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Messages - Canadark

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Flat Earth General / Re: Space shuttle from plane
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:35:08 AM »
I once flew from Miami to Charlotte NC. I was exhausted because it was only one leg of a loooooong international flight. I fell asleep not long after takeoff and woke up a few minutes later to see everybody was on one side of the plane looking out. The guy next to me said that one of the space shuttles had just launched and they could see it from the plane.

I never forgave myself for sleeping through it, haha.

Anyways, the flat earth people still haven't explained how this event works within the parameters of their theory.

It's definitely A. In my opinion, there's a clear dividing line between the life of a plant and the life of a person. However, the line gets fuzzier(again, in my opinion) the more developed the life form gets. By developed, I mean able to feel and react to pain, and generally close to sentience. Also, to take the comparison a step further, would you kill a street junkie with AIDS if it meant saving the life of another human? If so, would you do it under any circumstance? There's a BIG difference between killing someone who is threatening a third person's life and cold-bloodedly slaughtering him to indirectly save somebody's life.
So why is a person's life more important than a plant's?

I'm able to get away with it because of my religious beliefs.

Human life comes first, doesn't matter who we are talking about.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: About the word god and deism.
« on: November 04, 2010, 06:29:15 PM »
Babelfish fail...

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Sacrifice of Jesus.... Was it really?
« on: November 04, 2010, 06:17:58 PM »
Largely the bible is from an inaccurate translation from a Greek piece of work.

Mary was not a virgin, the true translation means young girl. Joseph then becomes a child molesting pervert. Jesus was the bastard child of a young girl and a paedophile.

With such an upbringing it is not a surprise he became the equivalent of a present day money grabbing evangelist con man. Again no surprise he ended up being executed.

Canadark has is theory, I have mine.

Wrong on so many different counts, and in so many ways:

1. The Bible in its present forms is translated directly from ancient source material. It is not a succession from one book to the next.

2. Young girl does not imply "not a virgin", especially given that the Old Testament promised that the Messiah would be born of a virgin and that both the gospels that mention Christ's birth refer to an immaculate conception.

3. Women in Jesus' times frequently married while they were still teenagers. Be very careful in making the argument that Joseph was a pedophile, as such a claim shows more disdain for what I hold as my close personal belief than a desire on your part to potentially learn about a culture and time period of which you are altogether ignorant.

4. Given these realities and the fact that they still rest in empty speculation, your final point about Jesus being a con-man is moot.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Sacrifice of Jesus.... Was it really?
« on: November 04, 2010, 06:05:12 PM »
Yes. Conviction does not imply guilt. You cannot make a strong case that Christ was a criminal by virtue of the fact that he received a criminal's punishment.
With all due respect, one cannot make a strong case about anything concerning Christ given the source material we have at our disposal.

How does the source material for Christ compare to that of other historical figures from the same century?

Be more specific.
You simply have nothing solid on which to proceed here. I don't think I can be much clearer.
You are going to have to try. When did I make an argument from the position of ignorance?

Well, you brought it up. Using Charles Manson and pogroms as analogies is in very poor taste.
It is pertinent.

The Bible goes out of its way to absolve the Romans of responsibility in Jesus' death. Hell, it even has the Jews declare themselves guilty of it.

You have already admitted that you would accept anything submitted to you by Manson's "family" concerning his trial at face value if it were the only available account. I apologize if you found the analogy offensive, but it has rendered some extremely interesting insight. Rest assured that your moral indignation, whether feigned or not, was not provoked in vain!

But the only thing that Manson had in common with Christ was that they were both punished. Is that enough for you to assume that they both deserved what they received?

A better comparison would be the execution of Socrates, as it doesn't carry the immediate negative connotations we associate with Manson. Assuming that you only had his testimony and that of his followers to go on, would you consider his death to have been justified?

We are not guilty because of Adam's sins. If that were the case then how could Christ have been considered perfect, given that he too was descended from Adam?
I'm not going to try and reconcile discrepancies in your religion. All I know is what the Bible tells me.

The Gospels are rife with people being cursed because of the actions of their forebears. We are still apparently paying for them to this day.

People suffer because of the actions of others, but Christ addressed this issue specifically when the disciples asked him about it in John 9:

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” "Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

But this is beside the point. You were making the case the the Bible supports the idea of guilt by association in order to justify using it as an argument against Christianity. It simply does not, but even if it did, you would still be a hypocrite.

But whereas I site written evidence suggesting Christ's innocence, all he has to go on is a hunch that it was a conspiracy.
What evidence? There is no reason to assume the Evangelists were anything more than apologists for a convicted criminal.

