So I know I have done this last year in a different unrelated thread but would like to spark it up again to kick back this topic.
So FES has this wonderful map of the world. It's beautiful actually and reminds me a lot of a place called the ark in the video game halo considering the ice wall and stuff. But when putting the map to the test, numerous problems arise, including one of my favorite unanswered ones with the Octans star constellation. But seeing that no FE'er is bold enough to legitimately challenge that one as it is a clear observable indication of the flaws in this disk world. I'd like to bring to you: Math!
An immensely accurate flight time calculator that is used by passengers and businesses all across the world to ensure their schedules doesn't get interrupted by delays that could have been foreseen given some research on the times it takes. Trust me, I've used it.
Now here, if i book a flight from Johannesburg to Japan the flight time is 17 hrs and 8 minutes given a cruise speed of approx 805 km/h. Where flying from Johannesburg to Sydney is only 14 hrs and 15 minutes with the same cruise speed.
Given the flat earth map yet again.
I have to admit it needs to look drastically different from this nonsense in the image above in order to work with these times. But hold on... There's one key problem here. Sydney is one time zone ahead than Japan so there is absolutely no way of shortening the distance.
Flat earth society. Please explain.