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Messages - lived_eht_asan

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Flat Earth General / Re: My GPS
« on: April 28, 2010, 04:01:43 PM »

Yeah they refract but the scatter is a major problem and the signal isn't very good when it comes back down.

Actually it does work quite well.  I use my GPS all the time, although I know the earth to be flat.  I use it with the same critical approach and skepticism as any other 3rd party technology of course.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Flight Times?
« on: April 28, 2010, 02:26:02 PM »
If the claim is being put forward that flight time accuracy proves the earth is round, this has certainly been debated many times before. 

If you want to further the argument, you will have to lay out your claim point by point.

Flat Earth General / Re: My GPS
« on: April 28, 2010, 02:15:22 PM »
My GPS receiver, as well as showing my current location (handy in a GPS), also has an option to show a map of the sky, with the positions of the Sun and the Moon, and also the locations of all the GPS satellites that are in the sky.

For each of those satellites, it shows whether or not it has been able to get a lock on the signal.

Now, buildings will block the signal; so, if I stand next to a building, the GPS will loose the signal from those satellites that are blocked by that building.

That all makes sense if the signal is coming from satellites, but how does it work if the signal is coming from towers? (Presumably the towers can’t send a signal that is directly overhead ,or even almost overhead).

I may be mistaken, but I believe this has been covered extensively and a search of GPS will provide you with much reading material.

In my opinion, GPS behavior does not specifically rule out any of the flat earth models (accelerating earth, fixed earth, satellites possible or not, etc).

If satellites can exist, then there is no issue with the directionality of GPS reception, obviously.

But even without satellites there is no reason why radio signals cannot come to your device from the up direction.  It is well documented that em waves refract extraordinarily in our upper atmosphere.

Announcements / Re: Are people interested in Flat Earth Society t-shirts?
« on: October 07, 2008, 10:46:36 PM »
T-Shirts!  Now!

Also, gum

back again?

yup.  Somehow this time I think we will win (and everyone can agree the earth is flat).

Announcements / Re: Are people interested in Flat Earth Society t-shirts?
« on: October 07, 2008, 05:47:57 PM »
T-Shirts!  Now!

Also, gum

The Lounge / Re: MS Paint
« on: October 06, 2008, 09:04:27 PM »

Just for you.

Jesux is better.

Hahaha!  oh man... I can't believe I've thought of that before.  That is damn funny!

Edit: meant to say I can't believe I've _never_ thought of that before.  Don't want to brag for nothing.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Here's a question.
« on: August 20, 2008, 05:42:55 PM »
I know that. I was saying "yes" only to him saying our speed was irrelevant.

Just didn't want anyone to read this thread and conclude that OP was correct in stating the model does not work because all things are moving "at the same speed"

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Sinking Ship experiment - input welcome
« on: August 20, 2008, 05:39:22 PM »

I don't see the clear evidence of a flat earth that I would expect (based on nearly everyone who has actually tried this)- but I don't see the proof of a round earth either?  Did the thread just die before the final results were published?

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Here's a question.
« on: August 20, 2008, 04:51:01 PM »
But since the entire universe is apparently moving at the same rate, our speed is irrelevant.



Our speed is irrelevant, but not "since the entire universe is apparently moving at the same rate".  The rest of the universe has nothing to do with it.

Our acceleration produces virtual force pushing us to the earth.  Our speed does not matter.

then one could infer that there would be no accumulation of relativistic effects over time

You can use as large a velocity difference as you like, the formula is accurate.  However, the formula does not include time.  You just need to ensure that however you include the time you are maintaining a proper relativistic definition.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Here's a question.
« on: August 20, 2008, 03:01:36 PM »
Because I don't need to prove it is impossible for the earth to accelerate at 9.8 m/s2 for 1 billion years.
Modern science disagrees with you, so yes, you do need to prove it.

Ok here's my point, you can't answer a simple question and back it up.  Hell you can't even answer a question.  I ask a question about your theory.  You who believe your theory answer the question and support it with fact.  The question is, what is the current speed of the earth if it has been moving at 9.8 m/s2 for 1 billion years.  It's your theory.  All I have to say is, if you can't back it up with fact, it must be crap.  There's one from the FET book.  If it looks like crap and smells like crap, you guessed it, it must be crap.