Again, you are utilizing the appeal to ignorance
Your statement amounts to the following:

"You have no proof (that I am willing to accept) that Jesus was not a criminal, therefore I must conclude that he is".

If we are going to accept this as a valid argument then I must concede that you are correct. Then again, you have no proof that Jesus was not a walrus. Prove me wrong or I will be forced to conclude that he was! ;)

As you can see, I cannot prove a negative.

This site would be more fun with some more religious fundies.

Allow me to gratify you  ;)

I would personally strangle 100 harp seals if it meant I could save the life of a street junkie with AIDS.

You take offense too easily; I am genuinely curious.
Back to point, why does it appease God for his son to die before forgiving sins? He can forgive sins without Jesus getting tortured and dying.

Saying "durr" and "wat" makes you seem disrespectful.

Christ's death was an appeasement but it was also a demonstration of love. God killed something of himself to save humanity.

An old world war one tale.

From the front........Send re-enforcements we are going to advance.

Passed down the line became. Send three and fourpence we are going to a dance.

How may times have the bible tales been verbally or in writing 'passed down the line' or translated to become nothing more than meaningless drivel?

No other work in the history of humanity has been as rigorously studied and translated as the Bible. The people writing new versions of scripture are not morons or televangelists, they are PhD linguists and theological scholars translating documents written during the iron age.

One of the biggest deceptions that people ignorant of Christianity have managed to convince themselves of is that the Bible in its current form is different from the original. The issues that arise are not in the words, but the interpretation.

Except that you have no archeological or textual evidence to support your claim that the account in the gospels was all a conspiracy, whereas the Charles Manson trial is well-documented.
I don't recall making any such claim. Would you accept an account of Manson's trial under the same conditions as you accept Christ's?

Yes. Conviction does not imply guilt. You cannot make a strong case that Christ was a criminal by virtue of the fact that he received a criminal's punishment.

Arguing from ignorance is a logical fallacy.
Then stop doing it.

Be more specific.

True Christian orthodoxy does not hold the Jews as being singularly responsible for Christ's death.
That's such a massive consolation. Thank you so much.

Well, you brought it up. Using Charles Manson and pogroms as analogies is in very poor taste.

Guilt by association is a logical fallacy.
Romans 5:12-14.

We are not guilty because of Adam's sins. If that were the case then how could Christ have been considered perfect, given that he too was descended from Adam?

Are all written accounts hearsay? What other evidence would you expect?
I expect nothing. I'm simply pointing out that spanner34.5's position is just as valid as your own.

But whereas I site written evidence suggesting Christ's innocence, all he has to go on is a hunch that it was a conspiracy.

The point being that Jesus was tried and crucified without any charges against him being proven. He was accused of subverting the authority of Caesar and blaspheming YAHWEH, but no evidence was ever brought forward.
Only according to the Evangelists - who had every reason to distort the process in their account of it. It is the equivalent of trusting Charles Manson's "family" with recording the transcripts of his trial.

Except that you have no archeological or textual evidence to support your claim that the account in the gospels was all a conspiracy, whereas the Charles Manson trial is well-documented.

Arguing from ignorance is a logical fallacy.

As you will recall, Pilate ordered his execution but only after telling the Jews that were demanding Jesus' death that his blood was on on their hands.
And thus justifying the pogroms after every Easter sermon for centuries afterward.

True Christian orthodoxy does not hold the Jews as being singularly responsible for Christ's death.

Guilt by association is a logical fallacy.

Again, there is no evidence beyond hearsay of Pilate ever having done this.

Are all written accounts hearsay? What other evidence would you expect?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Evil
« on: October 27, 2010, 06:07:46 PM »
If god wanted us to be God-fearing robots, he wouldn't have bothered and just stuck to heaven, after all, those angels and whatnot are pretty pious. He wants us to choose our own path, be it right or wrong. This life is not perfect, I don't know where you get the idea that it is supposed to be, either.

1. Angels do have free will.  Lucifer was able to rebel against God. 
2. This life being perfect is given to us from the Bible.  Had Adam and Eve not eaten of the forbidden fruit and gained the knowledge of good and evil (ie. the knowledge of a choice) we'd have a perfect life, be perfect, and our entire society wouldn't exist.

Not all Christians believe in free will. Lucifer was fulfilling a purpose in God's plan by virtue of the fact that God knew he would rebel but still decided to create him.

I just don't see evil as being an imperfection of the universe. Excuse the pun, but its a necessary evil. I think the universe would be imperfect without what you describe as evil.
I can't unrationalise (its not a word but its what I want to say) the idea of evil, being attributed to loss. And loss to part of a changing universe. No losses, no change. No change, a pretty shitty universe.

I think you've hit on something here. The universe is perfect insofar as that the universe we live in fits perfectly into God's will, which is ultimately his own glorification.

