Flat Earth Debate / explain to me
« on: December 10, 2007, 05:52:00 PM »
please explain to me why you are living in the dark ages?we have been to the moon seen the earth spinning on its axis,we have all seen satalite pics showing that the earth is infact round, in our day and age it should be unheard of, you can all call me stupid for questioning your side like you have with other round earth belivers, a debate has two sides to it? or am i rite in thinking that this site is full of sad weird Americans who still live with there mums at 30 years old who have never had a boyfriend or girlfriend, or sad lonely housewifes? prove to me that the earth is flat and i will hold my hands up and say that i am wrong. i am sorry if i have offended people, i dont think that it is rite saying that ppl that dont belive are stupid, it simply is not true, if the earth was flat, at the edge of the earth,dose the sea stop on a stand still or dose it keep running off the edge? why hasent there ever been anyone fall off the edge? if it was true then why aint we leaving school with the idea the earth is flat, there is to much evidence that the earth is round. prove to me.
caroline from the uk
caroline from the uk