Flat Earth Q&A / A Request for levee.
« on: June 09, 2010, 05:55:23 PM »
Can you doodle some latitude and longitude line on this map of yours, please?
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If the solar eclipse is caused by a certain star, then we have a very high probability that the lunar eclipse is produced by another heavenly body, and is NOT an effect of weather modification. It is very important to realize that the moon does not generate the solar eclipse, and that the Black Sun has the shape of a disk:
Here is the lunar eclipse (it is NOT due to any possible effects of the weather):
The Sun, just 1 km behind the ISS, with a diameter of 1000/phi:
Sun - Mercury transit, same size/diameter of Mercury as that of the ISS...
Moon - ISS transit; same distance between the Moon and the ISS, same diameter as that of the Sun...
The shape of the Sun is that of a disk, just like all the other planets/stars...
There are three kinds of stellar orbits, here is the photograph to prove it:
See the following links for complete explanations:
Venus - Sun transit:
Here are the Black Sun eclipsing our visible Sun, and Venus nearby:
These are the very best proofs on which we can base our statements re: the size of the Sun, and of the other stars/planets...
Your FAQ says the moon is 51.5 km wide and 4828.03 away. Well, the formula for apparent size and distance is Sa=S/D. So, that means that the Apparent size=size/distance. You your model, that means an object measuring 51.5 km wide, viewed at a distance of 4828.03 km would appear to be .01067 m or 1.067 cm. Last time I looked at the moon, it appeared bigger than that.
The Sun
The sun is a sphere. It has a diameter of 32 miles and is located approximately 3000 miles above the surface of the earth.
Spotlight effect
The Sun's area of light is limited to a circular area of light upon the earth much like the light of a lighthouse is limited to a circular area. This means that only certain portions of the Earth are lightened at a time. It also describes how night and day arise in Flat Earth. The apparent view of rising and setting are caused by perspective, just as a flock of birds overhead will descend into the horizon as they fly into the distance.
Q: "How can a compass work on a Flat Earth?"
A: The magnetic field is generated in the same fashion as with the RE (Diagram). Thus, the magnetic south pole is near the geographic north pole, just like on the RE. The magnetic north pole is on the underside of the Earth. The Ice Wall is not the south pole, but acts as it, as it is the furthest from the center of the earth that you can follow the magnetic field. The field is vertical in this area, accounting for the aurora australis.
Q: "What about Lunar Eclipses?"
A: A celestial body, known as the antimoon, passes between the sun and moon. This projects a shadow upon the moon.
Q: "Why doesn't water run off the Earth?"If Ice floats on water, how exactly does it hold in the water? Also, where is your evidence to back this up?
A1: In the general model, there is a vast ice wall that keeps the water where it is. The ice wall is roughly 150ft high. This also explains why you can find a vast plane of ice when you travel south. Antarctica as a continent does not exist.
Q: "How can a compass work on a Flat Earth?"
A: The magnetic field is generated in the same fashion as with the RE (Diagram). Thus, the magnetic south pole is near the geographic north pole, just like on the RE. The magnetic north pole is on the underside of the Earth. The Ice Wall is not the south pole, but acts as it, as it is the furthest from the center of the earth that you can follow the magnetic field. The field is vertical in this area, accounting for the aurora australis.[/faq]
Where is your evidence to back this up?