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Messages - Swiftly Tilting Planet

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It would sure be nice if you gave your own insights when presenting to us a video.  I am sure less people would ignore you if you did.  I, for one, have no interest in watching, much less discussing, a video in which the presenter only gives a link without giving their own thoughts.

I debate a lot of Flatheads on Facebook and Youtube, and almost all I get as "answers" are memes and Youtube videos.

But this one video alone, sums up all my thoughts and answers, as a true skeptic debates a Flat Earther, and the FE'r brings up EVERY POINT (which *he* ironically* calls "the internet hive mind") that every Flat Earther regurgitates as their main talking points. And the scientific skeptic's questions and answers are all the ones that I have had - only he states them much more eloquently.

So if you only take the tame to watch ONE of my videos, watch this one. All the answers I would give and have given are there.

(And how can I make my videos visible *in page*!?)

Flat Earth General / The Illuminati Take Down Jeranism!
« on: October 27, 2015, 05:09:48 PM »

No, not really, but apparently Youtube took down his Globebusters account there, and he needs money. A couple of days ago he must have gotten in a spat with one of his co-hosts on that "program", and apparently it was "irreconcilable", and my guess is that has something to do with it. Either that, or Jeranism just wants money.

I love it when the conspiracy nuts start calling each other "shills' and accuse each other of being a par of the "conspiracy"...(though I I'll bet that a lot of these fights are about ego too, but I have to think that tbwir innate paranoia plays a part too.)


Alltime Conspiracies: Is the Earth Really Flat: The Flat Earth Society

Tell me more about how one bit of land on one bit of the world that you've never confirmed can tell us something about all the world.

Ha, do all Flat Earthers travel the the Bedford Level and personally repeat the Bedford Levels Experiment(s) and/or travel to Antarctica?


And if it's true - and unless VW is in on the conspiracy - it tells us that the Earth has curvature, and even the degree of that curvature.


How the motion of the Sun and Stars through to sky disprove the Flat Earth Model:

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Disk Moon
« on: October 04, 2015, 02:20:58 PM »

Actually, satellites and even people HAVE been to the backside (aka "dark side", but more accurately "Far Side" or "Farside") or the Moon. We've even mapped it and have photographs.



Over 5 miles long, and you can't see one end from the other end, because of the...wait for it..curvature of the Earth.

Checkmate, Flatheads. ;)

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Total lunar eclipse September 27
« on: September 27, 2015, 08:23:48 PM »
You know what the worst thing in all of this RE/ FE crap.I dont really care for it. I just want a friend,  one stinken friend . Thats not lying to me ,going to lie to me, not trying to deceive me or make money off me.
Poke fun at me, judge me , imbarase me or ambush me.Just  "One "stinking pharken human friend.
They dont exsist.

People like that exist, they are just, sadly, few and far between, and hard to find. I actually moved *back* to Arizona because when I lived in Jacksonville Florida, I think I met maybe *one* decent person. So sometimes it can actually be where you live.

Flat Earth General / Re: Who's Who in Flat Earth Culture?
« on: September 27, 2015, 11:37:43 AM »

I just really want to know who the idiot with the dark glasses is.


Have you ever considered that terms like the "expanse" and "the deeps" and "the waters" could refer to space? Because I think that if you take a lot of the Bible as metaphor, and not literal, it actually agrees a lot more with modern science. The Bible has "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the Deep" and Science has the quantum void and the laws of physics. Science has the energetic explosion of the Big Bang, the Bible has "Let there be light!"

Plus, if the Earth and this dome are sitting on the water and on pillars, what are the pillars sitting on? And hoe large is this ocean that we exist in?

And lastly, the Bible also says, in *many* places in the Old Testament, that "the Sun rises and the Sun sets".

"The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back around to where it rises." - Ecclesiastes 1:5

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised." - Psalm 113:3

"so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting people may know there is none besides me. I am the LORD, and there is no other." - Isaiah 45:6

Flat Earth General / Who's Who in Flat Earth Culture?
« on: September 26, 2015, 10:26:46 PM »
I'm trying to get a sense of who the sort-of "big names" are in teh Flat Earth community (such as it is, when they aren't busy calling each other "shills".) So far I am aware of Eric Dubay, Jerinism, and "Tiger Dan", but who else should I be aware of?

Edited to add:
Oops, I forget "waykiwayki".

