« on: October 02, 2006, 02:53:46 PM »
C = pi r
FE A= pi rsq
RE A= 4pi rsq or pi dsq
RE Model r = 3963.20 mi. ; d = 7,926.40033 mi.; c = 24,901.50000 mi.; a= 197,379,257.91836 sq mi.
1/2 c =12450.75 mi = distance N Pole to S Pole; 1 Deg Lat =69.170833 mi.; 1 Deg Long = 0 @ 90 N & S
1 Deg Long = 69.170833 mi. @ 0 (Equator).
FE Model r =12450.75 mi. ; d = 24,901.50 mi. ; c = 78,230.30339 mi. ; a= 487,012,974.93539 sq mi.
1 deg Lat = 138.34166 mi.; 1 deg Long = 0 @ 0 N and 1 deg Long = 217.306398305 mi. @ 90 S ( Diskedge)
The Sun (d = 32 mi) describes a circular path centered along Equator @ 45 deg S of c = 39,115. 15169 mi. w/ d = 12,450.75 m. @ 12.5 deg seasonal deflection of Light Cone w/ d = 10,732.5 mi.
So, the surface area of FE is greater than that of RE by a factor of almost 2,5. Longitudinal lines are convergent @ 0 degrees N and diverge by 217.306398305 mi @ the Edge of the disk. Hence travel distance between points @ 0 degrees E and 90 W at 60 S/ 60 N (RE ) Lat ( 6,519.191634591 mi. as c = 26076.766538364 mi. ) is much further than between 0E and 90 W at 30 S/ 60 N (RE) Lat (3259.595817295 mi. as c = 13038.383269182 mi.) on RE that distance is 1629.797979333 mi. as RE c = 6,519.191917334 mi. @ both 60 N &60 S
The furthest continental point S is Tierra del Fuego located @ 56 deg S ( RE ) = 73,5 deg S ( FE ); this is 10,168.11201 mi. from the N pole and 2,282.63739 mi. from the Diskedge @ 90 Deg S.
The N most point of land ID’d as contiguous S Mass is @ 61 deg S /76.5 deg S FE w/ an avg. of 70 deg S / 80 deg S FE as a continuous shoreline. Less than 899.22079 mi. separate this SLM from TdF.
So, on avg. the frozen shore is 1,383.4166 mi. from the Diskedge, with an avg. shoreline ( c ) = or >9,960.599590 mi. and an avg. area = 58,441,556.9922468 sq. mi. making it the largest contiguous land mass on FE.
Since total Land mass is est. @ 30% = 146,103,892.480617 sq mi. This leaves 87,662,335.4883702 sq. mi. for continents on FE comp. to only 53,201,271.570056 sq. mi. on R.
I've drawn a model of these differences, but don't know how to post it.
The Flat Earth is a much larger and stranger world than the Global (Round) Earth