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Topics - Atam-Or

Pages: [1]
Suggestions & Concerns / FES winning
« on: December 07, 2024, 09:01:36 PM »

What if FE has an official policy of zero tolerance toward ignored evidence. I can totally have my mind changed if they present the evidence that answers for the FE point of contention, there are many.
There is a real effort to hurt the people here, and ruin the people, kill the research, etc. Those bullies at the network who shamed themselves filming Marc and then laughing about him are losers. Straight up. Thats not science! If their science is greater, then show it's truth.

I want the FE to act true to its people, I have my personal journey seperate from you guys, and I am hear to support the FE people as much as possible.

Don't take any bait, and don't take any offers for trips from anyone, these are real killers you're dealing with. It's serious.

Unless theres a reluctance these days for whatever reason, where does someone find others interested in meeting people on skype and just telling their story. It's what I was hoping to see more of, I like the old days when things were better online. OH well! I'm late to the races but my path crosses FES merely, and I'm very grateful for your spirit! Good job guys!

All the best and always...


Flat Earth General / Canender for peer review
« on: December 02, 2024, 02:32:59 AM »
13 months of 4 weeks each  Wk = 6 days and the 7 =sabbath (saturn)
4 seasons =13 weeks each
4 ecliptic holidats
3 holidays yuletime

The minimalist
 figures only.

begin at any equitorial point. move around. weekdays are the same. round and round. cycles. CIRCLES C:-)

Peer review please


The Lounge / Introductions
« on: December 01, 2024, 03:17:19 PM »
Hello, my avatar is Atam-Or and I hope to find people here interact with on the regular.

If I can be a positive presence I will be pleased. If I can be a voice for all beliefs I would, but some beliefs are incompatible with others, and thats the whole reason for the fighting in the world, is it not.

Well, let loose. say hi, ask away. I will do my best to answer all questions in a meaningful way.

Let's have a time here.

Flat Earth General / My ideas about peer group empowerment
« on: December 01, 2024, 07:30:43 AM »
I would like to contribute to the conversation with disillusioned people, looking for support. I can help you get more traction for your mission. You can do it, if you have support and community. Here I want a strong community for everyone to rely and, draw from and take for granted with lots of our hardships made easier with opening the doors to supporting each other. I just hate the  way people have abused nice people like they have before and want to answer for that for good and for all.

Intuitive multiple choice questionairre.

I will give context : When asked to comment on tartaria, a vlogger introduced with isolating with rhetoric by designating, falsely, it as belonging to a group 'conspiracy theory' and imparts his knowledge that it has association with Nazi Germany and Hitler, because memory of a book about the Thule Society that mentions tartaria.

Lets review : .

 Already we have a large amount of Rhetorical devices and elements that annihilate the validity of 'tartaria'  having never glanced at any work or reviewed anything for context.

Thanks guys. have fun

Pages: [1]