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Messages - Third3ye

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Debate / Re: Why do you believe in the theory of Gravity?
« on: June 01, 2017, 03:30:12 PM »
Anyways I'm done here, have fun circle jerking each other over bullshit and not answering the OP properly. You have all these physical proof's but are unable to source any.


Damn, you really showed us  ::)

Don't forget to take some homeopathic medicine before you center your chakras or read the future!

Lol and don't forget to die of cancer because you place all your trust in "experts" that were never educated in proper nutrition, prevention of disease, or alternative medicine because it's not patentable or profitable.


Anyways I'm done here, have fun circle jerking each other over bullshit and not answering the OP properly. You have all these physical proof's but are unable to source any.


I've conducted experiments on attractive forces between masses, from a skeptical FE perspective.

I have physical evidence I have found for myself. That is why I believe in gravity, even though I may not believe in a round earth.

Love your avatar, Lamprey's are cool as fuck c:

3rd eye is probably the alt for 'arealhumanbeing'. The amount of times he went on about the pineal gland being the 3rd eye and other rubbish

From the shit being spewed I'd say 3rd eye is nothing more than a 'brown eye'. Gross

Nope. Though the organ related to the third eye is the pineal gland, that's just basic knowledge regarding chakra's. I am a psychic but I have no relation to whomever that is. Though I could care less if you believed me or not.

I'm not really here to answer questions, I addressed this already. Provide physical proof or don't bother replying at all. Seeing as how no seems fit to answer it seems I'm probably correct in that you all believe in magical fairy tale bullshit because someone you think is superior to you said so.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: I think I have been Converted to FE
« on: May 30, 2017, 07:57:33 PM »
If this converted you into a FE believer then your already an idiot.... And I'm a Flat Earther so that says a lot. These tools easily could still work on a round earth, how do people not get that???

Flat Earth General / Re: Is Science the new Religion ?
« on: May 30, 2017, 07:40:15 PM »
B12 is found in Comfrey.

Which isn't a food source if you believe in the tests designed to fail by the FDA ;D
I think the whole point has been that a healthy vegetarian or vegan diet is now possible, but would have been quite impossible in most primitive societies.
This explains why meat and other sources of protein etc were so highly prized in those societies.

Ahhh, I didn't read every post, much less in this page lol. I was just pointing that out. By the way can I get that list of 61 proof's you have in a PM? I tried sending you a PM but it didn't work? Idk..

No it looks like all you did was give what I didn't ask for, stupid equations that seem to work for your stupid theory. This isn't proving gravity because again, if it was that easy CERN would not omit gravity, it would be much easier to prove physically, thus there would be 1,000's of experiments proving gravity, but all we get are fail examples like this, bullshit experiments like the vacuum chamber ones or that one piss poor Cavendish one where they assume the motion was caused by gravity and disregarded the other large bodies of mass around the test.

How many times do I have to tell you to go away? Your not helping.

Flat Earth General / Re: Is Science the new Religion ?
« on: May 30, 2017, 07:06:33 PM »
B12 is found in Comfrey.

Which isn't a food source if you believe in the tests designed to fail by the FDA ;D

Flat Earth Debate / Re: DET Evidence Challenge: Make Me Leave
« on: May 30, 2017, 06:12:47 PM »

Now your just going off topic. Q.Q more round retard.

Bullshit indeed. Looks like the sun and moon rotating around and between two pancakes, crossing the interior instantaneously because "aether" but people are able to magically cross the equator between pancakes because "aether" without noticing the enormous celestial bodies entering between the pancakes because "aether" and the sun and moon are just heated metal spotlights because "aether" and all the evidence is on my website and there are no assumptions it's all logical because FUCK OFF read my website because "aether".

Is that DET in a nutshell? Just admit you are a Poe JRowe. It's far less embarrassing.

LMAO pretty much what I was thinking.


God your rebuttal's are ass. I guess I'll just wait for one of those people you mentioned.

Density is why things fall, wow that was hard.

How doe's Density work in a vacuum chamber, the bowling ball feather drop, in question?
And properties given to ether don't work.

How do we know they didn't switch out the bowling ball for a lighter copy? We don't because it wasn't a constant streamed video. It was scripted nonsense.

Then you perform the fucking experiment, ignorant prick. You flatheads always assume everything is faked because it is a logical explanation against your argument.

Sorry your bullying won't work here, why don't you provide irrefutable physical proof of gravity or GTFO c:

Keep eating those Yellow 5,6, and Red 40 chips you ignorant prick. Bet you go to the doctors for your own health just like all these other sheep that rely on everyone else that are deemed "experts'.

You said things fall in a different rate, then how come the plane can generate weightlessness for every object no matter their density just by canceling ONE rate ?

Oh and you forget that on that video even when SOME of the feathers seems to lag behind their rate of fall is the same as the coins, they started later in the the turning process or whatever, just measure the rate pixel traveled by time, and you will see.

The feathers lagging behind is clearly slower, who are you kidding?

