How can you in your most wildest fantasy belive that all the governments all over the world had agreed on a conspiracy to lure all the people. I think u have missed a very importent part, the governent in most countries are made of normal people just like me and all the others NON FE-belivers.
Do not never forget that WE are the government. And if your theory would be truth it would have to be hundreds of thousands people working on this 24/7 to make it all work. And how do you think that number of people could keep their mouth shut? Or do u maybe have any "inside information"?

And a simple question, how far is it from the closest place on land to the so called "ice-wall"? Answer me!
'Lureing' people is not the goal
It wont have to be goverments all over the world, since many surpress their people enough already, and some are barely goverments (Africa)
The goverment made of normal people? George Bush has never experienced life outside the whitehouse or what it is like to be poor. one example.
We are the goverment? you what? do you understand how politics, or the voteing system, works?
Hundreds of thousands of people? ever heard of technology?
They dont have to keep their mouths shut if they are told nothing. There are plenty of soldiers that have been told to guard a patch of land.
and to htink, im a RE. Dam.