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Messages - C-Ray

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Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Is there any evidence for a FE?
« on: August 17, 2011, 02:09:15 PM »
It's funny to see that I haven't visited this forum, in oh I don't know a year or two, and the theory of FE hasn't advanced any more than read the links in Tom's sig; not to mention Tom's response is still look out your window.  I thought we talked about this a couple years ago Tom.  We were going to start advancing your theory further than you window and you were going to stop responding with look out your window.

Good Times...

The Lounge / Re: Dumpester Dived Two Laptops
« on: March 05, 2009, 07:05:51 PM »
Can I have specs?

I bet those people went and got Macs.

They got smarter then.  LOL

The Lounge / Re: The Oxford comma
« on: March 05, 2009, 02:57:34 PM »
It's not, not acceptable to put the comma in front of the word and.  I usually flip flop.  Depends on my mood.  I've actually had someone edit my stuff and add it in before the word and.  It really depends on how long your list is.  The shorter the list, the more acceptable it is.

Edit: Here's a great article from one of the grammar greats, Roy Clark.  He likes to call it the serial comma.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Asteroids
« on: March 05, 2009, 01:44:16 PM »
It's called a cairn.  I make them myself or repair them all the time.  The only thing natural about them is the rocks they are made of.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: If tomorrow was the end
« on: March 05, 2009, 10:08:03 AM »
Find some way to get my wife back home or fly to Dubai or Kuwait and spend my last hours with her.  Not bawwing, but it's been almost a year since I have touched her skin or looked into her eyes.  She should be home in April though, so we are all good.  Woohoo!!!

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Solar Neutrinos
« on: March 04, 2009, 02:41:19 PM »
I think he wants us to post detailed schematics of the machine used to detect these neutrinos.  Even though that is not at all how it is done in the scientific community as Markjo just stated.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Conspiracy due to financial gain?
« on: March 04, 2009, 02:20:37 PM »
But you're not moving faster than the earth.  You are breaking the UA field, you have escaped the acceleration speed of the earth, not the built up speed of thousands of years.

You are moving faster enough to exceed the 9.8m/s2 speed of the UA.  But as soon as you get beyond the UA field around the earth, you have to beat the accumulated speed of the earth to stay ahead of it, which you can't do.

Sending the craft at an angle will allow space flight, but it will not allow you to catch up to the earth.

@ Aqua Dragon:  Everything is moving at the same rate... but the thing that are there now have accumulated speed.  A new object would not have that speed.

Raven it isn't like the UA field is gonna slow you down once you reach it.  If you are traveling faster then the earth when you reach it then once it takes over it will only add thrust to you and you will travel 9.8ms?2 plus the what you have added to it.  Tell me what I'm not understanding because I know you are smarter then I am and I'm just not seeing something you are trying to show me.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Conspiracy due to financial gain?
« on: March 04, 2009, 02:06:14 PM »
Point is if you can reach escape velocity, you are still traveling faster then the earth when you reach the UA.  So in all actuality you should only need fuel to reach UA barrier and to maneuver UA should take care of the rest for you.  Like I said once you leave the influence of the earth you are already traveling faster then the earth is moving.  The head start doesn't mean anything because you've already escaped.  UA takes over from there.  In other words, if you can attain escape velocity when UA takes over, and UA pushes you at the same rate it pushes everything else, you will be traveling faster then everything else.  It's like the care analogy you used if one car can reach 100 mph over a certain distance and you let that car accelerate for a given amount of time; then you have another car that can reach the same speeds at half the distance and has a higher top speed then the second car will catch and pass the slower car.  If you are pushing both of those cars at say 50 miles per hour and the second car floors it, it will leave the slower car behind.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Conspiracy due to financial gain?
« on: March 04, 2009, 01:42:32 PM »
It didn't happen quite like that.  The culprits behind this conspiracy are not the governments themselves, but the major space agencies tasked with exploring space.  It didn't take long for them to ...