And does anybody know who in the videos with the dark glasses who is always wearing them in a dark theater and smoking and claiming that NASA concept art - art that is *obviously* concept art and artists impressions, and is often labeled as such - is "proof" that NASA is lying, because "Who took the picture of the spaceship!?" He talks like he's high on uppers and he seems to think that he's really funny, and I'm imagining that most of his videos are filmed as he's speaking to college campuses.

He's in this video at around the 32:30 mark, or just a little bit before:

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

He shows up in a LOT of Flat Earther videos, and I just wonder who he is.

Flat Earth General / Re: Mars One - The Latest Scam?
« on: September 25, 2015, 04:46:09 PM »

I suppose you will call this "a scam" too. I actually was a friend of one of the founders in college - I met my wife through his then-girlfriend (now wife) - and this was ALWAYS his dream. He's a real stand-up guy, but I'm sure you'll all dismiss him as a con-man. You know, I think you guys will dismiss anyone and everyone who has actually founded a business as a "con-man". If I didn't think that Ayn Rand was a hack, I'd say that she has it right, some people despise those who actually strive to accomplish great things...

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Traveling around 60 degrees south
« on: September 25, 2015, 04:22:31 PM »

Well clearly, the Earth is lying. I wouldn't be surprised if the Earth is just a shill.


When particle accelerators like the LHC - or even large linear accelerators - are built, they *have* to *assume* the Earth has a certain curvature when they build them, or the accelerators will be slightly convex, and the particle beams won't line up.

And if they were *wrong* about the curvature of the earth, and they built a ring assuming a convex curvature of the Earth, the end result, I believe, would be a slightly concave ring, and again, the particle streams would not line up. (And unlike Egon, these guys *want* to cross the streams.)

Now, you could say that the people at CERN and Fermilab are *in* on the conspiracy to hide the true shape of the Earth. You'd be wrong, but you can say that. ;)

Oh, interesting, they also have to take the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon into effect when building the accelerators: (something that would be unnecessary in the Moon and Sun were just small bodies a few thousand miles away -though small bodies CAN have large gravitational fields. If something the size of the FET "Moon" made of super-dense neutron-degenerate matter such as found in Neutron Stars were put in orbit of the Earth, well, the Earth would probably be ripped apart from the tidal forces.)

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The space shuttle
« on: September 25, 2015, 04:02:06 PM »
Here's a lovely photo of the space shuttle approaching the ISS to dock, while orbiting the spherical earth at around 7 km/s. This was taken by an amateur photographer in the Forest of Dean, UK.

Also here's a great video showing the rotation of the sun, because it's a sphere emitting light in all directions, not a fucking spotlight.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

Obviously this is a CGI hologram caused by swamp gas reflecting off of a weather balloon that was projected onto the Firmament by NASA aka Satan.

I mean, how do you *know* your friend really took this picture!? How do you know he's not just a shill!? How do we know that YOU aren't a shill!? HOW CAN WE TRUST *ANYTHING* THAT OUR EYES SHOW US!?!? WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!

;) Jk. Cool pic, BTW!

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Total lunar eclipse September 27
« on: September 25, 2015, 03:43:03 PM »
There is no shadow object. The moon is the Star of Bethlehem, representing Jesus Christ. The periodic 'lunar eclipse' is a homage to the Atonement, wherein it becomes stained red with blood. This was the darkness referred to in the Bible.

Yeah, whatever you say. And I am a flying cow. I guess it's the same for partial eclipses as well. I'm sure you also have a crazy theory for solar eclipses, could you share it with us?

Yes, it is similar: all the celestial objects are angels, fallen angels, or related to the trinity. Solar eclipses symbolize the darkness at the Atonement, Christ rising to God's Heaven.

I guess Saturn is an angel, because it has a halo.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Neutrinos
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:41:10 PM »
Demons spread lies.

How do we know that YOU aren't a demon spreading lies?

"The sun rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises again."
                      - Ecclesiastes 1:5

Yes, they are all faking it; they have been from the start.

Which is why it is so hard for any one of them to call another one out.

Zero-sum game, you know?

Try learning to think.

Whatever; these are all the facts you need to know:

Here are just a few of the technical problems with Branson's 'SpaceShit'; make your own minds up if I'm sincere or not, neutrals:

* The pressurised monocoque fuselage/cabin is not reinforced with any essential substructures i.e. bulkheads, formers & stringers.

* The carbon-composites it is allegedly made from are utterly unproven in hypersonic flight & have many problems associated with their brittle, porous nature such as microscopic material cracking, delamination etc. The distinctly subsonic Airbus A380 fleet was grounded due to these problems.

