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Messages - DataOverFlow2022

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Light passes through a transparent surface (glass in the former case, atmosphere in the latter case) and is then focused to a surface.

If I use a filter to safely look directly at the sun.  What surface I’m I seeing the light bouncing off of.

No.  I’m directly seeing what light that can make it through the atmosphere and the filter from the sun directly imaging in my eye.  That is not the same as a projector focusing a light that bounces off a screen then that reflected light enters my eye.

Anyway…. Again..

Then how does light make an imagine as a sun projection in your delusion?

Bulma.  Light in your delusion is small and localised.  So light doesn’t project? 



Should light appear to shrink or grow over distance?
1. If it shrinks, then likewise we can expect light to stop being visible over a vanishing point, as asserted previously.

You claim the sun sets because its light dies. Is that false.  Which is not the same as the argument above. 

Yet.  It’s been shown again and again the sun illuminates clouds way east of an observer several minutes after sunset set.  The light after sunset is still illuminating the ground, the sky, and clouds. As Jack puts it, the sun after sunset relatively lower than the curvature of earth is acting like “light around a corner”.  Which explains why a telescope that can bring objects into view that are too dim to see with the unaided eye like the moons of Jupiter can’t bring a set sun back into view.  Because the sun after sunset is physically blocked from view by the earth’s curvature.  Bulma. Your claim the sun sets because it’s light died is totally debunked. 

Vanishing point is not the same as physically blocking a light source like the sun from view.

Where we know the sun is a physical light source undergoing a reaction to release energy because it produces not only light but X-rays, UV radiation, and charged particles.

2. If it grows, this is inconsistent with our view of the sun, the moon, and the stars. After all, you have told me in the past that the sun should appear to shrink, and now you're talking about projections growing and growing.

No.  It’s been a consistent argument the sun stays a relatively consistent size.  Any changes in size due to earth’s orbit around the sun result in changes too small to be noticeable by the unaided eye.

Bulma.  Again.  For your delusion.   What keeps the sun from noticeably changing size as it changes distance greatly in relationship to your parabola screen. 

g2432779 date=1728297583]

This is just one of the inconsistencies with your delusion.

What keeps the sun from changing size as it gets closer to your parabola screen that you have no evidence of existing.  Like how images change size as they get closer or farther from a concave or convex mirror.


This is just one of the inconsistencies with your delusion.

What keeps the sun from changing size as it gets closer to your parabola screen that you have no evidence of existing.  Like how images change size as they get closer or farther from a concave or convex mirror. 

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 06, 2024, 02:42:49 PM »
No, the point is, you ought to be logically consistent (and you aren't).

If this is so, then that should not be so.

No, I'm not trying to change the subject. I'm trying to tell you that you're being inconsistent.

I will let you decide. If the sun is a projection, does it look bigger or smaller at a distance?

  Bulma.  Care to address the context of the pictures I present and the entry of the post.  Instead of trying to change the argument? 

sun either is or is projected

Do you understand how a projection even works.

It also changes size as it gets closer or farther away from a “screen”.

Close to a screen


Vs a light source like a light bulb with no screen grows in apparent size as it gets closer to the observer.

Flash light coming at camera from 100 to 200 yards.

Had to crop the video to make its file size smaller to get it to upload as a gif.

The video is Timelapse with me walking at a good clip from over 100 yards out.

Still don’t get how a light above the flat plane would have that flat plane “magically jump up” in front of the sun to physically block its light and radiation from view/detection on the dimensions of earth?


From the video above.  The sun should still appear to change speed through the day even with your delusion. 

The sun emits xrays, UV radiation, light, photons, charge particles being  its a mass undergoing nuclear reactions.  The sun is not a projection on some screen you have no proof of.

The sun is blocked by a physical moon during a solar eclipse, and more distant than the moon.

In addition to no explanation what is the “screen” in your delusion.  You have no explanation what is dynamically changing the “focus” of the sun as it changes distance from your screen parabola to keep it the same size.  And you still can’t explain in your delusion where the projection is coming from and by what source. 

