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Topics - texasusaguy

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Absolute Zero is allegedly -459 degrees Fahrenheit
Wonder how they measure that to begin with.. But anyways point of this thread is how satellites don't ever freeze even though the dark side of Earth has no sun rays hitting it and according to Nasas way of things working the temperature should be nearly zero.

To put into perspective.. During World War 2 the Nazi war machine was basically ground to a halt due to the bitter cold with temperatures below 32 Fahrenheit... Tanks and machinery don't work when it starts getting to subzero temperatures... Now imagine -459 degrees Fahrenheit?? 
This is another sick joke played by Nasa.

Now all the shills will try to come up with fancy explanations how the satellite generates it's own heat or made up things like that.. But fact is electronics or anything else like semiconductors malfunction at such temperatures and the satellite would literally shatter if it was going at 17,500 mph in low earth orbit (whatever that is) as Nasa states
..frozen...and going super fast yet these satellites seem to never stop working!  Haha wow
And on the other end...the temperature reaches more than 2200 degrees in the low earth orbits.... Steel melts at 2000 degrees.. Yet for years and years these satellites operate without a glitch?  Ya sure...
The argument regarding this by the intentional Liars is that there only a few molecules in space so not much heat is transferred... What??  Lmao
The charade never ends... With these clowns...

User by name 'Geerod' posted this in one of my threads on GLP.. Which is basically a shill setup..

A question to any aviator's on this thread.

Below would be a scenario on a trans Atlantic flight or longer.

When a pilot takes off in a plane and reaches cruising altitude,if the earth was round wouldn't the plane keep ascending higher and higher as he circle's the globe if no altitude adjustment's were constantly being made?

I would imagine he would eventually go into space without making these altitude adjustment's. Correct?

I mean in a flat earth scenario the plane's altitude would always remain fixed,right?

But in a round earth it wouldn't without making constant altitude adjustments.

Correct me if I am mistaken as I am not an aviator.

Please enlighten me somebody on this important issue!
(this user brings up such a great point and another atessment to.the FLATness of Earth.. Thank you Geerod

When I've traveled in an airplane.. I loose not just calling service but also 'GPS satellite service'...
We are told that GPS comes from GPS satellites...

When I'm traveling outside in the country away from population.. I notice I loose cell phone coverage and can't make calls or get on the Internet on my smartphone... But one thing that always works on the ground is my so called GPS signal... I can still see my Google Maps location live as I drive.
If these satellites truly existed ABOVE Earth. Than while I'm in an airplane flying... I shouldn't loose GPS signal... Yet I do
Its apparent that so called GPS is relayed using terrestrial or Land based or other methods.. Nothing that involves space objects

That's because satellites don't exist point proven...the Earth is flat.

WE all have wondered at least once in life... Why the Moon doesn't show its Dark Side... Or other side.. I mean the system has taught us that EVERY planet and moon spins on its axis AND orbits the sun at the same time... Sounds neat but it's false.
Here's how describes the Moon and it's alleged rotation :
The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. As a result, the moon does not seem to be spinning but appears to observers from Earth to be keeping almost perfectly still.

Here's the thing... Even while during the Moon is in the process of completing it's alleged orbit of Earth... It's constant rotation on its OWN AXIS should eventually show the other side... That is plain common sense... A part of a Round Earth would witness and observe the other side of the Moon...
Hey just like how our own Earth is supposedly visible from Space changing it orbit and spinning... We've all seen the fake videos from the space station or shuttle showing.the Earth rotating on its axis

Here's a video from the fake hoax Galileo Spacecraft :
Rotating Earth from Space (Galileo spacecraft 1990) HD: " class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

So Earths rotation on its axis is visible from Space but the Moons alleged rotation somehow can't be seen by any side of the round Earth or even from Space?

Is the Moon somehow sacred that Nasa cannot records it's rotation for all to see but it can record perfectly somehow the orbit of far away planets Like Jupiter?

Jupiter is allegedly 365 MILLION miles away and the Moon according to NASA is our nearest neighbor and again according to them is 239,000 miles away

Check this video on YouTube showing the complete rotation of Jupiter on its axis which is supposedly very fast in that it completes it's rotation in just under 10 hours...(by the the heck does a satellite just stay still in space filming this hoax for 10 hours?  Lmao)

Jupiter's full rotation in 2014 best edition!: " class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

I think I will pass on this utter nonsense.. So funny..
 Proves again that our Earth is Flat... That the Moon Or Earth DO NOT rotate on their made up axis.

Building on my other thread... but this really goes to the core of my belief that all these eclipses are STAGED events..
With allegedly 1100 ACTIVE satellites... and so many space telescopes.. and the Space Station and Shuttles etc etc.. why hasn't ANYONE EVER
take a live video and pictures of an occurring solar and lunar eclipse???
Its because you have been duped and lied to.

