Money buys you food, a roof over your head, clothing, transportation, entertainment, it buys you an education, it provides for your family, it buys you health for when you are sick, it has the power to end life and the power to give it. We give up a vast majority of the time in our day - 8 hours or more, in pursuit of money. Who would spend their entire day trying to get something if it were not the most important thing in the world to them? Quite clearly, money is the terra and the firma of all earthly existence.
You go to college because you want a career with a good starting salary. You have more respect for a person with a good career than one who does not. We spend more time working than with our own families. We are willing to indenture ourselves to a lifetime of servitude in exchange for basic necessities.
Thork says it the best here:
I will make it more simple. In the 21st century slavery is abolished. That doesn't mean people aren't slaves. You can choose your master but you still have to work for someone rich. In return you will receive a wage that just about covers your living expenses. Rent/mortgage, food, clothing etc. all the things you could expect your master to supply as a slave. Some slave jobs pay better than others. You are a more cherished and useful slave and get larger accommodation and finer clothes, but you still have to work for someone. You live in a shitty box house, with your shitty little garden and look forward to 2 shitty weeks off in the summer. the free are those who own things. Companies, land, assets. They get slaves like you to work for them all week long. They spend their time playing golf, sailing yachts, bollocking people and spending more money than you can imagine. They do what they want. They don't work.
If you are born into a family that owns a supermarket chain, or a car factory, or 10,000 acres of farmland ... you were born free. You will inherit the right to do whatever you want. Pursue what ever you feel like, the money will just roll in. You own things, the slaves will earn money for you.
The only way to be free is to work for yourself. Set up your own company and get people to work for you. think about that next time you are at your crap job doing something you hate. Think about how free you are. Or when you are looking for a job, you are putting on the shackles and marching to the market waiting to be bonded into slavery and to top it off, its competitive, you are fighting each other for the best slave tasks.
Money hasn't meant freedom. Its just a form of slave credits. Its not like you own bricks of gold or farmland or anything of great physical worth. You are a slave. Wanna study for 4 years so that you can earn someone else more wealth?
How can anyone say that money is less important than love? Quite clearly, when our survival depends on it, and when all of our time is given away in pursuit of it, it is more important than all else.
How can anyone say that they are fine living on beans from paycheck to paycheck? Accidents and illnesses will happen, to both you and to your family. Money needs to be there for that. Your children will need day care, they will need a college education, and your parents will need nursing homes. You are expected to be a provider, and a good one.