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The Lounge / Farewell.
« on: April 17, 2011, 10:23:48 AM »
I have decided to depart these forums, I wish I could say that it was not due to feeling unwelcome among the FE community, but such is not the case.

I would however like to personally thank Lord Wilmore, hoppy, and John Davis as FE'ers that I can recall who have reached out to try and make me feel welcome while I was here, as well as a number of RE'ers as well.  If I missed your name and you were genuinely trying to be courteous, then I apologize, but this is contention and stress that I do not want nor need in my life right now and do not see a point in continuing to spend time with intentionally antagonistic people whom I will not bother to name at this time.

I wish you all well,

I don't want to derail the OP that this thread was on, so I'm re-posting here.

I also wish someone would make a fictional FE map and show the continents beyond the ice wall.

Why do you want a fictional map?  

It seems to me that people should be on a quest for observable truths, not trying to seek comfort in manufactured and imagined lies.

Oh boy, you really don't know how the universe works do you?

by all means, please explain it to me?

I don't really want to divert this thread off topic. Cause this is what you guys have done every time I post.  Its not gonna work this time, however I will explain to you briefly what I meant. You stated that you are seeking observable truth right? Well there is no such thing because the universe is a hologram. Everything we see or experience is nothing more then a mere interpretation. Therefore even if someone is to draw a fictional FE map, there will be nothing unscientific or false about it.

I believe that the continents that would be in the southern hemisphere on a globe are poorly interpreted on the current FE map....

Well what do you suggest they do to better map out the "southern hemisphere"?
I really don't know. May be put some extra lands between continents in the south?
Just add land for funsies? Without any idea of why it's there?

The idea was just put out there... since all of reality is just one big hologram, why don't we just create what ever we want and what ever our imaginations can come up with and *poof* that makes it a truth more valid than what can be objectively observed.


Is truth greater than fiction or is truth defined by fiction, and thus fiction becomes truth?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Atheism and other issues
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:50:30 PM »
Let's assume that an earth is an infinite plain as described in John Davis model. Our known continents are just a tiny section of this infinite slab. Surrounding our known world is of course the ice wall. How far do you think the ice wall extends?

If we're assuming that the earth is an infinite plane then the answer is obvious.

How far away do you think are other worlds of this infinite plain beyond the ice wall?

Who says that there are other worlds?

To assume that there are no other worlds is the same reasoning as assuming that earth is the only planet that can sustain life in a spherical model.

No the answer is not obvious. There is no evidence that the ice wall is infinite and there is nothing beyond it. That makes no sense unless of course you are an atheist.

Actually, an atheist is much more likely to think there may be something more than a creationist would.  It is not logical for the atheist to assume that we are unique, special, and alone in the universe.

Flat Earth Debate / FE'er challenge...conclusive proof of a FE
« on: March 26, 2011, 08:01:39 PM »
04/17/2011 EDIT:  I will not be able to continue this thread as I am removing myself from this forum: > Other > Discussion Boards > The Lounge > Farewell.


Ok, the gauntlet was thrown, and I have accepted the challenge.  The claim was made that there is undeniable Zetetic Proof that the earth was indeed flat and not round.  This was spawned from the following replies:

Quote from: Samuel 'Parallax' Birley Rowbotham, in the Preface of Zetetic Astronomy {1881}
"In all directions there is so much truth in our favour that we can well afford to be dainty in our selection, and magnanimous, charitable, and condescending towards those who simply believe, but cannot prove, that we are wrong."

Hrmmm... "truth in our favour"

Not a very open minded person... doesn't seem like he is really following true Zetetic Principles at all.  Actually seems like he has a lot of confirmation bias to contend with....  Much like many of the members on this site, he probably wouldn't believe that the earth was round even if you showed him a picture of it (or video of it actually rotating) from space.

A paraphrase of Dr. Rowbotham's quote bolded there would be "there is so much Zetetic truth backed up in our favour by experimental evidence" so he is on firm footing there.  

True Zetetic truth is open to all possibilities, including the idea of a round earth.  Dr. Rowbotham clearly rejects anything that does not agree with his preconceived notions for a Flat Earth, and tried desperately to create fanciful explanations to explain away observable phenomena that does not conform to his way of thinking.

