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Topics - Beeper

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Debate / Beeper Is Back
« on: June 20, 2008, 02:40:03 PM »
Not that you care, but ive finished my exams! after 7 years at that dam place.

Now i have 4 of uni to look forward to. drat.    anyhow, means im back on. yay.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / TOPIC question of importance
« on: May 13, 2008, 01:16:19 PM »
If a Topic was locked, and there where no posts, would it be a fail?

The Lounge / Some people need to learn when to give up
« on: May 12, 2008, 09:30:15 AM »

 take the hint and realise noone is takeing you seriously stupid host

Personaly, i think it is

'Do we need a God?'

Flat Earth Q&A / Some people deserve bad luck.....
« on: May 10, 2008, 07:18:35 AM »
A Vietnamese man in Norway lost around 35,000 dollars after he was led to believe that mixing the cash with a special liquid would double its value, Norwegian media has reported.


The Lounge / Who opened the new Troll Breeding Ground?
« on: May 04, 2008, 02:53:58 PM »
Seriously...  someone has to find their nest and burn it.

by that, i mean find the fourm they birth from and flame it.

Because he was in a korma.

So the man said to God:  'Is something good because you command that it is so, or do you command things because it is good?'

and God said: 'its good because I bloody well said so'  

'So then, you could say that rape, murder, starvation, AIDS, cancer and drowning are good. That wouldent make much sense now would it?'  ???

So God replied 'Very well... it is good, and that is why i command it'  

'Well then, we dont really need God anymore then do we? if you command something because it is good anyway, then we dont need you, since you arn't really telling us anything new are you?  

Needless to say, God did mightilly reign much smiteing on the mans ass.  

... Would you like to buy some magic beans?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / When is an Elf not an ELf?
« on: March 03, 2008, 03:06:41 PM »
When its head is in a Fairy's Pants.
Then its a Goblin

The Lounge / What came first, chicken or egg?
« on: February 05, 2007, 03:58:47 AM »

because bordem is the route to all intelligence

The Lounge / How to uproot trees with your mind
« on: February 02, 2007, 12:19:59 PM »
'Even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed," the Lord answered, "you could say to this mulberry tree, 'May God uproot you and throw you into the sea,' and it would obey you'   (Luke 17:6 NLT)

see! and, because the uprooting of mulberry trees by divine forces are so common, its clear that we must all show blind faith to God.

The Lounge / How to protect your House from Earthquakes
« on: February 02, 2007, 02:38:31 AM »
'Masonry bonded with wooden beams is not loosened by an earthquake.'   (Sirach 22:16 NAB)
The bible has all the answers! praised be! With my wooden beam and blind faith, i shall be invincible!

The Lounge / Globel Warming Flooding is the Goverments fault
« on: February 02, 2007, 02:19:15 AM »
Consider the following:
A) most of an iceberg is underwater
B) Ice expands when frozen from water, therefore takes up more space
C) The ice above the waterline applys pressure to the water below and around when its attached to ice below the waterline

B and C can be done in your own home with a freezer/bath. and A ill take for granted

so then, as the ice melts... so what? the space used by ice is now taken by water. infact, there is more 'space' for it to be in, as the ice was takeing up more. freeze a bottle of water to prove that. if anything, it should actualy decrease the waterlevel.

I believe the goverment supports the view that its the ice melting causeing flooding because it covers up for their own mistake: The dumping of waste in the oceans. we know a m,assive amount fo waste gos into the ocean,  265 million tons toxic waste per year alone is created and has to go somewhere. you put hundreds of millions of tons of crap in the ocean, its going to rise by hundreds of millions of tons worth of crap.

of course, the numbers may not be exact, but the concept is what im trying to get accross. I would love to see someone with a degree in COMMON SENSE makeing desicions too.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Human understanding of 'phyisics'
« on: June 17, 2006, 04:53:32 PM »
No matter what 'alternitive science' Anyone could ever post, noone seems to take into consideration that the 'laws' of physics as we know them may not exist outside our knowladge. prehaps becuase they are too far away to encounter or prehaps we dont have the capeability to understand them.  
A thought for you:
In an infinate universe anything is possible. therefore everything is possible, and anyhting is probable.

just because human understanding will not allow us to see it, that does not meen that everything we believe is not true, nor that it is true. prehaps everything is either true or false as we know it. Prehaps where some of us see a round earth, others see flat. Prehaps we see both at the same time and more, but our intelligence is limited to how much of the information we understand.Prehaps none of what our limited senses see is truely there.
humans were not made to be intelligent. That much is aparent from the state of the world. Intelligence is something that should not be attributed to any human.
All science is flawed and useless when talking about something outside of human understanding.Within human understanding, it only applies to our limited capacity to apply it to knowladge, and may not even exist.

any thoughts?
or am i officialy sane in my insanity, or insane in my sanity?

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