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Topics - katsung47

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Trump humiliated
« on: June 22, 2018, 02:38:05 PM »
Robert De Niro says “F**k Trump” at Tony Awards
The Radio City Music Hall crowd roared and gave De Niro a standing ovation Sunday night

RACHEL LEAH                 JUNE 11, 2018

bert De Niro was called upon to introduce Bruce Springsteen's musical performance at the 72nd Tony Awards Sunday night, but it was his introduction that was one of the award show's most memorable moments.

"I’m going to say one thing: F**k Trump," De Niro said, full-throated and with bass and bite.

The audience erupted into roars, and the actor pumped his fists in the air. De Niro paused and waited for the applause and cheers to die down so his next words could be heard unequivocally: "It’s no longer down with Trump. It’s f**k Trump."

The crowd at Radio City Music Hall in New York City gave De Niro a sustained, standing ovation for his word choice and political statement, while CBS successfully bleeped out the expletive for the live telecast. In fact, after the show, many viewers watching from home wondered which profanity he used, twice.

But social media cleared it up:

Philosophy, Religion & Society / A real poll for Trump
« on: April 29, 2018, 01:02:59 PM »
I say it's "real" because the "poll rigger" won't touch it - the cost is too high, it costs real money. Now you know the real poll number for Trump.

Interesting story: How Trump's brands fade away

Zane Anthony, Kathryn Sanders and David A. Fahrenthold
Washington Post           4/13/2018

Before he ran for office, Donald Trump made millions by selling his name to adorn other people's products. There was Trump deodorant. Trump ties. Trump steaks. Trump underwear. Trump furniture. At one time, there was even a Trump-branded urine test.

Now, almost all of them are gone.


Four sheriff’s deputies hid during Florida school shooting
By Ruth Brown           February 23, 2018

Four armed officers and years of warnings did nothing to stop Nikolas Cruz from massacring 17 people at a high school.

Not one but four sheriff’s deputies hid behind cars instead of storming Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS in Parkland, Fla., during Wednesday’s school shooting, police claimed Friday — as newly released records revealed the Broward County Sheriff’s Office had received at least 18 calls about the troubled teen over the past decade.

Sources from Coral Springs, Fla., Police Department tell CNN that when its officers arrived on the scene Wednesday, they were shocked to find three Broward County Sheriff’s deputies behind their cars with weapons drawn.

The school’s armed resource officer, Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson, was also outside. He resigned on Thursday after his failure to act was publicly revealed.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Las Vegas shooting is a false flag
« on: October 24, 2017, 01:32:00 PM »

985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag (10/8/2017)

Las Vegas mass slaughtering was a distraction case done by the Feds(FBI and DEA). 

I am the murder target of the Feds(FBI and DEA). Since I stay at home to avoid being set up, They used to organize tours for my relatives to justify a search and arrest. To cover up the framed case from the sight of public, they used to activate big events to distract. My wife were arranged two tours recently. All follow this style.

1. 9/2 to 9/8, my wife had a tour to Canada.
   On 8/31, I wrote in #979
What will be big event used to distract public's attention? I think    it is war in Korea Peninsula.
   9/3,(next day to 9/2), N. Korea exploded a nuclear bomb. If Trump kept his promise of "Fire and       fury", there would have been a Korea war.

2. 10/2 to 10/18, my wife had a tour to Europe.
   On 9/25, in #983, I said,
"The framed case is going on. My wife said she'll go another trip      to Europe from 10/2 to 10/18. So something will happen at that time."
   10/1, LasVegas mass slaughter took place. (My wife left home at 10/1 evening, around 17pm. she said    the plane would leave at 12:55. I think she meant 0:55 of Oct.2)

3. News said Stephen Paddock might also planned other shooting case in August. It coincides with the murder plot of August. Paddock booked two bedrooms from 8/1 to 8/6 in Blackstone hotel in Chicago which overviews the park where the Lollapalooza music festival took place.(8/2 to 8/5)

That was the time when I alleged the Feds would create a gas explosion murder on me. (Aug. 3)

974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)

On 8/3, a P.G.& E engineer truck drove in my lane. A worker changed the gas meter of my house. I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at. He left hurriedly after I asking him why there was no notice in advance. I called p.G.& E that night. The operator confirmed there was a meter change that day but she didn't know why. Billing is normal. I allege that was an operation of the Feds. They could have installed some device in that new meter which may cause leaking to their control. Three months ago P.G.& E had a commercial in TV Chinese channel to apologize for deaths caused by gas leaking explosion six years ago. Now they are in action. It can be an explosion murder or an unreasonable search in the name of gas leaking.

