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Topics - Platonius21

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I don't want to start a discussion on what causes gravity.  Whether it's gravitons or warped space-time or whatever,  it apparently manifests itself as force attracting masses to each other.

The combination of gravity and Newtonian circular motion explains well how the earth can stay in orbit around the sun without crashing into it due to the attractive force between them.

In Flat Earth theory, what keeps the earth and sun from crashing into each other due to that attractive force since there is no orbital centrifugal force countering it?

Flat Earth Debate / View from space
« on: July 21, 2021, 03:52:36 PM »
In case you missed it, the view from the Blue Origin capsule:

The earth looks curved!

Flat Earth Debate / The Horizon - calling all FE Scientists
« on: February 21, 2021, 08:37:45 AM »
When flying in an airplane over open water on a clear day, there is always a horizon.

Can any FE scientist provide a valid scientific explanation for there being such a horizon if the earth were really flat?

Want to prove the earth is not flat?  It is easy to prove it is neither flat and infinite nor flat and finite. Here's how:

1. Get in an airplane on a clear day, get high enough to see the horizon out the pilot's window.

2.  See that horizon?  The fact that there is a horizon at all is proof that the earth is not flat and infinite.

So, if the earth is flat but not infinite, then that horizon must be at the edge of the earth. So,

3. Watch as the pilot flies to something on the horizon.  When you arrive there, notice that there is a new, different horizon.  That is impossible if the earth were flat and finite.  So the earth is not flat and finite

That's it.  If the earth is not flat and finite, and it is not flat and infinite, then it is not flat period. Easy experiment to do. I have done it. You can do it. Anyone can do it as long as their eyes are open.

Why even bother talking about a Flat Earth theory when it is easy to prove the earth is not flat?

Flat Earth General / An IMPOSSIBLE hoax
« on: August 03, 2019, 12:51:25 PM »
For the earth to be flat, one has to believe that photos of the earth from satellites or spacecraft are all hoaxes. Which then requires the belief that NASA is engaged in a gigantic hoax, in cooperation with Russia, Japan, India, China; any country or company engaged in launching satellites (or pretending to).

Not to mention all the scientists, engineers, equipment builders, and company managers from all over the world, having to be in on the scam. Oh -- let's not forget all the politicians from these countries cooperating on the hoax too

And not one single investigative journalist in all the years since Sputnik has managed to uncover the hoax.  Not a single leak from hundreds of thousands of co-conspiring people from around the world -- not a single one has admitted and provided documentation verifying the grand multi-national hoax.

Such a grand, kept-secret hoax is IMPOSSIBLE.

NASA is not a hoax.  Satellites are real. The images are real. The earth is not flat.

Flat Earth Debate / There is no accurate map
« on: July 12, 2019, 01:47:02 PM »
Any maps you have in your car or in an Atlas somewhere are inaccurate. This is because cartographers and map makers have, over the years, made accurate distance measurements and found that they cannot be displayed accurately on a flat sheet of paper.  This is, all by itself, very strong evidence that the earth not flat because, if it were flat, their measurements could be accurately displayed on a flat map.

As evidence of this, I show below a map of the United States along with calipers that are used for the scale of the map. The calipers show the distance in pixels between the various cities of San Diego, California; Miami, Florida; Portland, Oregon; and Portland, Maine.

For scaling purposes, we use the Miami, Florida to Portland, Oregon distance to establish this map scale of 4352 km = 755 pixels, where 5352 km is the established distance in km from Miami to Portland.

The established distances are taken from and the map itself was taken from

The image below shows the distances between the various cities in pixels, then the distances in km using the scale above, and then for comparison,  actual established distances between the cities:

You can see that the map error is as great as 14.4%, which is because the earth is not flat.

Flat Earth Debate / "spotlight sun"
« on: April 07, 2019, 11:38:39 AM »
If the sun really were like a spotlight, circling above a flat earth and just shining onto a portion of the earth like a spotlight, how is it that on some days, the crescent moon and sun can be seen in the sky at the same time?  Seems to me, the "spotlight" would prevent the moon being illuminated --

This is almost funny.  Over on Reddit, in the Conspiracy Theory sub, they are complaining the Flat Earthers are giving true conspiracy theories a bad name.  Reason being that FE claims are so obviously bogus (as opposed to their "genuine" conspiracy theories that have some supposed threads of plausibility), yet still garnering as much attention as they do., that they cause the public to believe all conspiracies are as blatantly fraudulent as the flat earth stuff.

