Free thinking! More like non thinking.

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Free thinking! More like non thinking.
« on: May 03, 2024, 12:32:24 AM »
Is it now time for those of a flat earth persuasion to stop, open their eyes and start looking up, and see what’s actually going on in the world?

They need to stop arguing the toss about ancient this or ancient that or to stop invoking things for which there is no proof and just look at what’s happening around them.
The irony is flat earthers like to pride themselves as free thinkers where in reality it’s clear that they are non-thinkers by non-thinking if they ignore things then these things are not happening!

Last year for example there were over 200 successful launches of various space missions by number of different nations with China making great strides to their goal of landing a man/woman on the moon before 2030.

Space is no longer dominated by NASA instead over 70 different nations have space programs. This new push into space has and is being driven by private enterprise and the perceived threat posed by China who have themselves made huge technological leaps forward.
While NASA is still a big player it’s now just one of many.

Why is that significant? Because all of flat earth belief rests on a giant conspiracy that has NASA had been instrumental in hiding the truth and putting out propaganda to ‘fool’ and pull the wool over the eyes of the people. The real question to ask is who are the real fools in all this? Who are the individuals who persist in ignoring reality in favour of hanging on to some prehistoric belief?

The new space race is only one aspect of reality along with its daily flood of information ignored by non thinking flat earth advocates.
Flat earth belief’s other cornerstone is their claim that astronomy does not exist as a functioning science! For free thinkers that’s a bit of a leap.

Some individuals actually believe that NASA prevents people from  being able to see the truth of what’s out there by preventing them from  buying telescopes to see the truth for themselves! A belief that anyone can dispel from waking into any good camera/ optics store. Digital technology has produced a number of powerful telescopes for the amateur. Anyone with a mind to see the actual real truth about the cosmos can simply buy one of these :-

These new telescopes when combined with their controlling smart apps can reveal the truth in moments. At just over $2000 the power to see the universe and its truth is there waiting. There is no need to argue that the truth is being denied when it’s actually staring everyone in the face. All you have to do is open your eyes. All this arguing back and forth about silly irrelevant nonsense is pointless when the truth is there for anyone with an open mind to see.

This enforced blindness and unwillingness to see the truth is the actual hallmark of a flat earth believer.

Free thinkers….  I think not.

This is why flat earth believers will avoid properly engaging with this issue instead they will keep both their eyes and minds firmly closed while clutching on to their close minded beliefs like grim death.

They would much rather argue about some obscure event of 2000 years ago rather than face the reality of the stark reality of the here and now.
Really…..what a laugh!!!