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Topics - Gnostic Christian Bishop

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Is Ukraine activating our Love of War bug?

We all love war. It’s the epitome of what we class as drama. The circuses of Plato’s days.

Love is shown by works and deeds.

The whole world is now showing our love of war to Ukraine, via the gifts of, “killing forces”, of various types.

The Western love of Liberty and a secular public space is what is creating the hate that Russia is expressing on Ukraine/West.

If Liberty is to grow, it’s love must be offended enough to create the hate required to push the West to war.
It has been pushed enough, so woe to poor Russians and their unwise leader, Putin, as the West shows the unifying power of the love the West has, --- for the freedom to live under liberty and rule of law. 

The West will ultimately thank Putin for reactivating our love of war and the unifying potentials it offers the enemy.


Equality is downsizing religions, as parents refuse to downsize their love for an LGBTQ+ or female child.

Premise ---
Parents want to love their LGBTQ+ kids without prejudice or negative discrimination.

I see Christianity and all religiosity shrinking. Churches closing, etc, while new Temples and Mosques of the wisdom seeking genre, --- as opposed to God seeker, --- are popping up to replace the God seeker religions.

This intelligent trend is to put humans and universality and inclusion over the Gods we have created, --- is nice to see as it returns us to a modernized version of the ancient and better days.

Demographics and stats are clear that the God religions of today will either have to adapt to a more secular view, --- and especially stop preaching --- that a parent has to downsize their love for a LGBTQ+ child.
Gnostic Christianity and Laïcité are the future, as we already disavow such vile evil.

We curse words like --- and the men are a degree above them [women] and he will rule over you  [women], etc.


Billion + believe in Satan. Should all schools be mandated to teach Creationism?

We must save our children from foolish belief in the supernatural.

Education is the only tool that we have to drag ourselves and our children out of ignorance and superstition and that education should include that it is foolish to read myth literally. No more Dark Ages should be allowed.

Comparative Religion should be taught to insure that no child is lost to creationist intellectual dissonance. We must expose our children to Comparative Religion as soon as they can understand Evolution which would be taught alongside of it.

To do less would be shirking our duty to our children and their young minds. If you do not supports this type of all-inclusive education, please show why you oppose it?

Remember that when President Bush backed up stem cell research, it gave other countries a chance to advance away from the U.S. and hurt the U.S economy.

If the U.S. fails to educate it’s children properly in Comparative Religion and Evolution --- and the various sciences that stem from it, --- the U.S. will shrink it’s economy and power as compared to those countries who have a fuller and more intelligent education program.

Do you agree that it is the duty of the U.S. education system to maintain a first world standard of education in the teaching of Creationism, Comparative Religion and Evolution, --- and catch up to more intelligent countries?


Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

And screwed parents who are trying to control what drugs their children will access.

Damn you to hell.


What we have are not ideological wars but drug control wars.

I. S. strength is based on revenues from various black market drugs.

Jihadists, by grabbing the spotlight with their barbarity have played to our drama centers and made us forget the real cause of these various wars in the Middle East.

These wars will continue until the day the U.S. Government decide to end them by changing their policy on the legalization of drugs.

They presently only look at pot but will have to include all drugs, --- as we cannot presently keep up with the flavors coming at us and our children.

Change will have to happen in the way we deal with drugs. We have been losing too many lives.
Both directly and indirectly. Indirectly as where I.S. is.

Legalizing all drugs and placing them under prescription control would effectively destroy I.S. as well as help parents control what drugs their children can access. This will, as the Canadian Royal Commission on Psychotropic Drugs, says, be intelligent use of freedom of choice.


Philosophy, Religion & Society / Do Jihadists have a point?
« on: October 26, 2014, 03:13:40 PM »
Do Jihadists have a point?

Jihadists rebel because they see God reward Satan for rebellion.

The facts, as I understand them from scriptures, indicate that Satan rebelled in heaven, was crowned as the first Morning Star, was intentionally placed to enlighten Eve with her God given powers, then Eve enlightened Adam.

Satan was given dominion of the world and that is also what I. S. wants.

The world is moving towards a one world government. No question as all one needs do is look at the rapprochement of all of the various countries, one to the other.

I S thinks it can oust the oligarchic, --- some think democratic, --- control that the world is now under, to one where Allah rules.

