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Topics - SparteX

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Debate / FE and RE are both completely wrong!!
« on: November 27, 2007, 02:27:53 PM »
Because the earth is a cube! look at this actual satellite photo i took this morning from my unonational space dinghi

Flat Earth Debate / Asteroids and the likes of
« on: November 20, 2007, 02:19:02 PM »
Ok. FE theory says there is no gravity. only universal accelleration. Please then, explain how asteroids (which aren't disks either by the way) are constatly colliding with each other from opposite directions, and also with, planets, stars, and being formed from cosmic dust.

No gravity would eliminate any possibility of asteriods being formed in the first place due to it requiring gravitational attraction from one object to another to occur. Now, if asteroids don't exist. Then neither do comets, which we see frequently in the night sky as bright white objects leaving a long trail of gasses.

One of which can be viewed right now if you look to the north east through binoculars. This particular one will have a yellowy haze around it due to it has suddenly began venting gasses and dust about a month ago for unknown reasons.

This brings me to my main point, with no asteroids/comets etc, what is constantly pummling earth and the other planets leaving scarrs for millions of years? What do we see streaking accross the sky every time we pass the trail of a comet causing meteor showers. And what in the name of god exploded above russia in 1920 of which had the explosive force of over 1000 atomic bombs while leaving no nuclear fallout, remember this is 1920 before nuclear materials had even been considered as weaponry.

Mainly, from personal experience, What the $%&£ was the block of rock and iron that landed in my friends garden 3 months ago leaving a 7' crater. Nothing could be proppelled from earth fast enough to come back down with enough force to do that.


Flat Earth Debate / Astronomy photo's
« on: June 14, 2007, 01:40:04 PM »
I don't care how many of you say these are photoshopped. Don't even bother claiming someone would sit and do that with thousands of photos every day, its just not possible.

photo's of the deep space you all claim don't exist, along with it's spherical astral bodies which you also claim are flat. Don't just look at the pretty pictures read the bottom as those are notes from professional astronomers who don't work for the "NASA conspiracy"

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