positive spin, but in my mind it is hope, and it is also part of our duty. Relentless negativity will poison all of us, we must look for good rather than bad.
We are all imperfect, but I would rather end talking about how we can improve rather than have negativity be the end state.


So 'no' is the short answer, so you are closed to negativity even though negativity is subjective.

So you aren't interested in understanding the world, just the bits you feel are positive.

That's fine, I have no problem with that, but you may want to reconsider your position re: seeing more of the reality of the world than others do.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Is there more than one perception?
« on: December 12, 2017, 05:54:58 AM »
All I will say is that I wish you would not look for the worst in the world. You will miss the good. I am not as you view me to be, I am not seeking to break you, I am not seeking to insult you. If you cannot see that, I accept it, but please be open.
Your responses do not match with my posts nor my intent.
I don't know if you are unaware that you seek out negativity, or that you will not admit such a thing in a public post. I expect the latter, which is fine, you don't have to acknowledge me at all, just please do take on board what I say. If it is the former, please send me a personal message, I can demonstrate the issue but I do not wish to shame.
I am not looking to get anything from you. I never have. I want only for your outlook to be less negative.


I neither seek out nor hide from negativity.

Again, you can't judge my global view solely by my reaction to posts I find questionable on a forum created around a super contentious subject. The fact that you do seems at odds with your description of yourself as a spiritually enlightened being that is in a position to teach others how to live their lives.

I have made no such claim about myself, I am human and so am riddled with flaws (including my inability to let this conversation slide apparently).

Can you say the same about yourself without having the urge to put some kind of positive spin on your flaws?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Does the Earth rotate???
« on: December 11, 2017, 11:21:11 PM »
According to the pizza earth theory the earth does not move and the stars move around this pizza shaped earth, why? No one knows.
It seems to be stupid and it is stupid, in reality the earth is a sphere that rotates at a constant rate of 1 rotation every 24 hours, it decelerates over thousands of years because of the gravitational attraction of the moon. Earth rotates because when it formed in the protoplanetary disc arroud the sun, it got angular momentum and by the vacuum of space it hasn't stop rotating or translating around the sun. That's why stars seem to be orbiting arroud earth, but they are not, the earth is spinning and that's why stars move in the night sky.
I hope I gave you a good answer, bye.

Why do not they attract each other when you put two muscatels side by side? what an high imagination is about the "attraction force" that you can not prove it at all in a laboratory environment! You may write several fables depend on lies but you'll not find any of us to read it!

If you haven't read it then you admit your opinion is baseless?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Does the Earth rotate???
« on: December 11, 2017, 10:58:13 PM »
Timelapse photography of the night sky shows a clear rotation. Does a flat Earth rotate, or is it an optical illusion/photoshop???

All it takes is a high end camera or a trip at sea to prove the Earth isn't flat. If you're a Martian like me you would know the Earth is elliptical not round...  Nobody believes this flat Earth nonsense, this is all for entertainment and trolling.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

Accepting the idea that the earth rotates doesn't necessarily mean accepting the globe theory.

You guys are standing on a tower and kicking away its foundations 🙄

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Help me learn about a flat earth
« on: December 11, 2017, 10:55:13 PM »
Please do not limit yourself to negativity.
I have gone into the relationship between matter and spirit, with some of the ways we can conclude there must be a link, on the site.

It is only in the observation of matter that we find optical illusions and errors, in the observations directly of the spirit and soul there is no mistake. This is the evidence I gave in my initial answer. It is understood in many cultures that all things are connected, and that if we learn to feel that connection we will learn how we are related to all things surrounding us. I did not bring up the Sacred Steps, or suggest anything beyond this one way someone could feel how they are related to all other things.
This is why I am scared for you, you see such negativity and ulterior motive when it is not there. Please do not be quick to anger, even in situations where you feel it justified it is self-perpetuating. More and more anger will seem justified, more and more you will assume the worst rather than see the best, it will poison you. I do not say this as an insult, I do not say this because I think I am better, I do not say this to drag you into what you call a cult, please believe that. I say this because I do genuinely, completely care about your wellbeing, and I've seen the harm being quick to see the worst can do to a person.


Will you just stop with the self promotion? You are clearly hijacking threads just to push your site.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The secret's out
« on: December 11, 2017, 10:49:16 PM »
Even if there was a big conspiracy created to hide the true shape of the earth, we can say now that the secret is out. References to flat earth in mainstream society are a regular occurrence now. If it were true that the earth is flat, why aren't people coming by the millions to join this cause? There are maybe 5 active flat earthers on this site.

