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Messages - nicolin

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Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Where do you live?
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:11:36 PM »
I was gonna go visit Romania this summer....
You can see some nice things here, in spite of many bad travel reviews.

You write excellent English for a Romanian.

Did however spend some 6 years in OZ land when I was a kid, so the english kinda just stayed with me. :)

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Where do you live?
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:04:48 AM »
I live in a land far, far away.
With (hopefully, at least :) ) some exceptions, some of you will most probably not have heard of the country that I live in.
It's called Romania.
Yes, the home of Nicolae Ceausescu, Gheorge 'Gica' Hagi (for all you soccer buffs), Nadia Comaneci and, of course, the ever popular Dracula.

Flat Earth Q&A / Famous JR quotes
« on: February 23, 2008, 09:50:56 AM »
JR quotes generator!
Say, why don't you have that junior plastic surgeon you married design you a new face: one without a mouth!(J.R. to Lucy). :D

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Chain Logic and God
« on: February 20, 2008, 09:31:36 AM »
The problem with the debate on the creation of evil and the choice of freewill is that too many people consider evil as a thing.  God did not create evil.  He merely created good.   Just as darkness is just the absence of light, evil is merely the absence of good.  Man doesn't choose to do evil.  Man chooses to not do good.
Ahem, man did NOT create anything (according to one book in particular, and the thinkings of other men).

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Belief-O-Matic
« on: February 20, 2008, 09:29:29 AM »
1.  Unitarian Universalism (100%) 
2.  Secular Humanism (94%) 
3.  Liberal Quakers (87%) 
4.  Neo-Pagan (80%) 
5.  Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (78%) 
6.  Nontheist (75%) 
7.  Theravada Buddhism (74%) 
8.  New Age (71%) 
9.  Bahá'í Faith (66%) 
10.  Reform Judaism (66%) 
11.  Mahayana Buddhism (64%) 
12.  Taoism (63%) 
13.  Orthodox Quaker (58%) 
14.  New Thought (56%) 
15.  Sikhism (56%) 
16.  Scientology (53%) 
17.  Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (50%) 
18.  Jainism (48%) 
19.  Orthodox Judaism (48%) 
20.  Islam (40%) 
21.  Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (40%) 
22.  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (38%) 
23.  Eastern Orthodox (27%) 
24.  Roman Catholic (27%) 
25.  Hinduism (26%) 
26.  Seventh Day Adventist (22%) 
27.  Jehovah's Witness (15%) 

The Lounge / Re: Flat Earth: The Musical
« on: February 15, 2008, 07:08:26 PM »
Keep up the goods work OP!

Maybe you can put a twist in the musical.
Dunno, maybe something like mids really being jj or something... :D

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Religion?
« on: February 14, 2008, 09:17:03 AM »
JJ-ism: i AM teh shit!11

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Religion?
« on: February 13, 2008, 10:14:49 AM »
Taoism: Shit happens
Hare Krishna: Shit happens rama-lama-ding-dong
Hinduism: This shit happened before
Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah
Zen: What is the sound of shit happening?
Buddhism: When shit happens, is it really shit?
Confucianism: Confucius says "shit happens"
7th Day Adventists: Shit happens on Saturdays
Protestantism: Shit won't happen if I work harder
Catholicism: If shit happens, I deserve it
Orthodoxism: If shit happens, let's make a ballad about it
Mormons: Shit happens again and again and again
Judaism: Oyvay! Why does this shit always happen to me?
Atheism: There is no shit
Rastafarianism: Let's smoke this shit

Elaborate. ;D

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Creationism
« on: February 10, 2008, 08:30:27 AM »
It follows then that you believe atheists to be better then Theists/Deists.
Even though the remark was not addressed to me, I would argue that Theists/Deists inhibit development of science(s).
It's not at all about being better or not.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: All Your Tom Cruise Are Belong To Us
« on: February 10, 2008, 08:26:18 AM »
And doubtless he's a good actor...
I'd hardly call Tom Cruise, or any other 'just movies' performer for that matter, an actor.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Speed of light...
« on: January 23, 2008, 10:06:33 AM »
Well, having had a half hearted scan through the Dark Energy entry on Wikipedia...
Ahh, yes, the most objective and complete source of information, especially regarding higher science, that one can consult...

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Creationism
« on: January 22, 2008, 09:57:39 PM »
Polish Bush represents all that is good and true. " class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

Tell me you'e kidding...

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Creationism
« on: January 21, 2008, 09:10:35 PM »
Poland & the US > Romania

Most probably true, taking into acount the number of nasty conservative christian fanatics frolicking around.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Creationism
« on: January 21, 2008, 09:08:14 AM »
Murder rates are lower then they were three hundred years ago? Amazing!
And YOUR personal point of view is?
Or are you just content to have someone else find for you some dubious article that best suits your point(s) of view(s) on a certain topic on one of the many forums on the internet?

