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Topics - Physicsteacher

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth General / Flat earth and morality
« on: August 16, 2016, 11:49:59 AM »
My opinion is that it is highly damaging to produce propaganda dressed as pseudoscience and spread it to vulnerable people.

The world has simple minded uneducated people, it has stupid people and it has young impressionable people.

I do not believe that making arguments about the flat earth, that these vulnerable people may take at face value is right.

How much ridicule will they face in life? How many job opportunities will they lose out on when they declare flat earth as an interest?

Now some make these arguments for fun, and some make them for money (scum), but do any of them think about the impressionable and vulnerable people who fall for this?

It wouldn't be so bad if there was at least some evidence. I came here to debate and found sarcasm and childishness from the same people supporting this crock of sh!t idea.

So, who here cares?

Flat Earth Q&A / Just what the heck is this guy trying to prove
« on: August 13, 2016, 12:52:45 PM »

Okay, I get that some of you believe or pretend to believe the earth is flat.

However, this video typifies the type of argument and level of intelligence I have have met here.

What does this endless drivel try to achieve? What is this idiot actually thinking he is proving here?

What, if any of this is his evidence for a flat earth?

Flat Earth Debate / Gravity
« on: August 09, 2016, 04:44:17 PM »
We can all grab our binoculars and see the moons of jupiter, and we can watch them over hours/nights orbit jupiter.

How can this be if gravity does not exist?

Flat Earth Debate / Debunking the idea the earth accelerates upward
« on: July 27, 2016, 04:43:28 PM »
So, when I throw a ball in the air, it takes the same time to go up as it does to come down. This is standard if the earth is not accelerating up.

However, due to the FE belief of acceleration of earth upward the ball would fall in a shorter time than it took to go up - but this doesnt happen.

Now, unless u cant understand the difference/separate acceleration from movement, how do you explain this?

Gravity must exist?

Flat Earth General / Questions please
« on: July 27, 2016, 02:01:16 PM »
Hi everybody

I am long interested in various belief systems, and the reasons they arise (Flat Earth being one of them).

I also like friendly debate (no internet arguments, im too old and busy for that).

To be respectfully honest, I do not believe in a flat earth but would love to debate on the subject.

I am a physics teacher, and I would love to hear your reasons for believing flat earth.

I think I could refute them pleasantly and scientifically (or who knows, you might stump me and shake my whole belief system).

Who fancies starting off?

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