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Topics - Themightykabool

Pages: [1]
The Lounge / Why do they talk like that?
« on: May 04, 2024, 06:27:37 AM »
So near the end of the call buddycalldr refuses to discuss and instead wishes to deflect to some philosphical analpgy.

Ive noticed this a lot with sceppy and bulmb and jordanpeterson.

1. Having roman currency means they operate under roman society.

2. If you operate in a society you pay your tax to the maintainers of the infrastructure for said society.

3. Tithing is a literal tax.

Let's start in reverse.

3. Tithing, at least in countries that are not in unholy alliance between church and state, is voluntary. That is, I, as an attendant of a church service, am fully within my rights to give $10,000,000 or $500 or $0.10 or even nothing. That's right, I help (or not) because of goodness that is in my heart. Voluntaryism is a system of government where people are encouraged to give (carrot) versus beating them over the head with a fucking stick. Not everyone will give, but by offering perks for giving, some people will decide this is a good idea and support the system.
To solve this puzzle, we need to clarify the difference between two different types of interaction: positive sum and zero sum.

An example of the first is typical market interaction. Imagine you go to the store to buy a new phone. When you trade your $500 for a phone, it must be the case that you valued the phone more than $500, at least in that moment. If this were not the case, you wouldn’t have purchased the phone voluntarily.

So you’re better off. Does this mean that the store is worse off? Certainly not. The owner of the store that sold you the phone must also be better off for the transaction—else they would not have sold it.

In other words, when you voluntarily purchase or sell something, both members of the transaction are made better off. Economists call this a “positive sum” game because both members of the transaction receive a positive benefit.
Voluntaryism represents a positive sum game. If we replace market with the government, government has offered us something we want (this is why I support sales tax, we are already buying what we want, so it's no big deal if government takes a cut), so everyone is happy. 
Real data confirm this. The Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World Index highlights that countries that allow more free voluntary exchange are richer and healthier.
But of course, there's also a zero sum game. In a positive sum game, net value has actually exceeded the transaction. But in a zero sum game, you lose and I win, or vice versa. If the thief also robs $500 (the same amount as the phone), is it somehow better for the robber? No, $500 is $500. But in a real zero sum game, the thief ultimately risks being caught and killed.
In reality, you could argue this sort of interaction is even negative sum. Likely thieves must spend time and resources to successfully steal money. So not only do you lose $500, but the thief only gains $500 minus the cost of stealing the money.

In short, extractive interactions like theft are bad for the wealth of society whereas productive, win-win interactions like commerce grow the wealth in society.
Zero sum game is not what Jesus taught.

2. But they weren't benevolent overseers for Israel. They were an occupying force that robbed them blind. The way Roman taxes were set up had nothing to do with our thinking today about how taxes pay for roads and bridges (that's crap btw, but maybe later), they were more like a tribute to an occupying army. Furthermore, on the way to the official tax office, wandering tax people (call him Taxer B) could collect the money. And taxes to Taxer A would still be owed! I am not joking about this.

1. Israel already had a religious government. It was performing blood sacrifices for the atonement of sins. People had to go to the Temple Square to exchange their money for temple money, then temple money for animals. Add on top of this and unwanted tax to Rome, and you have a problem. Two governments, two sets of laws. Then they were asking Jesus "Is it right for there to be a temple tax?" And you, a good little serf of the state, read it as "pay your taxes because you should serve Rome." Sorry, but this is Israel.

Since The Chosen has offered their own series for free, I will show you an episode that demonstrates what the strain of Roman taxes are actually like.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / TFES spannage
« on: March 31, 2023, 11:59:16 AM »

Your [smokemachine] experience is from an American perspective
His is from an Australian one

wow we so global

smoke, shifter, davis, black, rab (RIP) all australian.
who else?

any UK?
wise is a turkee-yeh?
i may or may not be a canuck

who else we got?

wasn't there some guy from europe here wanting to buy an automatic assault rifle for personal defense?
ahah who was that guy?

danang from philipines
he's a pillow-pino

Technology, Science & Alt Science / majority report - march 10 2022
« on: March 10, 2022, 10:58:22 AM »
slow covid and ukraine day

you guys are in the "news"

Sam hosts Kelly Weill, reporter at the Daily Beast, to discuss her recent book Off the Edge: Flat Earthers, Conspiracy Culture, and Why People Will Believe Anything + Brandon Sutton and @Matt Binder join in the FUN HALF!