Only a small procetage of people everywhere on earth along history till Now that TEST everything they were taught.

Most people just "hear and conform" without sufficient reasons.

No wonder at all.

I hope this bad habit will end soon.

Yeah, sure, let's all spend our time proving things to ourselves regardless of how many others have already proven them.

That seems like a totally legit way of having the world grind to a halt... 🙄

Public "space" is full of lies. Lies have been mainstream for a long time. So...

Ok, let's just catch up again once you have a collection of words that actually mean something.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Is there more than one perception?
« on: December 11, 2017, 10:44:47 PM »
I wish I was there with you.
I have seen people that struggle with anger before, that see the worst in the world long before they see the light. In many cases there is nothing that can be said, no way to answer their questions, because they will look for the flaws before they try to understand. If you offer to help, they would view it as an insult. They will see the negative, and rely on words meant to denigrate.
Perhaps this is not how you are generally, but it is how you are here, and it seems as though you regularly expose yourself to this site, an environment that makes you angry and that makes you call others con men and call groups cults when you do not know them. In this location, at the very least, you assume the worst. But humans usually cannot easily switch their emotions on and off, the mood you are in when you visit this site will stay with you for some time when you leave. That which you experience during and after your visits will be tainted by that negativity, and it will become easier and easier. Anger grows, I have seen it.
Negativity poisons all it touches, and it doesn't go away without conscious effort. You are exposing yourself to it, putting yourself in a place where it surrounds you, and you do not seem to care. That scares me. You view a negative state of mind as justified, even desirable, some of the time. That poison spreads.

As I said, I will not talk with you about the Sacred Steps, you clearly see negativity there. But I do ask you to listen to me. I want nothing from you, I expect nothing of you. I do this because I care for you. There is no ulterior motive, please do not listen to negativity and assume there is one. I am saying this because I am afraid of what this negativity and anger is doing to you.
There is no more to this than that. Please don't see anything else.

If I was with you, I would want to talk as I have done with others. We would talk about what you are doing here, and why you get angry. What is it that angers you? Why do you seek it out? What does this negativity gain, and is it worth the toll it exacts as it spreads through your life?
I assume you will dislike techniques clearly about the soul, so I will avoid them. What I recommend is that you practise changing mindsets. It doesn't have to just be here, it can be done generally. If you are bored, or angry, or sad, try to trigger happiness in yourself. It can be done by thinking of a joke or some humorous response to the situation, or a wish-fulfilment daydream where you are triumphant, or some similar happy fantasy. I do not suggest using real happy memories, they can be altered and tainted if they are constantly summoned up to combat negativity, but you have an endless supply of imagination, you can outlast the negativity if you wish to.
Become practised at this, be able to control and manipulate your moods easily. It is a useful skill no matter your view of the soul.

You are free to disagree with me, but please do not do so by seeking out negativity.
And if you do not want to listen now, I ask you at least remember this post and what I have said. If you feel yourself carrying negativity with you even when you are away from this site, if you find anger born from people here is still inside you when you're away, come back to this then.
I do care. This is real. I promise.


If you feel what you are saying is making him angry and you care so much then why not PM him and diffuse this?

But then where would your audience be...

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Is there more than one perception?
« on: December 11, 2017, 10:37:06 PM »
I like the way you talk, Joe. It sounds very enlightening.  :) Far better then these toxic naysayers.

I also believe there is far more to the universe than meets our eyes or any instrument we can come up with.

But thankfully through the use of pure imagination you are able to see this hidden realm.


Flat Earth Debate / Re: The secret's out
« on: December 11, 2017, 12:16:19 PM »
Even if there was a big conspiracy created to hide the true shape of the earth, we can say now that the secret is out. References to flat earth in mainstream society are a regular occurrence now. If it were true that the earth is flat, why aren't people coming by the millions to join this cause? There are maybe 5 active flat earthers on this site.

Only a small procetage of people everywhere on earth along history till Now that TEST everything they were taught.

Most people just "hear and conform" without sufficient reasons.

No wonder at all.

I hope this bad habit will end soon.

Yeah, sure, let's all spend our time proving things to ourselves regardless of how many others have already proven them.

That seems like a totally legit way of having the world grind to a halt... 🙄

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Satellites and how they work
« on: December 11, 2017, 03:09:04 AM »
Thank you!
Are you actually 6 years old?
What a ball sack.
Oh come, have your ever seen 6 year old as childish superior yet so ignorant as either narcberry?

