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Messages - FlatEarthisStupid

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How do we have a dome shaped atmosphere, how are the gases kept in place? It's certainly not gravity seeing as it would pull the gases evenly and create a sor of blanket high in the atmosphere (not to mention all the complications gravity would bring to the flar earth theory). Is it magic? Do the gases just want to exist in a dome shape? And if so, how come they don't behave like that anywhere else on earth? (with similar conditions obviously.

Also, wouldn't a dome atmosphere create a really big difference in pressure ssein as it woul d be "touching the eart in the corners? Or is its a sphere all around? And if so, why? Why would nature foema spherical atmosphere and not a planet? They are both under the same laws of physics.

You just answered your own questions.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Earth's Curvature on a Smaller Scale
« on: February 21, 2021, 06:54:37 AM »
would this work on a Walmart parking lot?

I assume so.

Flat Earth Debate / Earth's Curvature on a Smaller Scale
« on: February 20, 2021, 03:00:39 PM »
Some people of the F.E.S ask, "Why can't I look across an Olympic-sized swimming pool and see curvature?". Here's why: there is curvature, but very small, small enough to not be seen with human eyes.

Earth curves at around 8 inches per mile, which means that for every mile, the Earth curves around 8 inches. Dividing 8 by 63,360 (number of inches in a mile), we get 0.000126 inches per inch (rounded). 0.000126 inches is 3.2 micrometers, or 3.2 millionths of a meter. So for every inch, Earth curves 0.0000032 meters or 0.000126 inches. This means for every foot, the Earth curves by 0.001512 inches (0.000126 multiplied by 12), or 38.4 micrometers (0.0000384 meters). An Olympic-sized swimming pool (my example for this) is 164 feet in length (long-course). Multiply 0.001512 by 164 and you get 0.247968 inches, or 6,297.6 micrometers (6.2976 millimeters, or 0.0062976 meters). That's very small. For comparison, a US dime is 0.705 inches in diameter (17.91 millimeters, 0.01791 meters). So no, you wouldn't really be able to see a curvature in an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

Too long, didn't read: An Olympic-sized swimming pool will curve at less than half of the diameter of a US dime, not really visible. 

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Lighthouse dipping lights
« on: February 20, 2021, 02:37:04 PM »
If you were on a globe wouldn't you expect to be tilted back whilst also looking towards a tilted back and away from you, lighthouse?

You see, this would be logical reality.

So the mere fact you're seeing the lighthouse (assuming you really did) then it stands to reason that you were on a flat surface and the lighthouse was raised above a flattish surface.

It makes perfect sense....right?

No. Noone on Earth is upside down or on their side (If they're standing up, of course). There is no up, down, or sideways in space. Up is away from the Earth's surface. Down is towards the Earth's surface. Sideways is parallel to the Earth's surface. Gravity pulls down. You will not feel any tilt from that because you are standing upright.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Lunar Eclipses?
« on: February 20, 2021, 08:46:56 AM »

All the other models I've seen look like this.

Maybe you shouldn't make all-encompassing statements based solely on what you have seen.

Isn’t the basis of modern flat eartherism to trust solely what you’ve seen?  ie “looks flat”

I agree with him/her. You and the entire F.E.S does that same thing. Mostly, people like you just parrot what other Flat Earthers say without doing research. With science, you can easily test out/research claims yourself. Try this: Many Flat Earthers say that water can't curve, so the Earth is not spherical. You can easily debunk this by looking at water. Put a single drop of water on a surface. What do you know? It curves. Look at ocean waves. They curve, don't they? That is one of the multiple examples I could provide.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Lunar Eclipses?
« on: February 20, 2021, 08:20:55 AM »

All the other models I've seen look like this.

Maybe you shouldn't make all-encompassing statements based solely on what you have seen.

'based on what I've seen'. Does that mean research? 'Cause at least I do it instead of assuming that everything that the Flat Earth Society says is true. The Earth isn't flat. There are multiple do-able experiments to prove such a thing. 

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Lunar Eclipses?
« on: February 19, 2021, 11:28:12 PM »
On Flat Earth day-night models, the sun and moon are always shown opposite of each other

If your premise is invalid, how can you expect people to take you seriously?

Clearly the sun and moon are not opposite each other, so your statement "On Flat Earth day-night models, the sun and moon are always shown opposite of each other" is incorrect.


All the other models I've seen look like this. Dang, at least spherical Earth models can be consistent.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Lunar Eclipses?
« on: February 19, 2021, 05:49:03 PM »
This one is one of my favorites.  They call it the Shadow Object...

This article says that the anti-moon orbits the sun. How does it get in front of the moon if the sun and moon always orbit opposite of each other above the Earth?
Also, you can't cite your own source. You must cite a source from another, more credible, organization.

Flat Earth Debate / Lunar Eclipses?
« on: February 18, 2021, 03:45:49 PM »
Attached is a timelapsed video of a lunar eclipse. You can see Earth's shape on the moon as the moon passes behind the Earth. Tell me, how does that work if Earth is a flat disk? On Flat Earth day-night models, the sun and moon are always shown opposite of each other, which can't be true because you can see the moon in the daytime sometimes. So tell me, what's going on? When does the Earth get between the sun and the moon on those models?
And don't tell me that this video is CGI-animated, because you can tell by the jittery camera that it was filmed with a real camera and that it is not CGI.
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Lighthouse dipping lights
« on: February 13, 2021, 06:28:37 PM »
If you were on a globe wouldn't you expect to be tilted back whilst also looking towards a tilted back and away from you, lighthouse?

You see, this would be logical reality.

So the mere fact you're seeing the lighthouse (assuming you really did) then it stands to reason that you were on a flat surface and the lighthouse was raised above a flattish surface.

It makes perfect sense....right?

You don't feel tilted back because gravity holds you to the surface and you feel no effect.

Flat Earth Debate / How the frick do sunsets work on Flat Earth?
« on: February 13, 2021, 06:25:04 PM »
Sunsets happen. The sun goes below the horizon. On a Flat Earth model, the Sun will recede further away and get smaller in the sky until it disappears. But it doesn't. Why? I know it's not refraction from water droplets in the air or the air itself. The sunset looks the same regardless of the weather condition.

Gravity pulls everything to the center of a mass. The bigger the mass is, the stronger the gravity. So, the oceans can be held onto the Earth's surface, along with you and your stubborn, close-minded society.

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