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Messages - Atam-Or

Pages: [1]
Suggestions & Concerns / FES winning
« on: December 07, 2024, 09:01:36 PM »

What if FE has an official policy of zero tolerance toward ignored evidence. I can totally have my mind changed if they present the evidence that answers for the FE point of contention, there are many.
There is a real effort to hurt the people here, and ruin the people, kill the research, etc. Those bullies at the network who shamed themselves filming Marc and then laughing about him are losers. Straight up. Thats not science! If their science is greater, then show it's truth.

I want the FE to act true to its people, I have my personal journey seperate from you guys, and I am hear to support the FE people as much as possible.

Don't take any bait, and don't take any offers for trips from anyone, these are real killers you're dealing with. It's serious.

Unless theres a reluctance these days for whatever reason, where does someone find others interested in meeting people on skype and just telling their story. It's what I was hoping to see more of, I like the old days when things were better online. OH well! I'm late to the races but my path crosses FES merely, and I'm very grateful for your spirit! Good job guys!

All the best and always...


I dont find conventional research quoting impure 'laws' like gavity which are just theories that fail to find the mark.
Q :(
So you don't understand scientific theories and just reject those you don't like?

Response : If I have conveyed that, the fault was mine own. I must insist upon you're careful attention to my sentance, as a fully communicated answer that should have brought about my implied problem points.
Furthermore, while I dont pretend to be a memorist of other peoples literal homework. If anyone at all has something of value they authored, I'm interested. I dont have a monologue myself, and thats fine.
I can do a lot with physics, vacuums and compression, gasses, liquids and combustion too. I can weigh up and make up some stuff due to using science with respect for science. This is precicly what nuts and goons like billionair jerkface muuuusk and the minion hords are lacking. This will only change if you change. I'm good where I'm at. LOVING the wise crack.

Q for wise : You and I have arrived at the stage where we either keep it down or amp it up. You seem amped, and strong. Love it. I dont get inspired often but when I do it's of value because, you're gonna make it. And you exist. And your making demands like an Athenian Noble I love it so much.

Tithes no whys just pay me or die. !!! perfect impression of Athenian Nobles as Barabarian Human Glory

I have offered a better vision of the solar objects, that of being plasma projections.
Oh?  What is the source of the plasma and what is the plasma being projected onto?

I can't say, and if ou can, great. I am seekiing better knowledge my eyes can rest on. Not forever, but for the now. My jouney is not yours. My language is at the mercy of my ignorace. Forgive my unknowing. I can suggest it comes from magnetic north regions, and moves west an a great plane that is the Whole World, mostly hideous and with life non-the-less. Let us imagine the fossile record of antarctica. What a stab in the dark! So we are all told, in passing mention of this queer effort of science in a frozen and barren waste without thawed land to dig. So we were told much, that is untrue. This is the pressure we here have flipped the script for, upon the intolerance of all the massaged laws, princibles and what must be can be demenor, where a charmed subject at home gets heaping earfuls from the Schience-facts upheld in spite or even contempt of science as it should and must be : using his freestyle of combining a string of ideas about just about any imaginable magic process "{..that could fill the gaps made apparent by this research.)"~

~ ft : Asian guy from film The Princible" 20--. Dont remeber, dont care re: Name *if you want to learn more just watch the film. ITs pro-ballander but drops some good information for all.

Schience today changes reality, and follows the same path as before, so again. Some will emerge out of the old and into the new, most will change into other things altogether (my personal deal breaker never ever. Abomination!!!!) and the rest perish. The wheel keeps turning. End is not a thing. Aliens arnt what you think. This world is all of ours. everyone can choose. Thus spake the wise. So we are Dyonysus. The 4 corners are before your eyes, and out of any sight. the globe traps you because, you are a chicken. Plato whas half right when he was retorted by diogenes. The heard is scooped up to broil a feast and the wandering stray is noticed in the night by a drunken corner piss by the house servant.

Your journey will be for you in perfection regardless of me or them.


Flat Earth General / Canender for peer review
« on: December 02, 2024, 02:32:59 AM »
13 months of 4 weeks each  Wk = 6 days and the 7 =sabbath (saturn)
4 seasons =13 weeks each
4 ecliptic holidats
3 holidays yuletime

The minimalist
 figures only.

begin at any equitorial point. move around. weekdays are the same. round and round. cycles. CIRCLES C:-)

Peer review please


Flat Earth General / Re: The Final Experiment - Antarctic 24 hour sun
« on: December 02, 2024, 02:24:58 AM »
Some of the people here are kinda bad vibes .......any personal reasons or just .......this sociopathic narccissism thats been going around.