While you ignore stars with less relative size and brightness are still visible at night at a greater distance than the sun.

While you ignore the sun should visibly turn in the sky as in the model provided by Stash.

Original posted by stash.

The animation isn't meant to convey that the sun (or Moon) moves in a straight line. It's meant to show that perspective of a very close and small sun would shrink as it moves further from you or you move further than it. It doesn't shrink like everything else in our perspective does.

Which is especially a problem on the equinox when the sun rises due east and sets due west.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« on: October 06, 2024, 05:16:13 AM »
You’d believe
Stop deciding what I would or would not believe. You have lied about that repeatedly.

Provide your evidence that they claimed that.
Or the article clearly showing it is a hoax it is another lie of yours.

Remember that they were the same clowns who claimed this bs about Saturn
You mean the same same astronomers, who claimed things which have been supported by plenty of evidence which you dismiss because it doesn't fit in your delusional fantasy?

who always claimed to see forests and cities on the moon with the same telescopes as Saturn claims later on.
Prove it.

I told you this long ago, so now you want to see proof of it? So after months, you can go and find it for yourself. I’ve already shown the proof months ago.

Why.  The existence of Jupiter and its moons makes any one of your arguments moot. 

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 05, 2024, 04:45:45 AM »
No, I mean you rationalize.

All you can do is lie about RE.

And ignore the listed problems below that debunk your delusion.


sun either is or is projected

Do you understand how a projection even works.

It also changes size as it gets closer or farther away from a “screen”.

Close to a screen


Vs a light source like a light bulb with no screen grows in apparent size as it gets closer to the observer.

Flash light coming at camera from 100 to 200 yards.

Had to crop the video to make its file size smaller to get it to upload as a gif.

The video is Timelapse with me walking at a good clip from over 100 yards out.

Still don’t get how a light above the flat plane would have that flat plane “magically jump up” in front of the sun to physically block its light and radiation from view/detection on the dimensions of earth?


From the video above.  The sun should still appear to change speed through the day even with your delusion. 

The sun emits xrays, UV radiation, light, photons, charge particles being  its a mass undergoing nuclear reactions.  The sun is not a projection on some screen you have no proof of.

The sun is blocked by a physical moon during a solar eclipse, and more distant than the moon.

In addition to no explanation what is the “screen” in your delusion.  You have no explanation what is dynamically changing the “focus” of the sun as it changes distance from your screen parabola to keep it the same size.  And you still can’t explain in your delusion where the projection is coming from and by what source. 

While you ignore stars with less relative size and brightness are still visible at night at a greater distance than the sun.

While you ignore the sun should visibly turn in the sky as in the model provided by Stash.

Original posted by stash.

The animation isn't meant to convey that the sun (or Moon) moves in a straight line. It's meant to show that perspective of a very close and small sun would shrink as it moves further from you or you move further than it. It doesn't shrink like everything else in our perspective does.

Which is especially a problem on the equinox when the sun rises due east and sets due west. 

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Define Public Domain
« on: October 04, 2024, 08:11:55 PM »

How do you talk about morality.  And yet repeatedly don’t cite and source credit to other people’s work.

In photos: see old-growth go from stand to stump on B.C.’s Vancouver Island

When old-growth forests are logged, they cannot be replicated with tree replanting. “Old-growth forests are essentially non-renewable resources,” Watt said. Photo: TJ Watt

Bulma, it seems more and more your a bottom feeder. 

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Define Public Domain
« on: October 04, 2024, 02:59:21 PM »
Bulma?  Don’t you claim to be an artist of sorts?

Do you bother to even try to understand where your pitures come from?

Below. The oldest link found by tineye. - First found on Oct 10, 2016


About me... I am employed in a workshop for disabled people, and work as a freelance journalist at a daily newspaper. My paperwork includes reporting on municipal and local political issues in our community.

Hobbies are of course photo snapping... and writing... and more...

It takes time to take pictures... if you don't have time, you can take pictures.