There's nothing in FE Theory that prevents space travel. So why lie?

The UA, I explained.  On a RE, you are no longer affected by gravity when you leave the atmosphere.  On a FE, however, the UA never stops pulling, requiring infinite energy to constantly fight it.

Um, Saddam.  You may want to brush up on your RET.  Orbit most definitely relies on the effects of gravity(gravitation) once you leave the atmosphere.  Highly elliptical orbits are probably the  most obvious example.

I realize that.  When I said "gravity", what I meant was the force that sucked us to the ground.

About the current discussion, does the UA have a field?  I always thought that the problem with space travel was that the UA would never stop, constantly eating up fuel.

Who can tell?  everything in the universe has been accellerating since it was created, by whatever means.  What he wants to do is create a new object, which is not part of that accellaration.

What happens then?  There are only a few possibilitie

1.  It will leave the earth's zone and begin being affected by the UA on it's own, but without the accumulated speed of the earth.

2.  It will somehow continue moving at the same speed as the earth, no matter what.  (Since this doesn't seem right and it allows the space travel the FE says can't be don't, I don't favor it.)

3.  Something totally unexpected happens.

Of the three, the first possibility is the most likely, given the experiences humans have had with throwing or launching things from moving craft of all sorts.

That's not the point though.  The object has already traveled faster then the earth is traveling.  You can see it for yourself if you make a bottle rocket.  The problem is fuel.  The thrust is easy to achieve.  The math has been done.  I'll look later.  I think that guy gave up because it's an endless road with FE.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Conspiracy due to financial gain?
« on: March 04, 2009, 01:40:14 PM »
I refer to one of the FAQs that states that there exists a conspiracy among world governments to say that the Earth is round when the earth is actually flat, and the most favoured theory is financial gain.

But why would'nt the world goverments receive financial gain if all had been the other way round - that actually the earth was round but the world governments were conspiring that the Earth is flat - they would have earned $$ too in this way...

So why did the world governments choose to form a conspiracy that the earth is round instead of that the earth is flat, since both conspiracies would earn them financial gain?

By the way.. I'm still not decided to believe if the earth is flat or round. Convince me! Thanks

It didn't happen quite like that.  The culprits behind this conspiracy are not the governments themselves, but the major space agencies tasked with exploring space.  It didn't take long for them to realize that space exploration was doomed to failure, given how the UA would always eliminate all their fuel, no matter how high they went.  Admitting this to their bosses would have resulted in their funding being scrapped and their careers ruined.  So, they simply made some stuff up and embezzled the majority of their funding for their personal profit. 

Were they able to figure out that their failure to explore space was due to the Earth being flat?  Possibly.  However, telling the public that the Earth was flat would obviously have caused bombshells in the scientific community, and the UA would no doubt be discovered eventually as attention was focused on space exploration.  By telling people lies that they already knew-those of RE-would guarantee that they could continue stealing money.

The first successful launch of a US satellite was made 8 months before NASA was created.  This theory makes no sense.  The US government would have known because the launch would not have been successful.

But it only went into LEO, which could be covered by the UA field that surrounds the earth.  It's not until you attempt to go past the field that space flight becomes completely impossible according to FE.

And does it makes sense to you Raven that once you leave the field UA doesn't affect you like it does the sun, moon, planets, entire universe?  There is no explanation why it doesn't.  Truth be told, there is no reason sustained space flight isn't possible with this theory.

Let me try to explain it:

Look, if you are accelerating at a constant 100 MPH, how fast will you be going in 2 hours?  Now, throw something out the window.  It no longer has the benefits of your accumulated speed and falls behind, even if you bring it up to 100 MPH.

The same thing will happen to a craft.  But, we are talking about speeds approaching the speed of light.  The craft will be left so far behind that it could never catch up.

You could fly away from the earth in a craft.  But you could never return, making sustained space flight impossible.

