Can I start by saying that I am not just coming on this forum to insult or patronise anybody but I genuinely want to better understand your beliefs.
Firstly, I wanted to question was that all Space missions are hoaxes. How can this be true when there is a reflective object placed on the moon by US astronauts which is used to gauge the distance of the moon from the earth. Also how could NASA possibly gain out of the earth being spherical rather than flat?
I have read the FAQS and I appreciate responses.
Hello. If you don't find the answers in the FAQ, while waiting for responses, you may want to search through the site to find that these topics are already answered. Enjoy
Oh wow, I have asked the OP's question at least a dozen times, every single time it gets derailed by eith parsifal bursting in with "lurk moar", or TB bursting in saying that it is for military purposes (TB should join the army, he seems to know so much about it). Neither of those responses answer the most important question here:
How does one benefit from a flat earth over a round earth? If the earth really is flat there is no need to "fake a RE" just for "military purposes". The second possibility is that the earth is not flat and therefor this site is a joke. The third and last possibility is that there is no benefit to this conspiracy, which gives rise to the question:
Whence cometh the conspiracy? (AKA: back to sqaure 1)