Author unknown

Bulma your always high jacking other artistes pictures and photos without ever taking any effort to credit them.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Define Public Domain
« on: October 04, 2024, 02:55:14 PM »

I've got a Bible to edit, as per this thread.

How about you start just with the basics of any spirituality and healing your soul by not posting lies and falsely claiming people are nazis because they can demonstrate a more useful model of the earth than FE?

Look you. The point is that the current topic was "Why don't you go along with what you're teacher told you?" That is the topic. Then being compared to Nazi locksteppers is uncomfy for you so you tell me that I'm off topic.

Hey, kid!

Why don't you salute Adolf Hitler like everyone else? Why aren't you marching in lockstep? Why aren't you buying war bonds? Why aren't you wearing your mask and getting your vaccine? Why aren't you getting chipped and tracked like everyone else? Why aren't you swearing eternal loyalty to ruler of the globe?

You should believe your teacher. Like everyone else.

Or maybe... I don't want to believe my teacher anymore. Maybe something doesn't add up. Maybe I look at the past, and I look at where things seem to be headed, and I say "Enough! I don't think this way anymore. I don't pretend to have all the answers (not even remotely), but I know this doesn't work. We can't just sit here not questioning what we are told, not when we have seen what the future could be." And you can literally put a globe in the sink and watch no water gravitate towards it. The globe in fact will be ruined.

If you think this is comedy, you're obviously watching the wrong show. It's my attempt at trying to prevent tragedy. If you are a student of drama, you know that tragedy always traditionally involved hubris. A strong man is confident in their path, and they end up dooming themselves and/or those all around them. If everyone is sure of the model provided by globalism, we march straight towards dystopia.

Wake up and snap out of it! Maybe your decision is still to believe Earth is a globe. But that ought to be your decision. Not decided by your teacher.

Science was never about lockstep. Great scientists like Tesla, Pasteur, even Galileo and Copernicus, they questioned the majority. Accepting the consensus on climate change is NASAism. Sorry, there's a problem with my pronunciation.

Yeah, that.

Bulma.  Your soul has a serious sickness.  I think you be better off just working on the basics of just not lying and bringing false accusations against your neighbours.  You have more in common with the great accuser than any blessing.  Bulma just keep on being a tool and ignore who is using you as a tool.   .

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 04, 2024, 02:51:32 PM »

Everything I show you, without exception, you rationalize.

You mean I see what you post.  Then go observe the real world and document here what I can.

Then that destroys your delusions like light dies that is a cornerstone of your beliefs.  So your arguments totally debunked, and show to be based out of lies compared to the reality of the physical world.

I've got a Bible to edit, as per this thread.

How about you start just with the basics of any spirituality and healing your soul by not posting lies and falsely claiming people are nazis because they can demonstrate a more useful model of the earth than FE?

Look you. The point is that the current topic was "Why don't you go along with what you're teacher told you?" That is the topic. Then being compared to Nazi locksteppers is uncomfy for you so you tell me that I'm off topic.

Hey, kid!

Why don't you salute Adolf Hitler like everyone else? Why aren't you marching in lockstep? Why aren't you buying war bonds? Why aren't you wearing your mask and getting your vaccine? Why aren't you getting chipped and tracked like everyone else? Why aren't you swearing eternal loyalty to ruler of the globe?

You should believe your teacher. Like everyone else.

Or maybe... I don't want to believe my teacher anymore. Maybe something doesn't add up. Maybe I look at the past, and I look at where things seem to be headed, and I say "Enough! I don't think this way anymore. I don't pretend to have all the answers (not even remotely), but I know this doesn't work. We can't just sit here not questioning what we are told, not when we have seen what the future could be." And you can literally put a globe in the sink and watch no water gravitate towards it. The globe in fact will be ruined.

If you think this is comedy, you're obviously watching the wrong show. It's my attempt at trying to prevent tragedy. If you are a student of drama, you know that tragedy always traditionally involved hubris. A strong man is confident in their path, and they end up dooming themselves and/or those all around them. If everyone is sure of the model provided by globalism, we march straight towards dystopia.

