« on: August 18, 2019, 05:41:21 PM »
After reading through this topic I observed one common strategy of flat earthers: showing observations that should be easy to explain, but turn out to be more complex and make even smart people seem "dumb".
Like the refractions of light above curvature, that are hard to explain and forecast by most people and are influenced by so many factors (humidity of the air, ground (water, earth) etc.). You expect people to tell you exactly, what is going on, when you have no idea yourself (and by that, you think you won).
There are so many simple observations that proof a globe without any doubt and are reconstructed by tons of people.
The simplest example: measuring the shadow of a perfectly vertical stick on two different locations at the same time. There is literally NO OTHER EXPLANATION than a round globe and I can't believe you just don't do this yourself and stop this nonsense.
Get a FE friend from another city, at least a hundred miles away (east or west of course), measure the length at the same time and share your results.
Get more friends, compare your results and it will be even more obvious.. it's so damn easy..
I don't get it.. there are lots of videos of people doing this, there even was an experiment, where people from all around the globe participated and the results were so clear..
FloPlus a german youtuber Shows it perfectly
Edit: And for god's sake you can watch a sunset and still see the sun shining on tall buildings or mountains.. or watch a sunset twice, if you take an Elevator at the Burj Kalifa for example..