* The claimed rate of climb of 416 m/s would destroy the flimsy stabilisers & tail structure, which also btw couldn't possibly function as claimed in its 'feather technique' due to lack of atmosphere.

* There is no evidence of damage from heat-friction to the 'ablative' paintwork on either nosecone or wing leading edges after alleged hypersonic test-flights (a BIG lol! at this one).

* The rocket motor is also a puny joke, plus it doesn't have enough fuel storage capacity for its claimed performance anyway, the aerodynamics are a mess & then there's the usual lack of any real-time telemetry data in their test-flight footage...

Which brings us to:

FACT: Conspiracy To Defraud is a very real Crime.

FACT: Richard Branson got caught for Tax Fraud in the early 1970s.

FACT: He has a consistent record of fleecing investors in his schemes; see Virgin Blue, V2, Virgin Express, etc.

FACT: His 'SpaceShitTwo' is a laughably unfeasible contraption, for the reasons outlined above, ergo his 'space tourism' idea is impossible.

FACT: Branson has collected over £600 million in investments in Virgin galactic thus far; most are from rich Arabs & may be some kind of money-laundering scheme/tax write-off, but at least £38 million is from advance ticket sales... Hope them suckers read the small-print!

CONCLUSION: Anyone who invests in Virgin Galactic or buys tickets in advance is either a Criminal or an Idiot.

Any of you Conspiracy to Defraud Denialists care to comment further?

Right, so the bottom line is that if I run your issues with SpaceShip II's design by my friends who are actual rocket scientists, you will just dismiss any of their answers because you believe that they are ALL shills who are faking space.

So, there's a vast conspiracy to fake space, that would have to involve literally millions of people around the world. 

I do think, a lot, and when I consider just how many people would have to be involved in faking space and space exploration and telecommunications satelites and weather satelites and military satelites, the size of the hoax would have to be enormous. And costly. Probably even more costly than actually just sending stuff into space. Occam's Razor would have me believe the more plausible of the scenarios, and if it's giant evil global conspiracy,  or science is right and space is real, I think it's more ppausable that space is real, my many friends in the astronomical and engineering and planetary sciences community aren't ALL lying to me.

Plus, I can see space. I can see satelites, I can see the ISS, I can see Saturn's rings with simple binoculars...when they announced that they were going to detonate barium canisters in orbit back in the 90's I watched it personally from my parents land outside of Wilcox, Arizona...and when the tether broke for tge Shuttle in orbit a few years later, I saw that too, from my front yard in Tucson. I have no idea how anyone *could* fake those last two things, or even why they would bother.

I've heard of buildings that had upper stories very, very slightly larger than the bottom ones, because of the curvature of the Earth, since the walls from one side to the other were built vertical to the ground, which resulted in their tops to be slightly further away one from the other as they got taller, which meant more space.

I suppose if they were using one of the bob thingies in a string when they build the walls, and it was a very tall and/or or the building had a very wide base, that could happen, but even then I imagine that the difference at the top would be in mere millimeters.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Neutrinos
« on: September 24, 2015, 02:40:48 PM »
Scientists have fired neutrinos through the earth to be successfully detected on the other side. How would this be possible if the earth were flat.

It wouldn't be.

But I'm guessing that a lot of the Flat Earthers here are going to either ignore this, or claim that it was a "hoax"and the scientists are "lying", and are "shills", and you'll get answers like "How do you *know* that they really did this?" "Were you there?", "Did you personally *see* the neutrinos?" (LOL) "How do you know that those neutrinos were the very same ones that they supposedly sent through the Earth?", etc, etc, etc.


'Rocket scientists' like Schilling, Schiller, Schmucker & Herbert you mean?

So where is your degree in engineering from?

I don't have a degree in engineering, so I just have to go by what my engineer friends tell me. I can run your questions by them, but I have a feeling that if they disagree with your criticisms, you will just call them "shills".

But even if Branson is faking his flights, somehow in front of crowds of thousand of people, many of whom are space experts and enthusiasts....Branson isn't the only on in the private space or space tourism business.

Are thwy ALL faking it?

Being eloquent doesn't make up for the fact that your posts are, in fact, TL;DR.

Even your "quotes" in your profile/signature screams delusional.

Oh, and while on the topic, I know for a fact that you're being medicated for mental issues.

Please, oh PLEASE ask me how I know this. :D I beg you, I really want you to know.

I'll say this once:


Cool story, bro...

Now; I'd prefer you to address the following points, if possible:

Here are just a few of the technical problems with Branson's 'SpaceShit':

* The pressurised monocoque fuselage/cabin is not reinforced with any essential substructures i.e. bulkheads, formers & stringers.