Thus the problem exists in the definition of perfection, i.e., point number 5:

5. Our world is not the best possible world. (Just look at all the evil and shit!)

Jesus was nothing more than a criminal. He was tried, found guilty and executed.

This happens quite regularly in some of the more backward parts of the world today.

Why all the fuss?

What were the charges?
No idea and neither has anyone else. Any information will have been distorted over time

The point being that Jesus was tried and crucified without any charges against him being proven. He was accused of subverting the authority of Caesar and blaspheming YAHWEH, but no evidence was ever brought forward. As you will recall, Pilate ordered his execution but only after telling the Jews that were demanding Jesus' death that his blood was on on their hands.

Jesus was nothing more than a criminal. He was tried, found guilty and executed.

This happens quite regularly in some of the more backward parts of the world today.

Why all the fuss?

What were the charges?

Consider these:

"And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear. Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matthew 26)


"Jesus answered [talking to Pilate], 'You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.'"
(John 19:11)


Jesus had the power to save himself.

I would argue that God, being all powerful, didn't require anything in order to sanctify his people. He could have done it simply by snapping his fingers. His choice to sacrifice Jesus was a display of love.
How is torturing your son a display of love?

Because Jesus died as a propitiation for man's sins.

Drop the impudence.

It was a sacrifice, but a symbolic one more than anything. It represented the finite nature of mortality, and that atonement has a point because the soul is immortal. So replace 'Jesus' with 'soul' and you have your answer.

lolwut? We nailed god's soul to a piece of wood?
Even looking for symbolism in that doesn't help.
You missed my point. I am far froma bible literalist, but this represents that sins can be absolved with sacrifice, not that this was in itself a sacrifice.

But sins could be absolved with sacrifice long before Jesus.  Jews sacrificed lambs and other valuable things to God for to be absolved of their sins.  The idea of Jesus being "The Lamb of God" plays off this by saying that the world sacrificed him and now we don't have to sacrifice anything.

But he didn't sacrifice himself nor did anyone sacrifice him.  Some Romans, who felt they were better off with him dead, nailed him to a tree and let him die a painful death. 
Now granted, he did, as the story goes, allow himself to be captured.  This probably saved the lives of his apostles so in that, he did sacrifice his life.

But being the son of God, he knew he would become more powerful than they could possibly imagine.

I would argue that God, being all powerful, didn't require anything in order to sanctify his people. He could have done it simply by snapping his fingers. His choice to sacrifice Jesus was a display of love.

Consider these:

"And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear. Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matthew 26)


"Jesus answered [talking to Pilate], 'You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.'"
(John 19:11)

Where does the Bible say we should kill non-Christians?

Deuteronomy 17:2-5, 12, Exodus 22:19, 2 Chronicles 15:12-13, Deuteronomy 13:7-12, 13-19,
Probably others, these were just the easy ones to find.

And how many Christians were alive when those verses were written?

How many Christians were alive when Jesus was?

Well, none... that was the whole point of Jesus coming.

Where does the Bible say we should kill non-Christians?

Deuteronomy 17:2-5, 12, Exodus 22:19, 2 Chronicles 15:12-13, Deuteronomy 13:7-12, 13-19,
Probably others, these were just the easy ones to find.

And how many Christians were alive when those verses were written?

That is my point. He is a shitty troll. He was trying to bait the christfags, yet he did so in a way that he showed he lacked any knowledge on the subject himself. Adam and Eve have literally nothing to do with evolution and neither is "right" because one is a group of people and the other is a process. How could either be "right"?

This is arguably valid.  Sure, scientifically, it's undeniably true, but in the minds of many people it's a polarized debate topic.  I would go so far as to conjecture that the majority of American's think this is a plausible question.  Many are told all throughout their childhood that if you believe in evolution then you are rejecting the bible and rejecting the bible is tantamount to rejecting Jesus.  In this context you can clearly see how someone can mount an Adam and Eve or evolution mentality. 

So while, yes, Adam and Eve have nothing to do with evolution, you can see why people think that it is debatable as they are mutually exclusive.  Now, here is were the important part comes in.  This question could have been phrased to address this type of mentality.  While evolution is undeniably provable and Genesis is a myth, this is a question that represents the mentality of an age; the spirit of the times -- however shameful it may be. 

A troll?  Perhaps.  More likely, it's someone rehashing a misunderstood debate that is sadly plaguing humanity.  Our duty is to resoundingly obliterate these arguments whenever they present themselves, however tedious they prove themselves to be.