Can't remember who, but one of the guys did all the math to prove that the Saturn V could have traveled 3000 miles and made it to the moon. You could probably find it if you searched, I'll look later if I can.

I still don't get it though.  There is a measurable fluctuation in gravitational influence that FE says is due to the pull of the stars, sun, moon, planets and other heavenly bodies.  That is measurable right here on earth as you move around the surface.  My thoughts are that if you have enough thrust to get high enough the influence of the stars gets greater and greater, so it is possible to achieve escape velocity on the FE model.  FE holds on to this assumption that it isn't possible because it doesn't want to deal with the mountain of evidence available if it admits that space flight is possible.

Anyway, I think I'm derailing the thread.  This question has never been answered to my satisfaction.  It is never explained why the influence of the stars, heavenly bodies, UA will not affect the shuttle the same way it does every other body in the universe.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Conspiracy due to financial gain?
« on: March 04, 2009, 01:04:25 PM »
I refer to one of the FAQs that states that there exists a conspiracy among world governments to say that the Earth is round when the earth is actually flat, and the most favoured theory is financial gain.

But why would'nt the world goverments receive financial gain if all had been the other way round - that actually the earth was round but the world governments were conspiring that the Earth is flat - they would have earned $$ too in this way...

So why did the world governments choose to form a conspiracy that the earth is round instead of that the earth is flat, since both conspiracies would earn them financial gain?

By the way.. I'm still not decided to believe if the earth is flat or round. Convince me! Thanks

It didn't happen quite like that.  The culprits behind this conspiracy are not the governments themselves, but the major space agencies tasked with exploring space.  It didn't take long for them to realize that space exploration was doomed to failure, given how the UA would always eliminate all their fuel, no matter how high they went.  Admitting this to their bosses would have resulted in their funding being scrapped and their careers ruined.  So, they simply made some stuff up and embezzled the majority of their funding for their personal profit. 

Were they able to figure out that their failure to explore space was due to the Earth being flat?  Possibly.  However, telling the public that the Earth was flat would obviously have caused bombshells in the scientific community, and the UA would no doubt be discovered eventually as attention was focused on space exploration.  By telling people lies that they already knew-those of RE-would guarantee that they could continue stealing money.

The first successful launch of a US satellite was made 8 months before NASA was created.  This theory makes no sense.  The US government would have known because the launch would not have been successful.

But it only went into LEO, which could be covered by the UA field that surrounds the earth.  It's not until you attempt to go past the field that space flight becomes completely impossible according to FE.

And does it makes sense to you Raven that once you leave the field UA doesn't affect you like it does the sun, moon, planets, entire universe?  There is no explanation why it doesn't.  Truth be told, there is no reason sustained space flight isn't possible with this theory.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Conspiracy due to financial gain?
« on: March 04, 2009, 11:21:01 AM »
I refer to one of the FAQs that states that there exists a conspiracy among world governments to say that the Earth is round when the earth is actually flat, and the most favoured theory is financial gain.

But why would'nt the world goverments receive financial gain if all had been the other way round - that actually the earth was round but the world governments were conspiring that the Earth is flat - they would have earned $$ too in this way...

So why did the world governments choose to form a conspiracy that the earth is round instead of that the earth is flat, since both conspiracies would earn them financial gain?

By the way.. I'm still not decided to believe if the earth is flat or round. Convince me! Thanks

It didn't happen quite like that.  The culprits behind this conspiracy are not the governments themselves, but the major space agencies tasked with exploring space.  It didn't take long for them to realize that space exploration was doomed to failure, given how the UA would always eliminate all their fuel, no matter how high they went.  Admitting this to their bosses would have resulted in their funding being scrapped and their careers ruined.  So, they simply made some stuff up and embezzled the majority of their funding for their personal profit. 

Were they able to figure out that their failure to explore space was due to the Earth being flat?  Possibly.  However, telling the public that the Earth was flat would obviously have caused bombshells in the scientific community, and the UA would no doubt be discovered eventually as attention was focused on space exploration.  By telling people lies that they already knew-those of RE-would guarantee that they could continue stealing money.

