Flat Earth General / Re: The Bipolar model
« on: December 17, 2024, 10:12:19 AM »
Newtonian Physics isn't nearly identical to Relativity Physics. They are incredibly different and contradictory. As mentioned in another thread, in Relativity gravity on earth is the upwards acceleration of the earth's surface through spacetime. That is vastly different to the view of gravity in Newtonian Physics.
Science has a long history of symbolizing and teaching things which have been overshadowed. Take a look at the common symbol for science: The Atom

Visualized in media and textbooks, the atom is the universal symbol for science. The only problem is that Quantum Mechanics has shown that discrete particles don't exist. The discrete particle billiard-ball model of the atom is false. Matter actually exists as waves.
Not just light: Everything is a wave, including you, Marcelo Gleiser, Big Think -
The Universe and Dr. Einstein, Lincoln Barnett -
Quantum Cryptography lecture at University of Alaska Fairbanks, Dr. Lawlor -
No Evidence for Particles, Casey Blood, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Rutgers University -
There are no particles, there are only fields, Art Hobson, American Journal of Physics 81, 211 (2013) -
Science has a long history of symbolizing and teaching things which have been overshadowed. Take a look at the common symbol for science: The Atom

Visualized in media and textbooks, the atom is the universal symbol for science. The only problem is that Quantum Mechanics has shown that discrete particles don't exist. The discrete particle billiard-ball model of the atom is false. Matter actually exists as waves.
Not just light: Everything is a wave, including you, Marcelo Gleiser, Big Think -
- “ In 1924, Louis de Broglie, a historian turned physicist, showed quite spectacularly that the electron’s step-like orbits in Bohr’s atomic model are easily understood if the electron is pictured as consisting of standing waves surrounding the nucleus. These are waves much like the ones we see when we shake a rope that is attached at the other end. In the case of the rope, the standing wave pattern appears due to the constructive and destructive interference between waves going and coming back along the rope. For the electron, the standing waves appear for the same reason, but now the electron wave closes on itself like an ouroboros, the mythic serpent that swallows its own tail. When we shake our rope more vigorously, the pattern of standing waves displays more peaks. An electron at higher orbits corresponds to a standing wave with more peaks.
With Einstein’s enthusiastic support, de Broglie boldly extended the notion of wave-particle duality from light to electrons and, by extension, to every moving material object. Not only light, but matter of any kind was associated with waves. ”
The Universe and Dr. Einstein, Lincoln Barnett -
- “ For subsequent experiments showed that not only electrons but whole atoms and even molecules produce wave patterns when diffracted by a crystal surface, and that their wave lengths are exactly what de Broglie and Schrodinger forecast. And so all the basic units of matter—what J. Clerk Maxwell called “the imperishable foundation stones of the universe”—gradually shed their substance. The old-fashioned spherical electron was reduced to an undniating charge of electrical energy, the atom to a system of superimposed waves. One could only conclude that all matter is made of waves and we live in a world of waves. ”
Quantum Cryptography lecture at University of Alaska Fairbanks, Dr. Lawlor -
- “ Many things, like photons or electrons, display several very odd mechanical properties with mystical sounding quantum names. The key point here is that everything is made of waves...
Superposition: an electron can be in several places at once, or several states at once. The terminology here is that the electron's wave function has spread over space. Needless to say, classical particles such as billiard balls cannot do this: the 8 ball is in the corner pocket, or not; but an electron can be around an atom AND not at the same time. ”
No Evidence for Particles, Casey Blood, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Rutgers University -
- “ There are a number of experiments and observations that appear to argue for the existence of particles, including the photoelectric and Compton effects, exposure of only one film grain by a spread-out photon wave function, and particle-like trajectories in bubble chambers. It can be shown, however, that all the particle-like phenomena can be explained by using properties of the wave functions/state vectors alone. Thus there is no evidence for particles. Wave-particle duality arises because the wave functions alone have both wave-like and particle-like properties. ”
There are no particles, there are only fields, Art Hobson, American Journal of Physics 81, 211 (2013) -
- “ Quantum foundations are still unsettled, with mixed effects on science and society. By now it should be possible to obtain consensus on at least one issue: Are the fundamental constituents fields or particles? As this paper shows, experiment and theory imply that unbounded fields, not bounded particles, are fundamental. This is especially clear for relativistic systems, implying that it's also true of nonrelativistic systems. Particles are epiphenomena arising from fields. Thus, the Schrödinger field is a space-filling physical field whose value at any spatial point is the probability amplitude for an interaction to occur at that point. The field for an electron is the electron; each electron extends over both slits in the two-slit experiment and spreads over the entire pattern; and quantum physics is about interactions of microscopic systems with the macroscopic world rather than just about measurements. It's important to clarify this issue because textbooks still teach a particles- and measurement-oriented interpretation that contributes to bewilderment among students and pseudoscience among the public. This article reviews classical and quantum fields, the two-slit experiment, rigorous theorems showing particles are inconsistent with relativistic quantum theory, and several phenomena showing particles are incompatible with quantum field theories. ”