Holocost Never Happened?????

  • 43 Replies
Holocost Never Happened?????
« on: December 15, 2005, 05:25:17 PM »
I dunno who heared about this but the president of Iran just recently announced that  the holocost never happened. I personaly think hes CRAZY, but thats just me. I also think that anyone who believes him needs to stfu extremely now.
efore making fun of someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Then your a mile away and you have their shoes.

Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2005, 05:30:35 PM »
I know. Saddam Hussein also said that it was a lie. I can't imagine Hitler being a lie. What would the point be?
 believe the Earth is round. That must make me... EVIL!!!

By reading this message, you have given me breif control of your mind.

Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2005, 06:01:29 PM »
why would anyone want to cover up something like hitler? come to think of it, why would they want to cover up the earth being flat? some people.
efore making fun of someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Then your a mile away and you have their shoes.

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2005, 06:18:17 PM »
Quote from: "F Kid"
I dunno who heared about this but the president of Iran just recently announced that  the holocost never happened. I personaly think hes CRAZY, but thats just me. I also think that anyone who believes him needs to stfu extremely now.

Yeh this is a crazy claim.  Crazier still if you live in Germany since you would face fifteen plus years in jail for even suggesting it.  If your point was to find some facet of history or evidence that emulated the debate here while at the same time carrying a highly emotive message then you succeded amiably.  However, debating the shape of the earth, no matter how seriously some may take the debate, is far removed from denying the pain and suffering of many people.  I descended from an Austrian family that suffered from both sides since many of my relatives suffered terribly on the Russian front after being conscripted and also left family that suffered at the hands of the (rightful I agree) victor.  Some topics are so personal that they delve into the taboo areas of debate and I think that raising such an emotive and powerful issue to the fore in an otherwise amicable forum is simply ill advised.  Yes the attrocities happened and yes anyone who denies this needs a serious talking to.

 Whilst raising ths issue is indeed in bad taste it does lead to an area of study that is very relevent to folks who wish to adopt a dogmatic approach to their view of our world (I say our in the hope that my experience of it is shared :D ) I may refer you to the concept of the banality of evil.....

 The concept of the banality of evil came into prominence following the publication of Hannah Arendt's 1963 book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, which was based on the trial of Adolph Eichmann in Jerusalem. Arendt's thesis was that people who carry out unspeakable crimes, like Eichmann, a top administrator in the machinery of the Nazi death camps, may not be crazy fanatics at all, but rather ordinary individuals who simply accept the premises of their state and participate in any ongoing enterprise with the energy of good bureaucrats.

This book fuelled an entire field of social psychological research and many offshoots belonging to the branch named human influence.  The story of Eichmann became the benchmark for theories of obedience and inspired Milgram to his studies which displayed (to an extent) that most folks were capable of such things in the right (wrong!) circumstance.

Connected to this is the concept of conformity and yet again we see an attrocity providing the benchmark for theory.....

In 1978, 913 followers of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple committed a mass suicide in northern Guyana at a site called, Jonestown. The charismatic leader of Jonestown, was Jim Jones, a preacher who set up the Peoples Temple in San Francisco and ultimately moved his followers to a more clandestine site in Guyana. While Jones was preaching in San Francisco, he helped out many local and even national campaigns and was seen as a healer which much power in the community. However, once he had all of his members in Jonestown, his personality changed. Away from the constraints of American soil, Jonestown and its members became very cultish. Jones heightened regulations on his followers and their engagement to the sect. Eventually, Jones began to claim his true divinity. "Jones, for example now claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus, as well as Ikhnaton, Buddha, Lenin, and Father Divine."(Galanter, 1989) Paranoia and complete control became Jones' personality, once he obtained such a close knit group. Jones began to stage rehearsals of his eventual mass suicide plan that he would eventually enact. These drills, called "white nights" began with sirens going off in the middle of the night and none of the members of Jonestown would know if it was real or not. "A mass meeting would ensue... we would be told that the jungle was swarming with mercenaries... we were given a small glass of red liquid to drink. We were told that the liquid contained poison and that we would die within 45 minutes. We all did as we were told."(Galanter, 1989)

Do you really wish to conform?

Before posting emotive issues one must ask how these may apply to us and those close to us.  It is a logical truth that we all possess the POTENTIAL to become an evil dictator, or a murderer, or a thief, or a saint...given the context in our lives.... It is also possible that we may possess the potential to post a highly emotive and erroneous dictatorial quote in order to make a point despite the fact it may insult the sensitivities of victims and free thinkers alike and despite the fact that one tries to mask the flame with "i think that anyone who believes him should stfu now".  I provide the above as food for thought only.


answers on a postcard
ts obvious isn't it.  No one can prove a damn thing.  Especially in this of all possible worlds. LOL

Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2005, 08:47:00 PM »
dude, chill. It was just sumthin to talk about. yes i see your point, i should have thought about that. but also that was a really long post and ya
efore making fun of someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Then your a mile away and you have their shoes.

Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2005, 09:59:06 PM »
yet another EXTREMELY long, boring post that im not about to even start reading.
efore making fun of someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Then your a mile away and you have their shoes.

Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2005, 02:12:25 PM »
F Kid speaks the truth, indeed:

Quote from: "William Shakespeare"
Brevity is the soul of wit. (Hamlet)

Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2005, 02:14:45 PM »
In addition to the above, may I suggest using paragraphs?

Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2005, 02:01:14 PM »



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Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2006, 06:40:54 PM »
Sacre Christ you sincerely belive the Holocaust didn't happen? Thats absurd. You know the only thing you learn from history is that people dont learn from history. Your either a pure anti-Semit or you just refuse to admit your fellow man is capable putting to death 6 million of his fellows. Well the sad fact is it did happen. The human race is doomed if people continue to choose these comforting bullshit versions of history instead of the cold hard truth. To deny the Holocaust is to deny to dismiss the suffering of millions to will out of existance the screams of ordinary people of men women and children who were put to death by people following an idelology cnceived by evil madmen who placed all their internal fears on a convenient outside face. It's despicable. The president of Iran does it hoping by the flawed reasoning that denying a genocidde against Jews he can perpatrate a new genocide against Jews. The minute we forget is when it can happen again if we remeber how it happened we can spot the signs and stop it before it really begins. As for not convinced by the evidence thats either bullshit or pure ignorance their is documentations confessions many still living eye witnessses the fact that 6 million people have not been seen since if that doesnt convince you its cause you dont want to be convincened. As for the bit about Mossad kidnaping trying and the executing Eichmann while in principle thats not how things should be done can I someone any sympathy for the mass murdering scum. NO. Broadly my point is that the denial of the Holocaust is not a product of rational thought but a symptom of prejudice or ignorance and tremendously dangerous as it opens the odoor to allowing the same thing to happen again.The thing about the Devil is that he isn't creative and does lots of repeat performances.
The only thing nessecary for the trimph of evil is that good men do nothing which is true but more relevant to this conversation would be the only thing nessecary for the triumph of evil is for bloody ignorant and stupid people to outnumber and ignore the good men.
A deeply enraged
Truth is great and will prevail-Thomas Jefferson

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Cinlef is the bestest!

Melior est sapientia quam vires-Wisdom

Re: Well Put There, Hamlet
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2006, 07:25:49 PM »
Quote from: "Dionysios"
The paragraph suggestion was the first logical thing you said.

I beg to differ, but you know, you're entitled to your opinion. I would question your view, however, on the following basis: if you want to review other posts, I've been using logic pretty consistently to question the reasoning behind various arguments on this forum; if there's a problem with any of the applications of logic I've made to posts here, you can point them out, and we'll debate. Until then, I'll just take it as read that there aren't too many mistakes, as you're the first to suggest there's a problem.

I'm patient. I'll wait.

Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2006, 05:05:31 PM »
You know what, we'll go ask my jewish firend what he thinks, ok? My brother goes to a 88% jewish school, so I'll tell him to make an announcement that it never happened. I'm sure they'll all understand! You saying the holocaust never happened is absurd. It's comperable to making up any other consipracy theory that defies reason without proof. Almost as retarded as saying the Earth is flat!

Re: Cinlef Opposed To the Truth
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2006, 10:00:47 PM »
Quote from: "Dionysios"

  You are obviously opposed to any investigation and emotionally caught up in this subject.  As such you will never learn the truth.

  If you are opposed to investigating the so-called holocaust, then you make a religion out of it.  Is it any wonder they chose the number 6 miilion and more specifically "6"  well before WWII as documented in so many zionist speeches and writings going back at least to 1900?  

- Dionysios

The real number is 10 million approximatly, it was around 6 million jews. So what you're saying is that you believe the world is flat, the world is conspiering against the truth, and you dont believe in coinsidences. Good one



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Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2006, 10:32:30 AM »
I've taken my verbal offensive agains Dionysios to a different thread
Respond to him there for sake of calrity please.
An enraged
Truth is great and will prevail-Thomas Jefferson

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Cinlef is the bestest!

Melior est sapientia quam vires-Wisdom



  • The Elder Ones
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Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2006, 06:52:40 PM »
Quote from: "Cinlef"
I've taken my verbal offensive agains Dionysios to a different thread
Respond to him there for sake of clarity please.
An enraged
Truth is great and will prevail-Thomas Jefferson

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Cinlef is the bestest!

Melior est sapientia quam vires-Wisdom

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2007, 02:56:23 PM »
Yeah the holocost never happened just like WW2 never happened and the japs never attacked pearl harbor and we never nuked em in return.
That guy is retarded.



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Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2007, 03:07:43 PM »
I dunno who heared about this but the president of Iran just recently announced that  the holocost never happened. I personaly think hes CRAZY, but thats just me. I also think that anyone who believes him needs to stfu extremely now.

This is a psy-op post. Ignore it.
My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.



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Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2007, 12:34:25 AM »
In my Vagina?

It could happen.
The people who feast on exclamation marks will never go hungry agaaaain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2007, 08:57:04 AM »
I dunno who heared about this but the president of Iran just recently announced that  the holocost never happened. I personaly think hes CRAZY, but thats just me. I also think that anyone who believes him needs to stfu extremely now.