Since the UA obviously interacts with some material(s) contained in the FE, what makes you think that NASA hasn't been able to figure out what that material(s) interact with the UA and use that(them) in the construction of their "spacecraft", thereby achieving sustained space flight?

I'm not a scientist, but I don't see how they could do anything like that.  The UA is the Earth accelerating up beneath us.  How could NASA invent something impervious to that effect that used no energy? ???

In any case, I don't think they'd be interested in doing something like that.  If they're willing to lie, then money is probably more important to them than genuine research.

Correct me if I'm wrong Saddam, but the way I understand the currently accepted FET, the UA is some form of energy that interacts with the FE, thereby accelerating it at the rate of 9.8m/s2.  This energy also interacts with the sun, moon and other celestial bodies in order to accelerate them at the same rate as the FE.  Therefore, it stands to reason that the UA must interact with one or more materials that can can be identified and, with any luck, processed into a form that can be used as a component in the construction of spacecraft.  Once this is done, one only needs a booster to lift the spacecraft to an altitude where the influence of the UA can be harnessed, resulting in sustained space flight.  NASA tends to hire the best and brightest that they can find, so I don't see how this is an unreasonable proposition.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but once the craft leaves the area of the UA that is affecting earth, even if the UA begins to act on it, the Earth has been accelerating for a very long time.

Since it has built up speed, wouldn't the craft be left behind at some extreme speed?

Wouldn't the UA affect the ship the same way it effects every other body in the solar system, except of course Asteroids and meteors.  They some how are miraculously not affected by UA.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Conspiracy due to financial gain?
« on: March 04, 2009, 11:16:28 AM »
I refer to one of the FAQs that states that there exists a conspiracy among world governments to say that the Earth is round when the earth is actually flat, and the most favoured theory is financial gain.

But why would'nt the world goverments receive financial gain if all had been the other way round - that actually the earth was round but the world governments were conspiring that the Earth is flat - they would have earned $$ too in this way...

So why did the world governments choose to form a conspiracy that the earth is round instead of that the earth is flat, since both conspiracies would earn them financial gain?

By the way.. I'm still not decided to believe if the earth is flat or round. Convince me! Thanks

It didn't happen quite like that.  The culprits behind this conspiracy are not the governments themselves, but the major space agencies tasked with exploring space.  It didn't take long for them to realize that space exploration was doomed to failure, given how the UA would always eliminate all their fuel, no matter how high they went.  Admitting this to their bosses would have resulted in their funding being scrapped and their careers ruined.  So, they simply made some stuff up and embezzled the majority of their funding for their personal profit. 

Were they able to figure out that their failure to explore space was due to the Earth being flat?  Possibly.  However, telling the public that the Earth was flat would obviously have caused bombshells in the scientific community, and the UA would no doubt be discovered eventually as attention was focused on space exploration.  By telling people lies that they already knew-those of RE-would guarantee that they could continue stealing money.

The first successful launch of a US satellite was made 8 months before NASA was created.  This theory makes no sense.  The US government would have known because the launch would not have been successful.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Asteroids
« on: March 04, 2009, 09:43:15 AM »
We are God's fourth grade science fair project that he didn't get first place on, so we are sitting on the top shelf of his closet.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Asteroids
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:56:08 PM »
Because we can see objects from certain distances heading toward us.  Or us heading toward them, however you want it.

And if an object is moving at a certain speed prior to encountering the earth then why would it "float"?

Because...according to FE everything in the universe is moving at the same rate.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Asteroids
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:49:21 PM »
Ok the OP was confusing, why don't asteroids work in FET?

Because everything is moving at the same rate I think is what he was trying to say.

I agree with the other poster more though.  How come we know every year when the meteor showers will come and from what direction in the sky they will come from if we continue to move up?