Off the Edge by Kelly Weill »

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Common ground and less devisivness
« on: December 24, 2021, 05:24:41 PM »
Peanuts christmas
Rudolph claymation
That beebee gun kid.
The dog who stopped a war (is that christmas?)
National lampoon christmas.
Die hard 1 and 2.
Homealone 1 (only 1)
Grinch (not jimcarey)

Runners up.

Bad santas not bad.
Just friends

Wha'm i missing?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / space tourism
« on: July 30, 2021, 10:00:46 AM »
forgot where the latest space tourism thread was

skip to 8:04

points to sceppy for cgi fakery

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Anti buoyancy - jackb and sando
« on: September 04, 2020, 03:05:59 PM »

Vibrating fluids act in reverse?
One ref i noted was raliegh taylor which i believe sando and codebeta were trying to proof/disproof in another thread?

Flat Earth Debate / Moon tilt - by TomB
« on: March 05, 2020, 10:19:46 AM »

Have any of those predicted effrects been experimentally verified?  Has the EA formula been finalized and tested against real world observations?

I think that this clearly demonstrates the double standard that FE'ers use when talking about "evidence".

I did test EA against real world observations. I saw the Moon Tilt Illusion for myself. The geometry of FE's EA said that it would not point at the Sun, and would point above the Sun, especially between rising and midmoon.

I also created a 3D model showing that perspective does not explain it. RE conceded without further rebuttal, unable to justify the obviously wrong perspective explanation.

Flat Earth General / Fake videos
« on: January 24, 2020, 01:43:29 PM »
Has anyone seen this guy?
He does a good job providing analysis of fake videos.

Has anyone submitted something to him.
Just curious if the fe has gone beyond assuming fake to proving fake.

Flat Earth General / Atmoplanar sloshing
« on: January 20, 2020, 08:53:07 PM »

Seriously, you need to take an introductory lab physics course.  Newton's laws are pretty much the first thing that they cover and have you perform experiments to verify for yourself.
Ok then, show me an experiment to confirm Newton's supposed first law.
Explain it.
An object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an external force.
What part of that is so hard to understand? 
There's none of it hard t o understand.
It tells you exactly what you want to know.
The problem is, it's not showing a reality and cannot show a reality.
You see, the object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force.
Great, you could argue this is the case....but is it?
You see, there's ALWAYS an external force acting upon any object. It is never at rest.

However, the next one is the clincher.
An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force.
It clearly will not stay in motion then, because there's always an external force acting upon the object.

The only way you can argue this is to use the fiction of a vacuum of so called space to say something will move forever once in motion or stay perfectly still forever if left in space.

It becomes a nonsense.
This is why the law is not a law at all. It's made up nonsense.

Quote from: markjo

If you want an example, just get into your car, accelerate to about 5 mph and then slam on your brakes.  That sudden lurch forward is your body wanting to stay in motion while the car wants to stop.
No. That sudden lurch forwards is the atmospheric slosh effect.

Flat Earth Debate / Double standards
« on: November 04, 2019, 07:50:05 AM »
Sun vs rocket

Why is it that the rocket go "down" but using the same atmoplanr physics, the sun approaches horizon due to "perspective" and then disappears bottom up due to "haze" and "reverse refraction".

Why isnt it that the rocket is simply flying farther away due to the same sun phenomena?

Flat Earth Q&A / Atmoplanar lensing
« on: August 21, 2019, 07:50:37 AM »

It has been brought up that the sun and moon change shape and size due to atmoplanar lensing effects.

So the sun and moon are outside the atmoplane.

Is the atmoplane a hard shelled item or is it a bubble of air boundarying against nothingness?


Suggestions & Concerns / How to post a picture?
« on: February 16, 2019, 10:48:33 AM »

How do you post a picture?


Technology, Science & Alt Science / Ultima thule - Flat objects in space
« on: February 12, 2019, 12:47:39 PM »

So nasa found a rock object in space that is flat.

Do you FEers maintain nasa is a sham?


Do you FEers cling onto this and say "see see, poison bread!"? but then opening yourselves up to begged question - if nasa can get into space and see stuff, then ISS is real and any photo of earth from space is real.

Dilemmas dilemas.

