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Topics - Airline Pilot

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Flat Earth Debate / Questions from an Airline pilot
« on: September 19, 2015, 01:32:35 AM »
Hi Flat earthers,

I was wondering if you could explain these anomalies in the theory.

I have superimposed the supposed FE tracks that an airliner from the company fly for would have to fly in order to carry out two of its regular scheduled services i.e. Sydney to Johannesburg and Sydney to Santiago... vis


I won't go into the technical details of fuel requirements at this stage, (suffice to say that the range requirements exceed any current airliner, but these flights are available for anyone to to buy a seat and watch exactly where they point themselves after takeoff. Neither of them head anywhere near the northern part of Australia, in fact quite the opposite. Neither is over land for any more than 5% of the total flight time. This can be verified by siting at a window, seat on the Sydney -Jo'Berg flight which is all daytime. It s a boring view believe me.


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