* The carbon-composites it is allegedly made from are utterly unproven in hypersonic flight & have many problems associated with their brittle, porous nature such as microscopic material cracking, delamination etc. The distinctly subsonic Airbus A380 fleet was grounded due to these problems.

* The claimed rate of climb of 416 m/s would destroy the flimsy stabilisers & tail structure, which also btw couldn't possibly function as claimed in its 'feather technique' due to lack of atmosphere.

* There is no evidence of damage from heat-friction to the 'ablative' paintwork on either nosecone or wing leading edges after alleged hypersonic test-flights (a BIG lol! at this one).

* The rocket motor is also a puny joke, plus it doesn't have enough fuel storage capacity for its claimed performance anyway, the aerodynamics are a mess & then there's the usual lack of any real-time telemetry data in their test-flight footage...

Which brings us to:

FACT: Conspiracy To Defraud is a very real Crime.

FACT: Richard Branson got caught for Tax Fraud in the early 1970s.

FACT: He has a consistent record of fleecing investors in his schemes; see Virgin Blue, V2, Virgin Express, etc.

FACT: His 'SpaceShitTwo' is a laughably unfeasible contraption, for the reasons outlined above, ergo his 'space tourism' idea is impossible.

CONCLUSION: Anyone who invests in Virgin Galactic or buys tickets in advance is an Idiot.

Any of you Conspiracy to Defraud Denialists care to comment?

It's really amazing that only you have seen all of these problems, and people who are actual rocket scientists haven't!

So, hpw and where are they faking all of these test flights? And how is it that agencies other than VG have tracked these test flights into space?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Spaceflight conspiracy
« on: September 24, 2015, 09:44:09 AM »
So I read about NASA being a conspiracy and faking all the space launches, since obviously you can't put an artificial satelite into orbit around a flat object accelerating through spacetime. So my question is; how can ESA, India, russia, China, Japan, Iran, Syria, Israel, Nigeria I could go on about countries with space programs and satellites in space. Are they all in on the same scam? Why would all these countries join in and protect this? United states aren't actually best friends with some of these countries. Seems a bit much to grasp dont you think? Did India fake the mars mission? Did ESA really land on a comet? And what is Elon musk doing, spenning his own money on spaceflight?
UN, One world order , Coloured money.

Oh no, colored money! God help us that the Federal Reserve should change the look of the money!!

Clearly, it's a sign of the apocalypse.

This coming from somebody who actually believes that the Earth is flat.

And STP Fails immediately...


Gonna bang on about 'conspiracies' next?

Wanna Fail again?

And again, I'm not the one claiming that space is faked or that NASA and Virgin Galactic and everyone else is faking space imagery.

And pretty much every Flat Earther I know thinks that NASA is a "hoax" - hell, it coming across claim of this over and over from Flat Earthers commenting on NASA youtube videos that brought me to here.

But if that is not what you believe, then what do you believe?

Because I'm honestly curious.

You believe that the Earth is flat, I assume? So how do you account for things like pictures of the Earth from space, people who have flown in space an come back and said "It's a ball".

I ca only see one of 3 alternatives here:

1. NASA is real, space is real, the Earth is round.
2. NASA and space are real, but for some reason the Earth only *looks* like a ball from space.
or 3. NASA and every other space agency, military, etc, on the planet is lying, and that pretty much implies a conspiracy.

I suppose there's the forth option that NASA and every other space agency doesn't exist, and the media makes everything up and the world is some elaborate Truman Show style hoax...which, basically, again implies a vast conspiracy somewhere.

(And if the media is faking *everything*, how indeed do I know that Zero Point and people like him aren't telling the truth after all, and maybe Australia was nuked, hell, maybe nothing exists beyond the, well, in my case, the parts of the world I have been too, which in my case include the US, Europe, and part of Asia.)

Or is there another alternative here that I am leaving out?

Because either there is a real space industry and real space programs and they are clearly roof of a round Earth, or someone is faking all of this, which, is pretty much what is known as a "conspiracy."

Or space programs and space industry are indeed real, but what we all those people think that they are seeing and doing isn't what they are actually seeing and doing. And in that case, is reality is that tricky, how can anyone of us believe ANYTHING that our senses tell us? How do we tell reality form illusion, when reality is so tricky?

What do *you* believe?