You're right. I apologize to 6 year olds and ball sacks everywhere.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Satellites and how they work
« on: December 10, 2017, 10:46:55 PM »
Thank you!


Are you actually 6 years old?

What a ball sack.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Is there more than one perception?
« on: December 10, 2017, 02:06:07 PM »
Geometry is not at fault. You can only apply geometry to what it if you perceive, and if another sees a different surface to you, then when they do the exact same things you do they will see something different.
It isn't just what we are perceiving It is what numerous instruments "perceive."

Much of the world is illusory.
You keep saying this but you are yet to substantiate it in any way.
If you want anyone to take you seriously you need to back up your insane claims.

Do not take this as negativity. It is not.
Again, it is, not this part directly, but your general message.
You are saying we are worthless crap that can't see the world as it truly is without your help.
That is extremely insulting and extremely negative.

but I believe that you are a wonderful person.
If you truly thought this you wouldn't be insulting us so much.

There are simply some things you have yet to see, just as there are many things I have yet to see. We all, each of us, have much to learn about the truth of reality.
And perhaps one of the things you need to learn is that your claims are pure bullshit?

Your delusions about the universe have no effect on the universe itself.
You pretending Earth is flat wont magically make it flat, even if you delude yourself enough to see it as flat.

I have not and would say the things you say I am saying. Please do not encourage such negativity, it benefits no one and only chokes our view of the world.


I believe you have no bad intentions, but the fact is you are rejecting the legitimacy of everyone else's views and lifestyles and claiming the views and lifestyle you have chosen to adopt are the ones we should all aspire to.

That's not going to win over anyone but those that already think as you do or those that are already disillusioned with their life choices so far.

I do not reject the legitimacy of what makes you comfortable and content with the world, and in the end that is all the Sacred Steps seek to do. People have been approaching the truth for centuries, and aspects of the Sacred Steps are in many teachings worldwide. All I ask is that you open your mind to the possibility that there is more, rather than closing yourself off to the world.


you are still doing it.

You are clearly stating that my view of the world is limited, even though you know nothing of my views other than the fact that I don't believe in the things you believe in.

Anyway I'm out, there is more to the world than this conversation.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Is there more than one perception?
« on: December 10, 2017, 01:27:16 PM »
Geometry is not at fault. You can only apply geometry to what it if you perceive, and if another sees a different surface to you, then when they do the exact same things you do they will see something different.
It isn't just what we are perceiving It is what numerous instruments "perceive."

Much of the world is illusory.
You keep saying this but you are yet to substantiate it in any way.
If you want anyone to take you seriously you need to back up your insane claims.

Do not take this as negativity. It is not.
Again, it is, not this part directly, but your general message.
You are saying we are worthless crap that can't see the world as it truly is without your help.
That is extremely insulting and extremely negative.

but I believe that you are a wonderful person.
If you truly thought this you wouldn't be insulting us so much.

There are simply some things you have yet to see, just as there are many things I have yet to see. We all, each of us, have much to learn about the truth of reality.
And perhaps one of the things you need to learn is that your claims are pure bullshit?

Your delusions about the universe have no effect on the universe itself.
You pretending Earth is flat wont magically make it flat, even if you delude yourself enough to see it as flat.

I have not and would say the things you say I am saying. Please do not encourage such negativity, it benefits no one and only chokes our view of the world.


I believe you have no bad intentions, but the fact is you are rejecting the legitimacy of everyone else's views and lifestyles and claiming the views and lifestyle you have chosen to adopt are the ones we should all aspire to.

That's not going to win over anyone but those that already think as you do or those that are already disillusioned with their life choices so far.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Help me learn about a flat earth
« on: December 10, 2017, 03:28:03 AM »
Disclaimer: i do not respong to grammar nazis or troll. Yes my spelling may suck and im not properly punctual. It is my choice to be so.

I have many reasons to believe that the earth is round. Just recently I have been stumbling upon flat earth articles and videos. But why should I believe in such a thing? I mean there is not only photo evidence but physical evidence. But flat earth evidence doesn't seem to be anywhere. Astronomy has been my number one interest in life. So help me understand

Just forget you ever came here.

Dont get stuck here arguing with twats like bullwinkle, life's too short.

Life is not too short to learn some basic spelling and punctual skills though...

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Help me learn about a flat earth
« on: December 10, 2017, 03:09:28 AM »
Believe whatever you want to believe.
We have no obligation to answer your questions.

Don't come here and demand answers.

We owe you nothing.

Will you please try to do something about your obviously sad and pointless life?

Its depressing seeing you roll out the same tired shit time and again.

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