With the risk of getting banned by the mods, I strongly doubt that someone who thinks that a polish Bush as an avatar is representing one's values can in fact shed light on such a sensitive subject as religion.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: There is no god.
« on: January 20, 2008, 01:46:45 PM »
You fail it! This failure of an argument was first formed by the failure of a materialist Richard Dawkins. This argument fails because it assumes materialism. Thus, all Abrahamic concepts of God (and many other ones as well) are unaffected by this failed argument.

What else is there apart from materialism?
God as a purely spiritual entity.
A spiritual entity is an existant non-material entity.
So, Jesus, who is part of God was material, but God is purely spiritual?
You, sir, fail miserably!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Islam
« on: January 17, 2008, 09:20:01 PM »
To the first: Free will.
So, you're basically saying that Mr.G isn't, after all, omnipotent?
I mean free will is something that HE created.
So there's something that he doesn't have control over?
Or he just decided, just for the fun of it, to let the 'ants' try and do their thing, and see what happens?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Why do you fear religion?
« on: November 05, 2007, 06:22:18 PM »
I find it disturbing, and that's to say the least, when a religion, ANY religion, invokes moralyty as being it's 'property'.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Who is in Tom Bishop's avatar?
« on: October 30, 2007, 08:36:26 AM »
I hope thaT you all DO realise that the likes of TomB and Gulliver actually generate traffic for this forum. ;)

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Sorry to crash your party but...
« on: October 16, 2007, 05:55:48 PM »
Venus, the Sun, Jupiter?  Are they all flat?  If they are round, then the earth is so different from the rest of the celestial bodies?
The Earth is quite different from those celestial bodies.
How so?
And I'm NOT referring to temperatures.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What about the stars that move?
« on: October 10, 2007, 01:29:20 AM »
Mass is required for significant light to be reflected. The less mass, the less light that will be reflected.
Well Tom, this really strengthens my suspicions that you are in fact a highschool dropout, hiding behind 'works of great scientific value', trying to explain things you can not even begin to understand
You do however a nice job of generatig traffic for the site.
For a troll, that is.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What about the stars that move?
« on: October 09, 2007, 07:56:06 PM »
Furthermore, as I believe Gulliver asked on this same thread, how is it that those things in the sky can be predicted in advance, ala  Where is the prediction website for FE-described phenomenon?

They can't be predicted because all satellites, except for the ISS, are invisible to eye and telescope. It requires significant mass for a celestial body to be seen
Tom, a celestial body doesn't require mass to be seen, but light. The more light it radiates the better it can be seen.
Jeez, talk about dumb...

Kenny sounds more appropriate.

Quote from: TheRationalTheist
Looking to the edge of the universe we can see that the other end of the universe is about 14,000,000,00 lightyears away. And what we know of the universe's expansion we can extrapolate back 14 billion (13.7 billion if you want to be exact) years to what could be percieved as the beginning.

Quote from: TheRationalTheist
I do not have faith with out evidence and my evidence is;
Fine-tuned universe
The accuracy and historicity of the bible

Well then, it seems that you don't know your Bible!
By all christian acounts, the universe is supposed to be approximately 7000 years old.
Now, if you want to interpret the Bible to suit your own beliefs for arguments then it's OK by me.
But don't bring the Bible into discussion as being the absolute and only source of knowledge regarding how the Universe was created or works.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The Bible and Science
« on: October 06, 2007, 01:57:27 AM »
Why dose god kare about humanity?
gOD DOESN'T KAREE about hunamity.
God chares ONLY about the Good Ol' US of A.
Ask Bush if you don't believe me!  ;D

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: About Universal Acceleration
« on: October 06, 2007, 01:48:08 AM »
The explanation is: there is NO universal point of refference. Ergo, there is NO universal frame of refference, I.e. we can NOT determine, definitively, the actual size, mass, speed, acceleration of any given object.  ;)

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Tom Bishop
« on: October 06, 2007, 01:44:14 AM »
Tom Bishop is TEH MAHNS!
HE is the ONE who generates hits for this site.
You should ALL bow down in awe to him.  ;D

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Why is Engy afraid?
« on: October 06, 2007, 01:41:04 AM »
Wait, first I am a man and now I am black Canadian.  Next, thing I know I will be labeled a white Canadian.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: FET and the moon cycles
« on: October 06, 2007, 01:36:36 AM »
Bumped up for the new, improved, gravity and gravitation-less Tom  Bishop to (try and) explain.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Jesus' (less than) famous quotes
« on: October 06, 2007, 01:30:27 AM »

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