Unfortunately, Allah is not about and I do not think he will show up soon, --- and that is the only possible thing that will bring the oligarchs or democracies to bend the knee.

I. S. and all home grown terrorists know this deep down and that means that they are basically suicidal and insane. One of Canada’s home grown Jihadist was thrown out of his mosque and yet even with all we knew of him, he still slipped in to do his evil deed.

I. S. and all home grown terrorists know, thought or free thinking cannot be stopped. They know this from their own thinking. They, stupidly, think they can control the world by doing just that same kind of thought control. It is unfortunate that we cannot legislate this type of stupidity away.

Sorry Jihadist scum, Christianity already tried that, --- and failed, --- as Gnostic Christians like me are still around and are strong.

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If I were speaking directly to a real Jihadist, I would have this to say;
“Satan was rewarded for challenging oppression and tyranny. A just cause.

You have no just cause, and unfortunately, as the spearhead of a religion that would deny mankind freedom of thought, you will become as redundant as Christianity is today.

That is how the world rewards those of your ilk.

Christians hated Gnostic Christians enough to decimate us because we would not bend the knee to those who would demand that we think as they did.

The world will have the same answer for you when we kill you.

We do not want to kill you, however, if you do not repent; you will die by the sword.

Free thinking is now too big to fail. Even you are not immune and cannot prevent yourself nor others from doing it. Recognize this, friend, before you die needlessly and harm others for being angry with yourself”


Christianity is based on substitutionary atonement. Is it a moral religion?

The case of substitutionary atonement that I wish to speak of is when God deemed it moral and just to punish his innocent son Jesus, --- instead of punishing the guilty sinners that God was to condemn.

The strange part of this situation is that God had chosen to sacrifice Jesus even before the potential for sin was created, --- God had yet to create the earth, --- showing that what God was killing Jesus for, --- he had yet to create.

This was an arbitrary choice for God that was completely needless. God could have chosen to punish the guilty, --- what most call justice, --- or God could have found a moral way to forgive us. Instead, God chose to do the unjust and punish the innocent instead of the guilty. 

The sacrifice was to pay or bribe God to change his usual policy of punishing the guilty to immorally punishing Jesus. God could have shown mercy and justice but instead decided to use an unjust method to forgive us.

That means that to be a good Christian, you have to accept and embrace the immoral tenet of human sacrifice and the notion that the best form of justice, --- when one wants to forgive someone, --- is to kill an innocent party.

As above so below.

At the end of days, God is to bring his law to earth.

Would you, as an innocent party, think it just if God punished you instead of the guilty?

Do you think that Jesus would ever preach such an immoral form of justice?


Why, believer or not, you seek a Monotheistic God.

Because that God is you. Instinctively speaking.

Our hiving or groupish natures and desire for friendship and fellowship lead us and statistics are showing how well our selfishness is working in terms of rapprochement for each of us to the whole world.

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This tribalism is both a blessing and a curse. The hive/you, seeks to unite with the other hives, --- is everyone's basic hive mind's number one desire. This is your base driving force for survival.

We desire one God and human master above all other desires. We all crave a monotheistic world while wanting that God to be ourselves. We call that freedom. We are all in this together while all wishing to stand alone and above. Some call this our selfish gene and without it we would go extinct.

Note the wisdom of the first few self-centred commandments. Like that God, we are all quite self-centered. Not near as barbaric as the bible God in most cases though, --- and our recognition of duty sends that self-centeredness to duty and love,  --- when it turns outwardly or towards others.

If I was to define God as, --- ( just the best set of rules to live life by ), --- then the statement, --- believer or not, you seek a Monotheistic God, --- becomes truth.

That God, --- described as rules and laws, --- is what believers seek.

Non-believers seek the same thing, but with an ideal that is a human leader (s), and not a supernatural being.

It seems that our natural selfishness turned duty is serving us well as a species if the trends are real. Remember to continue to seek an ideal in rules and laws.

If you have found God, you are an idol worshiper. Your bible or holy book condemns such an action.
As said in Candid, we are in the best of all possible worlds, because this is the only possible world. The world evolves and our political Gods as well as our religious Gods and masters must also all evolve.

We all seek a Monotheistic God and we all want him or her to be us. We do look outwardly though for the role model, --- and that is what makes the search worthy. It is what makes us more fully human.

