Are you trolling? Taliban (and Pashtuns in general, who are the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan, although not all Taliban are Pashtun) ARE native Afghanis. And almost every other ethnic group within Afghanistan is also Muslim.
Do me a favor and stop parroting idiotic ideas.
Iranic ethnic group native to Afghanistan and Pakistan
Pashtuns, also known as Pakhtuns, or Pathans, are a nomadic, pastoral, eastern Iranic ethnic group primarily residing in northwestern Pakistan and southern and eastern Afghanistan.
Look, look, it says they are native to there! It must be... sorry, this is why we have critical thinking.
They are an ethnic group from Iran. They are nomads from another country who move around between Pakistan and Afghanistan. I am European-American, for my ancestors came from European and settled in America. Linguistically they are Iranian. I imagine if you did a genetic test, you'd find the same. Have they been native Afghanistan residents? Not hardly. They don't identify with true Afghani culture. They exported Islam from Iran.
Back to me being Eruopean-American. I am culturally American. I don't try to speak some native language, I don't try to make over the country I reside. These people are in every way Iranian.
And no, it doesn't matter how much time their people have stayed there. The people of Afghanistan are largely Iranian, but their classical religions were Zoroastrian, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Not Islam. Moreover, it highly probable that the ACTUAL Afghanis are the Nuristani, who are Animists.
Afghanistan has been Islamic for centuries, genius. If they had recently exported Islam from Iran, they would have been Shia, not Sunni. How the fuck are the Iranian when they absolutely don't live in Iran and never have lived in (modern day) Iran?
Iranic people are those who speak some Iranian language. Americans are not English. Australians are not English. Canadians are not English. The Irish are not English. But they all speak English. I counted 18 anglophone countries that are NOT England. You say you are American. But according to your logic, you are just "English in every way", are currently invading the US, and you are very much making over the US and exporting Christianity, because you are replacing native American, non-christian culture. There is no difference between you and the Pashtun, except the Pasthun have actually been there for wayyyy longer, and they didn't colonize the place, they organically moved there before the US existed, before modern Iran existed, and before Islam existed.
Do you know why Iran is now called Iran instead of Persia? Because Persians are only one of numerous Iranic ethnic groups (very distinct from Pashtun, Pashtun are eastern Iranic while Persians are western Iranic, they separated long ago) that live within Iran, and "Iran" is viewed as more inclusive a name than Persia. Iranic people do not come from Iran. They come from a much larger region that spans many different countries, including Afghanistan. They are also not all the same, there is many different ethnic groups, just like Slavic people come from many different countries, Germanic people don't all come from Germany, and anglos are not all from England.
Actually, Iranic people didn't even originate from modern Iran. Here's what the wiki page on Iranic people says:
The Proto-Iranians are believed to have emerged as a separate branch of the Indo-Iranians in Central Asia around the mid-2nd millennium BC.
They came from central Asia, which includes Afghanistan. So, plot twist, it's the other way around, they migrated from Afghanistan to Iran.
Now about your Nuristanis. Congrats, you found the one ethnic group that is maybe not entirely Muslim! Except they kind of are, for about a century or so, even though they were forced into it. So yeah, it's true, some parts of Afghanistan followed other religions until a few centuries ago. Except there are some huge problems with your theory:
1) Nuristanis are about 2% of the population of Afghanistan. They're a tiny tiny group.
2) They're also Muslim now. Actually I found that there were big fights between Taliban and ISIS in Nuristan some years ago because ISIS was recruiting Nuristanis (ISIS and the Taliban are enemies, I'm just saying because you probably think they are the same thing given all the weird shit you've said so far)
3) Nuristanis are ALSO Iranic. Yep.
The people of Afghanistan are largely Iranian, but their classical religions were Zoroastrian, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Not Islam.[\quote]
By the same token, the historical religion of Europeans is various forms of paganism, so christian Europeans are not actual Europeans. The only actual Europeans are the tiny fringe larpers who profess to be pagans. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Most of Afghanistan converted to Islam BEFORE the Baltic states and most of Poland. Go tell the polish, one of the most hardcore christian countries in Europe, that they are actually confused, or fake Polish, because their historical religion is paganism and not Christianity LMAO