Wake up and snap out of it! Maybe your decision is still to believe Earth is a globe. But that ought to be your decision. Not decided by your teacher.

Science was never about lockstep. Great scientists like Tesla, Pasteur, even Galileo and Copernicus, they questioned the majority. Accepting the consensus on climate change is NASAism. Sorry, there's a problem with my pronunciation.

Yeah, that.

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 04, 2024, 07:11:38 AM »

At 10:30 the light of the sun was on top of the clouds. At 12:30, it was still on top of the clouds but I guess it looked closer to the middle? By about 3:30, it looked closer to the bottom,

No evidence or pictures huh?

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 04, 2024, 04:04:01 AM »

We're talking

After 29 pages that your lie light dies as required by your delusion is totally exposed and debunked.

Over and over again, shown how RE accurately predicts reality.

FE shown to be an inconsistent contradictory model that is useless.

29 pages where you have failed to make your case.  And a cornerstone of your delusion that light dies is soundly debunked. 

But there is lots of light pollution in my area.

Light dies my ass.  More like bounces around everywhere cause a F’n mess.

Anyway. The Milky Way..


Bulma?  The claim has been made you ignore my posts?  Or does it take hours for you to craft your next rant?  And I just post to quick for you to incorporate my facts in your next litany of lies? 

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 03, 2024, 12:24:05 PM »

Then how does light make an imagine as a sun projection in your delusion?

Bulma.  Light in your delusion is small and localised.  So light doesn’t project? 


Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 03, 2024, 11:02:40 AM »

sun either is or is projected

Do you understand how a projection even works.

It also changes size as it gets closer or farther away from a “screen”.

Close to a screen


Vs a light source like a light bulb with no screen grows in apparent size as it gets closer to the observer.

Flash light coming at camera from 100 to 200 yards.

Had to crop the video to make its file size smaller to get it to upload as a gif.

The video is Timelapse with me walking at a good clip from over 100 yards out.

Still don’t get how a light above the flat plane would have that flat plane “magically jump up” in front of the sun to physically block its light and radiation from view/detection on the dimensions of earth?


From the video above.  The sun should still appear to change speed through the day even with your delusion. 

The sun emits xrays, UV radiation, light, photons, charge particles being  its a mass undergoing nuclear reactions.  The sun is not a project on some screen you have no proof of.

The sun is blocked by a physical moon during a solar eclipse, and more distant than the moon.

In addition to no explanation what is the “screen” in your delusion.  You have no explanation what is dynamically changing the “focus” of the sun as it changes distance from your screen parabola to keep it the same size.  And you still can’t explain in your delusion where the projection is coming from by what source. 

While you ignore stars with less relative size and brightness are still visible at night at a greater distance than the sun.

While you ignore the sun should visibly turn in the sky as in the model provided by Stash.

Original posted by stash.

The animation isn't meant to convey that the sun (or Moon) moves in a straight line. It's meant to show that perspective of a very close and small sun would shrink as it moves further from you or you move further than it. It doesn't shrink like everything else in our perspective does.

Which is especially a problem on the equinox when the sun rises due east and sets due west. 

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 03, 2024, 10:36:47 AM »

At 45 degrees (which would be about 3pm or 4pm),

Using the below.  Understanding this is a 2D representation of the northern hemisphere that is actually 3D. Screen shot my picture below, add in for what person where, and post.


Every post you make is to deliberately upset flat earthers.

When you were born, you had a better understanding of this world than you do now, that's for sure.

My daughter is getting her master's degree in psychology, and I'd love for her to do a study on one of you lousy flat earthers. It's really incredible that a person can fall so far that they can be convinced the entire planet they live on, is a fucking dinner plate.

All of your proofs, Bulma, refer to your immediate environment wherever you are, but even with that, you fuck up your observations. Even one of your infant grandchildren can see that at sunset, the sun really is down there, behind the horizon, lighting up the underside of clouds.