The thinking shown below is the Gnostic Christian’s goal as taught by Jesus but know that any belief can be internalized.
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This method and mind set is how you become I am and brethren to Jesus.
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When you can name your God, I am, and mean yourself, then you will begin to know the only God you will ever find. God is that part of you that is more fully human.


How much hate does God have as compared to love in his heart?

God says to love the sinner and hate the sin. But scriptures say that, at the end of days, the numbers of souls in hell will far surpass the number of souls in heaven. The wide road as compared to the narrow road.

If, at the end of days, God must destroy that many of us in the lake of fire, his hate would have to be much greater than the love he has for the relatively few that he will cling to and love in the place for eternal and ignorant bliss, heaven.

To my way of thinking, it would be impossible to kill with love in one’s heart and so God would have to have hate in his when he kills instead of cures all those souls. We do know that God does not need or have to kill, but will, and God cannot have love in his heart when he does. That would be monstrous.

I know that love and hate for souls are not necessarily proportional but even at ten to one, God must end with a lot more hate than love in his heart when he pours the vast majority of us into the lake of fire.

How then can God ask us to love sinners and hate the sin when he hates the sinner and we are to follow his lead?


Man was never to eat of the tree of life.

I do not think man was ever intended to eat of the tree of life and you will note that nowhere in scriptures is it’s lose bemoaned.

We came out of Eden being as Gods and knowing all that he knows. God’s own words in this myth. They have become as Gods.

We are then denied the ability to have that knowledge live forever as it would make man stagnate at whatever level of knowledge he had then, or even now if we extrapolate the story to where we are all Adams. Our knowledge continues to evolve.

The archetypal God in this myth does not want man to idolize his own knowledge as that would stifle progress. We are to perpetually raise the bar and not make an unchangeable immortal idol of what we know. We are to deny ourselves the immortality of our ideas and knowledge. They, like man, are to evolve forever.

I bet you never thought of this myth that way.

Can you see it?


Philosophy, Religion & Society / Are you created in God's image?
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:14:52 AM »
Are you created in God's image?

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."
¯ Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his work is perfect

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Scriptures tell us to be like God and emulate all he does as we are to follow in his footsteps.

If you are a Christian, are you capable of following your God?

Would you be able and willing to do some of the things the bible shows God doing?

Are you created in God’s image?


Governments govern God. Should God govern governments?

At present, governments control the law of the land and church policy to a large extent. Should the law of the land be God’s law?

Separation of church and state, to my way of thinking, is impossible. To think that an elected official who adheres to a religion can somehow leave his or her religion out of the houses of government when they enter to take their seat is ridiculous. Social, cultural and traditional conditioning that people live under cannot just be set aside in one’s mind. Further a representative must represent his constituents and in the U.S. they will be religious constituents who wish to be represented as religious and not necessarily secular.

Christians and other religious seek to live in a theocracy under what I would call a Timocratic Tyranny. Timocratic in the sense that God rules for love, honor and duty. Tyrannical in the sense that any who break any of the laws, large or small, are swiftly dealt with. The non-religious seek more of a democratic nation where they make the rules and not God. As a Gnostic Christian, I admit to being secular and have no love of the laws the Gods offer.

At present, we all live in Oligarchic countries. Some of these we call democratic, some communistic and others of various labels but at the end of the day, all of us live in Oligarchies. We are all owned and controlled by those with wealth and bought political power.

If I focus on the U.S., I do not see how it is possible for what many Americans call a Christian nation, to not be conflicted, when Americans seek freedom and democracy in governance here on earth, while seeking the Timocratic Tyranny of heaven.

This goes against the notion of as above so below, or as Christians say, on earth as it is in heaven.

For Christians to end this governance conflict, --- they cannot have their cake and eat it too, ---Americans would have to bring God’s law to earth and scrap the notions of democracy and vote for a Timocratic Tyranny like what God has in heaven.

To accomplish the Christian goal of God’s law on earth as it is in heaven, the Christian right would have to gain power and end democracy in the U.S.

I would ask those Christians on the religious and political right, are you ready to try to dismantle the Oligarchy you presently live under, --- end the farce of democracy, --- and install God’s Timocratic Tyranny?