What exactly would those particuler countrys know about it? Far as I know Iran and Iraq weren't even involved!
Quote from: BOGWarrior89

I'm giving you five points for that one

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2007, 09:02:39 AM »
I dunno who heared about this but the president of Iran just recently announced that  the holocost never happened. I personaly think hes CRAZY, but thats just me. I also think that anyone who believes him needs to stfu extremely now.

What exactly would those particuler countrys know about it? Far as I know Iran and Iraq weren't even involved!
But they sure do hate jews...

I wonder why...

I guess they don't think it ever happened because there are still an awful lot of jews running around? I don't know.
Quote from: BOGWarrior89

I'm giving you five points for that one

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2007, 09:07:19 AM »
The non-existence of the holocaust is a conspiracy theory published by neo-nazi parties all over the world.

I've actually done a ...well you could call it a "paper", but it's more thorough, on the theme of Nazism, and being a strongly devoted anti-fascist, my comment would be: Bollocks :D .
Madre de Dios! Es el Pollo Diablo!

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2007, 09:13:56 AM »
The non-existence of the holocaust is a conspiracy theory published by neo-nazi parties all over the world.

I've actually done a ...well you could call it a "paper", but it's more thorough, on the theme of Nazism, and being a strongly devoted anti-fascist, my comment would be: Bollocks :D .

I find that I am inclined to agree with that statement.

And dann imagine how I feel, I have swedish ancestry and Switzerland was apprently supplying Germany with gold :p
Quote from: BOGWarrior89

I'm giving you five points for that one

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2007, 09:26:06 AM »
Show me the bodies and i'll believe!!!

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2007, 09:29:26 AM »
Swedish and Swiss are the same thing? It's Switzerland!

Supposedly they are hotties but I havn't seen one yet :p I'm also English, Irish, Native American (supposedly), and Norse.
Quote from: BOGWarrior89

I'm giving you five points for that one

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2007, 09:33:07 AM »
The non-existence of the holocaust is a conspiracy theory published by neo-nazi parties all over the world.

I've actually done a ...well you could call it a "paper", but it's more thorough, on the theme of Nazism, and being a strongly devoted anti-fascist, my comment would be: Bollocks :D .

I find that I am inclined to agree with that statement.

And dann imagine how I feel, I have swedish ancestry and Switzerland was apprently supplying Germany with gold :p
You feel gipped cuz you coulda gotten some gold if they wouldnt have been such bastards? G.W's great grandfather? Grand father? Had a steel company that did business with the nazi's... so... dont feel to bad. By the way... are swiss chicks as hot as swedish ones? If so... do you know any that wanna live in michigan? I bet i can get some property near an oil well...

Imagine how I must feel, the leaders of my country allied with Nazi germany in WWII...

Fortunatly, we had one of the most prominent anti-fascist movements at the time.
Madre de Dios! Es el Pollo Diablo!

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2007, 09:44:38 AM »
The non-existence of the holocaust is a conspiracy theory published by neo-nazi parties all over the world.

I've actually done a ...well you could call it a "paper", but it's more thorough, on the theme of Nazism, and being a strongly devoted anti-fascist, my comment would be: Bollocks :D .

I find that I am inclined to agree with that statement.

And dann imagine how I feel, I have swedish ancestry and Switzerland was apprently supplying Germany with gold :p
You feel gipped cuz you coulda gotten some gold if they wouldnt have been such bastards? G.W's great grandfather? Grand father? Had a steel company that did business with the nazi's... so... dont feel to bad. By the way... are swiss chicks as hot as swedish ones? If so... do you know any that wanna live in michigan? I bet i can get some property near an oil well...

Imagine how I must feel, the leaders of my country allied with Nazi germany in WWII...

Fortunatly, we had one of the most prominent anti-fascist movements at the time.

Meh thats not as bad as claiming to be neutral.

Damn neutrals, you never know whos side they are on!
Quote from: BOGWarrior89

I'm giving you five points for that one

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2007, 11:04:44 AM »
Sweden is closer to the center of the earth disk, in Scandinavia, right next to Norway and Finland, Switzerland is down there by France and Austria.
Madre de Dios! Es el Pollo Diablo!

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2007, 11:08:26 AM »
Sweden is closer to the center of the earth disk, in Scandinavia, right next to Norway and Finland, Switzerland is down there by France and Austria.

all i wanna know is who has the prettiest blonde chicks.

Swedes, definitely.

But Swiss girls are also nice.
Madre de Dios! Es el Pollo Diablo!



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Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2007, 04:15:54 PM »
Psy-Op posts. Entertaining.
My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.

Re: Holocost Never Happened?????
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2007, 09:11:46 PM »
Sweden is closer to the center of the earth disk, in Scandinavia, right next to Norway and Finland, Switzerland is down there by France and Austria.

Fogires, I promised myself I wouldn't concern myself with the difference between two countries with the same name after my head exploded over the greenland and iceland thing...
Quote from: BOGWarrior89

I'm giving you five points for that one