If you insist this entire world is flat, then cough up a single photo of the edge of the flat earth. Cough up a single image of this dome, you crap on about being real. Explain what makes your moving sun, moon, and stars all move, backed up with evidence. Better still, build a scale model of flat earth  showing every continent and ocean shape to perfect scale, including how deep the ground of your flat earth universe is and how high your dome and sun and moon are.

I know you can't. You know you can't. Because what you believe is real, is no different from a virtual reality experience.

I experience this flat earth immediate environment just as you do. The difference between you and I, is I appreciate it is a necessary illusion to get us through life, and I can appreciate the bigger picture.

Christ almighty, if you continue to take your cues in life from emancipated vegan waifs like idiotic Jeran, there really is not much hope for you.

Haven't you been hiding from reality long enough? Stop hiding. Reality will not hurt you.

I am going to persevere with this, because it would be better to hear it from a complete stranger on the other side of the planet, than from a mentally unhinged person in person, who would take great pleasure in beating you to a pulp for being so fucking stupid.

If you are gravitating towards simulations, then gravitate towards physical scale models - which you can make of the heliocentric model but not of your flat earth model.

Posted the hypocritical troll in a long rant ….

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 03, 2024, 08:31:47 AM »


What cloud is as wide or wider than the earth….

When this happens to illuminate clouds bottom up during a sunrise. 

When even the sun in your crappy butchered drawing can still illuminate the bottom of a cloud for a person on earth.

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 03, 2024, 08:19:52 AM »

At 45 degrees (which would be about 3pm or 4pm), the sunlight would hit the top, not the bottom of the clouds. This means that in the afternoon, this would be impossible.

At 45 degrees (which would be about 3pm or 4pm), the sunlight would be able to hit the bottom of the clouds.

Now, how does this work on a flat Earth? Well, like this.

If you turn this picture 90 degrees sideways, you'll notice light appears to rise.

Bulma.  You drawing a sun ridiculously close to the earth.

It’s more like this.  For a person seeing a sun rise in this example.

I guess another taboo subject is the glow of the Milky Way galaxy?

Been trying to capture the Milky Way.  The next picture looks better with a black background.  Looks bad against a white background.

But there is lots of light pollution in my area.

Anyway. The Milky Way..


Imaging the Milky Way without a foreground is relatively simple. You only need a camera (a DSLR, mirrorless, or dedicated astrophotography camera), a wide angle lens, and a tripod. If you have an intervalometer or remote shutter release, this will make things much easier. While it is not necessary, you can further support your imaging session dedicated tracking mount.

A dedicated tracking mount is a motorized device that connects to your camera and tripod, effectively allowing your camera to rotate along with the sky. This gives you the ability to take longer exposures without worrying about star trails, and frees you up from constantly adjusting the position of your camera. If you are just starting out with astrophotography, or you simply want a light weight mount perfect for Milky Way imaging, our astrophotography gear experts recommend the Star Adventurer 2i, or the SkyGuider Pro. These mounts are equipped with all the feature you need to take your wide field astrophotography to the next level.

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 03, 2024, 04:36:06 AM »

A top down view of the earth shows how you butchered reality.  The sun being far away and the rays of the sun traveling parallel entirely makes it possible for clouds to be illuminated bottom up from our perspective.  Especially if you remember the below is a 2D model of a more dynamic world that is 3D

  Bulma.  My drawn pictures are much more closer to reality than your butchered drawing trying to create a false argument.  And shows how in the heliocentric model while hinting how in a 3D reality clouds at sunrise can and are illuminated bottom up relative to a person on earth. 

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 03, 2024, 01:54:50 AM »

the sun either is or is projected inside Earth's atmosphere.

False statement.  The earth’s rotation on its axis is why the sun at times is relatively below the clouds in the morning and evening.  With the sun being 93 million miles away explains its relative size.

When in your projection delusion something would have to correct the sun’s size as it got closer to your nonexistent parabola.