If you look in GOOGLE Images.. NOT ONE image from the 1930s, 40, 50, showing an eclipse.. even into 60's i barely saw anything.
It was in the 70's during the height of the NASA fake moon landings that this kicked in because it was obvious the Earth was FLAT.
And what a great way to prove Flat Earth wrong by saying that the Earth comes in between the Sun and Moon.

Also since all the spacewalks are fake and stages from the Space Station another thing you will realize is they NEVER pan the camera away from the ball round looking Earth.
You would think at such an altitude if they really are 400 miles above Earth or whatever.. They would let us see the Sun.. the Moon... Space... yet it has to be MANAGED and CONTROLLED.

This is the part added from the other thread:

HOLY QURAN sura 36, verse 40:
"The sun must not catch up the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion."
I just realized how we have been lied to.
If you lookup on Google pictures of lunar or solar eclipses from any decade before...1940 1950 or 1960 you Never see any pictures or video...are you kidding me?
And the way these so called eclipses occur: it's as if they are SLIPPING a piece of something or projection on to the moon or sun for these eclipses.
For example during a so called solar eclipse (meaning during the day)... If something truly was about to pass in FRONT of the Sun... WE WOULD SEE IT Coming... Yet we only see alleged 'moon' ONLY when it starts flying right in front of the Sun..what they are doing is creating an ILLUSION somehow where they use projectors... It's as if something from Earth or the atmosphere is used to fly over and block the sun and moon.

The first pictures available for these fake eclipses start popping up in 1970.. Right after the fake Moon landings.. Since there is a Ice Firmament 100 miles above or so
..that cannot be crossed as stated in the Quran and Bible.

since I know and many know the Earth is flat and the Sun and Moon each have their own orbit and neither can catch up on one and other since one is for day and one for night..paraphrasing the Quran... And also in the Bible it mentions clearly that the Sun and Moon have orbits not Earth.

These eclipses work great with the Satanic Pagan Nasa new age model by basically trying to give God the middle finger... And to make fun of his great signs and creation.
In the Bible and Quran it mentions how the Sun and Moon are SIGNS from why would God 'block' his OWN signs... Unless this is a VERY recent phoenomena..
All these silly colored eclipses like the blood Moons with the red coloring.. How silly...these Satan worshippers at Nasa and all over the world now.. At the UN just look at the flag for the UN it's FLAT... They all have been playing a big game with us... To basically drive us to hell with Satan.. And disconnect us from Allah/God... They will do anything.. Nothing is out of the question... Are indoctrination since we were born goes very DEEP and thus EVERYTHING we were taught MUST be questioned.
One of the biggest arguments these New World Order zombies state is that a lunar eclipse isn't possible in a Flat Earth Model... Well the Earth is fixed... And those two.. The sun and moon have Orbits... They had to invent these eclipses as another way of denying the flatness of Earth.
Water never curves on the horizon... Weather balloons sent up 50 miles even show a FLAT horizon...what your gut always told you since you were a kid has been right..Round Earther Satanists state that the Earth rotates at about 1,000mph on its axis... Or 16 miles a minute or about .27 miles a second.. So let's say someone jumped off a tree and it took 5 seconds to fall down to the ground... According to the round earth Satan model the person should be About 1.5 miles away!??
Yet they are not. ThThey always end up right where they started.
If a pickup truck is moving and you jump off of it you will fall... Also if a truck is going East and the Earth allegedly rotates East on its axis... Than when you jump up from a flat bed truck you should be ahead of the truck in the round earth model yet more than likely you will just end up falling off the truck.
sura 21, verse 33:
"(God is) the One Who created the night,and day, the sun and the moon.  Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion."

HOLY QURAN sura 36, verse 40:
"The sun must not catch up the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion."
I just realized how we have been lied to.
If you lookup on Google pictures of lunar or solar eclipses from any decade before...1940 1950 or 1960 you Never see any pictures or video...are you kidding me?
And the way these so called eclipses occur: it's as if they are SLIPPING a piece of something or projection on to the moon or sun for these eclipses.
For example during a so called solar eclipse (meaning during the day)... If something truly was about to pass in FRONT of the Sun... WE WOULD SEE IT Coming... Yet we only see alleged 'moon' ONLY when it starts flying right in front of the Sun..what they are doing is creating an ILLUSION somehow where they use projectors... It's as if something from Earth or the atmosphere is used to fly over and block the sun and moon.

The first pictures available for these fake eclipses start popping up in 1970.. Right after the fake Moon landings.. Since there is a Ice Firmament 100 miles above or so
..that cannot be crossed as stated in the Quran and Bible.

since I know and many know the Earth is flat and the Sun and Moon each have their own orbit and neither can catch up on one and other since one is for day and one for night..paraphrasing the Quran... And also in the Bible it mentions clearly that the Sun and Moon have orbits not Earth.