The Lounge / Re: Change.
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:41:02 PM »
Yes, but if everybody gets too much money, then prices will go up and then we will be worse off then before.  What is more important is to get people jobs as you stated, instead of handing out the money.

Well that's the basis of the plan Panda.  Give the money to the states, watch closely how they spend it by making sure that they are using that money to create jobs.  Jobs that money will create in my neck of the woods is 29,000 plus that's just my county.  Jobs lost in my county number in the 51,000 plus.  Given that no more jobs will be lost between now and when these projects start, that's a good jump in the right direction.  Not to mention if the people given these jobs start spending the money, stores will hire people back, TI will start expanding a little again, and the spending will create more jobs in turn.  It's a snowball effect, you just have to get the snowball big enough that it will start to roll by itself.

The Lounge / Re: Thinking about getting a laptop
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:17:54 PM »
I don't know what the fuck you people do, but I never, ever have issues.  Well, I guess I have one, I can't secure my router network because my brother is on XP and I'm on Vista, and apparently we can't do it if we're not both on the same one.  But all the time?  I think users are just stupid or something.  Or maybe they try to do something you can't do like open a file with an incompatible program, and then blame Vista when it's your own fault for trying to open it with something that can't open it.

I don't blame Vista for anything.  I am a mac user.  I never have any computer issues.

The Lounge / Re: Change.
« on: March 03, 2009, 03:00:40 PM »
I didn't say that printing money causes it to drop in value.  I said it only does that if you don't increase circulation along with the printing.  That is specifically why Obama wants this to be so transparent.  He wants this stimulus money to create jobs and find it's way back to the people who will spend it.  So yeah he is printing it, but he's trying to put it in our hands and get us to spend it at stores and stuff.  That's why the tax breaks on cars and houses.  Incentive to circulate money, stimulate the economy.

The Lounge / Re: Change.
« on: March 03, 2009, 02:47:51 PM »
I'm not an economist so take this with a grain of salt and please correct/educate me where I might be mislead.

My understanding of printing money is that it only effects the economy/inflation negatively if the circulation of money doesn't increase and the prices don't hold steady.  So if the stimulus package does create the jobs it is supposed to create, which will in turn increase circulation of money through spending, then an inflation issue would be diverted.  At least I believe that is the outcome that the Obama administration is expecting.  Not to mention that the value of the dollar is already pretty low so you are only driving it's value up by printing more.

This from wikipedia: Quantity theory of money.
Money can lose its value through excessive abundance, if so much silver is coined as to heighten people's demand for silver bullion. For in this way, the coinage's estimation vanishes when it cannot buy as much silver as the money itself contains [?]. The solution is to mint no more coinage until it recovers its par value.

In other words the money loses it's value when it isn't being circulated and if you print more and increase circulation the money regains it's value.  Right?

I don't fully understand all that I am reading so please educate me if I'm wrong or mislead in my understanding.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Solar Neutrinos
« on: March 03, 2009, 02:01:37 PM »

I like this thread there's some very good physics in here that's correct :)

I must admit I don't know the ins and outs of particle physics because it's not my specialist area but from what I've read it seems correct.

One thing I don't thinks been discussed is the fact that published experimental results arn't just done once they are verified independantly of one another.

If a scientist says, Eureaka I've detected a neutrino, another scientist says: really I shall do my own experiment to verify it and make sure the results are what they say they are.

When you ask for the detail of an experimental apparatus you should really ask what other experiments have been done to verify it. Because each experiment may have been done on an apparatus that is designed differently.

Yeah but unless you are Johannes Kepler of the FES boards performing the experiment, it can't be accepted as a success among the scientific community.

He has yet to tell us what his qualifications are to judge such experiments though.

The Lounge / Re: Change.
« on: March 03, 2009, 01:41:18 PM »
Correct.  A lot of it came from Germany's economy collapsing and them not being able to pay back debts from WWI.  Then the British and French economies followed suit.  There are just way too many factors to even compare those circumstances that lead to the great depression to what is happening now.