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Christians loving their genocidal God is like Jews adoring Hitler, and just as foolish.

As above, so below.

God condemned Christians to hell and extinction.

Hitler condemned the Jews to extinction.

Expected result.
The same expected results if both plans are successful. Except that God gets the bonus of the smell of burning human flesh. Um, Um, Good. Hitler was not so inclined.


The Jews know not to call evil good. They would not bend the knee to Hitler.

Christians and most of the other Abrahamic faiths, bend the knee to the God who used genocide on man and killed when the moral thing to do was to cure. Christians and Muslims thus call evil good.

I think this all began when the Christian and Muslim version of Eden were called a fall. This is the reversed of the Jewish version and is wrong. Christians and Muslims should have usurped the moral of the story when they usurped and altered the Jewish myths. Reading this myth literally has been quite harmful. Remember the Dark Ages and the Inquisitions.

If, as above so below is to be the dream of religion, and it is as we are to match laws with heaven, then the near perfect analogy above of as above so below must be brought into synch.

If you are a Christian or Muslim, please justify why you bend the knee to a God that does not deserve that title.  A  God who would blame his own creation for his errors in creating.

The claim that your God is good does not hold water in either the esoteric world, or in this one. Not in the literal world or the fantasy world of the Gods. Genocide is evil everywhere.

I know that you likely inherited your God and did not choose him for yourself. You can do better. You can find a God who owns up to his errors and repents to his victims,  if he was man enough, instead of blaming others for his errors.

I think it time for believers to reject the genocidal God and stop wishing for the tyranny above in heaven, --- while trying to live in a democracy here below.

Bring democracy to heaven by telling your tyrannical God where to go.

God may have begun as foolish, --- Hebrews 5:8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; --- but God is almost ready to obey his betters. Mankind.

Will Christianity revive itself morally by returning to a more Jewish view? After all, the entire Bible was written by Jews and their take is more intelligent and moral.

If Jews are bright enough to reject the God who would annihilate them, why are Christians not following that good example and instead lovingly bend the knee to a proven tyrant, --- while at the same time promoting a less tyrannical life here on earth?

To believe is good but to believe in a condemning genocidal God is foolish. Do you agree?


Gnostic Christian Mystery School Secret Truth #1.

All that can and is said of all Gods is speculative by nature as none of it is provable. To state that God exists cannot be a true statement unless one has a God to show. This is irrefutable as it can be shown that all Gods are based on ancient myths and stories. They are always to remain mysterious.

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All religions are based on myths, legends and hope in an afterlife that unfortunately turned to literal belief, --- and this one issue created the war against free thought that led to the purge of many cults that did not want to read literally and to the Inquisition and the Dark Ages. It ended the Mystery Schools.

Literalists cannot help but be wrong unless they rely on blind faith and that faith of fools has pushed Christians and Muslims to kill many due to this blind faith mind set.  Christians will kill   again, --- just like Islam is doing today thanks to literal reading, --- given the chance. 

Christian literalist won against free thinking religions thanks to Constantine’s support --- but they cannot win today thanks to an intelligent population who are not superstitious nor as gullible as in past times and do not believe in fantasy, miracles and magic.

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Is literal reading of any scripture or holy book mentally good, or mentally evil?

Has literal reading done the damage I alluded to or has it been a good influence for mankind?


This thinking is the Gnostic Christian’s goal. " class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This method and mind set is how you become I am and brethren to Jesus.
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Is rebellion good? Think Rosa Parks and Satan, our Lady and Mistress.

Matthew 10: 16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.'s+Eden+Vatican+collection&biw=1014&bih=519&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=9CYXVPXsKI-VjALRvYC4Cw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ

Both of the females named, Satan and Rosa Parks, are just two of many examples that show where rebellion has improved humanity and can be used to fight evil.

They would have liked this fast marching tune.

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Is raising hell a good idea?


To women.

If raising hell is a good idea, why are you sitting on your hands and not being the good citizen you should be in terms of pushing for equality?

You are the majority.

Has the shame that your despicable religion wrongly created in you killed your pride?

Hell, we have a Gay Pride Parade and they are a minute percentage of the population.

How about a Woman Pride Parade? Or can you not muster your fellow oppressed?