You can read about it

Flat Earth Debate / Foucalt question for FE'ers
« on: January 14, 2019, 08:52:27 PM »
I would like to hear any Flat Earth believer's explanation for how a Foucault Pendulum moves the way it does if the earth is flat and stationary?

If the earth is flat, it should be easy to make an undistorted map on a flat sheet of paper where the distances between cities and continents are correct, continents are all properly sized with respect to each other, and the scale is constant throughout.

Over the decades (long before sputnik, before NASA) surveyors and cartographers set out to measure and make maps, using whatever instruments they had. But the maps they came up with were distorted -- they never came up with an undistorted flat earth map.

What are the possible reasons no one has made such a map?

Here are two possibilities I can think of.   I would like to know from anyone on this forum of any other possibilities anyone would like to present.

Possibility 1: There is no undistorted flat earth map on a flat sheet of paper because it's impossible if the surface you are mapping is not flat.

Possibility 2: The surveyors and cartographers measurements indeed were compatible with the earth being flat, but they were part of a vast conspiracy to purposely distort their results to make their maps appear as if the earth is not flat.

What other possibilities are there that I might have overlooked?

And also, for the second possibility -- what would have been the motivation to purposely deceive people into thinking the earth is round?

Flat Earth Debate / Question for Round Earthers: Why are you here?
« on: January 07, 2019, 05:50:24 AM »
As a round earth believer, why are you here?

I came here to see why people would believe such a thing as flat earth, and maybe to show them why what they believe has to be wrong.

But after being here a while, I realize that Flat Earthers have decided so many true things are false, that there is no hope of convincing them of anything. Think about it. To believe in flat earth you have to deny photos of earth from space. That means you have to deny satellites. That means you have to deny Newton's laws of motion. You have to deny gravity. You have to deny NASA and anything has done.

So you have to make up "theories" to account for all the things that are explained by use of satellites. How to fake the ISS.  How to account for GPS. How to explain no correct map. Ice Walls. Armies preventing Antarctica travel. On and on it goes.

So I have two questions for other round earthers:

1.  Do you know of any Flat Earther who has changed their mind based on logic and reason?

2. Why do you bother to keep trying?

Suggestions & Concerns / Thread is greyed out?
« on: December 31, 2018, 07:55:58 PM »
I started thread about User Wise's map

Now that thread is greyed out and it seems I cannot post to it. Why would this be??

Flat Earth Debate / User Wise's flat earth map is rubbish
« on: December 28, 2018, 09:08:39 PM »
Member "Wise" has posted in the Flat Earth  Q & A forum under the topic "Where is Australia on the Flat Earth Map?", a flat earth map with a scale on it, along with a claim of significant accuracy and "if there is a difference with distance in this map and globe map, so this one is more accurate".

That claim is rubbish, which I tried to point out right there, but Space Cowgirl prevented that. I guess it is not allowed to point out errors on "answers" in that forum; too close to "debating" I guess. I was told if I wanted to make that post, to do it here.

So here is what I tried to post there; everything is taken from the map that Wise posted in that forum.

 First I used Screen Calipers to determine how many pixels on my monitor screen corresponded to the 1250 km distance scale on that map, which resulted in 42 pixels on my monitor being 1250 km on the map, or a scale of 29.76 km per pixel (see first image below)

Using that ratio of 29.76 km per pixel on my screen, I then use the screen calipers to make the following measurements directly off the map on the screen, giving these results (see second image below):

Vancouver - Santiago: 321 pixels => 9554 km (accepted RE distance: 10559 km)

Santiago - Johannesburg: 553 pixels => 16,458 km (accepted RE distance: 9173 km)

Johannesburg - Auckland: 641 pixels => 19077 km (accepted RE distance: 11642 km)

The percentage difference between the map readings and accepted RR distances are:

Vancouver - Seattle:  FE Map  reading 9.5% less than RE

Santiago - Johannesburg:  FE Map reading 79.4% greater than RE

Johannesburg - Auckland:  FE Map reading 63.9% greater than RE

This is evidence, directly from member Wise's FE map, showing errors from 9.5% all the way to 79.4%, proving the claim of any decent accuracy is rubbish. And that's just from the three measurements I bothered to make.

The image below shows how I determined the basic map scale of 1250km = 42 pixels.

and the image below shows how the other measurements were made

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