The Lounge / Re: Change.
« on: March 03, 2009, 01:24:55 PM »
That money will bring 29,000 jobs to my North Central Texas.  I see no problem with it.

The Lounge / Re: Change.
« on: March 03, 2009, 01:17:11 PM »
I don't think you can relate what happened when Hoover entered office to what is happening with Obama entering office.  There were many other factors at stake when Hoover entered office.

The Lounge / Re: Change.
« on: March 03, 2009, 11:52:43 AM »
I don't see why everyone expected miracles.  Jesus the guy barely has his desk organized and he is getting the third degree already.  Give it some time.  What he's signed one freaking piece of paper.  Damn...

The Lounge / Re: Thinking about getting a laptop
« on: March 03, 2009, 11:45:58 AM »
Hence Vista 64, what people living in 2009 use.

Right I believe they didn't want to go that way because they didn't want one computer on Vista while all the other PCs are on XP.  Not to mention when he got the computer Vista was still having all kinds of problems.

The Lounge / Re: Is Anyone Here an Artist?
« on: March 03, 2009, 11:05:46 AM »
Hey, thanks for the suggestion!  I may look into that.  Do they require finished work or are a few chapters at a time okay? 

Many items are uploaded chapter by chapter.  Some are uploaded as short stories.  They also have poetry, music, journalism, DIY, opinion pieces, tons of stuff that people write and upload.  There are some great fantasy contests and you get a free e-mail account in which you can sign up for different newsletters that pertain to your interests.  I'm a scifi guy so I subscribe to those, as well as the contest notification ones.  The newsletters are packed full of information, some dealing with how to correctly portray dialogue; while others will deal with character development, scene portrayal and the like.  That's why I subscribe to all the writing ones, like horror, humor, romance, they all are relevant to writing in general.  There are flash fiction contests, short story contests, some give out great prizes.  There are also paying gigs that are listed as contests sometimes, or contests that will actually be published in a print format.  Like I said, I've really enjoyed being a part of that community.  I spend more time on then almost anywhere.  But then again, I love to read.

The Lounge / Re: Is Anyone Here an Artist?
« on: March 03, 2009, 09:52:37 AM »
@Moonlit: A community of people to critique your art is very beneficial because artistic styles tend to play on exaggerated features. A collective of people with varying styles will effectively cancel the most extremes, leading to well balanced composition and good anatomy.
I've considered putting a thread up with excerpts from my writing.  I often wonder if having someone look at my work and give honest opinions could help me with ideas for the character creation and where I should lead the plot.  Then again, I don't know how well I could trust that no one would come on here and take my ideas and make them their own.

Also, I really like your drawings.  So far, they're the closest to what I'm looking for.  I still haven't decided what I should do but I know I need to make a decision and get on the ball. Otherwise, I'm just a wannabe.  No thanks. 

Why don't you look into some of the writing web sites,,, are two that I can think of right off the bat.  People upload their work and others read, review and critique the work in public or private format.  My kid, 16, has always enjoyed writing and I have him on and he has gotten lots of good feedback.  Feedback he has used to improve his writing many times over.  There are also contests and all kinds of stuff designed to spark creativity. is by far my favorite.  Membership is free too.  Helium actually pays you.  You build up a certain amount of cash though before they send you a check.  Membership is free there too.

This is not a plug, just shared info from one person to another.  I use it and happen to find it a valuable resource and thought moonlit might like to check it out.

The Lounge / Re: Thinking about getting a laptop
« on: March 03, 2009, 09:45:53 AM »
Our engineer has a 64 bit and is running a version of windows that supports 64 bit (Windows XP Pro 64)and he has all kinds of problems.  Problems that the IT people just flat can't do anything about.  I'd google some info or ask some of the very knowledgeable PC folks on here.  I seem to remember reading an article about drivers being a big issue on Windows XP Pro 64.  I could be totally wrong though.

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