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Topics - Rossk #5!!

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Debate / Several points....
« on: March 18, 2007, 09:25:50 PM »
I have brought this up many times before, and never gotten an answer. I have personally looked into my telescope, high-quality telescope, and seen several different planets. I can clearly see the curvature on them, especially Saturn and its rings. So supposedly all planets are flat? Wrong.

I have seen the moon VERY closely too, with my telescope. I can clearly see its curvature also. It's very obvious it's spherical. I may be wrong, but I believe part of the FE theory is that the moon is flat. That is obviously wrong.

Another thing, the ISS/space shuttles. I have seen the ISS many times in the sky, as well as a few space shuttles. Once my dad saw a shuttle in re-entry. Now, don't say "It's just a small light, that the government wants you to think is a shuttle!" If it was, I'd be able to see it a lot more, simply because it's actually in the earth's atmosphere, not in space, miles above me. So please explain this to me.

One last note. In the FE theory, the moon reflects light from the sun onto the earth, please correct me if I'm wrong. If this was so, the moon would be just as bright as the sun, so we'd never be able to look at it. Not at night, or when you can see it in the daytime (which you can, don't deny it ;)). Obviously, we can look at the moon whenever we feel like looking at it (assuming it's visible) so the moon CAN'T be a spotlight.

I haven't put a bunch of scientific crap thought into this, it's just simple stuff I thought up in two minutes. It's sad that I can disprove your theory so easily. :( Oh yeah! One more thing, there are a lot of websites that tell you when you can see the ISS, and, when a space shuttle has launched, when you can see it. So...are these more government conspiracists? Yeah, just thought I'd point that out. So please reasonably attempt to disprove these points. KBAI

The Lounge / I'm a mutant
« on: January 18, 2007, 09:06:17 PM »
I have six fingers on each hand. It's pretty awesome, it helps in most sports, too, and it helps me type like 80 WPM.

Flat Earth Q&A / More Proof
« on: January 18, 2007, 09:04:26 PM »
Stare at the sun for a couple minutes and you will see that it is round, making the Earth round.

Flat Earth Q&A / ITT Rossk Gives Undeniable Proof that an FE Can't Work
« on: January 18, 2007, 08:55:05 PM »
This is simple proof that proves that FE "Gravity" (I know you don't call it gravity) doesn't work. Correct me if I'm wrong, FE'ers believe that the Earth is moving upwards extremely fast, therefore giving the effect gravity does in a RE. But here's the thing, even for such a large object, the weight would have changed from a century ago, heck, less than that. Here's why: The world's population is rapidly increasing. Sure, there are plenty of people dying, but still. Not only that, but obesity is becoming much more common in the world, too. With so much more weight, this would have slowed down the Earth. Unless the conspiracists have lied about the population!

Flat Earth Q&A / Proof!....
« on: November 28, 2006, 06:44:18 PM »
...that the Earth is not round!...or flat!

Earth is a triangle! From now on, TE=Triangular Earth and a TE'er is a triangular earth believer!

Flat Earth Q&A / Space shuttle videos...
« on: November 14, 2006, 04:29:54 PM »
Whenever the space shuttles launch, there is a video on the news showing live coverage of the space shuttle while it's leaving the Earth. You can clearly see the land on the earth, and eventually the curvature of the earth. Soon you can also see the rockets fall off. So what did the government do to make this? Make thousands of frames with their "advanced computers" and make a perfect video? But the only thing that doesn't make sense this way, is that if you were near the launch pad you can see the shuttle do exactly what it is doing on the video. Hmm....pwned?

Flat Earth Q&A / Funny...
« on: November 06, 2006, 04:21:26 PM »
It's funny how when I prove the Earth is round people ignore me. So now I shall provide you with a simple experiment that will prove the Earth is indeed round. The FAQ says the reason a ship in the ocean will eventually float away from sight isn't because the Earth is round, but it's an optical illusion, because you can't see that far. So here is an experiment to prove you wrong on this. Get a telescope, and get it perfectly set on the horizon. Now get one of your friends to get in a boat and start heading out, or watch someone else who's sailing out. Now, get the telescope in line with the boat, as I stated earlier. Now watch the boat with your eyes, as it starts to slowly move away from sight. Now you can't see it, but try looking in your telescope. Will you see the boat? If the Earth was flat, the telescope, which helps you see farther distances, would help you see the boat. If the Earth was round, however, it wouldn't help at all. Discuss.

Flat Earth Q&A / I'll make you a deal
« on: October 29, 2006, 08:18:57 PM »
I want someone on this forum that is quite wealthy, if there even is one, to go to someone who works for NASA and say "I'll give you $1,000,000 if you tell me all about the flat earth." They will say they have no idea what you're talking about, but if a flat earth existed, the person would take the money in two seconds and sacrifice a person knowing about the flat earth. If someone can post evidence, quote the guy, tell his name, etc, I will then stop denying the earth is flat. Ok? Ok.

The Lounge / Cardinals are not getting Swept
« on: October 24, 2006, 08:26:30 PM »
I definately expected a sweep by the Tigers, but the World Series is ending up quite exciting. I wanted the St Louis Cardinals to get beaten every game for they are the rivals of the Houston Astros, who are my team. Discuss the suckiness of the Cardinals and how you think Pujols and the rest are actually winning some games.

I don't really care much for the Tigers, but they're the only other team to choose, and they haven't won the Series in quite some time.

Flat Earth Q&A / What proof do you need to believe the earth is a sphere?
« on: October 19, 2006, 03:34:57 PM »
As the title asks, what proof do you FE'ers need to believe the earth is a sphere? I can provide a lot of proof, as can many other people, so tell me something you need to know so that you belive in a RE. :D

Flat Earth Q&A / One question...
« on: October 10, 2006, 02:43:51 PM »
Who thought up this whole thing? All of it? Somebody had to have thought up the conspiracy and everything. I know it doesn't exist, and neither does a flat earth, but somebody HAD to have think it up. Who and why did this? :?

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