Re: 958. Create a gas explosion (4/28/2017)

986. My analysis on Stephen Paddock (10/14/2017)

The gunman of Las Vegas shooting case is described as a gray-man:
No criminal record.
No political ties.
No religious affiliation.
No history of mental illness.
No history of violence
That also fits for a figure works for intelligence unit such like FBI.

Paddock worked for the federal government from about 1975 to 1985. He was a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service from 1976 to 1978. After that, he worked for six years as an Internal Revenue Service agent, until 1984. Then, he was a federal auditor for one year, in 1985, focusing on defense contractors. Towards the end of the 1980s, Paddock worked for three years as an internal auditor for a company that later merged to form Lockheed Martin.[15] His work career after this period is not entirely clear. He is known to have run a real-estate business with his brother Eric.[16]

It's not so easy to find a job in those offices yet he jumped among them. That means he had a special background. Then he went into real estate business.

FBI and DEA have no fat budget. Most operation fund comes from victim's. (see #8)

8. FBI's profit

Everything shows that law enforcement agent use isotope money tracing if you have cash savings at home. But how could they steal from innocent people?

Later I learned from 'National Geography' (1961, June) In article " FBI: public friend number one ". ' Mr. Hoover prides upon the "profit" it shows annually. During fiscal 1960 the FBI received $113,600,000 in operating funds. Fines, savings, and recoveries of stolen property and contraband in cases investigated by the FBI amounted to $142,822,244, or $1.25 returned for every dollar invested by the taxpayer.' It's that 'profit' chase makes FBI a looter. It's that black box practise makes FBI closed and untouchable and new high tech weapons killing without trace makes them ruthless. How do you expect them be in justice while their purpose is pursuing 'profit'?

And I found the Feds made a large profit from real estates business.

430. Monopoly the house in north San Jose (8/25/2006)


3. The most important thing is that housing market becomes the best way for Feds to make a profit. They take it as a business. e.g. In my community, a 4 bedroom single family house in 1991 was about 200k. (When Feds started to buy in. The first stage) In 1997, the price went up to high 200k. (when Feds started to buy in house in large scale, the second stage) Now the price is about 600k. If they bought a house in 1991 with 20k down payment, the profit is 400k. (Or 100k after deduct 15 years housing cost if the house haven't been rent off.)

Stephen Paddock might then worked for the Feds as its housing business team member. News said he gambles big in casino. Because the money came too easy and it's not his? He probably lost his life as a scapegoat for this reason.


A company put an ad out hiring actors for protests before the riot took place

The Alex Jones Show - August 17, 2017


Philosophy, Religion & Society / Trump is a candidate of the FEds
« on: July 05, 2017, 01:12:49 PM »
Truth of 2016 president election

The core is to help Trump to grab the president power.
The mastermind is the FBI.
Russian is only a scapegoat hired to get the thing done.

Clinton is victim but has been targeted by the FBI

Hillary's email was hacked. She is a victim. Russian (or the FBI) is the thief. But in this election the FBI attacked Clinton all the way to help their candidate Trump to steal the president seat.

Not seen in Mainstream media report.

Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’

Sean Adair/Reuters

by DEBORAH DANAN22 May 20167,044

TEL AVIV – The Saudi press is still furious over the U.S. Senate’s unanimous vote approving a bill that allows the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia. This time, the London-based Al-Hayat daily has claimed that the U.S. planned the attacks on the World Trade Center in order to create a global war on terror.


