!/photo_search.php?oid=23033272998&view=all1/35 is a picture of a round earth with some discussion.
The essence of the argument is that sustained space flight is not possible so therefore the picture must be manufactured. The first question is can sustained space flight be falsified? There are many government and non-government groups that have successful and unsuccessfully attempted space flight. (Also see comments about pic 18/35).
4/35 is a flat Earth sun orbit representation. The provided image does not support the fact that day light in summer greater than 12. According to the image even during summer, I would estimate that day light would be approximately 24 h x 1/pi long (let’s say 8 hours roughly).
6/35 FES wine bottle. Are grapes flat too?
7/35 Apparent ice wall. There is no reference to where or when the picture was taken. A picture of a person standing in front of a glacier proves nothing in its own right. It could be a picture taken in Australia, New Zealand, Ice land, Green land, Swiss alps, Antarctica or what have you. If convincing the world that the Earth is round is so profitable, then why is it not being used as a stimulus against the GFC. Claiming a money spinning conspiracy may have had some validity 1950’s – 1960’s, but if you check out government spending in sciences since then you will see that it has declined significantly. As the saying goes, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. According to the conspiracy claim, anyone who has studied sciences for the last few centuries has been fooled by some masterful conspiracy.
9 and 10/35 FE Map, Sun light Alternative model. So which one is correct or more correct, 4/35 or 9/35, and why so? According to this map, if I have to head North from Fremantle port in Western Australia to get to the African continent. There’s an experiment for a FE’er, is a couple of 16 year old girls can sail solo around the world, I’m sure at least one FE’er can get the funding and courage to sail to Africa from Western Australia and record the direction headings.
11/35 is the same as 9/35.
12/35 Now were getting some where. I guess that it is meant to represent someone’s path as they sailed around the world? Since no FE believer trusts second hand data, give that sailing around the world thing a go. Lets us know how you will determine direction and distance. I’m guessing that GPS is out of the question?
13 - 17, 19, 21 – 35/35 Invalid. Artists representations, pictures or repeated images.
18/35 Apparent picture of the Ice wall from space. Check out the time date stamp 13 3: 06. If sustained space flight is impossible then this picture is invalid. If Sustained space slight is valid, then you have to review all comments about pictures taken from space. Either space pictures are valid or not. Fair enough to individually evaluate each picture on its merits, but a blanket approach can no longer apply.
20/35 News paper article. I would be interested to know the terms and conditions of the FE challenge. I would suggest that this prize gets reinstated with preset criteria evaluated by an independent third party.
Is the reason for lack of an accurate FE map due to funding, effort or reality? I find it difficult to believe that after all the centuries that the concept of a FE has been banded about, that no one at all has come up with an accurate representation.
If you want a genuine debate pre-define what reasonable evidence is required.
It was also nice to see that my last threads were removed (Denial) then locked (Support or the theorists). Cheers for that JD.