The question was answered with precision:

Earth's velocity = c * tanh(9.8t/c)

Pick any age of the earth, and that is the speed relative to the starting point.

Roughly 0.999c, with some arbitrary number of .9's, depending on the age you pick.

Your question is crap, because while you have not stated as much, you are indirectly trying to prove that FET is poor because our Earth must be moving super fast, which doesn't make sense to you.  And that is crap, because our speed is 100% irrelevant.

So I can pick any speed I want?  FET theory doesn't have an age for earth?

Age of the Earth is irrelevant.  If you say age is 1 billion years, plug it in the formula and get: c * .999yadayada

That is assuming the earth started at speed "0".  There is no such thing as speed "0".  Our speed is 100% irrelevant, so please stop talking about it.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Here's a question.
« on: August 20, 2008, 02:54:50 PM »
Because I don't need to prove it is impossible for the earth to accelerate at 9.8 m/s2 for 1 billion years.
Modern science disagrees with you, so yes, you do need to prove it.

Ok here's my point, you can't answer a simple question and back it up.  Hell you can't even answer a question.  I ask a question about your theory.  You who believe your theory answer the question and support it with fact.  The question is, what is the current speed of the earth if it has been moving at 9.8 m/s2 for 1 billion years.  It's your theory.  All I have to say is, if you can't back it up with fact, it must be crap.  There's one from the FET book.  If it looks like crap and smells like crap, you guessed it, it must be crap.

The question was answered with precision:

Earth's velocity = c * tanh(9.8t/c)

Pick any age of the earth, and that is the speed relative to the starting point.

Roughly 0.999c, with some arbitrary number of .9's, depending on the age you pick.

Your question is crap, because while you have not stated as much, you are indirectly trying to prove that FET is poor because our Earth must be moving super fast, which doesn't make sense to you.  And that is crap, because our speed is 100% irrelevant.


FES T-Shirts = 100% Win

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Here's a question.
« on: August 20, 2008, 02:33:15 PM »
Or just use this one so you can plug in the time directly:

Earth's velocity = c * tanh(9.8t/c)

And then throw away the answer, because "speed" is meaningless.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Here's a question.
« on: August 20, 2008, 02:23:00 PM »
Ok.  So put math where your mouth is and figure it up.  An acceleration rate of 1g (9.8m/s^2) for 1 billion years brings to what speed?

I'll get back to you on that one. I'll need to combine calculus with special relativity, something I can't say I have a lot of experience with.

Take your time and thanks for the effort.  I mean that sincerely.  I appreciate you trying to do the math.

How about you put your math up, since you are so smrt.  Please tell us (1) how fast we are moving (2) relative to what?? and (3) why it could possibly matter.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Here's a question.
« on: August 20, 2008, 01:21:30 PM »
Ugh....  I don't even have the patience to type in a response about how stupid this question is.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Metaphor for Flat Earth / Round Earth debate
« on: August 20, 2008, 01:04:17 PM »
Every observer has every right to call himself stationary.

Says who? This now becomes absurd.

All scientists ever?

Ummm... I think you just proved our point that you are one of the gullible students.

You interpreted you metaphor backwards.  RET is the authoritarian system of Art/Science (capitalized as institutional belief systems) telling the students to believe in their fully formed system of belief.

FET is the plain, straight-forward, zetetic observation- the earth is flat, stupid!  Just like the milk- simply, clearly, it looks like spilt milk.  Simply, clearly, look out your window.  Measure it directly with your own simple tools on a flat body of water.  She is flat!

Right, because only round earth stuff is valid in a "factual" discussion of the universe...  ::)

No, it wasn't 30,000 light years, it was about 3,000 miles.  All they say is "it came from Sagittarius A"... which is about 3,000 miles away.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Sinking Ship experiment - input welcome
« on: August 20, 2008, 08:59:14 AM »
And you'll link it in this thread?

Waiting anxiously to make the globularists look silly...

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Define zeteticism.
« on: June 23, 2008, 03:48:20 PM »

Astronomers of this time period saw the result of this being unsalvageable for a Ptolemaic cosmology, if the results were accepted as true. As a result, later 17th century competition between astronomical cosmologies focused on variations of Tycho Brahe's Tychonic system (in which the Earth was still at the center of the universe, and around it revolved the Sun, but all other planets revolved around the Sun in one massive set of epicycles), or variations on the Copernican system."

