Flat Earth Debate / Nasa says temperature In Space almost absolute Zero but Satellites still work?
« on: March 16, 2015, 08:58:09 PM »
Absolute Zero is allegedly -459 degrees Fahrenheit
Wonder how they measure that to begin with.. But anyways point of this thread is how satellites don't ever freeze even though the dark side of Earth has no sun rays hitting it and according to Nasas way of things working the temperature should be nearly zero.
To put into perspective.. During World War 2 the Nazi war machine was basically ground to a halt due to the bitter cold with temperatures below 32 Fahrenheit... Tanks and machinery don't work when it starts getting to subzero temperatures... Now imagine -459 degrees Fahrenheit??
This is another sick joke played by Nasa.
Now all the shills will try to come up with fancy explanations how the satellite generates it's own heat or made up things like that.. But fact is electronics or anything else like semiconductors malfunction at such temperatures and the satellite would literally shatter if it was going at 17,500 mph in low earth orbit (whatever that is) as Nasa states
..frozen...and going super fast yet these satellites seem to never stop working! Haha wow
And on the other end...the temperature reaches more than 2200 degrees in the low earth orbits.... Steel melts at 2000 degrees.. Yet for years and years these satellites operate without a glitch? Ya sure...
The argument regarding this by the intentional Liars is that there only a few molecules in space so not much heat is transferred... What?? Lmao
The charade never ends... With these clowns...
Wonder how they measure that to begin with.. But anyways point of this thread is how satellites don't ever freeze even though the dark side of Earth has no sun rays hitting it and according to Nasas way of things working the temperature should be nearly zero.
To put into perspective.. During World War 2 the Nazi war machine was basically ground to a halt due to the bitter cold with temperatures below 32 Fahrenheit... Tanks and machinery don't work when it starts getting to subzero temperatures... Now imagine -459 degrees Fahrenheit??
This is another sick joke played by Nasa.
Now all the shills will try to come up with fancy explanations how the satellite generates it's own heat or made up things like that.. But fact is electronics or anything else like semiconductors malfunction at such temperatures and the satellite would literally shatter if it was going at 17,500 mph in low earth orbit (whatever that is) as Nasa states
..frozen...and going super fast yet these satellites seem to never stop working! Haha wow
And on the other end...the temperature reaches more than 2200 degrees in the low earth orbits.... Steel melts at 2000 degrees.. Yet for years and years these satellites operate without a glitch? Ya sure...
The argument regarding this by the intentional Liars is that there only a few molecules in space so not much heat is transferred... What?? Lmao
The charade never ends... With these clowns...