"September 11 is one of winning cards in the American archives, because all the wise people in the world who are experts on American policy and who analyze the images and the videos [of 9/11] agree unanimously that what happened in the [Twin] Towers was a purely American action, planned and carried out within the U.S. Proof of this is the sequence of continuous explosions that dramatically ripped through both buildings. … Expert structural engineers demolished them with explosives, while the planes crashing [into them] only gave the green light for the detonation – they were not the reason for the collapse. But the U.S. still spreads blame in all directions."

Florida Couple Fined $746 For Crime Of Feeding Homeless People

By Scott KeyesMay 12, 2014
#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">LAST FEEDING IN MANATEE PARK MAY 7, 2014

Every Wednesday, the Jimenezes feed more than a hundred people a hearty lunch with dishes of chicken patties, macaroni salad, and fresh vegetables, among others. The meals are entirely funded by private donations and staffed with volunteers.
However, Daytona Beach is one of a handful of cities that enacted ordinances barring individuals from serving food in public. Last week, nearly a half-dozen police officers showed up at Manatee Island Park, where a long line of people had queued to get a meal, and served citations to the Jimenezes and volunteers.

Malaysian Airliner is not missing and much more

 By Dave Hodges  March 14, 2014

The Malaysian airplane is not missing.  It is exactly where somebody has designed it to be.

(INTELLIHUB) — The coming world war is totally unnecessary. It will be fought with weapons and technology that is outdated by over a hundred years. The United States government has the ability to negate ANY Russian or Chinese weapon.

I can accurately state that we possess the technology to stop all attacks upon the United States or any other area that we choose. What the public was told about with Reagan’s SDI program was a deceptive lie. The MX missile system, for example, was a very expensive disinformation ruse. During the Reagan years, we already had developed technology that most would recognize as being part of HAARP which could, for example, knock down all incoming ICBM’s using HAARP based, localized EMP type of technology, combined with the technology located on the deep space platforms.

Mystery 'Tips for Jesus' tipper identified in NYC

By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News  12/10/2013
The generous mystery tipper who has been leaving waiters and waitresses across the country thousands of dollars in "Tips for Jesus" — and stamped with the @tipsforjesus handle — was identified by a New York City waiter as Jack Selby, former PayPal vice president.

Did you see the signature? He thinks he is the God.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Al Qaida growing stronger?
« on: October 13, 2013, 03:32:17 PM »
Al-Qaida Surges Back in Iraq, Reviving Old Fears

BAGHDAD October 13, 2013 (AP)

 By ADAM SCHRECK Associated Press

First came the fireball, then the screams of the victims. The suicide bombing just outside a Baghdad graveyard knocked Nasser Waleed Ali over and peppered his back with shrapnel.

Al-Qaida has come roaring back in Iraq since U.S. troops left in late 2011 and now looks stronger than it has in years. The terror group has shown it is capable of carrying out mass-casualty attacks several times a month, driving the death toll in Iraq to the highest level in half a decade. It sees each attack as a way to cultivate an atmosphere of chaos that weakens the Shiite-led government's authority.

Iraqi officials acknowledge the group is growing stronger.

No Al Qaida was heard in Saddam’s regime. Who brought them to Iraq?

NYPD Internal Affairs Cop Reportedly Among Bikers Involved in SUV Attack

Oct. 10, 2013

Another New York City Police Department officer has reportedly come forward and admitted that he was riding with a group of bikers who allegedly assaulted the driver of an SUV in an extreme case of road rage.
This latest officer is a five-year veteran of the police force who began working in the Internal Affairs Bureau's command center about a month ago, according to DNAinfo, a New York City online news website.

On Wednesday, undercover narcotics officer Wojciech Braszczok, 32, was charged with gang assault, assault and criminal mischief in connection with the attack on SUV driver Alexian Lien on Sept. 29.
The officer was the latest in a string of arrests connected to the incident. Five other motorcyclists have been charged, and police said they are continuing to search for suspects.

It’s a spy country. How many undercovers in a single motor-biker’s group?