FAILED again FErs ......

Did you not read the bold parts?  Or do you really think the phases of venus prove the EARTH cycles the sun??  Not to mention that none of us believe in the Ptolemaic or Tychonic models.  They are just convenient contradictions of your outlandish claim that the earth circles the sun.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Define zeteticism.
« on: June 22, 2008, 08:47:09 AM »
Why is that special?  You are assuming RE universe in which everything is a planet orbiting a star.  No such thing in FE universe.  There are no planets orbiting stars.  So if the Earth did, we would be special, and we can't have that can we?

What about Mercury transit and the Venus transit of the sun coming up in 2012?

What about it?  That fits perfectly in the ptolemaic model, where they do not orbit the sun.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Define zeteticism.
« on: June 20, 2008, 05:20:35 PM »
No, you didn't. You said we aren't special. You have given 0 proof we are not special. Show me ONE FACT you have posted that proves we are not special. All you have posted is assumptions.


Reverse engineer it, or did you fail critical thinking 101?

The moon and sun being discs?


Why is that special?  Are you saying that if there were somehow more moons and suns scattered around it would seem more appealing to you?  How many more makes them acceptable?

the earth being flat in the first place when nothing in the universe forms flat?

Are you kidding me?  I can think of quite a few flat things in my backyard.  Who says nothing is flat?

No star to orbit?

Why is that special?  You are assuming RE universe in which everything is a planet orbiting a star.  No such thing in FE universe.  There are no planets orbiting stars.  So if the Earth did, we would be special, and we can't have that can we?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Boeing
« on: June 19, 2008, 07:38:40 AM »
The picture's not fake, 'cos there's no effort to pass it as real. Any kid with an XBox can identify  a CGI like that.

Of course its not a real pic.  But the question is why does Boeing draw curved horizons when other companies don't?  Could be innocent, or could be something more in this consistent approach to portray the horizon as curved.

You have to ask yourself, why do most people believe the horizon is curved, when in fact it is not?  Partly because of propaganda like this.

GE Theory is Golstein Earth Theory. I am writing a FAQ at the moment. Basically we live in a rapidly condensing kinder egg.

Every RE'er says something stupid like this (cube, kinder egg, frying pan, its all the same empty joke.  You are not original).  Measure the earth, it is flat.

Flat Earth Debate / Boeing
« on: June 18, 2008, 11:44:07 PM »
Check out this globecon propaganda pic.  The horizon is way too curved even for a standard RE model, and there are many more examples.  Is this an indication of how far the conspiracy has influenced our world view, or is Boeing potentially culpable here in bombarding us with images of curved horizons?


Flat Earth Debate / Re: "Conspiracy" is not a valid argument
« on: June 17, 2008, 07:49:18 AM »
They do not control where or when you observe it from, and there is no way they can fake it for every possible point of view.  In fact, any attempt at fakery would be immediately obvious to all but a single small location at most.

What about street magicians?  You don't have much skepticism when it comes to magic shows.  Which is good, it makes you very gullible.  Wanna play 3 card monty?  Or come to my place for a round of blackjack or poker.

We do not need to propose a "mechanism" for the trick.  Who knows, maybe NASA can project images?  The basic rule is don't trust the magician when they are making the show.

Thousands of people have studied the Indian Rope Trick.  No satisfactory "mechanism" has been proposed.  And that was done by street performers in poverty- what could NASA do with trillions of $$'s?  I certainly would be disappointed if I figured the trick out with a few minutes thought...

Er.... you missed finding the force at the given coordinate locations.

Anyway, the point is that this is not directly solvable.  There is no direct solution, only bound estimates based on approximations, and such would involve complicated elliptical integrals.  Intuition can often lead one astray.  For example, the gravitational forces inside a sphere of mass would be zero at all locations.  This is non obvious.  The force inside a ring would be directed directly away from the center.  The force on a disc would only have any real horizontal component at the edges.  We do not know how large the disc of the Earth is.

Allow me to correct you on this. There is a direct solution

Nope.  The general case is not solvable (without introducing limiting assumptions)  This is a well studied problem from electrostatics where the eqns are identical.

(It's entirely possible I've made a mistake, if so feel free to correct me).

Yep, but I'm not going to bother going through any of that (partly because the geometry you've setup is confusing).  The end result is a ln function in any case.