Do presume to tell me what I am-  mono eh mono, j/s. lol It helps!

Happy hunting

Flat Earth General / Re: WHY would the government trick us?
« on: December 02, 2024, 02:20:20 AM »
These kinds of users are so cringy, to me. JackBlack, I'm interested in your style of debate. It's, well, I better not say. I want to hear your take on why anyone should listen to you, as you are. It would serve you better to reserve your automatic response mechanism for your own metation, and not volunteer it here so readily. It injures your credibility.

Thank you, friendly advice unsolicited!! Forgive me
Do you have anything constructive to offer, or just pathetic insults?

I'm sorry about you feeling insulted. That was all I wanted to contribute before, and now this. This is all you, my arena is around. enjoy.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 02, 2024, 02:14:02 AM »
So much....where to begin. Um, I see him from limited exposure, my view has always seen through his flambouyant status, and judged him by his behaviour. He's an ultra insider, part of this generations role modeling. He's easily discredited and enshrouded in demonstrable secrecy. He's existed in his proffered 'past' thats  a background so absent of all qualities inherent to natural life, it's clearly impossible.


He's what I call a 'designer actor'

He has immunity from the MSM defemation machine - and out(shames) anyone with 'dispicable' SM content.

Time to see what you guys think. Might share more later.


The cause of earthquakes is the explosion of water gases.
Community of Russian scientists.

In the mountain systems of the Earth, there are deep vertical faults in the earth's crust, in which water collects.
In faults the size of Lake Baikal, under the influence of pressure, temperature and time, the process of degassing of water takes place, due to which light gases collect in the upper part of the faults, and heavy gases in the lower.
And as soon as the ratio of gases and oxygen in the vertical fault reaches - 1:10, an explosion occurs and the waves from the earthquake source scatter in different directions.
In faults, the combustible mixture does not explode in its entirety, but only in the segment where the combustible mixture has reached the desired proportion.
The duration of earthquakes and the number of underground explosions depends on the amount of combustible mixture in the fault.
Before and after the main seismic events, local explosions, foreshocks and aftershocks occur in separate segments of the fault, due to which gases and oxygen are mixed, pressure and temperature increase, causing a rumble, trembling and swelling of the earth's crust. Foreshocks and aftershocks are also catalysts and precursors of major seismic events.
Ignition of a combustible mixture occurs as a result of compression of the combustible mixture, contact of magma with a combustible mixture, or from an electric discharge. The self-ignition temperature of gases is about 500°C.
It is possible that other variants of combustible mixtures are formed in the bowels of the earth.
The presented hypothesis can be easily verified by blowing up a firecracker under the ice.
1. After the explosion, faults diverge from the source of the earthquake, into which the combustible mixture rushes.
2. As a result of pressure, temperature and time, the walls of the faults become stronger.
The height of the faults reaches more than a kilometer, the width is several tens of kilometers, and the length is several hundred kilometers.
3. After seismic events, faults are filled with magma, due to which one of the types of folded mountains is formed.
4. It is possible that basalt pillars and mesas were formed at the beginning of the process of mountain building, during the cooling of magma in vertical faults and in the vents of volcanoes.
5. Deep-water tectonic lakes, canyons and rivers were formed as a result of the failure of vertical faults.
6. I believe that minerals are formed in vertical and horizontal faults under the influence of temperature, pressure and time.
7. In the resulting faults, rarefaction occurs, due to which the faults draw in air and then close.
8. It is possible that some vertical faults are interconnected.
9. It is possible that ravines form between the earth's crust and magma on the reverse side of the earth's crust, in which, due to the degassing of magma, a combustible mixture is collected.
And as soon as the ratio of gases reaches - 1:10, an explosion occurs, due to which faults and waves from the source of the earthquake scatter in different directions.

The amplitude of a seismic wave can be determined by the following formula: A = m/h.
Where, m is the mass of the combustible mixture.
h is the depth of the combustible mixture.
In the epicentral region, a predominantly vertical oscillation of the earth's crust occurs with an amplitude of more than a meter, and waves with an amplitude of about a meter diverge from the epicentral region.
1. Before an earthquake, some animals leave the active fault zone. I think the animals are alarmed by the smell of gas coming out of cracks.
2. The gas content above the epicentral region can be determined using a gas trap containing litmus paper. Litmus paper can be placed in basements that are on the fault line.
3. The concentration of gases in the faults can be determined using wells.
4. An earthquake can be provoked artificially by drilling a well in fresh faults.
5. It is possible that the cause of anomalous phenomena in the atmosphere during seismic events is the release of a combustible mixture into the atmosphere.
6. Chinese scientists began drilling a well 10,000 meters deep.