This type of methodology is not called Zetetic Truth, it is called Confirmation Bias.

The experimental evidence gathered was both limited in scope and intrinsically flawed.  At best, his results were inconclusive of a Flat or Round Earth.
Incorrect.  Dr. Rowbotham did not have a preconceived notion of a flat earth.  He had every Zetetic reason to make his claims and backs it up with experimental evidence.

Show me just one experiment of his that I cannot logically refute with Zetetic wisdom.

So, here are the rules of this challenge.

FE'ers: Bring absolute conclusive proof of a Flat Earth from any source.  Data and results have to be accurate to the best of your knowledge, and they have to leave absolutely no doubt in any readers' mind that the earth must indeed be flat.

For myself, I will show with Zetetic wisdom why other options may still be possible that the earth is still round with the experiments performed at hand.  I will see what holes exist in the data and the interpretation of the data there of.  All I have to do is cast even a glimmer of doubt such that anyone reading (not everyone) that the conclusions were in error and that the earth could still be spherical in shape.

RE'ers You get a more creative outlet, in addition to analyzing my review and letting everyone know if sufficient doubt was provided... you get to come up with the most far-fetched off the wall scenario about why the shown evidence could be some other shape besides the outside of a sphere or on top of a flat disk... Mobius Strip? figure eight? inside of a sphere? let your imagination go wild.

Ready?  Go!

Flat Earth Q&A / Zetetic Cosmology by Rectangle
« on: March 20, 2011, 11:29:43 AM »
04/17/2011 EDIT:  I will not be able to continue this thread as I am removing myself from this forum: > Other > Discussion Boards > The Lounge > Farewell.


Link: Zetetic Cosmology by Rectangle

Ok, I've read the first few pages of this book and have yet to come across anything of any substantial worth.  Rather than sifting through nearly 200 pages that could end up to be a complete waste of time, I was wondering if anyone had any recommend pages to direct me to that will conclusively show that the Earth is indeed flat as this book claims, instead of playing rhetorical tricks on words to try to convince the audience of the flatness of the earth?  I'm looking for logical assertions, not convincing rhetoric.

Here are some samples of rhetoric and why I have problems with them:


"What is the material universe composed of? Ether, Matter, and Energy. Ether is not actually known to us by any test of which the senses can take cognizance, but it is a sort of mathematical substance WHICH WE ARE COMPELLED TO ASSUME IN ORDER TO ACCOUNT for the phenomena of light and heat."

Whatever explanation may be furnished regarding light and heat on this basis, must be discarded as utterly untrustworthy, because the premises are assumed.

Certain assumptions have to be made, otherwise we cannot progress at all.  For example, we build off of what we know and if what we know turns out to be in error, we correct our understanding and move on.  If we trusted nothing that was assumed, then we would have no knowledge.  We ASSUME that what we see and observe is a reflection of truth in front of us, but what we see and observe could just as easily be a hallucination.  The only single thing that we can state for certain is "I think, therefore I am." and even that statement is an assumption in and of itself.

It is a known fact that some assumptions are flawed, but we learn from our mistakes, adjust and move on.  The author does not offer anything of material to challenge RE point of view other than to try and cast it in the light of the realm of being a blind or wild guess, which it is not.

This by itself is mere rhetoric to confuse the reader into thinking that the original line of thought is inherently flawed and is further worthless because it does not support that the earth is flat, curved, or anything at all.

skipping ahead a bit:

Professor Huxley had to resort to assumption to account for the disappearance of ships at sea, although had he known the truth of the matter, or taken the trouble to enquire, his unwarranted assumptions would have been totally unnecessary.

He says:

"We assume the convexity of the water, because we know of no other way to explain the appearance and disappearance of ships at sea."

What learning! What profound wisdom! If we " know of no other way" it is better to admit the fact and wait until we "have found out some other way" to explain the difficulty, if there is any. Knowledge is gained by practical investigation and experience, and has no need of the assistance of assumption to provide an excuse for ignorance. If water could be proved to be convex, there would be no need to assume it to be so. We should have many proofs and abundant evidence of the fact. But the fact that water has been proved to be level, hundreds of times, makes it.necessary for those who refuse to believe proved facts which tell against their theory, to resort to assumption to maintain their unreasoning position.