Kenya Mall Attackers' Bodies Still Not Found

NAIROBI, Kenya October 11, 2013 (AP)
 By JASON STRAZIUSO Associated Press

A Western official briefed on the Kenya mall attack investigation says the bodies of the attackers have not been found.
Investigators, including FBI agents, are working their way through the collapsed mall rubble following the four-day siege on Westgate Mall that began Sept. 21. At least 67 people died in the attack.
The official said Friday that the attackers' bodies could be under the rubble but that it's not yet confirmed. Kenyan officials have said mall security video shows at least four attackers, though there are indications that perhaps two more attackers took part.
The official said the real names of the attackers aren't yet known. Names released by Kenya's military previously are only operational nicknames. The official insisted on anonymity because the information has not yet been publicly released.

A case similar to Bin Laden’s death and Sandy Hook shooting?

Report: Saudis Sent 1,200 Death-Row Inmates to Syria to Join Rebels

Offered Detainees Freedom, Stipends for Families

 by Jason Ditz, September 16, 2013

According to reports from the Assyrian International News Agency (AINA), a Syriac Christian-run media outlet, the Saudi Arabian government sent over 1,200 death-row inmates to Syria to join the ongoing civil war on the side of the rebellion.
The AINA report cites a leaked memo from the Interior Ministry as saying the 1,239 inmates were all sentenced to “execution by sword” for various crimes, and were given full pardons, as well as stipends for their families.

An unnamed Iraqi MP confirmed knowledge of the program, and said that Saudi Arabia had been forced to end the policy after Russia threatened to bring the issue to the attention of the United Nations.
The quiet deal between Russia and Saudi Arabia was that the influx of inmates would end and Russia would keep the matter from becoming public knowledge. Now that the information is out there, it will be interesting to see how Russia and Saudi Arabia react.

Report: Saudis sent death-row inmates to fight Syria

 Michael Winter, USA TODAY 5:53 p.m. EST January 21, 2013

 Secret memo says more than 1,200 prisoners fought Assad regime to avoid beheading.

Citing what it calls a "top secret memo" in April from the Ministry of Interior, AINA says the Saudi offered 1,239 inmates a pardon and a monthly stipend for their families, which were were allowed to stay in the Sunni Arab kingdom. Syrian President Bashar Assad is an Alawite, a minority Shiite sect.

According to an English translation of the memo, besides Saudis, the prisoners included Afghans, Egyptians, Iraqis, Jordanians, Kuwaitis, Pakistanis, Palestinians, Somalis, Sudanese, Syrians and Yemenis. All faced "execution by sword" for murder, rape or drug smuggling.

Why could Bush ignore the will of majority to start war on Iraq?
Why could Bush had a second term when he was a proved lier? (WMD)
Why Obama insists to missile Syria despite opposition from majority?

You still don't know your country is a totalitarian? It says it is democratic. It is not. President and Congress work for the same master - inside group. They never work for the people.

When Bush started Iraq war which was against the will of people, nothing happened. Even when he was proved a lier (WMD), he was still selected for second term. This is a totalitarian country. Most things are fake. Civil rights; election; Constitution..... all are of a cover value. It is a dictatorship. Everything is under domestic control.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Syria’s Christians Risk Eradication
« on: September 06, 2013, 03:48:11 PM »
US created a catastrophe to Christians in Iraq, Now it tries again to do same thing in Syria. All are in the name of “democracy” and “human rights”. It’s disgusting.   

Syria’s Christians Risk Eradication

A post-Assad Islamist regime threatens to re-enact the Armenian genocide.

 By Philip Jenkins • September 4, 2013

U.S. policy towards Syria is bafflingly inconsistent. If U.S. leaders are so concerned about regimes slaughtering thousands of their own people, did they notice what just happened in Egypt? If they are so exercised over about weapons of mass destruction, are they aware that Israel has two hundred nuclear warheads, with delivery systems? Will American warships in the region be making those other stops on their liberating mission?
Most puzzling of all, though, is why the United States seems so determined to eradicate Christianity in one of its oldest heartlands, at such an agonizingly sensitive historical moment.
Syria has always been a complex place religiously. Although the country has a substantial Sunni Muslim majority, it also has large minority communities—Christians, Alawites, and others—who together make up over a quarter of the population. Those communities have survived very successfully in Syria for centuries, but the present revolution is a threat to their continued existence.