The early stage of the Earth's evolution was accompanied by the formation of cracks. On one of the cracks, thanks to volcanoes and earthquakes, the Mid-Atlantic volcanic ridge was formed, which grows both in length and width, and in height and depth at a rate of 0 to 3 mm per year. The reason for the growth of the ridge is the vertical and horizontal faults that form at the junction and around the ridge.
Thanks to volcanoes and earthquakes, faults expand by millimeters, mountain systems by centimeters, and the epicentral region by meters.
Mountain systems formed hundreds of millions of years ago, after the formation of the earth's crust, when the earth's crust beneath the mountain systems was much softer and thinner.
The higher the mountain systems grew, the more they subsided, shifts, bends, failures in mountain systems, the result of uneven growth and subsidence of mountain systems.
Three types of mountains form on earth:
a) Horizontal folded mountains, formed due to numerous eruptions of lava on the surface of the Earth.
b) Vertical fold mountains are formed after seismic events when vertical faults are filled with magma.
c) Blocky mountains are formed when folded mountains collapse and grow due to explosions in vertical and horizontal faults.
Due to faults, the density decreases and, as a result, the buoyancy of the earth's crust increases.
a) The height of the continent above the magma level depends on the density of the continental crust.
b) The more faults and voids in the mountain systems, the higher the mountain systems.
Gases move along the faults that stretch from the mountain systems into the seas and oceans, due to which seaquakes are formed, and as a result, the mountain systems attack the ocean.
Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge there are dozens of islands through which air enters the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, perhaps the more islands above the oceanic ridge, the higher the geological activity of the ridge.
Earthquakes and volcanoes are natural phenomena, the role of which is the strengthening of cracks in the earth's crust. And mountain systems are patches on the cracks of the planets.
Every year, more than a million earthquakes are recorded on the continents, due to which the strength and buoyancy of the earth's crust increases

It is believed that a volcanic eruption occurs as a result of the movement of plates and an increase in magma pressure.
At the same time, a volcanic eruption is accompanied by an earthquake.
a) The movement of magma under pressure cannot be the cause of the formation of seismic waves and earthquakes.
b) An earthquake is the result of an explosion of a combustible mixture in a volcanic chamber.
c) Why is a volcanic eruption most often accompanied by the release of gas and ash, and not lava?
Manifestations of volcanic earthquakes are almost no different from tectonic earthquakes, 90% of volcanoes are located in seismically active zones.
In Japan, an explosion of volcanic gases crushed a 670 m high mountain.
In Indonesia, a combustible mixture explosion destroyed half of the volcano and caused earthquakes in several cities, and there are quite a few such facts.
I believe - an earthquake, this is a volcanic eruption towards the core of the Earth.
It is possible that only magma is located under the earth's crust, and the mantle is formed only in faults and volcanic chambers.
There is a high probability that between the earth's crust and magma there is a gas layer (foam), due to which the earth's crust does not overheat and magma does not cool.
1. The reason for the axial rotation of the Earth is cyclones and anticyclones, which move in the direction of the general transport of air from west to east.
Rotating the earth's crust carries away magma - which rotates after the earth's crust.
2. It is believed that the core of the Earth rotates synchronously with the Earth and is in a state of weightlessness.
a) There is a high probability that due to intraplanetary weightlessness, the gravity of the Earth's core is practically zero.
b) If the centrifugal force of the Earth's core is greater than the gravitational force, then the Earth's core will disintegrate.
c) Due to the rotation of the Earth, the pressure of magma along the axis of the Earth decreases.
3. I believe that the reason for the circulation of magma in the bowels of the Earth is - weightlessness in the center of the Earth and the difference in the velocities of magma rotation at the equator and poles.
a) Due to its high viscosity, magma at the poles rotates faster than in the equatorial region, due to which magma moves from the poles to the equator, from the equator to the center of the Earth, and from the center of the Earth back to the poles.
b) Perhaps, in the equatorial region of the Earth, the geological activity and pressure of magma is much higher than at the poles, due to which magma moves from the equator to the poles, from the poles to the center of the Earth, and from the center of the Earth back to the equator.
c) The above can be easily verified by rotating a globe filled with a thick transparent liquid.
If you rotate water in a vessel with a thin metal plate at the bottom, the plate will float.
4. The statement that the Earth's core consists of a solid inner core and a liquid outer core, between which a transition zone is sometimes distinguished, raises doubts.
a) How to understand the phrase - "between which the transition zone is sometimes allocated".
b) How it works and works in the transition zone - thermal insulation.

