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Topics - Jenova Cell

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Debate / NarcBerrys idea
« on: May 11, 2008, 08:26:43 PM »
You stated that all of the heat we feel comes from the earths core. How does one go tannin in the summer, and only (really) when its not cloudy or rainy?

Flat Earth Debate / In the FE, why...
« on: November 13, 2007, 08:52:28 AM »
is the a need for daylight savings time? does the sun (for no particular reason) slow its rotation atop the Earth? just curios, I havent heard this one in discussion before.

Flat Earth Debate / GreatMaju SHUT UP!
« on: November 08, 2007, 07:19:50 PM »
You are a noob. now read a little into the subjects and you will find you arent all knowing.

Now, as for a topic, I think it should be required that newcomers read the FAQ and 10 post before being allowed to reply to anything or create a new topic. perhaps the engineer could help with this.. anyone else agree?

Flat Earth Debate / question regarding our curved atmosphere
« on: November 05, 2007, 03:10:54 PM »
TomB has informed me that while the Earth is flat, the atmosphere itself is curved. While this anomoly doesnt really make sense, I'll go with it. so heres my question.. Would it not save million of gallons of fuel to launch rockets and things of the like in antarctica rather than in florida or wherever? if the curved atmospehere is true, then the atmosphere must be many times thicker at the North pole rather that the outlaying antarctic region. hope that makes sense. if not I'll try again

Flat Earth Debate / the sky
« on: October 10, 2007, 07:52:55 AM »
So I lookd up today, and I thought to myself... I wonder why the sky is blue? then I remembered that it has to do with the light that refracts off the atmostphere. then I thought again.. if the Earth is flat, and the sun is only a few thousand miles above us.. then how is it that the sky is blue?? any takers?

Flat Earth Debate / Allignment
« on: September 24, 2007, 08:06:16 AM »
Ok, so if everything in the universe is about, what, 3000 miles (?) up in the sky, how do you explain the rare occurance of the planet allignments? If everything is at that altitude, wouldnt the planets simply collide?

Flat Earth Debate / Northern Lights
« on: September 07, 2007, 02:32:08 PM »
From my understanding, the lights appear pretty dang high in our skies. Yet, only the far nothern areas can see them. I dont think this would be the case in a said flat earth. any takers?

Flat Earth Debate / youtube video.. pretty convincing :]
« on: August 22, 2007, 02:35:55 PM »

I dunno, maybe special effects, ut it looks pretty real

Flat Earth Debate / The Northen lights
« on: August 06, 2007, 09:52:19 AM »
Assuming the Earth is flat, how is it that people around the world cant witness the northern lights? The lights occur incredibly high in our atmosphere, and if the Earth is indeed flat, everone on the planet should be able to see atleast SOME of the lights. any ideas?

Flat Earth Debate / Google Earth
« on: July 08, 2007, 03:58:46 PM »
Ok, so on FE satelites dont exist for some reason. so how do you explain how google earth took the pictures in the first place? and you can say they are a hoax, because you can see your house from those pictures, assuming you look hard enough. just a random thought I had

Flat Earth Debate / Big bad mother nature
« on: June 13, 2007, 08:12:49 PM »
k, I'm not going to get into WHY global warming is happening, but I think we all know it exist. So, the inevitable question.. what will happen to the world when the "Ice wall" melts? since the earth is "moving upwards and the ice wall keeps the water from flowing over the sides", will all of earths water flow away when this "ice wall" goes away? The FE ers are doomed..

Flat Earth Debate / time zones
« on: June 13, 2007, 12:36:36 PM »
Ok, so assuming the earth is flat, how do time zones come into play? the reason for time zones on a round earth, is so the days are shorter in winter and longer in the summer (or reversed). this is because in the summer seasons, the round* earth (northern hemisphere -- which is another thing you FE people must not believe in. ) is closer to the sun, and the southern hemisphere is farther away.

On to hemispheres. I was recently in Chile, which is in the same time zone as Atlanta (where I live). at this exact moment it is COLD (mid 30s to 40s farenheit). In atlanta where I am now, it is almsot 90 degrees farenheit. According to you FE peeps, because the sun is 3000 miles away, then most ofthe earth must be about the same temp. which its not.

thanks for your replies

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