Basically, YOU are telling me that all my friends must be part of some vast conspiracy to fake space. And they have never told me. And not only are they feakin it, but NASA is and so is Space and Virgin Galactic and Planetary Resources and The Planetary Science Institute here in Tucson and all the people I know who work on the OSIRIS-Rex mission and HiRISE and at the Upper Building where I volunteer, and all my fellow members of the Tucson Astronomical Society.

And I guess that in a way I am in on it because I volunteer to help run the public telescope, and at Star Parties, and through UofA SEDS and the Kuiper Circle and UofA Science, though if there is a conspiracy, which some of my closest and life-long friends are in on, I have never been told, and they have never let it slip even when we've gotten intoxicated together.

Do you think it's maybe because I'm not wearing a tight enough tin foil hat that I am not seeing the truth?
Nah, I don't think you need the hat.
So, going for a ride into space soon?

You are actually kinda making my case for me, there are multiple, multi-million dollar companies around the world currently striving to make space tourism the next big thriving industry. It's a potential market worth billions, and the first tourists will fly within the next 5 years. (Of course, I'm sure you will claim that each and every one of them are lying.)

And yeah, as prices drop, I *do* expect to fly into space before I die.

It's happening. Unless all of these companies and their investors and even their customers are all part of same vast lie or conspiracy. To what end, I have no idea.

And yet you are still in denial. So either you are deeply delusional, or a troll. (I'm actually leaning towards the latter, because I'm not sure anyone could actually be as thick-headed and ignorant as you seem to be. But then again, Zero Point seems to think that people are faking Australia. So maybe you do think that people are faking all of space industry...)
Because I do not share your enthusiasm for space tourism, you call me delusional, thick headed, ignorant in denial and so on.
Yet at the same time there is no space tourism. If it ever happens then you may have a case, but at the moment I think you may need a reality check.

It's not about enthusiasm, is that you and your fellow Flat Earthers think that literally millions of people - millions and millions when you count all the governments and military and commercial and public space programs, scientists, telecommunications companies, etc, etc, etc, are actually faking space. (And all to what end, I have no idea. I guess because "Satan" or something. Or maybe you have no idea because you haven't actually thought it out that far.)

And no, I don't believe I'll have a case *when* (not if) they start sending civilian tourists into space in the next, well, likely next 2 years. Because that is my point. It STILL won't be enough to convince you. You already believe that the whole space industry (and it's a HUGE industry) are part of an elaborate hoax. (Again, to what end, I have no idea.) So even in the *hypothetical* situation of a Flat Earther in a spaceship, looking down on a Globe Earth, that Flat Earther, I believe, would STILL deny or try to explain away what they are seeing, even if it involved some elaborately crazy explanation, the delusion would still find a way to sustain itself.

Because, I sincerely believe, that no amount of evidence will shake that delusion. And so there is NOTHING that would ever convince a die-hard Flat Earther that the Earth is round, even if they saw a round Earth from space with their own eyes.

I honestly believe *NOTHING* - no amount of proof - will change the mind of someone who is deeply committed to their own personal delusion.

For example, take the people in the video in my OP, who are Flat Earthers  who DO know that space isn't fake, and that there are satellites and rockets and space stations and people in orbit, and that we have pictures and that they do indeed show a round the Earth. But do the then conclude that the Earth is round? No, just the opposite - they concoct further crazy "theories" to help them deny the reality of what they are seeing. They say that the Earth only looks like a sphere from space because the Earth's  gravity is "curving light", and they propose the idea that space is like an old 80's arcade game like Asteroids where there is something called "no-space" ('the opposite of space") where satellites reach the edge of the disc or square Earth and disappear only to instantly re-appear on the other side (because crossing "no-space" takes "no time") just like an old Arcade game. And t doesn't matter that light doesn't behave in the way that they claim, and it doesn't matter that there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE for something called "no-space" (which, conveniently "can't be seen") because they enable the delusional person to literally deny what is right in front of their eyes and they have empirical proof of. 

My point was never "we can all go into space as tourists now", it was using a hypothetical scenario to illustrate my belief that even if, in the *hypothetical* situation where a die-hard flat Earther was put in a space ship, looking down on the obviously round-looking globe of the Earth, in orbit around it in the vacuum of space, that I still believe that Flat Earther would still find a way to deny what they were literally seeing with their very eyes.

My point is that I sincerely believe that there is no amount of evidence or even direct experience that will shake a delusional person of their delusion.


This STP character won't get it, mind; but we don't expect him to, do we?

This coming from somebody who actually believes that the Earth is flat.

BTW, where did you get you degree in aeronautical engineering from, can I ask?

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