Science is a river of ideas, and false ideas are rocks in the riverbed.

Continuation: Academgorodok Forum Novosibirsk. The science.
Forums of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky.
My VKontakte page

Exploring this is worthwile. I have alternative research that conforms with this theory.
available upon request (links to

What's the interest here? Numbers are fun. Multple negatives have a positive result, someone say's? *bats eyelashes* hmmm

Flat Earth Information Repository / Re: Authentic Flat Earth Theory
« on: December 01, 2024, 03:21:06 PM »
Evapotranspiration and precipitation prove the Earth is flat.

Thanks for that datum, and the shown work. I really enjoy seeing peoples unique focal points that come from their own sources. Original!

My kudos, and bumpage, at your service AnneFrothingslosh

The Lounge / Introductions
« on: December 01, 2024, 03:17:19 PM »
Hello, my avatar is Atam-Or and I hope to find people here interact with on the regular.

If I can be a positive presence I will be pleased. If I can be a voice for all beliefs I would, but some beliefs are incompatible with others, and thats the whole reason for the fighting in the world, is it not.

Well, let loose. say hi, ask away. I will do my best to answer all questions in a meaningful way.

Let's have a time here.

Flat Earth General / Re: The Final Experiment - Antarctic 24 hour sun
« on: December 01, 2024, 03:12:13 PM »
You certainly have strong and detailed beliefs about individuals who share a belief you dont. Why the passion, energy and message?

It appears passive aggressive at best, but probably has you commited to the idea's of your own invention for personal reasons.

I invite you to not collectivly judge people by their beliefs you react to out of reflex. It belies a serious personality fault, mainly, you have no tolerance for differences in culture and beleif. You also sound like you ignore the research and scientific aspects of the debate completely. Am I wrong?

Maybe you havnt been given the time of day to have some knowedge share that could help you change how you prejudice people about FE inquiry and belief. If you can see what they see, and accept that waas a deal break for their GE belief syatem, you could live more lightly..



Flat Earth General / Re: WHY would the government trick us?
« on: December 01, 2024, 03:01:21 PM »
To answer your question with another question, why wouldn't they?
Because most people don't just lie for shits and giggles.

people they don't like?
So you are saying the government hates everyone?
But even then, why lie?

We have seen what they do to the natives, to get the land.

Haven't you seen now they always vote for high property and income taxes
i.e. they want money.
No reason to lie to us about the shape of Earth.

This is what this is about.
So crazy paranoid crap without any real reason?

These kinds of users are so cringy, to me. JackBlack, I'm interested in your style of debate. It's, well, I better not say. I want to hear your take on why anyone should listen to you, as you are. It would serve you better to reserve your automatic response mechanism for your own metation, and not volunteer it here so readily. It injures your credibility.

Thank you, friendly advice unsolicited!! Forgive me

Flat Earth General / Re: The Zetetic Lunar Calendar
« on: December 01, 2024, 02:56:32 PM »

The Zetetic Lunar Calendar is as follows:

January: The Wolf Moon

February: The Hunger Moon

March: The Death Moon

April: The Waking Moon

May: The Milk Moon

June: The Hot Moon

July: The Mead Moon

August: The Red Moon

September: The Harvest Moon

October: The Dying Grass Moon

November: The Hunter's Moon

December: The Oak Moon

One more needed.

I will follow up with a post about a calander I use, why I prefer it and how I 'discovered' it. I have to take a bit of time to present it corretly and showing my work. There isn't any authority for it other than my own, so it's an 'open-source' model of my own making.


If you dont agree, you do no research, btw 16 year old here
I dont find conventional research quoting impure 'laws' like gavity which are just theories that fail to find the mark.
But thanks for your contributions.
I challenge you do do research that original, has better living and breathing people exploring it, and denouce all bad scientists.