Or are you, --- analogically speaking, --- waiting for the white men at the cool front of the bus to politely ask you to change seats with them?

To men of the Abrahamic cults. Christians, Catholics and Muslims. 

Remember what God said. “He shall rule over you”.

Why are you men not ruling properly and allowing your charges to shirk their duty to society in not demanding equality?

Why are you sitting on your hands? Should a ruler not rule and order a just thing?

He shall rule over you says that you are ultimately responsible for your wife’s shirking of her duty.

Do get busy all of you Abrahamic men. Christians, Catholics and Muslims.

Justice says that equality is overdue thanks to your lazy wives. Raise a little hell on her buttock, politically speaking, that is.

It is your duty to society and especially to your fellow men. Women have been our burden long enough. Fuck God. Let us give women their due.


To all.

Change the labels in this quote to women, minorities, gays or children being brainwashed by religions and it shows what we should be thinking and doing for each other.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)”

My friends.

Religion came for our women a long time ago and still has them as captive to barbaric immoral non-equality thinking.

Should we not try to get them back?


Was the Exodus natural or supernatural, fact or fiction?

Exodus decoded.
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I have always had a problem with the notion that God would have hardened Pharaoh’s soft heart and pave the way for him to kill/murder the first born of Egypt. For God to do so would have been evil indeed.

Do you think that science has explained the purported miracles as natural phenomena?

From what I can see, the Jews who wrote the story did not take it literally.

Should Christians recognize the O. T. stories as natural or supernatural, fact or fiction?

Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?

"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Timothy 2:11-14)

I think that Adam, not being deceived, was more culpable than Eve.

Why then did God favor the guiltiest, Adam, with, --- he shall rule over you?

Men rule over women? Why when men were not deceived but disobeyed?

What was the transgression, --- if not a wise decision to choose knowledge and wisdom and shun immortality of the flesh, --- even if that were possible, --- and why was Adan not punished as hard as Eve when he was clearly more guilty?


Women. Religion’s longest running victims.

Here we are in civilized and enlightened societies and cultures in high tech times and we are not smart enough to recognize that the world will continue in strife as long as we men do not give women full equality as a minimum to what men should do towards the care of families.

I hope you are astute enough to see this. If you do nothing then you know not what duty to your family should be. The women in your family deserve to be first class citizens.

Men are maintaining God’s curse against women. He will rule over you.

Men. Christians, Catholics and Muslims. Free your women. It’s time. Man up.



Would an omnipotent God need to create a hell?

Main Entry:
 1 often capitalized : almighty 1
2 : having virtually unlimited authority or influence <an omnipotent ruler>

A loving God, with unlimited influence, at judgment time, would have no trouble influencing a soul to believe and repent.
That would make the following quote true.

2 Peter 3:9 KJ
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

If God is somehow not able to change the attitude or ideas of the soul, the reason for punishment, then to send it to eternal torture or death would serve no purpose and that would mean that punishment would be immoral and no moral God would ever do so.

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For those who believe in everlasting punishment or death for souls, I would ask.

What does an omnipotent God need with a hell?

God would cure all afflicted and never lose what could only be perfect as everything has emanated from a perfect God. If the Christian God exists that is.

Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his work is perfect:


All the Gods. What man has created let no man credit to unworthy Gods.

Strange that your God hates everyone you do. This shows how your God was man made. No real self-respecting God would have man’s prejudices.

Most of the Abrahamic religions of today are immoral and unjustified in their stances of vicarious redemption and their discrimination and denigration of women and gays.

This is irrefutable.

Christians justify discriminate and denigrate women and gays by saying that it is God’s will. He will rule over you.

I think we should stop blaming imaginary Gods and step up to our own collective human guilt and shame, instead of passing on the blame to imaginary manmade Gods. It seems that we men want to discriminate and denigrate gays for our own male egos.

Do you agree that it is men and not Gods who are discriminating against our own women and gays even as we lay the blame on God?


Philosophy, Religion & Society / Is Jesus' divorce law anti-love?
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:18:43 AM »

Is Jesus' divorce law anti-love?

Jesus agreed with the O.T God on divorce. Let no man break that union or let no man put asunder.

I see that as anti-love. If Jesus is wrong about such a fundamental issue, then what else was he wrong about?

