The Lounge / Re: A different kind of naming ceremony
« on: April 18, 2019, 04:00:03 PM »Also, if it's a boy, I don't have shit for namesBenjamin Franklin LastName
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Also, if it's a boy, I don't have shit for namesBenjamin Franklin LastName
Not trying to be a dick, just can't help it . . . Vivaldi.
The simple existence of UFOs which many people can attest to and have personal, zetetic experience of makes it clear that space travel does in fact exist because how else could they make it to our world from other planets?Just because an object is flying and unidentified doesn't mean it's from another planet.
It speaks volumes where I can start a thread with just 3 letters and immediately everyone knows not only what it's about but immediately start to take up their pre-ordained positions on the left vs right spectrum of political viewpoints.Here's the rub. Anytime you see the usual propaganda outlets from the far ends of the spectrum both spinning shit about the same person, but with opposite goals, be suspicious. This woman is going to be one of the most lied about politician of this upcoming decade. She'll likely have a large number of ridiculous conspiracies made up about her, a la Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama.
Nah. I know Ben Shapiro is the current meme, but I dare you to find any of his writings as bad as this piece of shit book:Must be the worst written book in the history of everything.No, that's True Allegiance by Ben Shapiro.
I'm also confirmed good and I say kill CFC.Ther's some logic here. Things don't look great for team good, and a straight injection of RNG to the veins might help our chances of winning.
The teachers are adults, who supposedly have some kind of degree. Why should they not be allowed to carry a small little .380?You can, in some states, with the school district's approval.
It is not a right of the militia, it is a right of the people. I, for one, am part of the people. Are you?The right of the people to a militia. Which you and I both have, in our state's respective National Guards. Really the biggest threat to this right is the federal government using National Guard for foreign operations, as has frequently happened in the war in the Middle East over the last 15 years.
As far as teachers being armed, is your only defense against it is that we have some kink of lack of workers?I'll parse out the flaws a bit more. Ignoring the fact it would increase gun violence, which I'm sure you'll dispute, we'll just focus on the pure policy flaws with it.
What part of "the right of the people" is up for interpretation? It is a right.Yes, the right to a well-regulated militia. You have this in the form of your state's National Guard. Your rights, per the second amendment, are not currently being restricted and still wouldn't even with much stricter gun control laws.
I would propose that every teacher in the US be trained with and issued a single stack .380 (9X17mm) at the least. They should have some kind of background and mental check, and if they can't pass that, then they should not be teachers in the first place. I would not want someone who is not capable of owning, handling, or carrying a firearm in charge of my kids.With all due respect, come the fuck on. We have a problem getting enough decent teachers or enough decent police already, and you want to merge these two jobs? Unless you plan to offer six figures with public employee benefits, good luck filling these jobs. And if you can get politicians to triple teacher pay, please stop wasting your time on FES and start lobbying politicians. Our future generations need you.
Oh yeah, that's right. It wasn't Gayer or Crouton. B.Franks, it had to be you. You pulled your protection away from me at the worst possible moment. Sorry, not sorry.I only did it because I didn't want you to win.
socialism means that you take things from other people and give it to others, and we will kill anyone who thinks differently or could potentially think differently.
But, in the US, it is written into the constitution.But I'd like to focus on this part. I think people really misunderstand the second amendment. Let's look at the actual text.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Anyone send me links please. I'm a fresh believer and I want everybody to know.The coolest shirt was the limited run of like 100 from a decade ago. Only the cool kids got them. Mine's been ripped like two or three times, but I'll keep repairing it until it's shreds.
Tough choice.I hate cowardice and stalemates.
If I let barst die then I give into anger. If I get the narrator lynched then I give into fear.
I'm going to go the route of cowardice and try to stalemate the decision.
[vote to lynch the narrator]
Narrator 3
Barst 3
After someone greets "How are you" is it not proper to say "I'm fine". If so, why?At least in my slice of the English speaking world, you should be slightly overstating how you are neutrally. So "I'm good" or "Pretty good" are all proper responses.
In our English lesson books it's taught so. Please clarify this matter for me. Thanks.
Where are the good Flat Earthers?There are numerous long time Flat Earthers that have been active in promoting Flat Earth Theory. Daniel Shenton, John Davis, Tom Bishop. But the Flat Earth community is large and decentralized, spread across many websites.
Why do we not see or hear from them?I don't know, look in better places.
Do you mean reasonable flat-earthers like [insert two crazy people]?No, I don't mean them. As a general rule, if someone is talking about cherry picked examples you shouldn't try and cherry pick more examples.