These eclipses work great with the Satanic Pagan Nasa new age model by basically trying to give God the middle finger... And to make fun of his great signs and creation.
In the Bible and Quran it mentions how the Sun and Moon are SIGNS from why would God 'block' his OWN signs... Unless this is a VERY recent phoenomena..
All these silly colored eclipses like the blood Moons with the red coloring.. How silly...these Satan worshippers at Nasa and all over the world now.. At the UN just look at the flag for the UN it's FLAT... They all have been playing a big game with us... To basically drive us to hell with Satan.. And disconnect us from Allah/God... They will do anything.. Nothing is out of the question... Are indoctrination since we were born goes very DEEP and thus EVERYTHING we were taught MUST be questioned.
One of the biggest arguments these New World Order zombies state is that a lunar eclipse isn't possible in a Flat Earth Model... Well the Earth is fixed... And those two.. The sun and moon have Orbits... They had to invent these eclipses as another way of denying the flatness of Earth.
Water never curves on the horizon... Weather balloons sent up 50 miles even show a FLAT horizon...what your gut always told you since you were a kid has been right..Round Earther Satanists state that the Earth rotates at about 1,000mph on its axis... Or 16 miles a minute or about .27 miles a second.. So let's say someone jumped off a tree and it took 5 seconds to fall down to the ground... According to the round earth Satan model the person should be About 1.5 miles away!??
Yet they are not. ThThey always end up right where they started.
If a pickup truck is moving and you jump off of it you will fall... Also if a truck is going East and the Earth allegedly rotates East on its axis... Than when you jump up from a flat bed truck you should be ahead of the truck in the round earth model yet more than likely you will just end up falling off the truck.
sura 21, verse 33:
"(God is) the One Who created the night,and day, the sun and the moon.  Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion."

This proves definitely that Earth is not round it's flat..
Round Earthers say Earth is an obloid sphere.. With the equator bulging and almost flat on the north pole..well if that's the case than no matter where you stand on that nearly flat part of the north pole.. Or regardless of the Earths alleged rotation on its axis
Your viewpoint to the Sun...allegedly 93 million miles away should Never change since supposedly the Earth is tilted at a 23.5 degree angle towards the sun
And videos of the north pole show that the sun never sets! those videos though it shows the sun constantly moving up and down but never fully setting..
At 93 million miles even though in the round earth hypothesis near the equator the sun rises from east to west but in the north pole it should always be visible and never change its relative position in the sky there because the northern pole is supposedly obloid remember?
Proves solidly again.. That our planet is FLAT

If we are to believe the lie of round Earthers that satellites in a so called low earth orbit travel at 17,500mpH but that the Earth rotates on its axis at over 1,000 mph and that Earths gravity keeps these objects attached to Earths rotation..than how can they travel so much faster? Where is the source of this acceleration..?.. This extra tremendous velocity?  Certainly an object going 17,500 mph has to have a source for such awesome acceleration... And space debris which magically never seems to fall to Earth but constantly keeps the case of space debris it doesn't even have fuel source...and in case of alleged satellites.. Well they don't have a rocket system that is allegedly on non stop.. Remember according to Nasa and round Earthers it's Earths alleged gravitational pull and rotation that is magically keeping the satellites in orbit

Weather balloons have been sent to an altitude high as 50 miles or about 150,000 feet...yet they are recovered within few miles from where they were launched.
These balloons don't have anything like rockets to propel them..
The alleged space debris... Objects in the millions allegedly somehow though can travel at 17,500 mph in low earth orbit which allegedly starts at 99 miles... And so can satellites magically without breaking up
But all the balloons sent up don't ever to get this velocity
Meaning there are no satellites or millions of pieces of imaginary debris

where the heck are all these TRILLIONS OF STARS? We can see a certain amount from Earth right ABOVE US.. because they adorn the lower heaven as lamps and for guarding the lower heavens against Jinns or Demons as mentioned in the Quran. That is their purpose... But once you start going HORIZONTALLY ON THE SUPPOSED ecliptic plane.. There seem to be ZERO STARS....

Yet in none of these fake pictures of the Planets and their supposed Moons.. do we ever see even the slightest hint of these stars......But again from Earth if we stare STRAIGHT UP can we ONLY see the true stars..

In all the images of Saturn on Google Image.. from any agency or institution.. Saturn seems to be the most fake. With those weird rings and  Star Trek type graphics.

And in Jupiters case.. if you ever observe.. the ATMOSPHERE NEVER seems to change..