I have offered a better vision of the solar objects, that of being plasma projections. This promotes further inquiry if those of you are interested. I hate to see people cleave to a wrong or broken model when creative intelligence is so badly hobbled with this habit.
Don't relate to that personally if you strongly oppose the new idea because of a great deal being confirmed to you and for you in your journey for illumination on the greatest of mysteries. Look without seeing, for answers. Do see the undefined as it shows itself to you, and you may just recieve new, original and personal knowledge.

Remember, perception is everything.

On a side note, what does gravity have to do with a Flat Earth board. LMAO. It doesnt belong here, and it doesnt hold water.

I do. What are your arguments to support denying my view?

I will ask you if there is any good reason besides your education that provide you with strong evidence to believe your theory. I find the idea that globe-earth applies all the formulae to express this world as it is taught and have those forces at work without any manifestation we can observe. Also, spiraling through the universe as a Solar system would change our night sky over time. Selection of some physics and denial of other physics is unacceptable. Both or none must be accepted and used. If disagreeing on that point, please expand on your reasoning.

I did not mention anything about education. It looks like you are a lost cause since you obviously did not even read my original post. All you have to do is look at the sky. There are other things you can do such as travel. I know a typical response is that the liar will claim their back is broken and they cannot make it to the window to look outside. Please read the original post and respond how you can believe a sun hovers above us. Well I guess you would have to read the original post and then also look outsdie. No education required to just look and see.

Apologies for miscommunicating was intending to convey learning, or knowledge.

Your knowledge has determined your beliefs and understanding of the world. That should hold up.

Now, to follow up, you have volunteered rhetorical elements to bolster your belief, with a powerful use of language that has zero to offer us in terms of measurable and reproducable experimentation or observations. Please be aware your argument is weakened by such contributions. As for your proffered means of attaining enlightenment, it falls short of the mark we strive for in this life.

It's okay to disagree, but do so without projecting that belief; devoid of evidence whatsoever.


Also, I beleive the observable world around me and the use of new ideas that reveal solutions to unexplained dogma. Dogma means it doesnt require explaination. The sun as centre of our space map with other planets all orbiting round and round has no business being confirmed by satalite data with anomolies being abundant yet ignored by the community. This is psuedoscience, or fake-science.

Please show me your satalite data of the sun that flawlessly demonstrates all the acceptable norms with the sun. I should be very keen to see that report!

Thanks for you contributions.

Flat Earth General / Re: SPRAT 2024 conference at NASA.
« on: December 01, 2024, 08:12:56 AM »
Bland share. NASA has solar energy problems in outer space and celestial body 'surfaces'! That makes for interesting opinions about their WORK for the past 60 years being useless and without point. THANKS globe

That's happens to be of discredit to a person these days.

Anyways, Science is a method and process, so apply the rules and learn the basics and your off. Chemistry is one of the last new hard science fields, a personal opinion totally arbitrary. Gotta draw the line somewhere.

 So whats up with that big long post to ask that question? It makes you appear outside of your element, and possibly vulnerable. Would you contribute your groundbreaking knowledge that scientifically challenges the forum to discussion and critical thinking! En garde

‘Space’ doesn’t exist, so nobody can go into a non-existent area made up by those who made up the ball Earth lie. After they told us Earth was a ball, black skies were a perfect illusion for an endless area their ball Earth would be. 

At the time they told us this disgusting story, nobody had any idea about what was actually above Earth, but up to that point, the Bible described it as having a Firmament above Earth that held waters within it, separate from waters on Earth below.

That Earth did not move, it was fixed in position. That all things we see above Earth, the Sun and stars and moon were placed beneath the Firmament.

Nobody knew if these things were true or not, but had no reason to doubt it was true, and they had explored the entire surface of Earth and mapped it as a flat surface encircled by a massive wall of ice that extended out from its walls.

Many years later, the telescope came along, as a development from optical technology, that allowed us to magnify objects far away. 

They were first used on ships, to view over seas, for land and enemy ships. 

But later on, they had developed instruments with ever more magnification, yet they never used them on ships, even though it would have made sense to do so.

Because these instruments could see the stars and moon in details that had never been seen before.

Telescopes were deemed to be exclusively used by a brand new science, which was formed by the Royal elite, in Europe.

Before that time, new instruments were sold freely for profit, as any other product was.

So why didn’t they use Galileo’s telescope or similar instruments on ships, or sell them like other instruments were sold before?

Because their ball Earth lie would not work if we saw through telescopes.

‘Space’ or the area above Earth we see, was deemed to be the exclusive close up view of the worlds elite, who alone could use these new, powerful instruments.