Under its new Sunni rulers, minorities would likely face a fate like that in neighboring Iraq, where the Christian share of population fell from 8 percent in the 1980s to perhaps 1 percent today. In Iraq, though, persecuted believers had a place to which they could escape, namely Syria. Where would Syrian refugees go?
A month ago, that question was moot, as the Assad government was gaining the upper hand over the rebels. At worst, it seemed, the regime could hold on to a rump state in Syria’s west, a refuge for Alawites, Christians, and others. And then came the alleged gas attack, and the overheated U.S. response.
So here is the nightmare. If the U.S., France, and some miscellaneous allies strike at the regime, they could conceivably so weaken it that it would collapse. Out of the ruins would emerge a radically anti-Western regime, which would kill or expel several million Christians and Alawites. This would be a political, religious, and humanitarian catastrophe unparalleled since the Armenian genocide almost exactly a century ago.

Former US Treasury Official - The Fed Is Facing Collapse

July 12, 2013

 Today a former US Treasury Official told King World News that the U.S. Federal Reserve is facing collapse, and is completely trapped at this point.  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts also warned that the Fed is continuing to interfere in the gold market as they desperately attempt to implement a new global plan scheme to protect the dollar.  Below is what Dr. Roberts had to say in this powerful interview.

“So they are committed to printing money.  Now, what’s the long-term effect of endless printing of money?  It’s a house of cards, and at some point it has to blow-up.  Usually it (the blow-up) happens through the exchange rate.

I’m beginning to think that the purpose of the Trans-Pacific (trade) Partnership and the Trans-Atlantic (trade) Partnership that Washington is currently negotiating, is to pull all of the European countries and all of the Asian countries, minus China, into structured trade relationships with the United States.  It requires all of those countries to support the (U.S.) dollar.  They would be dollar-based trade relationships.

Dr. Roberts:  “I think the decline in gold and silver prices is due to intentional shorting in order to protect the dollar.  The Federal Reserve (is trapped), until it can get all of these other protective mechanisms in place, such as these trade agreements.  If the dollar price of gold is rising rapidly, it raises questions about the dollar’s exchange rate to other currencies, and thereby threatens the quantitative easing.

778. Edward Snowden is a false flag (7/5/2013)

My conclusion based on the following facts.

1.   Time line. It’s the development of the recent events, all related to the core plot- elimination of Kat Sung.

(1) The final stage of Boston bombing. It is marked by the killing of Toadshev in late May and the retirement announcement of the Boston FBI Chief in early June.
(2) On 6/7, an unusual private meeting between Obama and Xi (Chinese President) was arranged suddenly in California.  Payment of the secret deal apparantly was an issue. 

(3) On 6/14, “Former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden revealed to Hong Kong’s English-language newspaper, the South China Morning Post, on Wednesday that Washington has hacked into hundreds of civilian targets in Hong Kong and mainland China.”

2.   Obviously, Snowden’s revelation is the result of that private summit. It is part of payment of a secret deal between the secret police of US and China.

US recently “has repeatedly accused Beijing of perpetrating cyber-warfare, while China has continuously denied the accusations.

The latest round in this blame game saw the US Defense Science Board publish a report saying that nearly 40 Pentagon weapons programs and almost 30 other defense technologies were compromised by Chinese hackers, some allegedly tied to the military or government. (

It’s not a coincidence that Snowden chose Hong Kong as the place for his revelation. That’s a payment to China. His revelation largely releases the pressure on China.

3.   It is a payment to Chinese secret police for their collaboration in Boston bombing. In which they confirmed one of the death was a Chinese student. They also joined a carjacking set up to trap Tsarnaev brothers. (mysterious Danny). Also for a big operation to create a bird flu which estimated  6.5 billion in cost. (see “774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013)”)

4.   No information important has Snowden leaked to public because his job is just to release the “cyber spying” pressure from China. What he said is to prove US does same thing that China does. Government spying on people and foreign countries. That’s common sense. Americans know echelon, Patriot Act since 911. Civil rights has been damaged already. So what for Prism.