Flat Earth Q&A / Do Denpressure believers breath air?
« on: December 19, 2018, 09:40:45 AM »
Apparently q&a is sacred ground.

So not up for debatejust an answer because scpeti is avoiding.

Do denP believers breath air?

In a recent discussion it was presented that in denP, pumps push against the atmosphere, that fluid doesnt actually move in and out of pressure vessel but rather stacks/ unstacks.

But then how do lungs work?


Youve all come up with interesting ideas.
Thats why some of us REtards are here.
But when all theories defy easily measurable physics or boil down to "Nasa conspiracy", when can we call it quits?

This is the article.
For those who dont read, If you go to there is a player you can also stream the interview.

James Allison won a Nobel for defying scientific orthodoxy. What about the mavericks that don't succeed?

The key to scientific success is to recognize when the evidence is pointing to your hunch being wrong, or risk veering into pseudoscience, he told Tremonti.
"The line between confidence and stubbornness is sometimes very fine," said Feist.

Flat Earth General / What is denpressure, according to scept
« on: November 30, 2018, 10:01:42 AM »
Lets define the rules to maintain coherency to the denpressure universe.
Use of words like density or weight where scept has changed the common definition will lead to obvious misunserstanding (probably not a good thing in scepts favour when trying to promote a new idea.   This fact seems to avoid him).

ive made some corrections
See below.
Scept needs to confirm before we can move on (well i can move on regardless).
Any words he wants changed he must make up a new one.

Quote from: sceptimatic on February 13, 2017, 05:40:50 AM
"mass",.....The amount of material that makes up an object.
"weightVOLUME",....The amount compactness of a material that can displace atmospheric pressure.
"volumePOROSITY",...The amount of porosity in any object TO ALLOW ATMOSPHERE INHERENT IN THE MATERIAL.
"density"....The structure of a material that can displace atmospheric pressure to create a scale reading (SORRY WHAT SCALE READING?). (Denpressure)
"speed",....The ability to go a distance in a certain time in any direction.
"velocity",..... The speed of something in one direction, only.
"acceleration",.....The continuous build up of movement.   RATE INCREASE IN VELOCITY.
 "force",..... Any energy ACCELERATION push in any ONE direction
"inertia",..... Something that cannot be explained as anything, to be fair.    OBJECTS INHERENT RESISTANCE TO CHANGE (SPEED ACCEL OR ROTATION)
"pressure",.....I think pressure can be lumped in with force. there's actually no difference to what they both mean in the grand scheme of things.   PRESSURE IS FORCE OVER AN AREA.  IF I PUSH ON YOU WITH THE PALM OF MY HAND VS MY FINGER TIP, THE SAME FORCE IT WILL FEEL MORE PRESSURE WHEN IM JABBING YOU WITH FINGER BECAUSE SURFACE ARE OF FINGER TIP. 
"pressure gradient",........ The difference in energy force that goes from low to high or high to low.
"power",....  RATE OF Energy push.

Flat Earth Debate / Time zones
« on: November 12, 2018, 01:17:03 PM »
In a few recent discussions
It came to light Danang rejects RE because timelines dont make sense to him.
I have a feeling, based on his relplies, he believes that reglardless of latitude, any opposing longitudinal points are separated by travel times of 12 hr.

Please confirm

Flat Earth General / Ancient aliens
« on: October 29, 2018, 12:48:17 PM »
Any fringe alts believe we"re domed experiment started by ancient aliens?
It would fit the conspiracy model.

Flat Earth General / Human eyeballs vs fish eyes
« on: October 23, 2018, 08:34:28 PM »
Hoi hoi

Ive heard you cant trust space or balloon photos because of fish eye lense effect.
How can you say theres a curve when theres obvious fake lense curve.

So RE and FE smart guys.
Our eyes our round balls.
There is a fish eye lense effect in what we see.
Its just always there so we dont notice.
How can you be sure your FE level water is actually level?
How can you be sure the horizon isnt curved but flattened out due to the fish eye?
How can you be sure your RE curved earth isnt actually flat?

We have two eyes.
Both fished.

Flat Earth General / Scienece vs understanding science
« on: October 23, 2018, 12:23:24 PM »
Hey hey

In a world of big pharma and sugar and tobacco and assassinations and fake media and reality tv - there is much doubt about sutff and stuff.