Also I don't know, considering gravity is fake and you've yet to prove it, the variables are unknown. It's not cancelling gravity like you hope to claim that's for sure.

Your bully tactics dont work here sorry

If this is false you can refute it

f = G x m1 x m2 / d2

then do it.

I don't need an equation to refute this nonsense. If an equation is all you have to verify the authenticity of your glorious gravity then your defense sucks ass. I'm asking for physical proof only, sorry to bully your inability to show it.

Density is why things fall, wow that was hard.

How doe's Density work in a vacuum chamber, the bowling ball feather drop, in question?
And properties given to ether don't work.

How do we know they didn't switch out the bowling ball for a lighter copy? We don't because it wasn't a constant streamed video. It was scripted nonsense.

Density is why things fall, wow that was hard.

Haha, sorry i can't play this scene with straight face for a thousands time   :D Every Time the same character marches in self absorbed, full confident, with the endorphin rush of suspected discovery and a supposed irrefutable argument he thinks he have.

Then comes a brief refutation,which deals the first blow on elementary school level.

then the shrieking and shitposting starts.


Ok, what makes a force vector out of density ? density gradients are all over the place, and also how come that things fall with a same rate regardless of density ?

And this is what happens with density towers in zero g....

Nah fuck your dumb ass equation. That's all you got for magical gravity, an equation and theory, but no physical proof. Time to move on.

Lol things do not fall at the same rate in a vacuum, it's not hard to slow down these vacuum chamber tests and see often times that one object indeed falls faster. Even in this

 experiment with a close eye you can see feather's lagging behind. Go ahead and instead source NASA's obvious scripted and non-constant streaming (doctored) video of it. Not to mention the vacuum tests suck, they can't really hope to simulate space considering its infinitely expanding and has no container, or so they say.

Why does density behave like that in "zero-g"? Really? Can you not observe anything? Why does the guy start floating amidst the less dense air against his own will? The answer is already there in the video. Again go away. Where are all these more intelligent and patient people you spoke of?

Density is why things fall, wow that was hard.

Uhm maybe thats why ? gravity is Not just weaker, its several orders of magnitude weaker, there is a difference

"Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental interactions of nature. The gravitational attraction is approximately 10^38 times weaker than the strong force, 10^36 times weaker than the electromagnetic force and 10^29 times weaker than the weak force. As a consequence, gravity has a negligible influence on the behavior of subatomic particles, and plays no role in determining the internal properties of everyday matter "

Yep throw it outside of the realm for normal people to measure it so you have to rely on "experts". That's pretty much everything RE relies on. Fucking retards, sorry I'm not passive aggressive like you yuppies.

To answer your first question:
Because it has the most evidence. Do you have a better explanation? Feel free to explain how you are smarter than the centuries of scientists who have formulated the standard explanations...... go ahead.

MOST EVIDENCE? LOL, such as? I doubt you can name more than 1 example that involves more than numbers and words, but rather physical proof.

We have measured gravity.
There are numerous experiments which have measured it, including the value of the gravitational constant.

What makes you think we can't?

Your referring to the Cavendish Experiment? Seriously? That shit is a joke. CERN would not be omitting gravity from the standard model if it was so easy, you people are so daft.

I'm looking for an answer not more questions, sorry. Nor am I cherry picking, guess your a round earther... What a surprise! Not..

Your contribution to the debate: 0

Go somewhere else.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: DET Evidence Challenge: Make Me Leave
« on: May 30, 2017, 02:32:43 PM »

WTF is this bullshit? LOL

Your theory involves gravity I'm guessing, a really weird variant, your model debunks itself.

Are you one of those people muddying the waters? Seems like it to me.

Flat Earth Debate / Why do you believe in the theory of Gravity?
« on: May 30, 2017, 01:57:31 PM »
You know since, as it seems to me, most of you people here are deluded to the idea that the Earth is round. Yet your on a Flat Earth Forum...... How stupid... Might as well call this "The Round Earth Society".... Anyways...

So why do you believe in Gravity?
The most magical of bullshit.


- its elementary particle, a graviton, has never been found.

- We cannot measure gravity. (My favorite part is when Round Earther's believe it has been because their faith is hella strong.)

SHOW PHYSICAL PROOF OF GRAVITY I don't want your theory or equations, they mean shit.

Even CERN omits it from the Standard Model: explaining how the basic building blocks of matter interact, governed by four fundamental forces.

"So far so good, but... is not time for physicists to call it a day just yet. Even though the Standard Model is currently the best description there is of the subatomic world, it does not explain the complete picture. The theory incorporates only three out of the four fundamental forces, omitting gravity."


I wonder why... and I'm sure most of the responses for this will be "Despite its name, the weak force is much stronger than gravity but it is indeed the weakest of the other three." Copied and pasted from the same link. Because that's surely a sound rebuttal.

Are you FES really expecting us to believe this FE theory?

Does promoting FE theory seem reasonable to you?

I don't think this site was made for you idiot, does it seem reasonable to you and other round earthers to join a site just to disagree with someone else's belief that you deem crazy? How crazy is that?

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