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Messages - James Gray

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth General / Re: The Conclusive Categorical Conspiracy Compendium
« on: October 06, 2011, 04:28:01 AM »
What of people that claim to sail around the world, travel around it ectra how do they fit into this conspircy?

Flat Earth Q&A / A few questions
« on: October 06, 2011, 04:25:17 AM »
Im kinda sitting on the fence with this FE/RE debate i can see reasoning behind both sides but it seems like neither side can provide unrefutible proof that one theroy is right and the other wrong anyway, i would like some questions answered for me if anyone could help me understand a bit more that'd be great.

1) How does atmostphere workd in terms of FE. Or what stops in from escaping because a FE wouldnt allow for the factors that keep a RE atmostphere in place.

2) Without a RE we wouldnt get seasons right? because RE believe seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth what causes temperature fluctuations on a FE

3) Planes. i infact do not own or can opperate one but my brother has a pilot lience and he says that if 2 planes were to drive at the same speed one only 1k above the ground and another 3km above ground the lower plane would infact get to its destination faster if they were in say a 2km race (please note the planes must finish at the same height they started at) this is something he learnt during his lessons but what proof is there to refuit/proove this?

Sorry if it sounds like im interragating you, but im interested as to the theroy behind this subjects

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