I personal dont get electricity and communications.
Im no elec engineer.
Its all magic to me.
But electrical engineers and electrical devices work.
Theres no mysterious conspirqcy to make my computer run or a harmonic filter to protect a vfd be ause working equipment is wokring.

So question is at what point can we trust basic science and engineers before we cry "conspiracy"?

Suggestions & Concerns / Spam - that delicious meat like meat
« on: September 17, 2018, 11:15:56 AM »

Every now and then i receive a msg requesting i stop spamming.

No reference to which of the few clusters of posts i post.

Side note, many others "spam" as well in their own personal ways.

Just curious what the criteria is for reasonable sarcasm and snideness.

Also, to the admins, please ref the post if i am to moderate my behaviour.


The Lounge / What do most of you do for work?
« on: August 30, 2018, 04:43:09 AM »
What do most of you do for work?
I work in manufacturing of hvac equipment for building spaces.

Flat Earth General / Tfes vs theflatearthsociety
« on: August 04, 2018, 08:24:45 PM »

Whats the difference between tfes and theflatearthsociety?

Came across this very similar discussion board when i was googling to get back to here.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Other Planets
« on: June 21, 2018, 02:36:22 PM »
The earth is not a planet because it does not exhibit planet-ness.

Failed logic and inference.
If youre going to use biology as an example, use it properly.
Kingdom phylum class order family genus species.
A sheep dog cat are mammals.
Sheep has multiple stomachs due to need for plant digestion.
Dogs cats have sharp teeth for meat eating.
Cats adapted to climbing have shoulders.
Still mammals with fur, live babies and warm blooded.

Jupiter saturn are gas giants.
Mercury spins slowly because it is small, close to sun, funkydoodee orbit.
All are large celestially spheriod bodies orbiting the sun.
Earth just happens to house a few people.
Be it designed or by natural is regardless to OP.

Sooooo the differneces can be explored but throwing a simularity outright for the sake of no valid reason is ridiculous.

Flat Earth General / Horizon rises to eye level
« on: June 18, 2018, 12:33:18 PM »
Hoi hoi

Apparently the horizon rises to eye level.

Prrrretty sure your heads are built to use this as a balancing point of reference.
Anyone wih motion sickbess will tell you they need to stare far out because their brains feel a disconnect between their inner ears-eyes.

"LOOKS" level.   "Looks" flat.  All "perspective".

Flat Earth General / CGI
« on: June 18, 2018, 11:07:59 AM »
Hoi hoi

Phuket word likes to do extremely poor "simulations" or "experiments" using very poor logic and scale.

So, that said, we have the computing power to model the two theories.
Can someone with 3d modeling software size up, to scale, both for a persepctive person standing at sea level looking around?

Would that solve the "observed"  and "sensed perception of how earth would look?
If nasa can do it there must be someone who could do it too, minus the textural detail.

Flat Earth General / What happens when we prove FE correct?
« on: June 14, 2018, 01:59:14 PM »
Hoi hoi

So browsing through this the last few months ive come across a few common personality types.

We have the conspiracy theororist.
Discredits all claims and pronounces victory in for of 100%, absolutes, irrefutable etc.

The blatant ignorance to math.
Inability to understand math, basic physics, it is because all else i cant comprehend etc.
Please everyone stop engaging with jane.
She has no concept of thought or understanding.
8in and horizon eye level and gravity...
8in math has already been shown.
Chickens will keep "eye level" when you rock them.
Newton was improved upon by einstein and einstein will be by some future just because 10m/s/s improved to 9.81m/s/s doesnt mean you throw out previous 10m approximation entirely.

Religious nut.   
Sorry but I do believe in God (general basic christianity) and it can not be debated in this fashion.
Belief is separate from science.
That said, because an ancient script description was said you can not take it out of context or extrapolate it to warp current science.

Obvious by use of deflection.

Sooooo that said.
If we consider the common FE beliefer to be one or partial of all above, we can say this is NOT a science debate but a philosophical debate.
You can NOT argue with someone perception on reality, mass conspiracy, obscure math, religious debate.

So , for RE, we will continue life as usual since life is as we know it to be will be.

BUT for FE, What will you do if everyone suddenly accepted FE?
Does it make God any more real or less?
Will it unleash hidden tech and relief owed to your life?
What will it do?
Will you go out the bounds of the "wall" and mine and bring back riches?

"When" youre proved right, what then?

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