Oh noes! Ummm I'll be like what, 80 by then? If not poor diet and exercise hasn't killed me.
So you don’t care what happens to the planet after you’re gone? Screw you future generations, you’re on your own. And here I thought that millennials were supposed to be more environmentally and socially aware. 
The world (not the planet) should have been destroyed by environmentally unconscious Romans or Chinese in ancient times, as they used actual torches all over the place. It was 16 degrees hotter than it was now. Earth goes through warming and cooling phases, and we are in a Little Ice Age. Yes, it's about to get warmer. And then much cooler, and then warmer again. And then warmer still. And then much cooler. There is no reason to set your culture back to the Stone Age for the sick preachy altruism of woke society.
You know why I mentioned being 80? It was because this might happen by that time. Might. Or it might not. We have hot summers, but Chicken Little, unless you can show me that the sky is actually falling and not just a chunk of roofing, I'm gonna tell you and your theory to get lost. Now. As for me, I have one AC unit, on Economy mode, currently not blowing (just cut on), and I'll thank you not to tell me that I can't be cool in the summer and warm in the winter when the consequences of not using power are freezing to death or getting a heatstroke, and the consequences to "the planet" or "the environment" are maybe a few degrees over the course of forty years (maybe), and if we sacrifice everything, living in caves, "the planet" would over 100 years go down maybe 1.5 degrees... if not for the fact that Mexico and China don't fucking care about "the environment" and instead care about the economics of their country and the prosperity and comfort of their people, like any sensible culture should. What this is, at its heart is white guilt and altruism.
I'm sure we can find you some cannibals still left in this world who would be more than happy for you to help feed. But as for me, I don't believe in zero sum game. We have a subsistence farm. About 30% of our food comes from crops we or our neighbors grow. We are perfectly capable of feeding ourselves, that you have trouble imagining this has nothing to do with me.
Two bits of news:
1. A recent study found that most owners of hybrids don't actually use the electric function. In other words they bought the hybrid in the off chance that Deep State tries to force them to switch to electric, and can't see any advantage, because they don't have a decent home charger set up (living either in the country away from that, or in the city with towable street parking, not in the suburban woke bubble where everyone has both the energy and the private driveways), and because it takes fucking hours to charge.
2. Our small town won against Big Green Energy, booing down some asshole who wanted to set up a solar farm on the outskirts of town. The guy reportedly said as he lost the vote "You guys are all tyrants," referencing the tyranny of the majority idea, and the fact that he had lost a potential business opportunity . Yes, well, tyranny of the majority is still preferred to tyranny of the minority, that is one asshole business making life miserable for everyone in the area.
Environmentalism is something we do try to do. We make sure our farm isn't using alot of chemicals, we recycle what we can. By the way, people from other towns (like yours) drive by our house and toss their plastic trash in our yard. Plastic cannot be easily recycled by the way, unlike paper or metal or glass.
But the environmentalism you talk about is more akin to getting on an altar (getting strong Solo Leveling vibes) and letting yourself be stabbed. Nope, environmentalism ends with comfort. As for our small farmhouse, yeah, we have bees, wasps, fruit trees, flowers, hummingbirds, crops. What do you have?
Maybe you should do environmentalism, and leave the rest of us the fuck alone. Now, had you read that timeline, you'd notice that every time they predict some great heat or cold, like five or ten years pass and it's the opposite.
What was our topic, before all this? Oh right the ISS. Who btw, if they exist in space even, basically should be liable for a a whole hell of a lot more environmental destruction than our farm is. Let's see: they toss clothes and literal shit out where it burns up in the atmosphere (burning fecal waste seems nice), they burn enormous amounts of rocket fuel every time they want to get to or from ISS, and there's the eventual metal scrap that's supposed to just orbit Earth as NASA never talks about cleaning up any of this (probably because it isn't real).
So either ISS is fake, or you should really go after them for contribution to climate change, and not me, who probably does less damage than the average citizen, since less of our food comes from a supermarket.
how many acres is your farm
you have bees, wasps, fruit trees, flowers, hummingbirds, crops
why have wasps ,wasps eat honey bees; what crops? corn, potato, tomato, black bares, what else what fruit trees