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Messages - Dawg

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Flat Earth Information Repository / The Flat-Earth Belief of Bible Writers
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:21:57 PM »
Quote from: "flyingleaf"
"The Bible is a book of the Truth, not 'facts'". My bible study teacher loves to say that.

I believe everything written in it is absolutely true -- to the people who wrote it.  All the books currently included (and not included by some) were used to further people's faith; to explain the un-explainable; and probably most importantly, to spread the Word.

  Your real close to Hellfire, son. I can hear you sizzling allready. Look, the Bible is correct, 100% of the time. Every word, syllabele and paragraph is true. Only those whom the scriptures say are under "strong delusions" in these Last Days, are convinced otherwise.
   Science is of the Devil. It originated from Satanists dabblling in the occult. In fact, all we need to do to know what we need to know, is to read the Bible.
Chemistry came from Satanists dabbling with Alchemy. So did the other "sciences". Their all witchcraft and straight from the pit of Hell!

Flat Earth Q&A / Wikipedia article on Alternate Science
« on: February 11, 2006, 02:06:10 PM »
Quote from: "mikolaj_koppernigk=cojon"
Cheesejoff wrote

""Many of these theories are considered pathological science: a psychological process in which believers in a theory, who may have originally conformed to the scientific method, unconsciously veer from that method and begin a pathological process of wishful data interpretation......"

Thats very interesting, but did you also know that this also perfectly describes a psychological pathology that all scientists (people) are prone to.  Namely the psychological phenomena of " Confirmation Bias" or it's other name (my favourite, because it gets the positivists riled) "Positivity Bias".  I suppose thats psychologists getting their own back for being acused of being "pseudo science" by followers of natural science!

Answers on a postcard

 SCIENCE IS OF THE DEVIL!! The surest way to hell is to mess with test tubes and chemicals! Stay  FAR,  FAR away from Ol' Slew Fiit and his  Black Magic, er, excuse me science.
   Did you know most scientists are atheist and DEVIL WORSHIPPERS too?
Stay away son and become an honest farmer or mechanic. Toss them devil books in the trash, you only need ONE BOOK, to know everything you need to know: THE BIBLE!

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Creationism?
« on: February 11, 2006, 02:02:35 PM »
Quote from: "pspunit"
the majority of Christians I know believe in evolution that was put into motion by God. They've pretty much given up on the world in 6 days thing as far as I can tell.

  HERETICS!!! BROOD OF VIPERS!! They'' BURN IN HELL for that and so will you. Either your a human being like me, or your a  subhuman branch swinger that evolved from poo throwing monkeys like the Secualar Humanist Liberal Atheists are! GET RIGHT OR GET LEFT!!! TURN OR BURN!!

Quote from: "Hardhead"
A lot of people say no.  I say yes.  

Evolution means that organisms adapt to their enviornment.  Wouldn't that mean that, if Evolution exists (and I believe it does), that the races must have diverged a little bit.  Specialized here and there?


 UNBELEIVER!!!! It says in the Word that man DID NOT COME FROM SOME DARNED MONKEYS!!!!
    I came from Adam and Eve, my ancestors did not eat banannas and swing on vines! No sirre!!

Flat Earth Information Repository / The Flat-Earth Belief of Bible Writers
« on: February 11, 2006, 12:29:42 PM »
Quote from: "shrimpdesign"
I am a Christian, and I think the world is round.

The Bible is meant as a spitirual book, not a science book. Using it as a science book usually has bad results.

Most of the Bible is stories. Just because some guy had a dream that there was a really tall tree in the center of the world doesn't mean they were ingorant.

I think that most of those are metaphors, or can be explained in another way.

  HERETIC!!! Your as bad as the heathen! God is going to spew you out of His mouth because your neither hot, nor cold! You can't sit on the fence and side here with the Secular Humanist Atheist Liberals, and then there with God's Chosen Ones'! No sirre! Either you side with Satan and meet your fate with him, or side with the Chosen Children of God!!!

Flat Earth Information Repository / The Flat-Earth Belief of Bible Writers
« on: February 11, 2006, 12:26:38 PM »
Quote from: "Anonymous"
let's remember, the bible itself isn't proof of anything.

 LIAR!!! The Word of God is infalliable, and only a heathen like you wouldn't know that. Jumping Jesus, haven't you ever taken your heathen butt to church? No wonder the homosexuals and liberals are taking over!!
   Let every man be a liar and God be true! If  God's Word says that the Moon is made of cheese, then by God, it *IS* made of cheese!
    Your puny mind is no match for the power of the Word of God!!! You need to go to church son, repent and come to Jesus and be baptized or the question if the world is flat (like it is) or round (NOT!) won't matter because you will be burning in eternal hellfire!!! REPENT!!!!

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Wikipedia article on Alternate Science
« on: February 11, 2006, 12:21:36 PM »
Quote from: "cheesejoff"

Interesting read. Especially the reasons for anything being an alternate science:

1. Asserting claims without supporting experimental evidence;
2. Asserting claims which contradict experimentally established results;
3. Failing to provide an experimental possibility of reproducible results; or
4. Violating Occam's Razor (the principle of choosing the simplest explanation when multiple viable explanations are possible).

I believe the Flat Earth theory covers them all.

But more interesting is this part:

"Many of these theories are considered pathological science: a psychological process in which believers in a theory, who may have originally conformed to the scientific method, unconsciously veer from that method and begin a pathological process of wishful data interpretation. The term ironic science was used by John Horgan in his book The End of Science to describe a "speculative, non-empirical mode" that mainstream science sometimes enters."

I think it describes the flat earth theory quite well, don't you?

  No, it describe you secular humanist atheists! You won't beleive the Word of God, plain sense, or even your own eyes! Why if the planet was round, we'd fall off! Now tell me the answer for that, Mr. Secular Humanist Atheist Liberal!!

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