Dear members of this forum:
Inspired by the threads about the existence of airplanes and the morality of oral sex I, too, decided to do some research, and I might have stumbled upon a conspiracy of an extent noone will believe.
As everyone on this forum by now probably ‘knows’, a baby is sometimes created during sex and then born by the mother 9 months later. Everyone learnt this ‘fact’ at some point in their life, either by their parents or in school. You all accept it and have probably never questioned it in your life. So what if I tell you now that sex itself is the biggest conspiracy that was ever created?
Yes, it is debated in school, in some schools there are even special classes (‘sex ed’), but this is all a huge conspiracy planted by the government and the freemasons!
Of course, there are thousands of pictures and videos showing sexual acts on the internet (I refuse to post links but I am sure most of you have seen at least some). I have studied many of those extensively, sometimes several times a day. After all this research, I can conclude that the videos are an
utter fake! First of all, the story ranges from hard to believe to ridiculous (why do you get into a taxi when you
know that you can not pay?). That is when I started to dig around. Dr. Brendan Zietsch states
here that the average duration of a sexual act is about 7 minutes. This time was beaten in
every movie I have seen, often lasting about 45 minutes.
But with this huge amout of pictures and videos on the internet, there must have been
some leaks, you might say. Guess what: there are!
There are several leaked lists (see i.e.
here) of members participating in this movies that
actually are hollywood actors! Think about that! Hollywood involved in the creation of those movies! How can we ever believe them?
But the rabbit hole goes even deeper. I have asked around, and most of my friends claim to have had sex at least once, many even claimed to do it on a regular basis. Out of all the people I have asked, many close friends of mine, no one,
not a single one agreed to let me personally verify their claims. On the contrary, I earned extremely confusing looks and the person quickly tried to change the topic. So how far does this conspiracy span, when even my closest friends are part of it?
I read a study where 13-year old male students were interviewed about their ‘sex life’ in front of their friends. All of them claimed to ‘have sex all the time’, but when asked again with their friends absent most admitted that they had lied. The government has played a very tricky game with us, my friends: By dictating social status partly by sexual activity they have forced us to lie in front of and to our friends and thus, unknowingly and unwillingly, be part of the conspiracy and help to keep it running.
But, if all the tales are false, where do babies come from? In many cultures, originating from the ancient greeks, a stork bringing babies is a powerful myth, recently even a movie was created touching this topic. While this story does not completely convince me, there has to be a true core to that.
‘But why?’ you might ask. Why plant a giant conspiracy? First of all, there is some money involved. Every teenager has condoms lying around that he will never use, for example. But the real reason goes deeper. It is control, absolute control.
Think about it: We have convinced women to daily ingest pills that, as a
fact, alter their body and change their moods. And these are just the effects we know of, who knows what else they do? All of this out of
fear to get a baby through sex. And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
In our teenage years, most (if not all) thoughts about decisions are ‘will this help me get laid?’. This focus on sexual activeness is certainly most present there, but it spans throughout all ages. Think about it: ‘Virgin’ is a huge insult, sexual activeness is related to success and high social status. Some scientists even argue that the final reason behind
every of our decisions is the wish to get laid (those scientists are mostly male, by the way). Instead of working towards a better future for all of us, we hunt an ideal that is nonexistent! How convenient for the freemasons!
I think they are on to me. A few days ago, in a bar, I was approached by a girl that clearly hinted that she wanted to have sex with me. As soon as I asked her if she was paid by the government to do so, she became
very uncomforable and
immediately left. If I stop posting in the next few days, you know they have me.
I do not expect to fully convince you with a single post. I just want you to ask yourselfes: How many hours of your life have you done something hoping you will get rewarded with sex? Could you not have spent these hours in working towards a better future for all of us? Have you ever personally seen two people having sex? Just do your research and you will find out the truth!
PS: There are probably even many paid shills here who will now claim to have had sex many times. DO NOT TRUST THEM!