IN MOST of the pictures you see the famous RED EYE....  over and over..its as if Jupiter never changes its ORBIT... I though all planets rotated on their lovely axis?
And in some cases the Red Eye is up above near the top of the planet and in some pictures its on the BOTTOM.. wtf? Now how is that possible? Even if the Planet was rotating ... i don't see how the Red Eye can be in the top half of the Planet as compared to being in the lower half in MOST pictures...

According to a quick Google search and several websites of so called scientists and other institutions it states that there are about 1100-1200 active satellites in orbit.
They also state that these objects can orbit the Earth at altitudes ranging from 99 miles to as high as 22,000 miles. (lol ya sure)

If satellites truly exist than why cant ANYONE EVER film a moving satellite? I mean according to Round Earthers these satellites stay in geosynchronous orbit following the Earths rotation in pefect sync supposedly, so than it should be EASY to make out an object moving at over 1,000mph which is about the speed of Earths made up rotation speed according to Round Earthers.

And especially so called Low Earth Orbit Satellites which have speeds of 17,500 mph!!! Those don't even follow the Earths alleged axis speed! Why don't we see these zooming by?
We can see stars that are supposedly MILLIONS of Light years away in the night sky (false of course they aren't that far) yet we can't see objects so close to Earth?

What happened to all the advanced telescopes, and cameras with all kinds of awesome lenses???

We CLEARLY see shooting stars... rocks.. basically coming down from the Ice Firmament .. they even glow when disintegrating..and they aren't even moving as fast as 17,500MPH.. but we can't ever catch all these THOUSANDS of satellites??

On Youtube I can't find ONE IMAGE of A LIVE SATELLITE or ONE VIDEO OF A LIVE SATELLITE IN MOTION... now why is that?

Well let me break it to the deniers of truth.......THERE AREN'T NO 24/7 ORBITING SATELLITES! the EARTH IS FLAT !
NASA, and everyone else that is part of this, is very good at making fancy figures up and fancy math.

And another point, as I mentioned in another thread... why do you think there are so many launches... thousands of them of alleged satellites? Its because they GET ONE SHOT .. to fly over
enemy territory and try taking as many pictures they can... after which the satellite FALLS BACK... it never gets that high to begin with.. of course there is the Ice Dome or something shielding Earth... If they have constant satellites orbiting Earth they wouldn't need to CONSTANTLY try to launch them over and over unless they had only ONE SHOT at filming each time.

"About 1,100 active satellites, both government and private. Plus there are about 2,600 ones that no longer work. Russia launched the first satellite, Sputnik 1, in 1957. The oldest one still in orbit, which is no longer functioning, was launched in 1958"

So I just got this idea out of the blue in my head... since many Round Earth believers ask and question how they receive a signal on their DISH or satellite receiver.
Since in the Flat Earth Model (the true model) there is a Ice Dome around Earth that keeps the atmosphere in safely and serves as a barrier between the lowest layer of heaven..
a space shuttle or satellite supposedly orbiting thousands of miles above the Earth is not even possible to BEGIN WITH...

Also, since our Earth doesn't rotate at more than a 1000/mph on its axis the alleged satellite would have to have a very large supply of fuel to be constantly staying boosted and at the same time flying whichever direction to keep the signal going smoothly.. which of course is not possible. Gravity or whatever we call it due to the Earths constant acceleration upwards would make it fall straight down like an apple.

What does make sense perhaps is that since this massive ice firmament or glass like..maybe has some reflective metal in it as well .. but whatever it is.. it serves a great reflector for signals including satellite TV signals... that is beamed up to a certain point and than reflected back to Earth.. that would explain how we get uninterrupted transmission but when there are CLOUDS or other severe weather.. the signal on the way down gets blocked or interrupted by the layer of atmosphere above the destination point/receiver.

Just a thought that came to my mind of what is physically and realistically possible .. not the Satanic/Pagan dogma of the Illuminati controlled current world order.

This treaty allows Russia and The US and other Nato Members to do inspections of each other by plane to ensure no one is preparing for an attack.
It was signed in 1992 and came into force in 2002. Each year there are dozens of surveillance flight by the US and Nato members over Russia and in return dozens by
Russia over Europe and the US.

Now if the Earth wasn't FLAT and was a GLOBE as many still believe and satellites of the highest technological capacity with lens that can supposedly even ready license plates...
and that number in the thousands supposedly .. well than why is it necessary to conduct aerial surveillance of each others territory? Why Not just rely on those awesome satellites If they truly are orbiting Earth? That would theoretically give the US 24/7 coverage over Russia. The Truth is the US or Russia cannot monitor each other 24/7 as they have fooled us into believing.

That is why another reason they launch satellites by the thousands because you ONLY get ONE SHOT to film, record over another countries territory while it flies by... Otherwise you would think that a few dozen satellites would be enough but these launches never seem to end.

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