We know the sun is very far away because its rays travel in near parallel when the cone to earth.

There is no evidence the sun is a projection.  It is a light source with mass.

The sun in your delusion is always 300 to 5000 miles above the clouds.

Where you ignore the sun on a FE would have to constantly be seen curving in its path hour to hour as it passes through the day.  And FE doesn’t explain how the sun rises due east and sets due west on the equinox. 

  Bulma.  You ran from the fact light doesn’t die as required in your delusion.  That has been repeatedly proven light just doesn’t die.  By changing the subject you concede that a cornerstone of your delusion is debunked.  And your delusion comes tumbling down. 

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 03, 2024, 01:43:29 AM »

THEREFORE: the sun's light, regardless of rotation (even at sunrise and sunset) will never be below the clouds.

You have serious cognitive issues.

The only way the sun can be relatively below the clouds is from the earth’s rotation.


 but once again you're blowing smoke. We have sunlight traveling upward

No.  RE is consistent.  Where you contradict yourself.

Your model.

The sun is always above you delusional parabola.

Where you break your own model and draw the sun relatively below your parabola to make your model rainbow friendly.

You’re using RE to save your model.

Where your model would work like this.


where I was referring to a rainbow created by a rain storm with the rainbow east of me and the sun west of me. 

So.  This is your sunset in your delusion?

Which brings to mind. How does your delusion know magically which way to project the sun.

For your model to be consistent.  Just after noon, shouldn’t your sun do this.  The red arrows. 

Bulma.  What magic makes the sun project down on your parabola lie then make a hard angle to angle light up to the viewer at sunset. And why doesn’t the Parabola do the same in the afternoon.

Bulma.  There is no proof of any media acting like a screen and  bending light as required by your lie.  There is no evidence light of the sun is being bent and redirected by your lie.

No.  This is how a sun would work on a flat earth.

Original posted by stash.

The animation isn't meant to convey that the sun (or Moon) moves in a straight line. It's meant to show that perspective of a very close and small sun would shrink as it moves further from you or you move further than it. It doesn't shrink like everything else in our perspective does.

With no evidence of your parabola.  If your parabola existed, then there should be a certain altitude that would result in the maximum view of the earth below.  Any increase in altitude would result in the viewable area of the earth to shrink. 

You claim light dies at me to create a sunset.  But that is BS because I have presented you photos of the reality the sun’s light passes over me, illuminates clouds east of me, and that light bounces off the cloud to travel back to my eye so I can see it. The fact one can still see to the east kills your delusion. 

This is my second post on this.

Things still change relative size in their reflections as they get closer or farther from a convex or concave mirror. 

There is still no mechanism identified by you why the sun wouldn’t change size as it gets closer.

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 02, 2024, 07:37:36 PM »

There is no afterglow,

You want “afterglow”?

How about before glow?

The moon this morning was 1% illuminated.

Last chance to get good photos of the moon before new moon where I can photograph the moon as close to the sun as possible and still see the moon.

This day for my location.

Moon rise at 5:42 am
Sun rise at 7:19

Close up of the moon using 85mm lens.  My camera sensor is cropped, so it equates to 135mm lens.

Photo at 6:43 am.  From ground.

From higher viewpoint. The lens was at 45mm, the crop factor for this lens makes it about 70mm equivalent. This perspective is a little more “zoomed” in than what the naked human eye provides which is about 50mm.. Photo at 6:50 am

The moon is there, you might have to zoom the photo a bit. 

A more wide angle shot at about the same time.

Vs photo below provided by a Flat Earther for serious debate.  Which seems photoshop or manipulated to create a disingenuous argument as explained to me.  With no date and no time.  Just FE magic unicorn farts.

Okay, so what about this?

To answer your own question Bulma about the photo you provided with your own text..


Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 02, 2024, 07:32:17 PM »

Do you bother to even try to understand where your pitures come from?

Below. The oldest link found by tineye. - First found on Oct 10, 2016


About me... I am employed in a workshop for disabled people, and work as a freelance journalist at a daily newspaper. My paperwork includes reporting on municipal and local political issues in our community.