If a Christian, even if you become convinced that Jesus was indeed wrong, it would not make any difference to you because you actually follow tradition, culture and your family’s inherited traditional God. Not really a God that you selected through trials of his moral character. Right? Shame on you for neglecting the most important decision of your life.
I think that the moral reason all divorce pleas should be granted is that no one, gay, straight and all conditions in between or over, should be denied the ability to seek a lifetime loving partner, wife or husband, for any reason. I see being able to seek a loving mate or partner as a fundamental human right.

Do you agree?


Is it foolish to call God, “Father”?

As above, so below says the Lord’s Prayer.

God’s first legal decision has him demanding that Jesus be a human sacrifice to rescind God’s own condemnation of his own creation.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

Quite good for Christians, --- while quite evil to others who do not condone human sacrifice, --- just because a God whose reality has yet to be shown demands it.

The main point is; would any father or mother who reads this O. P., ever choose such a sacrifice, given that other venues were available as they were with God?

Your own answer says that you would expect a Father to find another way and that such a God is not a worthy God.

Do you agree that to call God, Father, is to insult the word father, --- as no human father would be so evil.

Is it foolish to call God, Father?


Where and how do you seek God? Or are you an idol worshiper?

There are so many Gods and Goddesses in forums today that these places begin to look as in the days of Babel. Two camps do seem to be forming though. Those who seek on the left and and those who have found on the right.

Which camp are you in?

If you seek God, where are you looking?

If you have found your God, please supply a name. Show me yours and I will show you mine.


P.S. Gnosis is knowledge that leads to wisdom. Wisdom is Sophia in our myths. She has faith in you finding her. Thank God Eve ate and Adam had the good sense to do as told and eat as well.

God was to be man’s slave. How did the reverse happen?

Early man created both philosophy and theology to serve mankind. Philosophy was to seek the best rules to live by and implement them through a political system that was headed by man. Theology was to seek the best rules to live by and implement them through religion headed by an absentee God. Both were created to be slaved to man.

Jesus preached that holy things were created to serve man as well. The Sabbath was created for man and not man for the Sabbath. That is why he showed that we can work on the Sabbath and ignore the manmade law.

The religious manmade creations then, --- including God, --- are to be slaved to man. That works well with logic and reason as the strong are to serve the weak and not the weak serve the strong.

So how did God, who was to be a slave to man, --- become man’s master?

Now I know that most will say that God is supposed to be our master, --- but please note, --- that man has created government to serve us. Not to make slaves of us. We control governments. They do not control us. To have us control our political entity is normal and just.

As above so below says that God is also to come under man’s control. We created God just as we created governments.

That is what Jesus taught.
He even moved God aside and became our judge. We are now to answer to men and not some absentee man created God.

Are you ready to seek God as Jesus says we must? Are you willing to be a master to God, and like Jesus, take control of the judging powers of God?
When you can say that your God is I am, the Gnostic Christian way --- and mean you, --- then you will begin to know God.


Who tempted Eve? Satan or the serpent?  Why did God punish the serpent?

Dogma has Satan taking over a serpent with the power that God gave her when God cast her from heaven. I call Satan, her, because the early church depicted Satan as female. That is clear in Michal Angelo’s paintings in the Vatican.

If Satan took the serpent over and made it speak the words to temp Eve, then Satan would be culpable for the temptation and for God to punish the serpent would have been un-just.

Serpents cannot speak without supernatural help. Satan appears to be guilty while the serpent seems to be innocent.

Why did God punish the serpent instead of Satan?


Philosophy, Religion & Society / What sin has God condemned you for?
« on: June 19, 2014, 11:55:13 AM »
What sin has God condemned you for?

Why is God the only one who can forgive you?

It seems that just being born is enough to draw condemnation from God. Somehow, we are all born sinners. Whatever that sin is that we are born with, it must have been really bad to earn eternal punishment or death.
Scriptures themselves say that sin is not passed on so all babies have to pay for their own sins. They are condemned at birth. It could not be as Adam and Eve did because God said that they became as Gods. Exactly what the bible urges us to do. So that cannot be a sin.

Deuteronomy 24:16  (ESV) “Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Ezekiel 18:20   (ESV) The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.

The declaration which says that God visits the sins of the fathers upon the children is contrary to every principle of moral justice. [Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason]

Is there Original sin?

