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Topics - yop69g

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Q&A / Acceleration rate.
« on: January 04, 2007, 04:22:04 PM »
The acceleration of the Earth is 9.8m/sē, flat or round, accelerating of gravitating, it's still 9.8m/sē to both models.

In the FE model, all of the Universe must be accelerating at 9.8m/sē since we can always see the same celestial objects in the sky.

But, how come have we calculated that Mars has an "acceleration" rate of 0.38G, or 3.69 m/sē? (Source : Wikipedia)

Flat Earth Q&A / FE model
« on: December 31, 2006, 08:23:38 PM »
Since I won't get any reasonable answers in the angry ranting, there it is :

Quote from: "yop69g"
Quote from: "thedigitalnomad"
Quote from: "yop69g"
Quote from: "EnragedPenguin"
Quote from: "yop69g"
You say that we have never seen what's on the other side. But the Sun is not always up in the sky, so he "goes" underneath the Earth. So, this implies geocentrism.

Actually, in the flat Earth model the sun is always "above" Earth.
Here's a diagram to give you a general idea of how it works:

Let's say that the Earth is flat. Where I live, it can't be night or day : I will ALWAYS see the Sun and the Moon, because of the flatness of the Earth and the unlimited vision I have. Orelse, I could take a telescope and see the Sun. But that is not true.

How do you explain this ?

In the Flat Earth model, the sun is not a ball of fusing hydrogen, but is rather a large spotlight.  In other words, rather than light being completely radiant from the center of the sun, it is focused.

Hmm... The Sun is now a spotlight... So this implies that he doesn't set or rise, because it is always at the same height in the sky. So, I would see the Sun always at the same exact height in the sky. But this is not how everyone on Earth see the Sun. I see the Sun is at different height all over the day. So not only the Sun's rise and set is an illusion, but its height in the sky is also an illusion.


This part of the theory is... how could I say... pathetically stupid.

Flat Earth Q&A / Why is it impossible to convince a FEer that he's wrong.
« on: December 30, 2006, 09:14:19 PM »
How can I disprove a bunch of illuminated that believes that there's an Ice Wall, but when I say that there isn't, they say that my memory have been erased by the government. That's completely stupid and everybody here knows it.

How can I disprove this when my opponents are totally convinced of this ? It's like if the FEers were saying "prove that 1 + 2 = 3, but remember that in our theory, 1 + 1 = 1". That's as stupid as your (FEers) argumentation.

Also, the illusion thing. How can you prove something to a FEer who's convinced that the Sun rise and set are optical illusions ? They ask to do observation (with the boat thing - which doesn't work with the FEer -) but when we observe that the Sun set and rise, they say that it's an illusion.

In this way, FEers take what they want and reject what they don't want. It's easy to make "perfect" theories in this way. VERY easy. You take the facts you want, and what doesn't confirm your theory goes to the garbage. That's totally innapropriate when debating.

Plus, only one source is enough for you (the book you often refer to, on the site "sacred-texts dot I don't know why") to confirm a theory. But if you had a respectable approach of science, you'd know that more than one credible source is paramount to confirm a theory. Even two aren't a lot. Personal experiences (I'm not talking about verifiable personal experiments with a complete log of the steps and results, which could be, at least, verifiable) doesn't count.

That's why it's barely impossible to convince any FEer that he got it wrong.

Flat Earth Q&A / Flat Earth : governmental conspiracy!
« on: December 28, 2006, 05:44:40 PM »
Hey, did you know that the flat Earth theory is a conspiracy held by the government ?

Yes, it is!

The Earth is, in fact, round. But when you travel to Antartica, you will have the illusion that there is an ice wall. They are trying to make you believe that the Earth is flat, but we don't know why...

Also, when you fly from one place to another, you'll have the illusion that the distance is higher than it's usually admitted because the government controls each and every things that can measure distances. Even an airplane's electronics.

Don't try to proove that the Earth is round with a telescope and trigonometry! Government controls each and every telescope in the world, so it wouldn't be a good proof.

The Sun is not a sphere! Just look in the sky : it's a circle! Same thing for the Moon.

Gravity! Heu...what ?

Whatever... bunch of <60 IQs

PS: if someone tries to convince you that the Earth is flat, don't trust him : he's a governmental bot made to control your mind and spread falsified informations about the Earth.

Think by yourself, not with the help of our corrupted World Wide Government!!

Flat Earth Q&A / FE believers should think of this.
« on: December 28, 2006, 12:23:14 PM »
First, English isn't my first language, which explains my grammar.

Second, I hoped that FE's theory was because of religion but it's only because of their pretention to be scientists. In fact, I don't think anyone is scientist here. A scientist observes something and explains it with maths/physics/chemestry. I didn't see any of these proofs in here. They are only based of philosophia. And philosophia isn't a good base to proove anything scientific.

Third, your theory says that the government controls the telescopes and whatever. But, when it was first proved that the earth was round, no one could have predicted this, so no one could have controled his telescope. (And guys, it's IMPOSSIBLE to control a personal telescope : it's a system of concave mirros put together in order to zoom in. There can't be chips or anything that could control it.) His observations were based on trigonometry and he finaly prooved that the Earth was round.

Fourth, if you look at the Moon in the night, you will see that the shade on it is ROUND. The shade is made by the ROUND Earth.

Fifth, the theory of the flat Earth doesn't give any explanation of the stars. Don't say that the government (or anything else) controls the sky, because we could doubt about the existence of the Moon and Sun. I can see stars by eye, as I can see the Moon and the Sun by eye. Why the stars would be different ? Only because those two are bigger ? That's not enough.

Sixth, if the Earth wasn't round, our orbit would be different, as it is for meteorits (if the meteorits don't exist, how do you explain this : and this : Meteorits have a different orbit because of their shape that affects their gravity.

I'll be right back with other ideas : I don't have much time to lose with people stuck in the 1500s.

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