Hobbies are of course photo snapping... and writing... and more...

It takes time to take pictures... if you don't have time, you can take pictures.

Author unknown

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 02, 2024, 07:22:19 PM »

It looks about 2 pm to me.

Again you don’t understand exposure.

Metered for the the bulb

Metered for the floor

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 02, 2024, 07:08:01 PM »

And this one, I have to take your word for it that this is 16 minutes after sunset. It looks about 2 pm to

It’s because you don’t understand exposure and photography.

These clouds.

Or this.

Sunrise.  Sun still below the clouds.

Notice the clouds illuminate bottom up.

Looking back west of my position.

Clouds illuminated way west and visible when light should be dying in your delusion.

  you believe the lie light dies Bulma?.  You never wondered about the Milik Way and that glow in the sky? 

Been trying to capture the Milky Way.  The next picture looks better with a black background.  Looks bad against a white background.

But there is lots of light pollution in my area.

Light dies my ass.  More like bounces around everywhere cause a F’n mess.

Anyway. The Milky Way..


Imaging the Milky Way without a foreground is relatively simple. You only need a camera (a DSLR, mirrorless, or dedicated astrophotography camera), a wide angle lens, and a tripod. If you have an intervalometer or remote shutter release, this will make things much easier. While it is not necessary, you can further support your imaging session dedicated tracking mount.

A dedicated tracking mount is a motorized device that connects to your camera and tripod, effectively allowing your camera to rotate along with the sky. This gives you the ability to take longer exposures without worrying about star trails, and frees you up from constantly adjusting the position of your camera. If you are just starting out with astrophotography, or you simply want a light weight mount perfect for Milky Way imaging, our astrophotography gear experts recommend the Star Adventurer 2i, or the SkyGuider Pro. These mounts are equipped with all the feature you need to take your wide field astrophotography to the next level.

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 02, 2024, 01:47:16 PM »

 make the sky appear to merge with the ocean.

Looking east 16 minutes after the sunset.

For the picture east of me 16 minutes after sunset.  What ocean?  Has to do with me seeing clouds way east 16 minutes after the sun sets where you claim light should be DEAD! 

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 02, 2024, 08:43:07 AM »


If the sun sets in your delusion because light literally dies before it can make it to me.  How the hell do you see an afterglow.


Bulma the self contradicting. 

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 02, 2024, 08:39:25 AM »

We're talking first about why light isn't seen everywhere, like how after the sunset there is the afterglow in the sky but then darkness intense enough to see the stars.

16 minutes after sun set.  Where are the stars?  Why can’t I see this set sun.

  Afterglow my ass.  You claim light dies to make the sun set.  Yet a whole sixteen minutes after the sun set, the land and clouds farther east than me still clearly illuminated by the sun. 

  Bulma. It’s simple.  It’s shown light doesn’t die as required by your delusion.  The cornerstone of your delusion is demonstrably debunked beyond a reasonable doubt. 

Flat Earth General / Re: Perspective of the Sun Makes No Sense
« on: October 02, 2024, 08:35:03 AM »

We're talking first about why light isn't seen everywhere,

No.  The discussion is how your meme is a false argument.  How it’s just under exposed.

How in the context your meme where it claims light can’t travel all the way up a wall from a light bulb?  Where I’ve seen light bulbs light up entire modest sized living rooms.  Where a tea light candle can give off enough light from the bottom of a tub to illuminate a ceiling. Where that same candle illuminated the room where I could navigate the bathroom.

Where it’s shown where you think light dies to make the sun set, the light from a set sun is still will illuminate the clouds and earth way east of the observer.  Bouncing off the clouds.  Traveling to the observer 16 minutes after a set sun.

Where I just posted a picture of reactively smaller and dimmer stars that are farther away than the sun have enough light to reach a camera to be imaged. 

Bulma. light doesn’t die as required by your delusion.  A fundamental part of your delusion is soundly debunked. 

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