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Topics - GUN

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Q&A / Hemisphere size
« on: March 24, 2007, 01:28:07 PM »
With the RE model, both hemispheres are the same size. But with the FE model (I'm referring to the UN logo that is supposed to be the proper map), the southern hemisphere is three times as large as the northern hemisphere.
Wouldn't this make the southern hemisphere continents larger, or the southern oceans bigger? Wouldn't the weather be effected, notably the wind origins?
Can someone clarify this for me?

Flat Earth Q&A / The Hemispheres
« on: November 18, 2006, 05:24:01 AM »
Theres something I don't get.

On a flat earth model, the Southern Hemisphere is twice as large as the nothern hemisphere. All of the NH continents are squashed, and the oceans in the SH are stretched out.

Can someone explain this?

Flat Earth Q&A / No reason.
« on: November 14, 2006, 04:56:20 AM »
I've been looking through the forums, and one thing bugs me about this whole FE conspiracy.

Q: "What is the motive behind this conspiracy?"

A: The motive is unknown.

There is no reason for the covering up of this.

All other major conspiracys have a reason (such as the moon landings, the twin towers, etc) but yours doesn't. Why?
Why can't you say why governments would hide the fact that the earth is flat?

Can someone care to explain this to me?

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