There’s no reason that Galileo’s telescope was his alone, that none other could be made and sold to the world.

They told us that the telescope - was to be used and owned by their newly formed science, called Astronomy.

Only their astronomers could have telescopes, and only they could see through telescopes, nobody else.

No other telescopes shall be built and sold to any others but to astronomers.

The first telescopes ever sold to others, was about 400 years later than Galileo’s telescope was built, and it was quite small, only about twice the size of previous scopes used on ships, and would’ve easily fit on ships, as well.

They were no different to see over waters or land than scopes were. They simply were more powerful in magnification than previous scopes were.

But they were able to see stars and moon up close, and that they were close enough to Earth to see them in detail, and see that they all were in motion, and were unique from the other stars.

That’s why they never let us have or see through telescopes, until they told us what they saw of them, over and over for centuries, until the world believed everything they told us was the truth.

That’s what you believe is called ‘space’, a lie they made up long ago and has been believed to be true, to this very day.

It’s purely a great lie, and it can easily be proven as a lie, but they won’t ever prove themselves liars, so it’s not yet proven beyond any doubt.

Their lie will eventually fall to pieces, it is inevitable.

That will be a most glorious day, though I doubt I’ll see it myself.

Best Response on this thread. kudos turbonium2

I would go into orbit but never beyond because I find the idea outrageous and absurd. I'm cool with high or low orbit as a way to study photons and the like. Why?

I do. What are your arguments to support denying my view?

I will ask you if there is any good reason besides your education that provide you with strong evidence to believe your theory. I find the idea that globe-earth applies all the formulae to express this world as it is taught and have those forces at work without any manifestation we can observe. Also, spiraling through the universe as a Solar system would change our night sky over time. Selection of some physics and denial of other physics is unacceptable. Both or none must be accepted and used. If disagreeing on that point, please expand on your reasoning.

Flat Earth General / My ideas about peer group empowerment
« on: December 01, 2024, 07:30:43 AM »
I would like to contribute to the conversation with disillusioned people, looking for support. I can help you get more traction for your mission. You can do it, if you have support and community. Here I want a strong community for everyone to rely and, draw from and take for granted with lots of our hardships made easier with opening the doors to supporting each other. I just hate the  way people have abused nice people like they have before and want to answer for that for good and for all.

Intuitive multiple choice questionairre.

I will give context : When asked to comment on tartaria, a vlogger introduced with isolating with rhetoric by designating, falsely, it as belonging to a group 'conspiracy theory' and imparts his knowledge that it has association with Nazi Germany and Hitler, because memory of a book about the Thule Society that mentions tartaria.

Lets review : .

 Already we have a large amount of Rhetorical devices and elements that annihilate the validity of 'tartaria'  having never glanced at any work or reviewed anything for context.

Thanks guys. have fun

How can scientists predict solar eclipses if their model of the earth is wrong?

Your question is based on assumption. That’s wrong. You’re assuming they use the heliocentric model to predict eclipses. You have absolutely nothing to base that assumption from. You have no idea how scientists predict eclipses.

I'd like to highlight the back and forth use of words that do damage to understanding and knowledge seeking. Take a breath when triggered, and also imagine being humiliated by another person for an earnest question. Seeking answers doesn't prepare the asking party for being insulted.

I would have mentioned the knowledge without telling the avatar what he was doing and at fault for. Everything is an assumption at one point, remember. Lets dive into things with better consideration for the community. I'd love to make more positive habits happen.

Carry on

Your response is based on an assumption. That's wrong. You're assuming that I am assuming they use the heliocentric model to predict eclipses. You have absolutely nothing to base that assumption from. You have no idea what I believe how scientists predict eclipses.

I'm interested. If you can provide the details via email, I can be of service the next day.

Flat Earth General / Re: Are Flatearthers retreating from FE?
« on: December 01, 2024, 06:37:02 AM »
Flat Earth modeling will not only disappoint people but alienate people from the world. I think the Prague clock is the best 'model' to employ for the world, and cyclic thought patterns aid the mental box we inherited from our educators.

FE modelling should not be involved with reusing trickery and image magic from the guardian gatekeepers of today. Look about yourself, use your won calendar and chart the passing of seasons with no interest in sculptures of the world. These best of intentions to draw the world will lead to no good, and great damage. Let us concentrate on promoting the understanding of that, or debating a different opinion to get all ideas heard!

Thanks everyone,

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