I have yet to see a single shred of 'Proof' that the earth is perfectly/infinitely level (at sea level, not accounting for hills or valleys).  All tests made that I have witnessed were based on a certain assumed curvature of the surface, and an assumption that light travels in straight lines.  By the argument first posted, these experiments to show that the earth was indeed flat are flawed by their own assumptions as stated in the first quote.


If the world be a ball, as Sir R. Ball gravely informs us, the aeronaut should be one of his most ardent supporters, as the highest part of the "surface of the globe" would be directly under the car of a balloon, and the sides would fall away or "dip" down in every direction. The universal testimony of aeronauts, however, is entirely against the globular assumption, as the following quotations show. The London Journal of 18th July, 1857, says:—

"The chief peculiarity of the view from a balloon at a considerable elevation was the altitude of the horizon, which remained practically on a level with the eye at an elevation of two miles, causing the surface of the earth to appear concave instead of convex, and to recede during the rapid ascent, whilst the horizon and the balloon seemed to be stationary."

J. Glaisher, F.R.S., in his work, "Travels in the Air," states: "On looking over the top of the car, the horizon appeared to be on a level with the eye, and taking a grand view of the whole visible area beneath, I was struck with its great regularity; all was dwarfed to one plane; it seemed too flat, too even, apparently artificial." In his accounts of his ascents in the air, M Camilla Flammarion states: "The earth appeared as one immense plane richly decorated with ever-varied colours; hills and valleys are all passed over without being able to distinguish any undulation in the immense plane."

Well...duh...  For sufficiently large concave, convex, or even flat disc surfaces, these might all appear to be the same when observed from relatively close proximity to the surface.  Actually, one would expect the horizon to drop away in all these models as one achieved greater heights.  The fact that it does not appear to drop away is because you haven't moved sufficiently far enough away from it to be able to tell a difference.

This observation does nothing to support or deny RET or FET, it is pure rhetoric.

If the earth be the globe of popular belief, the same amount of heat and cold, summer and winter, should be experienced at the same latitudes North and South of the Equator. The same number of plants and animals would be found, and the same general conditions exist. That the very opposite is the case, disproves the globular assumption. The Great Contrasts between places at the same latitudes North and South of the Equator, is a strong argument against the received doctrine of the rotundity of the earth.

So... we are assuming that the only thing that contributes to climate is the sun by itself?  Seems a bold move to ignore the fact that the land masses in the north and the south are vastly different is shape, position, and availability (surface water to land ratio).  All of these aspects would play a role in air and water currents as well as weather patterns and heat and cold.

Climate across the same latitude changes vastly, let alone comparing the Northern Latitude to its comparable Southern Latitude.

It has in fact been shown that at the same latitudes (at respective opposite times of the years), that similar regions get approximately the same amount of daylight hours as each other.

And the rhetoric seems to go on and on...

I'm just wondering if there is a single thing in here that is worthwhile to read, or is it a complete waste of time?

Flat Earth Q&A / Electromagnetic Acceleration
« on: March 12, 2011, 04:12:02 PM »
04/17/2011 EDIT:  I will not be able to continue this thread as I am removing myself from this forum: > Other > Discussion Boards > The Lounge > Farewell.


This question is in reference to the following formula:

As found in

As a side note, I've also read the article on Optics here:

I'm trying to wrap my mind around this formula, but I'm used to dealing with a clear Cartesian graph where x is the horizontal component and y is the vertical component.

In this article, x and y are described as:

x, y - co-ordinates in the plane of the light ray, where y is increasing in the direction of fastest decreasing Dark Energy potential, and x is increasing in the direction of the component of propagation of the ray which is perpendicular to y.

I'm not understanding what "direction of fastest decreasing Dark Energy potential" means.

Can someone explain what this is and give me a conceptual idea of how it works... or otherwise point me in the right direction (hopefully where I'm not sifting through 100's of irrelevant responses and pages of meaningless forum banter that is often off topic).

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