From the ln function, your graph demonstrates exactly what we've stated.  The only significant horizontal components are at the edges.  For the center region of the disc, this is negligible.  And again, we have no idea how large the flat earth is outside the southern circle.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: "Conspiracy" is not a valid argument
« on: June 16, 2008, 02:50:48 PM »
I don't understand how going straight to the conspiracy to watch their show is better evidence than direct measurements?

David Copperfield tells me he is going to make the Statue of Liberty disappear.  If I want the truth, should I go watch the show on the boat he hired, or go directly to the statue of liberty to see if it is there?

All of the proof that messier has shown has been from amatuer astronomers not from NASA.

You fail


Nope.  The amateur astronomers are the ones who attended the magic show, so to speak.  Copperfield says, hey look in the sky, and they looked.  Difficult to explain?  100%.  The best evidence, trumping any and all direct measurements?  Hardly.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: "Conspiracy" is not a valid argument
« on: June 16, 2008, 02:44:38 PM »
I don't understand how going straight to the conspiracy to watch their show is better evidence than direct measurements?

David Copperfield tells me he is going to make the Statue of Liberty disappear.  If I want the truth, should I go watch the show on the boat he hired, or go directly to the statue of liberty to see if it is there?

I think he is refering the the moment of mass of a lamina, which can be determined by using this f(x) is upper boind of the region R, and g(x) is the lower bound.

Equation for circle is : x^2 + y^2=1
Since the face of the Earth is a circle (or is a assumed to be) when plotted on a graph this would be the region between f(x)=sqrt(1-x^2) and g(x)=-sqrt(1-x^2). Where 1= one Earth radius.

To find the coordinates of the centriod, Xm and Ym you use this basic relationship

Xm= 1/A* int[-1,1 (f(x)-g(x))dx]
Ym=1/2A*int[-1,1  (f(x)^2-g(x)^2)dx]

Where A is the area of the circle, which in this case is pi*r^2, since r=1 it can be taken as pi. Anyways, without doing any of the integration it should be obvious that the centriod of a circular lamina is 0,0. Since the Earth is presumed to be a cylinder, the moment of mass also has a depth coordinate Zm, but the Xm and Ym are still at (0,0) the center of the circle. This could really be deduced by common sense though.

Now the flaw in this argument is that such a procedure assumes a number of things, for one that the mass-density differential is constant throughout the lamina (i.e the lamina is of uniform thickness), this is an unwarrented and unsupported assumption, as density can vary greatly depending on location and depth and such an object can have a great number of barycenters.

This method fails to deliver the correct moment of mass if the Earth is anything other than a uniformally dense perfect cylinder, we don't know that it is a cylinder at all, the underside can be convex for all we know. In fact he cannot prove the thickness of the Earth beyond 12km at one point. Frankly, this method is plain unreliable for his purposes. And, like Username said, the effect may not even be detectable.

(I may have gotten something wrong, been a while since my last calculus course)

Edit: Somone here mentioned Van der Walls forces (dispersion forces), these forces are actually forces, they are caused by a temporary dipole formed by unequal electron distribution (i.e. they are coulombic forces). As far as I know electromagnetic forces are real forces.

Er.... you missed finding the force at the given coordinate locations.

Anyway, the point is that this is not directly solvable.  There is no direct solution, only bound estimates based on approximations, and such would involve complicated elliptical integrals.  Intuition can often lead one astray.  For example, the gravitational forces inside a sphere of mass would be zero at all locations.  This is non obvious.  The force inside a ring would be directed directly away from the center.  The force on a disc would only have any real horizontal component at the edges.  We do not know how large the disc of the Earth is.

Also, regarding Van der Waals- it is not a fundamental force.  It is a complicated combination of many influences.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: "Conspiracy" is not a valid argument
« on: June 15, 2008, 11:22:39 PM »
Looking directly at you car is the best evidence of its color.  This evidence trumps all reflections, videos, photographs, third hand accounts, textbooks, religious proclamations.

Similarly, measuring the shape of the earth directly is the best evidence of its flatness.

How much of the earth do you need to directly measure in order to determine its flatness?

5 to 10 miles is sufficient.  RE would require an object to be 10-20 feet below the horizon at this distance.  In my own observations, 5 to 10 miles is observable without curvature.

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