The Jews have no such policy in their myth. In fact, they show Eden as man’s elevation and not his fall.

What sin were you guilty of when born and which of your evil finite sins deserves infinite punishment?


Adam and Eve could not love God or each other before eating of the Tree of Knowledge.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil is the tree of love. Would you abstain from eating of it and lose the ability to Love?

Adam and Eve, mythical representatives of you and I, could not love without eating of the tree of knowledge. It holds the knowledge of love as love has good and evil components.

Love, as we all know is quite good. Like most concepts though, it has some evil to it as well as the good. Adam and Eve were thus ignorant of what love was because it has good and evil aspects. Unfortunately, part of being in ignorant bliss of evil, is having to suffer not knowing the beauty of love.

You may have noted that God gets angry when his commands are broken. Genesis 3 is clear in this. God did not get angry at A & E in Genesis 1 where they ignored his command to reproduce because God knew that for man, it is desirable to have love as a prerequisite to sex. God forgave this first disobedience because Adam and Eve were still innocent and did not know they were naked. God thus takes sex out of the lower animal dimension and elevates it in our minds for social reasons.

Wanting Adam and Eve to know love, God drew Satan to Eden to minister to his needs and make sure that Eve ate of the Tree of knowledge/love. She did as bid and the rest as they say is mythical biblical history.

If God attaches sex and love and knows that knowledge of good and evil are required to find or recognize love, then to think that he would want to deny mankind the knowledge of love, with it’s good and evil components, is ridiculous. Sex and reproduction would also fly out the window.

So why do you Christians think God would deny you love, though Adam and Eve that is?

Christians say that Eden was a fall for man yet God said we became as Gods. I see it as being able to love, --- at last.
My bible tells me to emulate God just as yours does yet Christians find fault in becoming as Gods.

Are Christians afraid to love? Is that why they have made an idol of the word and call their God --- Love?
If in Eden, and knowing as you do now, that to know love you have to disobey God, and have to know good and evil, --- would you disobey and eat of the tree of knowledge/love, --- knowing that you could not love if you did not?


What makes you think God wants less for his children than you for yours?

Most Christians think that God created man to be subservient to him. We are to love honor and most of all obey and serve his wants and needs forever as his heavenly children. In other words, God is always at the top and man is always below.

As above so below. At end times, God’s law is to prevail on earth.

As a son, I strained to do as well and even better than my father. It happened naturally and thus I think most people do the same.
As a parent myself, I want my children to do as well as I have and then bust any record of mine and do better. That to me would be the ideal. That eventually places my children above me, --- where they belong. This is natural and desirable yet God would have the reverse with his children.

Are you ready to follow your God and have your children subservient to you forever?
Do you think that to be the natural order of things?

I would not force my children beneath me and reject a God who would have me beneath him forever.

I remember what Jesus asked in the bible. Have ye forgotten that ye are Gods?

My answer is no. What is yours?


Have you investigated Gnostic Christianity?

 The Gnostic wing of Christianity, if it can even be called that today, has quite a few differences to Christianity and Catholicism.

 If the old Gnostic Christians were here, they would hardly recognize what has happened to the original Orthodox Catholic Church or it's various offshoots in Protestantism or Islam. The Gnostic Christian Jesus would have a fit and would be quite disappointed I think. I know that this Gnostic Christian is.

 The two main differences that moved the old Christians to kill Gnostic Christians and burn their scriptures was literalism in reading scriptures and the fact that the Gnostic version of Jesus was a Universalist.

 That Gnostic Christian Jesus, and the Gnostic Christians of that flavor, (there are likely as many Gnostic sects as Christian sects), sees a spark of God in all people including women and gays. That fact, to me, makes Gnostic Christianity a more desirable denomination of Christianity than all the rest.

 If a religion cannot abide with equality of the sexes then to my mind it is not a just religion and is not worthy of the support of moral people. Inequality is an immoral position and most of the Abrahamic cults are of that immoral persuasion.

 As the superior Catholic theology, it is my hope that Gnostic Christianity will eventually bury the non-egalitarian and immoral Christian cults as their members recognize that equality is the right moral system for all to live under.

 If you have investigated Gnostic Christianity, do you agree that from a moral POV, they are the superior Christian theology thanks to equality and Universalism?


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