I agree with you for the most part but I think that you are getting hoisted by your own petard here. Presupposing that Genesis is false is a matter of faith just as assuming that it is true is a matter of faith. The fact that evolution is undeniably provable does not exclude the possibility that Adam and Eve as described in the Bible were real people. I'm not arguing that this is evidence to support my religion, as it would be totally unreasonable for me to ground my belief in the Bible on that fact the you cannot logically disprove it. All I am saying is that nothing in the Bible has ever led me to believe that evolution and creation are mutually exclusive.

Where does the Bible say we should kill non-Christians?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: "Where God(s) Came From"
« on: June 26, 2010, 07:05:30 AM »
This is a really good thread. As a Christian I will be first to say that I am ashamed of much of the Church's history.
As an atheist I'll be the first to say I am ashamed of the Church.  All of them.  All the time.

Are you familiar with all of them?

Except that the great flood wiped out all humans except one extended family. 

Not only that but you gotta explain the massive amount of genetic diversity required to sustain a population.  If you took 2 random people, put them into an isolated colony where all they had to do was eat, sleep, and breed.... you'd have a dead colony in about 100 years or so.
As I recall I spent an entire thread arguing with babsinva over this (to no avail).

What if those two individuals were more genetically robust, and God played a part in the evolution of their descendants from generation to generation? Could it work then?

I think the issue is that those are humans who are dead and can't "hear" prayers.

What's the big deal though? If it makes them happy, it doesn't hurt anyone, and God doesn't say you can't do it, why should it matter?

It seems, to me, a bit hypocritical. God is the only one who can actually do anything about their problems (i.e. answer their prayers) so praying to a dead human vessel who cannot do anything about their problems, is tantamount to praying to a false god in my opinion. Erecting statues to the Mary and praying to them is the same as praying to a golden cow. They're ascribing "godly" attributes (forgiveness, comfort, etc) to a human.

Humans cannot forgive or comfort others? Besides, they aren' just a dead human vessel. They are in heaven and are Saints.

All Christians are saints, not just the ones the pope chooses. A lot of evangelicals believe that no one goes to heaven when they die, that they are instead waiting for Jesus to resurrect them.  Sort of sleeping until judgment day.  Then there are others who believe that they go directly to heaven and will get a new body after the second coming.

None of this is a big deal to me, I realize religion was made up by people.  We're debating Christianity though, and Christianity has some rules.  One of them being that we aren't to worship any other gods. Prayer is a form of worship, because you ascribe godly powers to someone besides god.  There is no indication in the bible that anyone besides God can hear prayers, or any indication that someone like Mary would have God's ear. 

This is one of the best thought out and best researched posts I've seen in this thread. You describe the Protestant position perfectly.

I said, Adam and Eve, or Evolution..

I never asked who how or why Adam and Eve / Monkeys were put on earth, but rather which is more likely to be the reason im posting this reply

You phrased the question wrong. Many Christians, myself included, believe in evolution and Adam and Eve; and I'm not just talking about bacteria building resistance to antibiotics. I'm talking about macro-evolution on a massive scale.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Ask a Christian anything.
« on: June 22, 2010, 07:09:59 PM »
Do you think God made more than 1 universe?

No, I don't believe he did.

So how does one explain denominations? Clearly if it isn't in the Bible then YHWH doesn't care that much about it.

Denominations emerge around those things which God apparently does not care much about or at least did not care enough to spell it out for us plainly. Most Christians will admit that it doesn't really matter which denomination you belong to. Even though they differ in their beliefs here and there, they are all still legit because they agree on the fundamentals.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Ask a Discordian Anything
« on: June 19, 2010, 11:47:40 AM »
What is Discordianism?

Something about a flax Buddha.

Yes. Protestants take issue with using it as a title or classification because we consider all believers to be saints.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Ask a Christian anything.
« on: June 19, 2010, 11:36:44 AM »
Knowledge and wisdom were given to many of the early church leaders and apostles in the absence of a New Testament. Prophecy is about predicting the future. As for tongues, they come in two types. There is the gibberish kind like you mentioned, where people filled with a religious fervor speak in "tongues of angels", and the more practical variety, where people start speaking other human languages of which they previously had no knowledge. I am of the inclination that none of these gifts exist today, although I don't want to tie God's hands.

1 Corinthians 13:8-12 can be interpreted to support this view, although it could be intended to be poetic:

"Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

I agree with Babs here, and his position is representative of the prevailing view among Protestants. All believers are saints and are part of the Christian priesthood. We are all equally entitled to access to God and to perform Christian rites and ceremonies (such as baptism and communion).



Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Ask a Christian anything.
« on: June 19, 2010, 08:38:11 AM »
So in other words, some people believe that there has been no progress in the are of languages and science since the bronze age? That's an interesting idea.

No. You have no idea what we are talking about.

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