5.   News said Snowden is helped by Wikeleaks in his travel plan and finance. It proves true what I alleged two years ago that Assange was a false flag. The master played behind them is the same organization. (see “655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)”)

779. Big events in 2013 is a big plot (7/10/2013)

Since this February the Feds activated a series of big operations at the purpose to distract public attention from a small operation – eliminating Kat Sung. It sounds odd for some people, but has been proved true by decade long history. If you have read whole of my story, you may have got familiar with these tactics already.

1.   Attempted war on Iran. (1) On 2/15, a “meteorite” exploded in Russia. It was an  intimidation to Russia with a high tech. weapon which imitated meteor explosion. Russia is Iran’s ally. (2) In same month, former Pope Benedict resigned under pressure. The Feds replaced him with a puppet of their own. As a Pope, Benedict would oppose war on Iran if it happenes. (see #759)

2.   Bio attack – Bird Flu epidemic. Which was carried out by Chinese secret police and started from 4/1. (see “774. China and bird flu (6/5/2013)”)

3.   A nuclear war panic created by N. Korea. N. Korea has been bribed to do this for three times. Each time it related to elimination plot.
(1) First nuclear test- 10/9/2006. (see  “440. October surprise (10/5/06)” to #445)
(2) 5/25/2009, Second nuke test. (See “614. Secret deal with N.Korea (11/22/09)”)
(3)2/12/2013, third nuclear test. (see “765. How to justify a nuclear attack? (4/1/2013)”). The purpose is to frame Iran to “nuclear proliferation with N. Korea.

4.   Domestic terror attack which at last will justify the war on Iran. The “terror attack” will be a “dirty bomb attack” or “nuclear bomb attack”. The likely target will be New York City. You saw this attempt in (1) In March, Osama bin Laden's son-in-law, who acted as a spokesman for al-Qaida, has been apprehended, transported to New York. The trial on him will justify an “Al Qaida revenge attack” in New York. (2) Tsanaev brothers of Boston bombing indicated such attempt. They were accused of

“April 25, 2013

Tsarnaev Brothers Planned Times Square Attack After Boston Bombing

Korea Peninsula war crisis, domestic nuclear terror attack, epidemic, war on Iran, each single event could develop to a big disaster, let alone all four add together. That’s because FBI Chief Robert Mueller will step down in this September. The punishment for FBI murdering is just resignation. So they took the advantage and chance to plan such big events.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Sandy Hook disinformation
« on: May 21, 2013, 02:50:11 PM »
No others could do Sandy Hook massacre except the Feds because so many resources were activated: police, media, government officials and informants (some were called as "actors" by people.) And they of course would let out disinformation to meddle the water.

Robbie Parker was pushed out as a trap to discredit “Sandy Hook truthers”. Mr. Parker was selected because he has three look alike daughters, all with blonde hair and you can hardly recognize them if the picture was taken in a few years.

Here is a doctored picture. Madeline and Samantha have no legs in the photo. It was cut and replaced by other stuff. That two legs on bottom part is from another photo. The size and location does not fit Robbie Parker’s body.

And they deliberately let Madeline wearing Emilie's dress in photo with Obama. Let her in Emilie’s hair style in picture one too. The dress and hair style were designed to confusing people (that Emilie wasn’t dead) then to prove the suspicious people are "conspiracy theorist". Remember, no others have the motive and resource to do that. Those who could take pictures of Obama and Samantha have the privilege or that photo was a product of the "strategy office"(disinformation office) too. 
That picture was created particularly to mislead people to conclude Emily hadn't died. (they let Madeline wear Emily's dress) That's a trap set up for suspicious people. It proves even the president could be obedient actor to be manipulated by the perpetrator. See how happy those actors are. Are they family members who just lost a lovely girl and after memory service, or it was a celebrating party?

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